
Macross Ace Frontier Screenshots

What with the success of the latest Macross TV series, Macross Frontier, it's hardly surprising that a game will be released to tie-in with it. That being said, Macross Ace Frontier could be something quite substantial in terms of its content.

Developed by Artdink, who have recently been making a name for themselves with the Gundam Battle series.Presently, the game is at 60% complete. Yet, it's already boasting an impressive roster of playable units (40 Valkyries) from a slew of series and movies (namely; Macross Zero, Macross, Macross Do You Remember Love?, Macross Plus, Macross 7 and Macross Frontier). In addition, there will be 30 characters and over 80 missions. The four player multiplayer from the Gundam Battle games is also present and Macross Ace Frontier will also offer co-op play too. This amount of content pretty much dwarfs SEGA's last effort and even From Software's monolithic Another Century's Episode games and it's only on a handheld!

Macross Ace Frontier will be released later this year in Japan and there is no news of a Western release as yet.


PSP World: Macross Ace Frontier Review

The only drawback with Macross is the communication since it remains a Japanese-only import title. So if you do end up with the game you might not find anyone else in the states playing unless you find other means to get the ad hoc to work over the web. To break this down you have high flying intense battles with numerous customization and smart A.I. opponents with the addition of being able to take the battles towards other human combatants in a free for all vs. match and with one drawback being only in Japanese. Honestly PSP World is still sold and would suggest others to give this import a shot, because you never know they might just bring it to the United States.

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1UP: Macross Ace Frontier Hands-On Preview

1UP has only known about Macross Ace Frontier since it was announced in Famitsu back in June, so this is the first they've seen of it. The demo let them take control of characters from any series in the franchise, and send them into combat against foes from their respective time periods. Yeah, it's time to get equipped with variable fighter action and missiles. Lots and lots of missiles.


Worldwide PSP releases for the week of October 5

From PSPFanboy:

Four straight weeks with games all across the board -- it looks like that summer drought is officially over. The fall season is packed and it seems everyone wants to get in on the holiday shopping spree. Phew! We were a little worried there for a moment.

NA Games:

Crash: Mind Over Mutant
Midnight Club: LA Remix
My Spanish Coach
NBA '09 The Inside
NBA Live 09
EU Games:

C.I.D.: The Dummy
LEGO Batman: The Video Game
NBA Live 09
Asian Games:

Macross Ace Frontier
Mahjong Haoh Portable: Jansou Battle (Mycom Best)
NBA 09: The Inside
NBA Live 09
Umewaza Ykari no Yasashi Igo

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PPGN5687d ago

Inform you:

Midnight Club : LA Remix isn't releasing this week. ;)

LukeFair5686d ago (Edited 5686d ago )

Midnight Club: LA Remix isn't coming this week. The official release date is set for October 21th for US and October 24th for Europe