
Xbox One's Capability To Run High End Games at 1080p And 60fps is Something That Remains To Be Seen

DayZ creator Dean Hall talks about the pressure that Microsoft and Sony are both facing.

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Ballsack3512d ago

Really depends on the type of game...

AAA Fps , rpgs etc graphic intensive games it aint happening

Fighters, driving games etc xb1 should be able to.

Foehammer3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Driving games like Drive Club...30fps? Just saying, Forza Horizon 2 is:

open world
Dynamic weather and lighting
Forward+ rendering

So if driving games are not graphically intensive, why does FH2 do all that and DC is still 30fps?

FPS like KZ multiplayer? Single player was 1080p native at 30fps, MP went to 60fps but couldn't do native 1080p

UltimateMaster3512d ago

If they properly use the GPGPU more often and more efficiently. I do think it should be able to reach 1080p.

Speak_da_Truth3511d ago

@Foehammer the Ps4's final specs wasn't even known when Killzone was being dveloped Guerilla games said Sony told them the Ps4 would have 4gb of RAM.

amiga-man3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

Foehammer despite your attempt to downplay Driveclub, it is a simple fact that with the PS4 being the more powerful device, a game like forza could be done very easily on the PS4

Unfortunately the xone could not do Driveclub without major downgrades.

Oh and as far as Dynamic weather and lighting, Driveclub leaves Forza standing https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Just saying.

miyamoto3511d ago

GT 5 on PS3 is 1080p 60fps

any next gen machine should have no problems doing that, right?

bouzebbal3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

resolution doesn't matter for xbox fan(boy)s.
trying to downplay PS4 capabilities isn't a smart thing to do. In fact, people always tend to downplay what's successful and you are proving it by that poor post of yours.
Killer Instinct, a 360 game cannot handle 1080p, as well as Garden Warfare which, and i will be happy to remind you, runs 1080p on PS4.
DriveClub graphical achievements loeave any racing game in the dust, so last argument you need to use is graphics.
but hey, one day that powaah of da clawwwd they have been hammering us with will make everything in 1080p, EVEN killer instinct /s

mikeslemonade3511d ago

Forza Horizon is not real intensive on the graphics. So far nothing on X1 that is visually impressive does 1080p.

die_fiend3511d ago

Does someone here think that Forza Horizon 2 looks better than Driveclub graphically? You good old n4g apes!

Army_of_Darkness3511d ago


FH2 looks like a great and fun game, but please... Don't go all retard about it trying to graphically compare it to drive club because it easy sh!ts on it in terms of visuals. Gameplay however, I don't know. that's definitely personal opinion.

BG115793511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

Everytime someone compares Driveclud to Horizon, they should rethink their arguments for when they were comparing Ryse to Infamous Second Son.
Using the same argument, Infamous owns Ryse... Just saying...

uth113511d ago


There is actually quite a lot going on in the drive club environment itself. Evolution spent a lot of time as its the basis for their future games. See the Digital Foundry for an idea: http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Pogmathoin3511d ago

Foehammer, did you expect rational here???!!!!

3511d ago
Magicite3511d ago

@Foehammer console games do not utilise heavy AA like MSAA or SSAA or if they do, then its modified type of AA, thats not so heavy on hardware.

CYCLEGAMER3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

On top of that, we still have not seen a new next gen exclusive from Sony that runs at 1080p 60fps either. MS at least has one game that runs at a native 1080p 60fps.

If Killzone could be ran at a native 1080p 60fps, would they really have to use a "special technique"? Besides that the game is not 1920x1080 full 1080p, Killzone is 960x1080.


Again...there is no new exclusive on the ps4 that runs @ 1080p 60fps at the moment.

UnHoly_One3511d ago

Am I the only one that automatically downvotes anyone that says "power of the cloud" and can't spell it properly?

buttclown3511d ago

No you are not. Any time I see someone making fun of Xbox and the cloud, I feel my brain cells screaming like they are being tortured and dying.

SideNote3511d ago

@amigaman very unlikely forza horizon 2 could be done easily on ps4, especially where online is involved. Drive club dosent leave forza standing, as its driveclub thats standing around waiting for it to rain.

NewGuy643511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

"miyamoto + 16h ago GT 5 on PS3 is 1080p 60fps"

- If by that you mean 1280x1080 (instead of 1920x1080), AND going down to 30fps under load when many cars are on screen, then sure, 1080P...

NewGuy643511d ago

"mikeslemonade + 16h ago Bubble vote added Forza Horizon is not real intensive on the graphics. So far nothing on X1 that is visually impressive does 1080p."

HAHAHAHA, thanks for the laugh!!! Ignorance at its finest..

dantesparda3511d ago

And as always, the MS fanboys showing just how delusional they are. I love how they use Forza or Ryse as some sort of example when the PS4 could easily do those games better. Just like it does every game better. Yet if the X1 tried to do KZ, DC or Infamous, they would all have to run at 900p (or less) and/or have worst framerates. The MS fanboys are such an embarassment, but thats what happens when you are as desperate as they are. When your system is getting killed in everything (except FWs, which can easily be updated later). And p.s. Forza 5 has some seriously low res blurry textures and some serious aliasing issues with low poly trackside, i would not use that game as an example of anything impressive.

BigBosss3510d ago

stop being a troll mate. i own both consoles and Foza Horizon 2 is a great game with so much detail for an open world game. Drive club is boring barely much cars. and what about Halo Collections? they're 1080p @60fps.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3510d ago
ArchangelMike3511d ago

I thought the MS 'cloud' was supposed to increase the graphical possibilities across the board? Why doesn't Microsoft use the extra computing power of 'the cloud' to enhance all the games on the X1 to 1080p 60fps?

Or was all that just more MS spin?

mananimal3511d ago Show
Lev19033511d ago

I didnt know the cloud was ready to use? When did they announce it? |Do you have a link?

Wich games use the cloud system?

CoryHG3511d ago Show
Neo_Zeed3511d ago

The cloud hasn't made Apple a gaming powerhouse and it won't for Microsoft either.

Titanfall's pathetic AI was powered by the cloud. Yet supposedly it was impossible to get it any better than brain-dead.

G20WLY3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

^Lev, well just one example of a game confirmed to already be using the cloud is Titanfall...judge for yourself how well that turned out...

The cloud elements that MS touts could be used by other companies as well. It's not something only they can harness, and as such will not give them the edge they incessantly proclaimed.

If it makes games better (even by such a tiny degree), great, let's use that tech across all games/platforms. Gamer wins.

BeefCurtains3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

LOL, this website has all you fanboys (both ps4 and x1) on a merry go round of the same repeated articles.

It goes like this...
1080p/60fps>>> game graphic comparison>>> parity>>> sales figures

Wash, rinse, repeat. They have all you at each others throats for *clicks*

holin43511d ago

Why would use the cloud "card" so early... this is a business, they will use it when they actually need to take a step forward. Of course it would be awesome right now. But i guess they are just waiting... lets see next E3... if they can make a big change they will make it look HUGE.. thats what they need to get sony some really impresive if not they will keep behind.
Just my thoughts!

Automatic793511d ago

I believe Phil stated on a recent interview that certain games are using the cloud, right now about 35% to 40%. The technology is slowly growing with time. Next year the percentage will increase. As of right now cloud is used for AI, Drivatars and dedicated servers. As MS continues to push and provide it to developers they will embrace it. I expect next year and beyond is when you are going to see bigger examples Halo and Crackdown come to mind.

tubers3511d ago

Still up in the clouds.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3511d ago
lelo2play3511d ago

Title of the article should be:

X1's and PS4's Capability To Run High End Games at 1080p And 60fps is Something That Remains To Be Seen

thexmanone3511d ago

Well said, PS4 is in the same vote. People fail to see that here.

bleedsoe9mm3511d ago

yup , i'm really curious if the ps4 is going to get games like the witcher3 and batman to 1080 not to mention what game will look like in 2 or 3 years

internationterrorist3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )


The x1 has only three game that is not a sports game or racing game in 1080P 60fps. Like Diablo 3. Diablo 3 is a top down game that is 3 years old and Microsoft had to help to get it to run at 1080P 60fps.

Why do you pretend and minimalize that the PS4 is more powerful than X1. The PS4 has 50 % more GPU cores than X1. That equal to 40% more real world preformance by benchmark digitalfoundry.

The PS4 has game that run in 1080P 60fps DeepDown, Killzone SF mp , Dying light , Metro Redux, The Last Of Us, Project Cars, Shadow Warrior , Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Solid the phantom pain , Battlefield Hardline, Blacklight: Retribution , Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare,Tomb Raider DE, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Wiki ,Warframe, War Thunder, Planetside 2, Resogun . All 1080P 60fps on PS4.
murder soul suspect 1080p 60fps on PS4 and x1 1080P 30fps .

X1 Dying light, Battlefield Hardline, Project Cars all currently running at 900p on x1 and targeting 1080p. Targeting is the new P.R spin from developers how don't want beef with the fanboys because their system can't cut 1080P.


KarmaV123511d ago


Battlefield Hardline will run at 1080p 60fps on Xbox One

I love when you guys try to downplay everything except resolution, acting like it is the only thing that makes a game beautiful. Let us go back in time to Ryse, still one of the best looking games this generation. If you deny that then you need an eye transplant. It ran at... 900p? Right? And look how incredible it looked. Resolution doesn't make a game gorgeous, it contributes to it. People say the gameplay sucked, I disagree and the story was marvelous.

Also, work on your grammar.

Vegamyster3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )


I have my doubts about it being 1080p locked 60 fps considering BF4 was 720p on the Xone, 900p on the PS4 and both had unlocked fps. Also the Hardline Beta ran at 900p on the PS4 with the FPS dropping down into the low 30's/40's for fairly long stretches, i don't see it happening unless the game is downgraded.



CertifiedGamer3510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

Vegamyser Battlefield hardline beta had trouble running 50 fps on a ultra settings PC rig so PS4 barely dropping under 50 fps is pretty impressive. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Vegamyster3510d ago


The video i posted was directly from the PS4, it wasn't 50 fps nor was it Ultra setting from what DF said.

"On PS4, we see the same 1600x900 native rendering resolution and identical post-process anti-aliasing, along with a performance profile that's similar - perhaps possibly worse - than its DICE stablemate's."

" here we see a massive crane collapse onto the city streets. In both cases, the impact to performance is substantial, with frame-rates dropping down to a minimum of 30fps.

General action sees us sees vary wildly between 40-60fps - with sudden fluctuations in frame-time giving a disjointed, judder-filled gameplay experience - definitely more than just a visual issue, as controller response definitely feels muggier when the engine is under stress

Image quality in the beta is a bit of a mixed bag. Texture filtering wasn't so great on console Battlefield 4, and it remains much the same in Hardline, while the high contrast edges of the architecture don't fare well at all with the post-process anti-aliasing technique, causing a lot of moire pattern artefacts and sub-pixel shimmering.

The PC version of the beta goes some way in clearing up the visual artefacts of the PS4 code."

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3510d ago
XanderZane3511d ago

Evolution can't even get Drive Club to run online properly and we have yet to see weather in the game actually running except for demos. Obviously the weather system is giving them some problems if they couldn't even launch it with the game. Drive Club is closed tracks. I'm sure Forza 6 will look better then Drive Club when it's show at next years E3. Horizon 2 runs with weather and lighting and stays at 30fps with no drops. DC was having pop_in from a distance. The PS4 hasn't been able to run any open world, or graphic intense games with lots of objects on the screen smoothly at 1080P / 60fps yet. This is why we haven't seen Planetside 2 on the PS4 yet. That game will choke the PS4 to death.


They seriously have to downgrade the game from the PC version just to get it to run smoothly. I'm pretty sure that's what they are trying to do. It will most likely be 30fps or less when it's finally done.

SideNote3511d ago

Yes, I agree, when I played The last of us remaster, I was horrified by the pop in occurring. Was off putting, and I have noticed other games going it too on ps4. Now when you play a game like Dead Rising 3, masses of things going on, long draw distance, the xbox one takes it all in stride smoothly. I think xbox ones multi tasking may take games to another level, even if they dont hit 1080p.

solar3511d ago

the expectations for these new consoles is way overblown by the consumers. you were all sold a bill of goods of "next gen" and "Supercharged PC". which is sad really, both MS and Sony could've made more powerful consoles.

XanderZane3511d ago

I think everyone can agree with you on that. I really think they should have waited one more year and released the systems this year with more power CPU/GPU which would have been cheaper now. At this point they will just have to make due. I wouldn't expect this generation to last more then 5-6 years before the systems get upgraded to more power systems.

otherZinc3510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

Forza Motorsport 5:
1080p 60fps, Period!
The only AAA Game to achieve this.

With the millions of "Downgrades"
to Drive Club, why can't Drive Club do 1080p 60fps?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3510d ago
Neonridr3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

I'm sure as developers learn better ways to optimize their games and get more familiar with the hardware we will see some games approach that standard..

sungam3d3511d ago

Just look at what rockstar managed to pull off on the xbox 360 and ps3.

Amazing. You couldn't do that crap on a pc with similar specs.

This optimisation, and learning the new system takes a lot of time.

Why o why3511d ago

The last of is testament to that. Things, like always, will get better over time

Vegamyster3511d ago

"Amazing. You couldn't do that crap on a pc with similar specs."

That's because there is no equivalent specs on a PC, you're either building something that's weaker or better. We don't even know how the PC version will run, if it will be a good port or a bad one like GTA4. Just Cause 2 was a overall prettier game and ran great on cheaper PC's, my old 5 year old HP with a ATi 5650 was $600 brand new and could play that game at 768p 40-60 fps on medium-high.

sungam3d3511d ago

What I'm saying is, for 10 year old hardware, they really pushed it to its absolute limit, squeezed every single last drop of power out of the machine.

Now THAT'S how optimisation is done right.

Can't wait to see what Rockstar pull out in the coming years with this next gen hardware!

Kivespussi3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

PS3 had a game or two at 1080p & 60FPS. (Wipeout HD and I think also GT5 for example) It just is a decision whether they want to improve the resolution and framerate or something else like AI, physics, etc.

Technically every game out could be 1080p and 60fps on both consoles but the devs just prioritize other things.

Neonridr3511d ago

well of course if they are willing to sacrifice they can achieve higher results. But as developers learn the ins and outs of the systems they are able to push them further. I mean look at the games at the twilight of the PS3 and 360. They might not have been 1080p, but compare a launch title for the PS3 to TLOU and imagine what games on the XB1 and PS4 will look like 5-6 years from now.

Tempest3173511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

To be fair, gt6 was 1440x1080...so yes it was "1080p" however its the the standard resolution expected when you hear 1080p...also it hardly ran at 60fps...if you were way out in front and the only one visible, yes it was 60fps or close, but get a few more cars in front of? Definitely didnt sustain 60. It was the best effort to hit 1080p in a really intensive game last gen though.

whoyouwit043512d ago

And so is it for the PS4, they have very few games that is both 180p AND 60fps. If the PS4 could do it so easily they wouldn't be pressuring ubisoft to keep games at 30fps.

TripC503511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )


DVS-Zev3512d ago

There's about 27 games at 1080p/60fps

I'd hardly call that very few, especially this early into the gen.And, just like last gen, devs will optimize their engines and learn to effectively get power out of the consoles.It can only get better going forward (especially for PS4)

Pandamobile3511d ago (Edited 3511d ago )

Resolution and framerate are not going to increase much this generation. What you get in 2014 is going to reflect what you're going to get in 2017.

Developers will naturally get better adjusted to the hardware, but they're also going to want to push more things on the rendering and dynamics side of things, which leaves less computing power left for high resolution and high frame rates. There's only so much you can do with ~2 TFLOPS...

GameDev13511d ago


The more developers get used to optimizing on consoles, the better they can get 1080p 60fps pushing heavy rendering and coding, so yeah it is going to increase

MS pushing for solid 60fps on Halo 5 Guardians, ND pushing for 1080p solid 60fps on UC4 is an example of developers wanting to know the console better and pushing its limits for better res and framerate

Pandamobile3511d ago

There's more to getting a game to run at 1080p60 than simply optimization.

You can only have x number of effects, meshes, animations and shaders/textures, etc on a fixed system like a console. As soon as developer start to push the upper bounds of the machines (which many games have already done), cutbacks will start being much more drastic.

starchild3511d ago

Resolutions and framerates are only going to tend to go down as the generation progresses.

So far this generation we have had a ton of cross-gen games and ports of last gen games. Once more and more fully current gen games are made we will actually see resolutions and framerates tend to go down if anything. They certainly won't be improving in general.

I agree with Pandamobile that resolutions and framerates will stay about the same throughout the generation, if not a bit of a reduction as developers push for ever better visuals. This is what we saw last generation and I predict it will be what we see this generation as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3511d ago
Artista 3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

..PS4 hasn't ran any demanding games at 1080p and 60f either.

Battlefield 4
Watch dogs
Assassins creed Unity
Shadow of mordor

Even on the exclusive front, driveclub is 30frames, 1886 will be 30frames, second sons and shadow fall is 30f, unlocked 60f and sub1080p in multiplayer. You can't blame XO/multiplatform development here.

The PS4 isn't significantly better than XO spec wise, better nonetheless.

DVS-Zev3512d ago

Xbone / PS4

Tomb raider Difinitive
1080p@30 / 1080P@60

Murdered soul suspect
1080p@30 / 1080p@60

MGS Ground zeroes
720p@60 / 1080@60

Metro redux
912@60 / 1080p@60fps

It goes on and on like this.lots of examples.Lots of great games at 1080p/60 on PS4 too.

stuna13512d ago

Don't you know you will get disagreed to high heaven even when you state facts? Some people actually like living with their heads buried in the sand. It's not the developers who want parity the most! It's the fanbase side that is consistently getting the lower spec games. And although I don't much blame them, stop pretending and acting like the PS4 and the Xbox1 are on the same level, because they're not. Learn to deal with it.

marcofdeath3512d ago

All those games have one big thing in common they are all ports of old GEN games, that use old game engines. It show that the PS43 hard ware is dated.

ziggurcat3512d ago


1. no. only 2 of those games are ports from last generation.

2. and what does that say about xbone hardware when those so-called old "GEN" games aren't able to hit parity? if, you know... they're running on old game engines...

Jaqen_Hghar3511d ago

Get those facts out of here this is console wars!

Yetter3511d ago

I believe you've pretty much just listed every 1080p 60 fps game available on the PS4

starchild3511d ago

Tomb Raider is a port of a last gen game and it doesn't maintain anywhere near 60fps. It's a farce to call it a 60fps game. I own the game and it runs in the 40s and low 50s most of the time.

The rest are either cross-gen games or ports of last gen games.

When more fully current gen games are made we won't see nearly as many 1080p and supposed 60fps games.

XanderZane3511d ago

We know why Konami games aren't 1080p on the XB1. Cause they aren't creating the games on the XB1. They are creating all their games on the PS4 and then just porting them over to the XB1 without using ANY of the XB1 features or extra power. It's pretty easy to see that. Same thing happened with the 360 and PS3 for many games, which is why the PS3 versions ran and looked like crap. Lazy devs is all that is.

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n4rc3511d ago

Did you just make that list of 1080/60 games? I really hope there is some sarcasm in there..

Bf4, watchdogs and unity are all 900 on ps4.. And only one of those is 60fps

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Icarus is Free To Play Multiplayer Co-Operative Survival Game From Dean Hall

Icarus has just been announced for PC. The game features a survival meta, and it is being developed by the DayZ Developer,

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DayZ Creator Says ARK Price Increase Is Outrageous and Born Out of Greed, as The Game Is Not Ready

The recent ARK: Survival Evolved price increase from $30 to $60 attracted the outrage of DayZ creator Dean Hall, who said this was "greed, pure and simple".

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ccgr2516d ago

Haven't played this one yet, not sure if I'm going to at that price

XisThatKid2516d ago

Been having fun with my friends on PS4 with this one. Bought it for 60 and gameshare with another comes with The Core and Scorched I'm happy with that. It's buggy but nothing game breaking for us. No game breaking client crashes, some hit detection and environmental interaction, a few gameplay related tweaks would be nice but I'm not holding my breath on some of those. There's a few Bugs and few UI issues every now and then but This is steadily getting better as time goes on.

I paid for the convenience of early access and glad I did. looking forward to the full release. I doubt I'm buying any additional DLCs though.

Done or not I say it's worth 60$ I'm def getting my money's worth playing for about 2-3 weeks now when not playing Paragon.

Allsystemgamer2516d ago (Edited 2516d ago )


You bought this for $60?!?!

I bought it for $20 on pc with the DLC.

You got ripped off

JackBNimble2515d ago (Edited 2515d ago )

Ark is $ 80 in Canada ,I was lucky to find a sale on psn back in march and the game was $ 50.
I enjoy ark ... but the game cost way to much and the servers are complete shit as in some days they are so bad you can't even play . Roll back and lag are excessive and I wouldn't recommend buy this game when it fully releases in August until there is confirmation that the servers have been fixed and stabilized.

Just to be clear, I do love this game when it works but since its an online only game it can be very broken at times.

UCForce2516d ago

You are right about that.

Null19802516d ago

I was looking at it, tempted to buy it at a much lower price during the Steam Summer Sale. Then I saw the flurry of negative reviews about how unfinished & unbalanced it is. That was enough to turn me off from picking it up until it's in a better state. ESPECIALLY at this ridiculous higher price.

And they're still charging extra for the Scorched Earth expansion pack. (although there's a 15% discount for buying it bundled w the game) -__-

NecoTehSergal2516d ago

While I don't know if I could defend Dean Hall, being that DayZ is basically dead in the water and was a huge thing for its time - that had so many promises and so little development where most people are just abandoning the game and grew so tired? That PUGB has become the game everyone who knows DayZ is just vaporware? Have all ran off to play PUGB because there's more promise in that game actually being completed. I feel Dean's opinion is moot, as he'd be comparable to Notch - a one-trick pony guy who did one thing, got successful, then he ran off.

As for ARK, it's an incomplete, unoptimized mess. It's as unoptimized as Crysis 1 was, while highly detailed? Highly unoptimized as well. The requirements and lack of efficient coding makes it so barely anyone can play it without having at least 32GB of RAM, am sure most run it all on Lowest settings and still only have 30FPS.

Antifan2516d ago

Ark is a bittersweet kind of game. Fun addictive gameplay, but terrible technical performance and balancing issues. Stay far away from pvp if you're solo or no friends to play. If you ask me, its worth the price if the issues are fixed.

REDGUM2515d ago

I'm more interested in finding out when we'll see Day Z on ps4 personally?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2515d ago
KaiPow2516d ago

I don't see what justifies the price increase other than unchecking the box that says Early Access and clicking on the one that says Version 1.0

Glak182516d ago

The answer to your question...because it is getting released on consoles. Console gamers will always buy a $60 game that costs $10 (or free) on PC. It is why the gaming industry focuses on the console market because they buy without thinking.

Short answer: $$$$$$$

Kokyu2516d ago

First your logic is really flawed. The game has been on consoles for a few years now. This price increase is because the release of Ragnorak and the fact when they tried to release the last DLC as a paid DLC and the community fought back so they are just increasing the price of the game to get around that.

Second your assumption console players buy without thinking is nonsense and you're just being an elitest. Lots of games on PC cost 60$ at release and PC is the reason consoles are dealing with microtransactions, early access and gamea as a service instead of a finished product your purchase. Third its also why consoles are having to deal with a digital only push that completely benefits producers and has very little benefit for consumers. Lastly the industry focuses on consoles because its simply easier and more cost effective to produce content for thus consoles get major attention. Its simple math.

Inclosing this is what happens when you pay for unfinished games, Ark, Rust, Dayz, Arma they all been in "development" "early access" for years and they will remain so for year to come, these devs keep making more content instead of actually working to finish there games.

frostypants2516d ago

So nobody will buy this on PC, because they are so great at thinking, eh? LOL. Get out with that garbage.

The_Hooligan2516d ago

Well I'm a console gamer and I don't buy games at $60. I own a ps4 and I've only bought 2 games at full price. U4 and horizon. Actually I bought the collectors edition for those games. Usually I buy games when they go on sale. And I'm sure I'm not the only console gamer that doesn't always pay full price regardless of the platform he/she plays on.

OoglyBoogly2516d ago (Edited 2516d ago )


"PC is the reason consoles are dealing with microtransactions, early access and gamea as a service instead of a finished product your purchase."

I resent this statement. As I remember it, it was the consoles getting hard drives (i.e. Xbox 360 and PS3) and online services (Live and PSN) and having the ability to update games that created this whole microtransaction/DLC filled playing field we're on now.

PC had DLC and stuff like that for years and it never went full retard. It wasn't until the consoles had similar features to PC that all this shit started happening.

agent45322516d ago

Thank you, console gamers support DLC and microtransanctions all the time, it was PC gamers that fought back against Deux Ex Mankind Divided microtransanctions while console gamers defend it and console gamers defend Star Wars Battlefront low gaming content.

FPS_D3TH2515d ago (Edited 2515d ago )

That's garbage horseshite that Consoles are the sole reason for micro transactions taking off lmfao. I know pc gamers that have spent countless amounts of money on counter strike, team fortress, league of legends and overwatch just for goddamn hats and skins that used to be free mods in a not so distant ago past.

TheSaint2515d ago (Edited 2515d ago )

Name one game that costs 10 on PC and 60 on PS4.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2515d ago
MrFisher212516d ago

I pay 30 for games the day they come out. At the most. I have a hook up. I guarantee I get my console games for much cheaper then your steam sales. And I get them the day they drop. I payed 15 for Horizon the day it dropped. Battlefield 1 was free. Lol. Gotta love those hook ups.

Allsystemgamer2516d ago

So you're paying 60% below cost? Yea no.

JayFx22515d ago (Edited 2515d ago )

i get all my games for free. is good to have friends that work for ESRB :)

Krysis2515d ago

Whatever, if you are which I doubt, then you are buying stolen games and that makes you worse.

Krysis2515d ago

@jayfx I can't tell if you are being serious, if so I seriously doubt it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2515d ago
psuedo2516d ago

When you say it that way it actually kinda makes sense. You buy an undeveloped game for a cheaper price (it is a gamble) and then the price increases when its more developed.

Sounds fair enough. It's like buying stock hoping you get something from it.

Anyways how can Dean Hall say anything. Wheres Dayz console version. Is the PC version finished, will it ever be finished? Dean Hall doesnt even work for the Dayz studio anyways.

StoneyYoshi2515d ago

I don't understand how a UNFINISHED GAME already has DLC!!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2515d ago
ZeroX98762516d ago

I've enjoyed Ark a LOT on PS4 with some friends and I paid 50$ for it, which for me was money well spent! The games get deals all the time on the PS store, so just wait for the right timing and you'll get a great price.

At least, Ark is getting better very fast compared to DayZ

Kokyu2516d ago

Ark hasnt improved at all, they just keep adding content without actually working to finish the game.

EddieNX 2516d ago

When I first got it on Xbox it was almost unplayable. Game previews get a 👎 from me. God forbid they released a finished game.

georeo2516d ago

How do they get away with doing that? Isn't that 7 days to die also a early access game?

psuedo2516d ago

Isnt adding content finishing the game? If your talking about fixing bugs you should specify.

Rachel_Alucard2515d ago


No, adding content in ARKs sense is adding stupid things like the scissors for haircuts, more 2 hours of throwing narco berries into the inventory for taming a dino, and never doing anything with the optimization, mechanics, leveling system, etc. Like just pile on more "idea guy" content without fixing the foundation or anything of relevance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2515d ago
Aenea2516d ago

I don't think the price increase is fair for an unfinished game but the creator of one of it's competitors should not comment on it whatsoever, makes him sound jealous and petty...

Alexious2516d ago

Especially when so far he could not finish a single game for good. He abandoned DayZ and it's still only just reaching beta. Ion was canceled. Let's see where Stationeers ends up...

agent45322516d ago

Agreed, Day Z may never get out of early Access. The early access idea sounded good on paper:

Gamers working with game developers to publish games that AAA publishers would not publish. Testing the game, informing the game developer of bugs glitches or technical issues. Giving game developers ideas or ways to improve game.

That was the idea behind early access but the reality is far from it.

deadfrag2516d ago

The game is a POS,technical is a mess and they want the same price of AAA games.I would not pay 10cents for this POS,a real POS game in every sense of the word!

Aenea2516d ago

Dean Hall, is that you? 😂

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IBD Podcast #06 - Dean Hall talks DayZ, Early Access and Community

For many people, Dean Hall is synonymous with 2012’s free zombie mod, DayZ, which he created for Bohemia Interactive’s ARMA 2 while serving in the armed forces. The startling popularity of that mod led to it being officially acquired by Bohemia and to Hall himself working at the Czech Republic-based development studio on the standalone version of DayZ for two years, before leaving to found his own company in his native New Zealand.

RocketWerkz has since released Out of Ammo, co-developed abandoned title, Ion, and is now working on numerous other projects, including space-station simulation, Stationeers. Known for his outspoken and candid approach to discussing his work, his history and his experiences in the games industry, Dean Hall is also a keen mountaineer who has climbed Mount Cook and Mount Everest.

Here, he talks about drawing on his life experiences to help inform his design philosophy, his undiminished desire to tinker with other people’s games and how forums and bulletin boards can sometimes offer surprisingly profound revelations.

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