
Assassin’s Creed Unity ‘900p on Next Gen’ Analysis – Not Due to CPU of PS4 and Xbox One

Looks like Vincent was telling the truth the first time around, because here is an indepth technical explanation of why the 900p resolution has more to do with hardware parity of the consoles than the game being 'CPU Bound'.

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Foehammer3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

The truth comes out

CPU bound

No shortage of armchair quarterbacks telling the developer their limitations.

Kayant3497d ago

"The truth comes out

CPU bound " - We knew this since the initial statement because it was explained by the dev which is the reason it's not 60fps.


"The reason for this could be that both consoles perform poorly at 1080p but the probable reason is that it performs poorly in 1080p only on the Xbox One and the original reason provided by Pontbriand was infact, the real reason."

"Assassins Creed: Unity is, relatively speaking, a dominantly CPU Bound Game because the NPC logic processing is extensive.

Since the game is resolution locked to 900p, and we already know that resolution makes no difference to a fully cpu bound game, then, practically speaking it is also GPU-Bound, which means that:

It would almost certainly net more frames per second on a PS4 than on an Xbox One under the same settings or the approximately the same frames per second under slightly higher settings (or resolution)." - Well if this theory is anything to go by then it's in support that PS4 could handle higher resolution or higher graphical settings than the XB1 and should have better fps when both are at the same settings/res.

codelyoko3497d ago

"PS4 could handle higher resolution or higher graphical settings than the XB1 and should have better fps when both are at the same settings/res. "

Yeah, this is exactly the 'Second Opinion' (to Ubisoft PR) this article is trying to provide. That the resolution lock (on the PS4) was due to being politically correct in the NextGen wars then due to any technical reason such as being CPU bound.

Ezz20133497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

No matter how many times you say this
they will just ignore it

the only reason this game is 900p on both...is just for the sake of parity
nothing else

SonofGod3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

But it doesn't make sense that MS forced parity with ACU, they have never done it before.

MS has been big time partner for a long time with Activision, but that doesn't mean they forced parity with COD Ghosts.

MS is also partnering with EA, but still didn't force parity with BF4.

Not to mention Dragon Age Inquisition. Some people were actually stupid enough to believe that MS forced parity on that game(I bet those who canceled their pre orders are feeling very stupid now).

So why would they suddenly do it now?

andrewer3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Just a little correction - there is no such a thing as "CPU and GPU bound". It can only be one of those, or balanced. If they said it's CPU-bound, it's the same as saying that the game doesn't push the GPU much. And being CPU-bound means the majority of requests are to be processed at the CPU not Input/Output(GPU in this case), which means that the GPU is prejudiced.

When the program says: print image on screen, it occupies the CPU for a time, then goes to GPU, is processed (Anti-aliasing and stuff) and then goes to the monitor/TV. If the CPU is being used for something else, this "print image on screen" request has to wait a little more to be processed by the CPU and then go to the GPU (the GPU doesn't know what to print, the CPU has to tell it). I don't know much about it, but I would guess that's why the graphics are prejudiced.

After all the system is the CPU+RAM. Any other thing (from GPU to external HDs) is just an Input/Output Device, which, eventually, NEEDS to use the CPU.

What I'm trying to say is that even image-related requests, the CPU is involved, having to inform the GPU what and how to process an image. At the GPU, the necessary things are done and then the image is sent to the screen. So a bigger image (higher resolution) means more data for the CPU to send to the GPU = more use of the CPU. If the CPU is already being highly used, this becomes a problem (imagine at 60fps 1080p, the CPU needs to send information equivalent to 2.073.600(1920x1080) pixels to the GPU 60 times per second).

uth113497d ago


The difference is now Microsoft is tired of the resolution gate bad press. We know this because they said as much- when Diablo was going to be sub-1080p, MS said that it wasn't good enough and helped them achieve it. The did this. I think they did this with at least one other title.
Now if an Xbox game absolutely cannot reach 1080p, then parity can be achieved by bringing the PS4 version down.

Now of course there is no proof that MS demanded this either explicitly or implicitly. But given that they are trying harder to squash resolution gate situations, it's entirely within the realm of possibility. It's still speculation though

DragonKnight3497d ago

So where the hell are Death and starchild on this eh? They've both been insistent that it wasn't due to parity (Death) or that the game could still be better and we shouldn't care about resolution parity for the PS4 version (starchild).

Of course they're silent. Neither want to admit the Xbox One held back this game and parity is B.S.


This is the first time that I heard that resolution is determined by CPU , good job ubisoft, I hope you enjoy your extra pots of wine.

Good article BTW!

Assassingamer1363497d ago

@sonofgod why wouldn't they? Didn't they ensure time exclusivity for Tomb raider? A franchise that got popular on the playstation? Hell Spencer said parity is created to ensure xbox owners don't feel second best. This is what they are doing exactly here too.

Fatal-Aim3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

@ codelyoko

try explaining that to these XB fanboys, and they'll swear up and down that you're full of it and that these consoles just couldn't handle the tasks. in reality, it is the XB1 that couldn't handle the tasks and thus the PS4 version was dumbed down and given a lame excuse.

what i don't understand is the FACTS clearly show that the PS4 is more capable than the XB1 and easier to program for. if you have two different systems running the same game equally, then its only logical that the more capable system could run the game better if it were push and properly enough.

its like XB fanboys just can't accept the fact that the XB1 is weaker than the PS4 - as if MS can do no wrong. the cold hard truth is they can and the XB 1 IS weaker. the sooner they can accept this the better off they'll be.

nirwanda3497d ago

@son of God yes they have forced parity on a big launch game recently just look up Diablo3 MS told blizzard 900p was unacceptable and forced them to make it 1080p.
go Google it

starchild3497d ago

The problem with this analysis is they assume that all other aspects of the graphics are a match. They also assume that both versions have the same framerate performance and lack of screen tearing. These are HUGE assumptions that I predict will prove to be false.

Garbage in, garbage out. If you start with faulty premises the conclusions you arrive at will often be wrong as well, even if your logic is sound.

gamer78043496d ago

we really don't know how much fps difference in this case, its probably closer due to a lot of the cpu calcs needed and thats why neither are 1080p which I'm fine with.

i usually i try to take the developers word for it. Devs work long hours to make us the best game they can, lets try to give them our support.

DragonKnight3496d ago

@starchild: Actually they don't give a damn. You're the one that consistently tries to say "ok, well maybe the pop in is less prominent on the PS4 version" or some other such nonsense. You keep trying to skirt the issue and keep believing your opinion is the correct one.

"Garbage in, garbage out." Aren't we egotistical. You refuse to believe that Ubisoft went for parity because of factors no one, including Ubisoft, are talking about but you. You refuse to accept it even when Ubisoft said it themselves. Understand that you continue to look ignorant.

BattleAxe3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

Console owners should upgrade their CPUs to either an Intel i5 or i7 if they want to have one less bottleneck. Gotta love locked systems ;)

darthv723496d ago

For 'THIS' game to be 1080/60 then expect the fidelity to be no better than the PS3/360.

I dont think those who bought the PS4/XB1 would really want that.

Either you take the 900p (upscaled to 1080p) richer detailed version for your platform of choice or get it for the PC where there would likely me more flexibility in the visual/performance fields.

fr0sty3496d ago

"This game is CPU bound, so they had to reduce the load on the GPU to make it run on both systems"

Do you see the conflicting logic here? If not, read it again.

Death3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

What do you want DK? Ubi is the developer and they say the games resolution is impacted by the AI. Both share an APU, not CPU and GPU like a PC. Ubi released Black Flag at a higher resolution for the PS4. Other than PS4 owners swearing Microsoft paid for parity which is based on nothing proven, no one has anything to back their statements.

Why compare Pitcairn and Bonaire GPU specs when most of us are aware that neither console actually has a separate graphics card with it's own bank of memory. Both use an APU which is a fancy way of saying it has a CPU with a built in GPU on the same chip sharing resources.

GDDR5 is not and has never been the ideal memory for a CPU. Why people still insist the PS4 has an edge in CPU and GPU due to it's use is ignorant at best. The downside of GDDR5 on the PS4 is it take a hit on the CPU. To make up for it the GPU is being used to offload tasks that are typically done by the CPU. That help comes at a cost. Ubi stated the additional AI is reducing assets that would be used for increased resolution. I believe them much more over the opinions of those that do not develop games. Sorry if it upsets you that I trust the people making the games more than you or any blogger that can't make games but claims to know better.

DragonKnight3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

@Death: You keep hanging on don't you? No matter how many times, and how many people, and how many different ways it's proven to you that Ubisoft went for the parity game, not the "this CPU can't handle it" game, you refuse to believe it.

Remember what I said the last time? So where is it? Where's the PS4's CPU clockspeed? You do have it don't you? You have some sort of link that points to the official clockspeed of the PS4's CPU right?

"Sorry if it upsets you that I trust the people making the games more than you or any blogger that can't make games but claims to know better."

No you don't. When Vince came out and literally said they took the parity route, you didn't believe it from day one and he's the senior producer on the game. You DID believe an anonymous PR email and took it for gospel.

Sorry, but just because an APU is being used doesn't mean resolution has to suffer for a CPU task. And GDDR5 memory doesn't have to be ideal for a CPU when it's being used for a GPU task like resolution.

Your fanboyism is apparent, and it's affected you in a big way. You don't trust a senior producer, you throw away common knowledge about cpu and gpu processes by believing in an anonymous PR email, and you absolutely refuse to accept the truth because it means, yet again in definitive terms, that the Xbox One is inferior. For all the talk about how both consoles are "so similar" to each other, every single instance shows that the PS4 is the superior piece of hardware and it gets under the skin of every Xbox fanboy.

It's funny because you Xbox fanboys sit there and come after PS fans and say all we care about is resolution, conveniently ignoring your attitude during the PS3/360 era, and doing absolutely everything you can to downplay the Xbox One's inferiority.

Don't get it twisted, I could care less about the resolution in and of itself personally. But having to have the PS4 be brought down to the Xbox One's level, having to hear people like you refusing to accept the truth about that, isn't why I bought a PS4.

I don't care if you don't want to accept the truth, doesn't make the truth go away. This is just the beginning. Maybe the PS4 has to suffer to cater to the lesser Xbox One, but you can be damn sure the Xbox One will never gain a leg up on the PS4.

Death3496d ago

DK, it's a two way street. Show me PS4's clock speed. Why would I listen to you or anyone else on N4G over the developer. When you start making games or hardware I will add you to my list of influential people that know what they are talking about. Until then, I respect your opinion but disagree with you.

UltraNova3496d ago

Ubi messed up real good this time I've got to hand it to them!

Personally, I always felt bad when I happened to get used games but for AC:Unity it already feels right as rain...

You deserve it Ubi.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3496d ago
stuna13497d ago

Seems to me you also have you armchair in attendance! Because you're definitely not short on assumptions either. For starters what would you assume are the reasons for upclocking their CPU? Here's my guess, even at a slower clock speed the PS4 CPU was still performing better than the Xbox1's was! Sure they have the same CPU, but Cerny also stated that some modifications were made to it. It's no secret that Sony is a better hardware company than Microsoft.

Second Microsoft had to take back the 8 to 10 percent CPU power from Kinects to try and raise the resolutions and framerate of games even after the upclock.

Third Microsoft started selling the idea that the Cloud will be the answer to Xbox1's woes, which truthfully I'm going to admit is not without its merits, but not on the level that the diehard believe.

Now just going off of what's already apparently obvious as to the PS4 up to now having the better performing games and, what I listed since the Xbox1's release, in all honesty which console would more than likely have the hardest time running this game at its best???

Jason_Plays_PC3497d ago

@Foehammer.. The argument is about resolution and resolution is mainly handled by the gpu and ram, thats why i wasn't buying that statement.

purp13m0nk3y3497d ago

The article still leaves out GPGPU. Both consoles are capable of this with the PS4 basically being built from the ground up to leverage the tech.

If they were CPU bound on the PS4 they could just brute force some of the AI calculations on the GPU using asynchronous compute.

This could also be done on the Xbox1 but is less efficient due to less ACE's and less GPU cores and the lack of 'volatile bit' tech on the MS console.

Death3495d ago

You are 100% correct. You are missing one point though. If the GPU is being used for the AI calculations what does that do for available resources for graphics rendering?

3497d ago Replies(6)
strangeaeon3497d ago

This "article" should be under opinion, because I see nothing but speculation on the authors part.

Angeljuice3496d ago

XBOX owner by any chance?

Killzoner993496d ago

Wrong. The game was gimped so the Xbone version would look like the PS4 version. If the game was designed specifically for the PS4 then it would look 10 X better.

marloc_x3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

The truth gamers deserve is that the PS4 does NOT have 40% better graphics,

and you would not be able to distinguish between the two unless they where labeled for you.

Only THEN, would you point out either a sharper looking finger nail or fluffier cloud.. lol:P

internationterrorist3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

Anyone how understand how a CPU and GPU works in game development or how a game work. Knows that the CPU has little to do with resolution of games. This article is helpful in explaining why that CPU'S have little important in resolution


Here is what you are not understand. No matter how much more time it takes or DX12 or new SKU , better delopment tools or getting to know the x1 hardware . The PS4 will always have the superior hardware over the x1. No amount of Da Cloud, DX12 or new SKU update will change that fact that the PS4 has 50 % more GPU cores and higher GPU preformance than X1. It's impossible for the x1 to preform equal to the PS4 it will be one of two things.
A. The game is not that graphically demanding and both PS4 and x1 have hardware head room to run the game at it full resolution and frame rates.

B. The developer gimping the PS4 version for the sake of parity. The PS4 has 50 % more GPU cores. PS4 vs X1 both GPU benchmarked by digitalfoundry PS4 GPU has a average of 40% horsepower performance advantage.


I for one don't think Microsoft forced ubisoft to change the resolution of AC.U . I actually think that Microsoft has nothing to do with AC.U parity. I think the original statement the developer made was true. Ubisoft wanted to avoid any controversy or negative press for AC.U . Also you gamers have to realize that game industry is a business. Ubisoft doesn't want to offend the xbox user base by making in the game superior on PS4. So ubisoft made AC.U equal so not to give the PS4 version any advantage over the x1 version. Ubisoft is also business partners with both Sony and Microsoft and wants a good business relationship with Microsoft. Ubisoft see parity as not taking any sides between PS4 and x1 and see parity as the way to accomplish that goal.

assdan3496d ago

Why is this article necessary? We know it's because Ubisoft is going for parity for no reason.

Muzikguy3496d ago

I don't take any PR statement as "truth comes out". It's all just to sugarcoat the issue

ITPython3496d ago

Until this game gets upgraded on the PS4 (or at least shown to look/perform WAY better @900p compared to the xbone) I will continue to refuse to buy the game new.

It's amazing how far MS's bribe money goes. Even with the tens of thousands of canceled pre-orders, Failsoft is still sticking with this parity BS.

starchild3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

-"Actually they don't give a damn. You're the one that consistently tries to say "ok, well maybe the pop in is less prominent on the PS4 version" or some other such nonsense."

Who doesn't give a damn? The author of this article? Well, they better give a damn. All of their conclusions are predicated on the idea that the PS4 and XB1 version are graphically equal. We don't know that this is the case. In fact, we have many reasons to believe it isn't the case.

Yes, I bring up the fact that the PS4 version likely has other graphical advantages, because this is the crux of the issue. If you can't understand why it's relevant, that's your problem.

-"You keep trying to skirt the issue and keep believing your opinion is the correct one."

Yes, because you believe that your opinions are false, right?

That's why we express our opinions is it? Because we think they are false?

I fully acknowledge that my opinions on any topic may be wrong and I'm open to change them if presented with compelling facts or reasoning.

I'm simply expressing my opinions and view of things as I see them right now, same as you or anybody else here.

I'm not skirting the issue, I'm trying to clarify it and get to the core of it. You're the one that keeps using ad hominem attacks and bringing up irrelevant points instead of addressing the points in the arguments I have put forward.

-"Garbage in, garbage out." Aren't we egotistical."

It's not egotistical to simply point out that an argument can't realistically hope to arrive at a factual conclusion if it begins with faulty assumptions.

"You refuse to believe that Ubisoft went for parity because of factors no one, including Ubisoft, are talking about but you. You refuse to accept it even when Ubisoft said it themselves."

No, my main argument is to wait for more facts before drawing what very well may be erroneous conclusions. My second point is that the majority of evidence we have leads to the conclusion that the PS4 version is likely superior in ways other than resolution, similar to what we see in games like Destiny and Alien Isolation.

We have several different comments from Ubisoft (or at least Ubisoft employees, even if not as official statements):

1. The PS4 version of AC Unity is targeting 1080p/60fps.

2. The PS4 and Xbox One version were locked at the same specs to avoid debates.

3. Ubisoft has not and will not ever intentionally cripple or limit their games on a particular platform.

So you need to tell us specifically why we should believe #2 and not the other two comments. You need to provide actual evidence.

Even if we assume comment #2 was correct and we pretend the other two comments were never made we need to see a compelling reason why we should believe that locking "at the same specs" means the games are equal in performance and all other aspects of the graphics and does not simply refer to the fact the resolution and framerate target are the same.

"Understand that you continue to look ignorant."

Thanks. Coming from somebody that I find to be ignorant, I'll take that as a complement. Seriously, you keep saying things like this, but it only makes you look ignorant. I guess it doesn't dawn on you that your comments look equally ignorant to those of us that disagree with you.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3495d ago
codelyoko3497d ago

That TL;DR section summarizes the entire thing pretty well (for those that don't want to read the whole thing). Imo the gaming community is becoming slightly too demanding on the devs. Nothing can make up for the hardware superiority of the PS4 but the gaming part in gaming is increasingly becoming irrelevant and that is pretty sad.

PCBOX3497d ago

Yes it is the CPU problem ( 4CU GPGPU but in some cases even it is not enough because of API and GDDR5) but they can use Cloud to off load AI and physics and bump the res up to 1080p. PS4 fanboys keep saying the PS4 version has been gimped because of XO. Yesterday we saw that actualy there is no parity. I see no reason here that Ubisoft hold PS4 due to XO. They say there is no oroblem on GOU side to achieve 1080p only CPU so use Cloud and bump it to 1080p. So funny that if there is a gimped version,according to this case XO is that one. By the way if you think XO is a weak piece if s*** go check the reportage between DF and Play Ground.

Kayant3497d ago

Sometimes it's good to read the article before going on to spread mostly BS.

MRMagoo1233497d ago

You didnt even read it did you? lol you are so far off its not even funny.

Angeljuice3496d ago

Aren't you a naughty box-troll. Your pseudo knowledge of PC architecture is outstanding.

Frisky3496d ago

Why don't you just go through the TL;DR section of the article? Commenting without going through the article doesn't make you look smart at all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3496d ago
Majin-vegeta3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Layman terms pls?

So they basically downgraded the PS4 version?Da hell this crap has got to stop.

codelyoko3497d ago

Read the TL;DR given at the end of the article. But in-case you dont want to. Here is the essense:

The PS4 could have handled 1080p 30. The Xbox One couldn't have. (Resolution is entirely GPU dependent. And not affected by the CPU at all)

The reason ubi locked it at 900p was because it was being politically correct.

gootimes3497d ago

Well, I bought a TV for 1080p res, at least for the majority of games and movies I have. This parity to "avoid debate" thing is absolutely ridiculous...

n4rc3497d ago

That's the authors opinion..

But when he says things like "increasing resolution has no bearing on framerate" then I tend to ignore their opinions, because they are confused apparently.

Letthewookiewin3497d ago

This ain't over yet how much you guys want to bet they'll up the PS4 to 1080 or add better image quality. Especially with the Bioware guys rubbing it in their faces. Ubi won't get my money with statements like that first one.

ABizzel13497d ago

It's funny to me that I've been saying all this for the longest since this whole thing started.

These developers are pulling BS, like the article says, because most console gamers aren't in the know when it comes to hardware, but at a PC and Console gamer, I knew this was BS to start.

A CPU bound game can affect framerate, and generally framerate only, because the CPU can't produce the data fast enough to keep up with what the GPU needs.

A GPU bound game is easily fixed by lowering resolution and the graphics settings.

Resolution is a GPU problem not a CPU problem.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3497d ago
Manic20143497d ago

Well not downgraded, never used the full potential.

psvitamanfan3497d ago

Shame really, think of what could have been done with the PS4's full potential behind it. We could have had an uncharted quality AC...

1OddWorld3497d ago

Assassin's Creed Unity can flop for all I care, if they don't want to fully support each console then we shouldn't support them.


psvitamanfan3497d ago

So you'd rather miss out on a game than play it as it releases? Would you care that much about a few lines of pixels here and there?

generic-user-name3497d ago

It's the principal, we let them get away with this now and they'll keep on doing it, particularly if they have deals with MS, like they do for Unity, Dragon Age (which also recently revealed it'll have console parity), I won't be surprised to hear it from Evolve and The Division next.

ThanatosDMC3496d ago

Yeah, im afraid that Evolve, which im looking for to playing on my PS4, will end up being gimped because of the Xbone.

Show all comments (134)

I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

Shaz from GL writes: "Assassin’s Creed Unity is looked at as one of the worst in Ubisoft’s iconic franchise. But playing it nearly 10 years later reveals it may just be the best"

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Skuletor56d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy8556d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


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leahcim510d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.


Why Assassin’s Creed Unity remains one of the best games in the series

GF365: "Since the first Assassin’s Creed game, there have been entries up until now. There are more than a few titles that are far from an ideal stealth game. Let’s discuss why 2014’s Assassin’s Creed Unity is one of the best games in the series."

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isarai535d ago

Glitchy as hell and flat story, nah this aint it. AC2, brotherhood and 4 were amazing games in every respective

Furesis534d ago

Yeah i would say brotherhood and 4 were the best for me. I have not played the new ones and Unity was my last one. Seems like i made a good choice.

DarXyde534d ago

I gave up after Revelations. Just couldn't bring myself to care anymore and I got burned out of the gameplay.

Definitely agree on 2 and Brotherhood though. Great games.

YourMommySpoils534d ago

A Ubisoft AC game that's not glitchy? That will be the day.

Knightofelemia535d ago

After constant glitches Arno being boring nah I am good I skipped Unity. I will always like the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Rogue, Odyssey, Syndicate. I use to love the franchise but now it feels stale and boring. But my list of favorite entries into the franchise will vary from other players favorite entries.

RaidenBlack534d ago

Odyssey is a really well-made RPG game ... but it ain't a proper AC game, even though its part of the lore

ToddlerBrain534d ago

It’s funny because, at launch, it was universally panned for being unplayable. It’s a great game that holds up today. I’m glad they fixed it.

staticall534d ago

The only good things i remember from Unity are pretty graphics and really good descending mechanics (even though it sometimes didn't make much sense, when your character can drop down from like 10 meter height onto a flagpole perfectly).

Game is glitchy to this day, i was playing in it years after the release date (with all the DLCs) and it's still broken. You had to reload missions too often for my taste (characters do not spawn, you fall through the floor, getting stuck in falling/sitting/aiming animation, hidden blade stop working, assassination target running away at the start of the mission). Story was meh, searching for all the treasures wasn't enjoyable at all. Coop was pretty much useless, i've beaten every coop mission in solo. Helix rifts were awful as well.

Not saying i hate this game or anything, but it got too many problems.

Assassin's Creed (i know it's a controversial opinion) and Assassin's Creed 2 are still great to this day.

anast534d ago

Unity was okay. I prefer Syndicate and Origins.

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