
Face-Off: Alien: Isolation

Judging by PC results on lower-end hardware, it doesn't seem outside the realms of possibility for the PS4 - and to a lesser extent the Xbox One - to deliver something closer to a 60fps experience given the benefits of closed-box optimisation. So what could be the limiting factor on consoles? Perhaps the low-power AMD CPU cores are to blame.

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Evo213524d ago

"Performance is obviously the deciding factor here and it's clear PS4 has a distinct advantage. As such the PS4 game gets our recommendation for console owners ..."

starchild3524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

Ok, good, this comparison brings to light the fact that two versions of a multiplatform game can have the same resolution and target framerate and still not have parity between them.

A mind-blowing concept, I know.

People freaking out about the AC Unity resolution parity issue should keep this in mind.

Eonjay3524d ago

Except when a Director tells you he enfoeced parity, believe him. What in the actual heck. They came out and said it. This isn't a conspiracy.

starchild3524d ago

No thank you, I don't believe everything everybody says. Otherwise I'd be believing I will soon be enjoying AC Unity on my PS4 at 1080p/60fps, since a Ubisoft dev said that too.

Devs sometimes say stupid things, as we all do, and I'm always going to use my own judgement to decide whether something makes sense or not. When I heard Unity would be 1080p/60fps on PS4 I didn't believe it for a second because what I know about the hardware and graphics tech led me to believe that it would be nearly impossible.

Likewise, when this other Ubisoft guy said they aimed for the same spec to avoid debates it didn't ring true to me. I don't know why he said it, but I'm guessing that in the moment he thought it sounded like a good thing to say. I don't believe that that is the fundamental reason.

And even if there was some grain of truth to what he was saying, what was he referring to exactly? Which specs was he referring to? Just the resolution and framerate? Or total graphical parity across the board?

Maybe for their game they thought it better to have parity in resolution and target framerate, but allow each console to perform to their abilities in other areas. It's just another approach. We've seen the same approach with games like Alien Isolation and Destiny. There's nothing that says extra graphics horsepower has to be used exclusively to increase resolution.

internationterrorist3524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

star advice to starchild@

You read the article and say that it not parity because the PS4 version is has superior preformance to the x1 version and so might AC.U.

But I read the article and it scream of more Parity in Aliens isolation.

Digitalfoundry " Judging by PC results on lower-end hardware, it doesn't seem outside the realms of possibility for the PS4 - and to a lesser extent the Xbox One - to deliver something closer to a 60fps experience given the benefits of closed-box optimisation. So what could be the limiting factor on consoles?"

The PS4 version again far superior quality vs X1. X1 fans have dreams of parity. But the fact are that is is impossible to get parity against superior hardware. 50% more GPU cores advantage will never disappear. My advice to you x1 fans don't focus on parity or pray for parity. Just enjoy x1 exclusives and x1 inferior 3d party multi platform games.

even though we're left with the nagging feeling that 60fps should have been possible on Sony's hardware based on the game's PC showing.

starchild3524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

@ internationterrorist

I'm not an Xbox fanboy. I don't even own an Xbox One. I'm first a PC gamer and second a PS4 gamer. I am only expressing my point of view of what I believe to be the truth. You guys always jump to such conclusions whenever someone disagrees with your cult-like ignorant opinions.

So now you are going to claim Alien Isolation was purposely held back on PS4? You guys get more and more absurd each day.

The PS4 version is superior to the Xbox One version. Are you really telling me that the developers purposely made both the Xbox One version and PS4 version of their game run and look worse than it could have? If you honestly believe that, you don't have the slightest clue about game development. No developer would do that.

Game developers take pride in their work and they want their games to be the best they can realistically be (given budget and time constraints). Nobody would purposely gimp their game, especially since it would likely result in lost sales on both platforms.

If the PS4 were truly capable of running this game at 60fps it would mean that the Xbox One version could easily run at an average of 45fps if not higher, which would have meant they could have achieved a locked 30fps on the XB1 without any problem. Since we know that the XB1 version is running below 30fps much of the time, with screen tearing to boot, the only explanation in your scenario is that they gimped the PS4 version AND XB1 version.

But this doesn't make sense. Why would they make both versions of their game crappier than they could have been? Why would they purposely cripple both of their console versions? They would have a whole lot to lose and virtually nothing to gain.

To go from 30fps to 60fps requires literally double the performance from the hardware, but the PS4 is NOT twice as powerful as the XB1. It's somewhere between 0% and 50% more powerful than the XB1 depending on where the demand on the hardware is and what the bottlenecks are. So if the Xbox One version is struggling to maintain 30fps, even in the best case scenario of the PS4 having a 50% hardware advantage, that would still only allow the PS4 version to hit around a 40 to 45 fps average framerate, assuming the PS4 version didn't have other graphical advantages, which is does.

Again, this makes no sense. The PS4 version IS superior to the Xbox One version so it's not like gimping the PS4 version would be any favor to the Xbox One. The Xbox One version has several negatives and is inferior to the PS4 version anyway.

The PS4 version mostly runs at 30fps, except in more demanding areas, and the main issue with its framerate are very large frame latency spikes. This means that certain frames require an inordinately long amount of time to be delivered, thus resulting in a pause or hitch in the game's framerate.

To think that they purposely built this issue into the PS4 version is an absurd proposition. It's clearly an issue with a stall somewhere in the pipeline. Some weak link in the hardware is not able to keep up with a consistent frame delivery.

Some of you need to realize that both consoles have fairly weak CPUs and neither have the most ideal memory architecture. Having to use the ESRAM on XB1 or the graphics oriented GDDR5 on PS4 is not ideal for all scenarios. It's understandable that some games, depending on their design, are going to be limited by these CPUs and memory architectures.

starchild3524d ago

We've seen such stuttering not only in Alien Isolation, but also in games like Thief, which again was noticeably superior on the PS4.

It's ridiculous to say that the developers purposely did it for parity, because the games are not on par in the first place. No, what's really going on is that these consoles have limits and bottlenecks that some game engines work better with than others.

I do agree that developers of all games should do whatever it takes, even if it means paring back the visuals from what they had originally planned, in order to at least maintain a solid 30fps, without significant frame drops or screen tearing, on both consoles. Then allow each console to achieve whatever they can from there in terms of other graphical elements and resolution.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3524d ago
moegooner883524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

Good to know will hopefully pick up the PS4 version at some point, heard great things about the game. Reminds me a bit of Nemesis " chasing " me in RE3.

Benjammin253524d ago

It's great. There's a few minor pacing issues here and there but apart from that, I have no problem giving the game an 8 or a 9.

kalimero23524d ago

Good job SONY! Another multiplat superior on PS4

Perjoss3524d ago

You should mention Creative Assembly as they are the ones that actually made the game. But yeah Sony did a great job too with the console for sure.

MasterCornholio3524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

"As such the PS4 game gets our recommendation for console owners, even though we're left with the nagging feeling that 60fps should have been possible on Sony's hardware based on the game's PC showing."


I hope that isn't true though because it would stink knowing that the devs could have done more with the PS4 if they ignored parity.

Anyways I thought there was something strange with the cutscenes from the streams that I watched and I'm glad that Digital Foundary explained the issue in the article.

TWB3523d ago (Edited 3523d ago )

No, they meant that based on GPU specs, the PS4 should have been able to reach 60 FPS (when compared to similar GPUs on PC) but for some reason it does not. This might be due to weak CPU and how the engine uses/requires CPU power.

CPU in PS4 is either way only marginaly more powerful than PS3s PPU and CELL (some say its actually weaker than CELL, I dont know for sure though)

So yeah, CPUs are pretty weak in both PS4 and XB1 which may limit them in many games. Both, PS4 and XB1 could possibly have reached rock solid 30 FPS during gameplay if the CPUs were only little stronger.

Atleast this is what Im getting from the article.

slasaru013524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

Wow, wow, wow, they never judged by performance last gen.
Even when ps3 had framerate issues and longer load times and popups, and especially screen tearing, they never put it as minus. What hypocrites, gosh

DVS-Zev3524d ago (Edited 3524d ago )

not true at all actually.Many times, many sites, gave the "you should buy 360 version" nod.Even for such simple things like better shades of grass.

And i remember xbox fanboys chest thumping and flag waving like it was the be all end all situation lol

How the times have changed.Shame none of that matters anymore to certain people.I would be very interested to hear their thoughts on all these recent multiplats :(

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banger8853d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


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Rebel_Scum230d ago

tbh it doesn’t need a sequel. Fantastic game but not something to make into a long running series.


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crazyCoconuts237d ago

Good month imo. I'll play Gotham Knights and House of Ashes. I'm finishing up Disco E on Steam right now - that's a superb game.

cthulhucultist237d ago

House of Ashes was weird but one of the good weird ones! Really enjoyed it

237d ago
Lexreborn2237d ago

I really enjoyed Gotham knights playing with my friend

237d ago
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