
Gears 2: No blinging up your guns

CVG writes: "With E3 fast approaching all 360 owners eyes are on Epic's Gears of War 2. And there's nothing more lead developer Cliff Bleszinksi likes than adding fuel to the fire of hype.

Touching on whether or not you'll be able to customise any part of your arsenal, he explained, "We're not really that kind of game. We're not going to allow you to bling out your gun. The Lancer's a Lancer, Gus is Gus, and Marcus is Marcus. Those are the identities we're sticking with." Fair enough."

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GUNS N SWORDS5826d ago

they already pimped out, plus isn't the game getting a few new weapons anyway, i'm more interested in that and seeing new finishing moves.

pharmd5826d ago

when i play this, im not looking for hardcore customization... im looking for hardcore assskicking!!!

NO_PUDding5826d ago

I kind of agree. But surely this would make it bigger and more badass. I just don't udnerstand why their ethos only applies in some places.

I am sure he is right about them being pimp enough though. It would just add a little extra gusto to the gunplay.

power of Green 5826d ago

Seems like a duplicate story saying the same thing as the text from a mag in the GOW1 vs GOW2 multi player maps visual comparison(on the front page on the top currently the hottest story).

Strife Lives5826d ago

Customise ur guns.especially the Lancer.look to EA and Army Of Two for that.It makes sense story and setting wise.Delta Squad doesnt head back to HQ after a mission.they stay on the frontlines.no time to fiddle adding shiny plastic to guns and buying neon blouses in GeOW lol its all hardcore war against the locust scum

tudors5826d ago

that is ofcourse if you mean the one that I have to keep posting genuine GOW2 pics and not the ones form the unreal engine tec demo.

Agent VX5826d ago

Wow, this game is blowing anything away graphically on any system. Gameplay looks real tight, and overall, just looking better than the first one in every aspect.

Just another fantastic exclusive for the 360.

PoSTedUP5826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

really? getting your hopes up that high are we?

beans5826d ago

Talk about insecurity problems, 14 disagrees lol. Why are fanboys trolling so hard in the 360 news section trying to downplay anything positive 360. I bet whatever it is MS has to show at E3 is more important to PS3 fans then 360. 1st they claimed COD4 and Uncharted as being Gears killers when after playing them both I would still give the edge to Gears and now there even going as far as saying MGS4 is the best game ever when it's really all just there opinion. Sony and there fans have a bad habit of forcing there beliefs and claiming victory long before theres a winner. Also I don't even believe this is a PS3 site like some would think and see that some desperate Sony fans have gone as far as making numerous accounts just to appear bigger then they really are. Gears2 is going to set the bar even higher this time and colorless KZ2 and last gen looking RFOM2 (accept for the enemys) won't even stand close to this title.

PoSTedUP5826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

contradicting yourself are we? well to say gears 2 will blow anything away graphically is just very inaccurate, and i tend to be a realist, so thats why "i" disagree. just cause i disagree dosnt mean im a fanboy.

"Gears2 is going to set the bar even higher this time and colorless KZ2 and last gen looking RFOM2 (accept for the enemys) won't even stand close to this title."- your not a fanboy huh? you kids make me laugh : D

NO_PUDding5826d ago

lol CoD4 is a Gears and Halo killer.

Uncharted is below all 3 that you mentioned. It's just not good enough.

beans5826d ago

I don't think it's inaccurate at all to give the graphics crown to Gears2 before release. You can cry foul and get defensive all you want but the bottom line is that this game is going to stomp all over the competition. It's obvious you Sony fans want to feel like you've got the best games and console but even more obvious it's all in your heads. This is a Gears 2 thread and if you don't like what Agent has to say then get out of here and quit being a little fanboy hater. People like you and those that agree with you are so predictable and insecure to the point where it's just sad.

NO_PUDding5826d ago

Third person talking? Soemthgins is wrong in yoru head. That much is obvious.

It's also obviosu that a game in the Unreal Engine, won't ever be the shinign beautiful you want it to be. Infact scratch that, it will be shiny, but bloom and excessive specular mapping, don't make a game good. And I am being so very fair here.

Gameplay may be absolutely faultless, and superb, but the graphics aren't.

Millah5826d ago

How are you all making claims like this when we've barely seen any real footage of the game, let alone played it. It may just be me, but I don't think the visuals are that BIG of an improvement over the original. Sure there are more details and more effects, but it really still looks very similar.

Lets wait til E3 when we see more gameplay, before we start making claims.

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Ranking The Gears Of War Games From Worst To Best

The Gears of War series has been a consistent deliverer of quality for Xbox, but which games are the best?

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KicksnSnares714d ago

Gears of War is my favorite video game franchise, and the Locust is my all-time favorite faction.

My rank list:
1. Gears of War 2
2. Gears of War 3
3. Gears of War 1
4. Gears of War 4
5. Gears of War 5
6. Gears of War Judgment (No Locust in multiplayer was a disgrace)

ChasterMies713d ago

Agree 100% with this ranking. The campaign in Gears of War 2 is among the most fun campaigns ever made. It’s been downhill from there.

Zombieburger638713d ago

I’d say gears 2 and 3 are pretty even. I absolutely loved both of them.

darthv72714d ago

2 is still my favorite but 5 is also up there (for me). Then I'd say 1, 3, 4 and Judgement. Tactics isnt the same type of game, so it seems odd to rank it among TPS when its a strategy game. So I make that one all its own. Pretty fun game too.

Jericho1337714d ago

The first is and has always been the best one imo - the story, the levels, the set pieces, the soundtrack - as close to perfect as a campaign can get.

I’d say the series had been on a continual downhill slide until 5.

Om4ever713d ago

Naaaan ... 2 is the best by far

MadLad714d ago


I love the series as a whole, but 4 was pretty by the numbers, and Judgement was just ok.

LoveSpuds714d ago

I played them all since picking up a Series X about 7 months ago. Personally, I don't think time has been kind to the earlier games and they feel very slow and repetitive to play. Whilst the newer games may be prettier, they stick with the original gameplay mechanics too much in my view so as a whole series of titles, I think they are pretty average games.

Not to say they weren't fun and I have a lot of nostalgia for 1 and 2, I just think there are far better action games out there.

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Gears Of War: The Franchise For You

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Old McGroin847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

It's brilliant but personally liked part one more. It's the only one that had a near horror movie vibe to it in parts, the atmosphere was amazing.

Also, the commercial for it was 🔥🔥🔥


Neonridr847d ago

Mad World was such a perfect song for that trailer. I loved part 1 too just because it was so fresh at the time. The series has been solid, but experiencing everything for the first time was pretty awesome.

ChasterMies847d ago

Gears of War 2 has one of the greatest campaigns of all time. Carmine, all that juice, fighting inside a giant worm, and riding monsters.

Knightofelemia848d ago

Gears 1 and 2 will always be my favorite Gears titles. The scene where Dom find his wife and then has to shoot her was an epic scene.

monkey602847d ago

I always found that scene laughably bad myself. Fantastic game though.

1 will always be my favourite. Most were great with the exception of 4 being okay and judgement being terrible.

They still have the most satisfying headshots from any multiplayer game around.

lucian229847d ago

Nah I laughed, the acting was soooooooooo bad

KicksnSnares848d ago

My favorite Gears game list
1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears 4
5. Gears 5
6. Gears Judgement

Gears Of War is my favorite video game franchise. I can’t imagine how Gears 6 will look in UE5 after watching Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer

RetroCaptainSteve848d ago

Or if they remake 2 and 3 with that engine.

KicksnSnares848d ago

There is a rumored Marcus Fenix collection (Gears 2 & 3 remake) in the works at the Coalition. Hopefully, it’s true, but I doubt it.

Profchaos847d ago

For me you can't beat gears 1 the original was so fresh and revolutionary at the time.
Then basically I'd rank it 2,3,5,4 and judgement

Viljong847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

One of the reasons why i got the series x. Been fan since the first game.

myfathersbastard847d ago

Played them all recently on gamepass. Great games. But my favorites gotta be gears tactics. Don’t know why. I just had a blast with it lol

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Ranking The Gears of War Series

The Gears of War franchise's influence has remained to this day with cover systems becoming as ubiquitous as regenerating health. With a new console generation upon us, it's time to list the series from worst to best.

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TranceHop 1190d ago (Edited 1190d ago )

My ranking list
1 .Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears Judgement
5. Gears 4
6. Gears 5

Om4ever1190d ago

Same for me... Good taste Trancehop 😉

darthv721190d ago (Edited 1190d ago )

My personal order is (favorite to least)

Sciurus_vulgaris1190d ago

1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 5
4. Gears 1/UE
5. Gears 4
6. Gears Judgement

Atom6661190d ago

This is the correct answer.

nibblo1190d ago (Edited 1190d ago )

Close to my rankings but some differences. My rankings:

1. Gears 3
2. Gears 5
3. Gears 4
4. Judgement
5. Gears 2
6. Gears 1

People will hate on me putting Gears 2 so low but I always felt the graphics were too busy to the point of confusion and the combat/movement hadn't really improved over 1. Lot of cool ideas but execution wasn't the best as far as I'm concerned.