
Rumor: PS3 Gamers Suing Valve for Bad Orange Box?

SCRAWL writes:
"One of our readers, Toni T, has sent us in this saying that unhappy Orange Box gamers are going to sue Valve unless they receive a patch for the game before July 1, 2008. I know that is a short time, though when you think about it the game hasn't received any real support in seven months. We post this as a rumor because the thread posted was supposedly deleted and we have no real proof whether gamers will actually pursue the suing. The case is for false advertising and they are bringing it to the US Federal Trade Commission."

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Time Lord5801d ago

Becasue nothing will come out of it, when the developer of the game (the fat guy..forgot his name)publicly declared his hate for the PS3.

pharmd5801d ago

i agree, though a valiant effort, it will be a waste.... they received the game they paid for initially, upon purchase there was no promise of further support

peksi5801d ago

I personnally would not try suing such a big company but I'd return the product as faulty and demand my money back.

breakdancefight5801d ago

He should be suing EA or electronic arts, because Gabe Newell said from day one that Valve would not be handling the PS3 port. EA had in fact assigned a development staff to over see the port and any subsequent updates that followed. I know this seems as though he (Gabe) has washed his hands of it, but EA I believe is also refusing to patch.

Lifendz5801d ago

you can sue anyone for anything. You bought the product willingly. No one forced you. And who buys these sorts of things w/o doing their research? Valve didn't promise you a patch? Valve actually didn't even do the game: it was shipped it off to some other dev team. I passed on Orange Box for that reason. Meant to rent it but the Uncharted was in my possession and the rest is a happy COD4, DMC 4, Burnout, etc history.

Leave it be guys. Don't buy their games and you'll hurt them more than any lawsuit would.

Hitman_Legend5801d ago

They bought the game expecting a working product, but they got a product that was broken and seeing as its become such an issue and not even their petition worked hope they get what they want by suing. All they asked for was a patch to fix whatever issues may plague the game but how many months has it been. I don't have the game and don't really care for it, but I hope they hurt Valve or EA or whoever the hell it concerns where their pocket is, theirs no reason to pay god money for an inferior product.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5801d ago
cp685801d ago

Very nice indeed. Time we get things moving.

TheHater5801d ago

Hope this help those gamers get the patch, because this is getting out of hand. These gamers should have gotten the patch around the same time as the xbox 360 and PC gamers. It unfair for them to buy the product, and don't have it fix while other system version is getting the patches and what not

meepmoopmeep5801d ago

yeah, i agree.

hope they win.

Snukadaman5801d ago

It was already known there were several issues with the game...being delayed should of been a red flag...another one was the original developers of the pc game outsourced the game to another company...Caveat emptor.

meepmoopmeep5801d ago (Edited 5801d ago )

i don't care what company is responsible. it's right that the people who buy a broken product should be heard and that's why i support their cause whether or not it turns out in their favor.

or maybe we should just sit there and take it up the *ss from companies and just never voice our concerns.

look what the RROD news did for the gamers. They b*tched and MS coughed up $1B for warranties. maybe your 360 needs to break a few more times to wake you up a bit.

Snukadaman5801d ago (Edited 5801d ago )

3 times to be exact....Purchased it at the time of gears of war...If I would of known of such rrod problems I would of steered away from the xbox and just bought a wii...problems with that was rrod was being recognized as a giant problem AFTER my purchase. Again as I said..the problems were known before those people purchased the game.
@bottom..No doubt they have a right to voice their concerns and no one should accept the problems.

meepmoopmeep5801d ago

but that doesn't mean they have to accept it when they hear about other platforms getting a patch. they have a right to voice their concern.

whoever is responsible for the patch should remedy it.

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SmokingMonkey5801d ago

you know, they ported Orange Box over to the PS3, it's not VALVEs fault the Orange BOx is sub-par on the ps3. (still great games)
didn't GABE NEWELL (i think that's that fat f!cks name) say they should cancel the PS3 and start over?
i wonder what he thinks about the PS3 now?

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Classic Valve Titles Now in Enhanced Xbox 360 Backward Compatibility Collection

The Xbox One Backward Compatible versions of Xbox 360 titles Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, The Orange Box, and Portal are now enhanced for Xbox One X, Microsoft announced.

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lxeasy2032d ago

Nothing but great memories with all these games! Playing Left for dead series during the college years with friends was the best.

Skull5212032d ago

Love to see titles coming to BC with enhancements. Would love even more to see Half Life 3.

gangsta_red2032d ago

To not have another Left 4 Dead is straight up criminal.


So many memories of throwing my controller with Portal lol.

2030d ago
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How Valve released five of its greatest games in a single day

The year is 2007. Console owners tap their fingers in barely contained impatience. For years they have been starved of Valve's delicious, full-bodied courses, forced to watch from the bleachers as Valve mixes a unique blend of kinetic first-person with extraordinary tech. Besides a brief dalliance with the original Xbox and the PlayStation 2 - which produce pale imitations of its best work - Valve has remained faithful to the PC.

And then, in a flash, five of them arrive at once; neatly packaged morsels for a new generation reared on Microsoft's & later Sony's consoles. Five games, all in one orange box. Valve serves the PC too, for it is October 18 - a day of celebration - and everyone should feast.

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2pacalypsenow2397d ago

Man 2007 was a great year for gaming.

OpenGL2396d ago

Valve didn't really "release" 5 of its greatest games in a single day, Half-Life 2 came out 3 years before The Orange Box. In no other context do we talk about a port being the "release" of a game.

2396d ago
Fist4achin2396d ago

The orange box was an excellent release. I don't think Valve will do much beyond online only games now.

AuraAbjure2396d ago

Thanks for making the source 2 game engine valve it's legit.


Valve reflects on The Orange Box, ten years later

Robin Walker discusses the impact of Portal, Team Fortress 2 and more.

pwnsause_returns2405d ago

shut up valve....give me HL3....

FallenAngel19842405d ago

Back when Valve made a lot of great titles

-Foxtrot2404d ago

Little cheeky to talk about it when you know we're still waiting for Half Life 3...the Orange Box included Episode 2 and is still left unfinished story wise to this day.

At this rate we better get a second Orange Box. Half Life 3, Half Life Remake (Black Mesa Mod), TF3 or L4D3 and the HL spin offs like Blue Shift.

Reefskye2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

Don't know what valve are going to do with Half Life after Mike Laidlaw posted the short version of Episode 3 in August and changed the names and genders.