
Halo 5: Guardians – Numerous details exposed in Official Xbox Magazine

In this fall's edition of Official Xbox Magazine, a staggering number of details regarding upcoming Halo games, Halo 5: Guardians and Halo: The Master Chief Collection, were exposed by 343 Industries' studio head, Bonnie Ross, in an interview.

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Hendrickson3504d ago ShowReplies(4)
christocolus3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

I have a feeling 343i is going to deliver on all fronts with Halo5 and im really glad blur is working with them again on the game. This will definitly be the biggest Halo game ever made..2015 is gonna be a great year.

Gazondaily3504d ago

They need to make sure that the MP does the franchise justice. Halo 4 made the fatal mistake of doing what countless other FPS' have done post COD Modern Warfare and that's to desparately copy their template.

What we got was a schizophrenic Halo title trying to reconcile its old identity with COD for the sake of mass appeal. It didn't work and the woeful number of players online is a testament of that fact.

The single player was good but, like a mistake made by almost all Halo games, it did it a TERRIBLE job of tying the narrative with the ones elaborated in other mediums.

I mean, if you didn't read the books by Greg Bear, how were you supposed to have any understanding of the Didact, the Librarian's motives and the Reclaimer's place in the universe? Then they relegated any real story telling to the terminals that people had to unlock. Wtf?

The fact that the special ops CGI was better than the whole campaign story says it all.

So I'm cautiously optimistic. I wish I can interview someone at 343 soon as drill these points into their heads (unless they are already aware of it).

"This will definitly be the biggest Halo game ever made..2015 is gonna be a great year."

You're basing this on what? I see nothing to suggest that this will be the case (not that I'm saying that it won't). Just be careful and don't get ahead of yourself in case you end up getting disappointed.

JAT3504d ago

Halo 4 online was good ... better than Reach imo ...

Not better than Halo 3 though ...

Why did they get rid of awesome shit like:

- Brute weaponry and vehicles
- Flame grenades
- Spike grenades
- Dual wielding
- Equipment deployment

These things all ROCKED in HALO 3.
Huge mistake to get rid of them.

Gazondaily3504d ago

Halo 4 was a casual fest and brought with it, many un-Halo like additions that just served to harm the game.

1. The maps were terrible. And then there were hardly any of them which made things get boring real quick.

2. Gone was the whole idea of map control with spawning weapons. Now everything was randomised with those orbital drops (aka killstreak rewards).

3. People died way too quick. Before it took skill to wear down an enemy. Now it was all ADHD mode with it only taking a few shots to kill people (and vehicles).

4. The killcam- minor gripe but if you're going to add that in, at least make sure it isn't broken. It was completely broken

H4's numbers dwindled fast. It wasn't a bad MP portion (it certainly is a lot more superior to the pretenders out there) but still, it just didn't have that Halo magic and tight balanced gameplay.

Its why 343 have personally taken notice and are now resorting back to the old arena style gameplay. I hope they succeed in implementing the changes as a result of the criticisms they've supposedly taken on board.

I don't envy them in their task of keeping Halo fresh whilst still keeping the identity of the game intact. Its no mean feat that's for sure.

christocolus3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

Septic septic septic don't be a skeptic. Have faith bro. I'm basing it all on what i've read about the game, interviews, mp trailers, the rumored tech behind the game and lastly these..




Some of these may never happen but im still hoping for the best..

aviator1893504d ago

I feel that the Halo 4's flaws stem from the foundations that Bungie set with Reach (armor abilities, sprint and whatnot).
343i was a relatively new studio, they were still hiring throughout Halo 4's development, and it was their first game. Naturally, they decided to follow Bungie's Reach model and create Halo 4 according to Reach's mp style.

But I am excited that 343i is now focusing on Halo 5's mp with Halo 2/3 mp as starting points.

OpieWinston3504d ago

I feel like you didn't play Reach or chose to ignore all it's faults yet complain about Halo 4s faults.

You thought the Spartan Ops CG episodes had better story than 4? Everyone's got an opinion but that's one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

How were you supposed to have any understanding of the Didact? By playing the game and understanding the character...It doesn't take much to understand what he does without the Terminals or Greg Bear books.

And considering 343I is going to be using Nightfall and the Spielberg series to help get people understanding the Halo 5 Guardians story as well. Instead of just using Forward Unto Dawn to introduce Lasky.

I hope you NEVER interview anyone at 343i...They'd just start shaking their heads and be like "Do you even play Halo?".

Gazondaily3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )


I'm not talking about Reach am I though? And if you really wanna test my skills I'm happy to go against you on it if you want.

The spartan ops cg was far more consistent than the main campaign's storytelling.

Understanding the Didact through the game?? The fact that he turned the human race that existed millenia ago into those promethean knights?? That there is a duplicate of him and that his motivations stem from the graveminds direct interaction with him? Nonsense.

Yeah I didn't day 343 were gonna do a bad job did I? Calm down mate.

And you wanna ask me if I play Halo? gtfo out of here just because you have no ability to be critical whatsoever. If you interviewed 343,what would happen? No doubt you'll be gushing at the mouth not asking one meaningful question.

I bet you thought Halo 4's multiplayer was great right? That's why it's numbers plummeted so quickly?

Listen. I'm a Halo fan. The difference is I know how to be critical and acknowledge the problems with game. You don't. And 343 have even acknowledged these missteps. Try harder next time.

EZMickey3504d ago

@Septic I agree and disagree with you.

I feel that map control is one of the archaic traits of Halo games and I enjoy the game better without it. Nothing ruined a multiplayer match for me more than being too slow to pick up 'that one weapon'.

When I get killed in H4 mp, I know I spawned with the best fighting chance I could've had and even then there are weapons that spawn on the map, not the killstreak rewards, but the map specific weapon spawns that can turn the tide for a player who needs it.

KiwiViper853504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

Pretty sure that's the idea with holding the Halo 5 multiplayer Beta a full year out from release, so they judge the reaction to it, take feedback, and adjust the game to make it perfect.

Gazondaily3504d ago

Trust me, I'm excited about Halo 5: Guardians too and I hope 343 deliver. I'm confident they can but surely people can understand why I'm being cautious. Overall they did a good job with Halo 4 minus the multiplayer which had the shortest attach rate of the franchise's history.

But yes, they've acknowledged their mistakes and I hope they deliver upon them.

iHazelwood3504d ago

@Septic, while I agree with everything you said but did you even play Halo 4 when it first came out? It was and actually still is the longest it takes to kill someone in Halo. The BR when Halo 4 launched took 5 shots to kill someone, where as before it always took 4. It wasn't until almost a year after that they realized they fucked up and changed it back to 4 shots, making the game more fun because before it was way too slow.

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Kingdomcome2473504d ago

I agree with both you, and Septic. It's a brilliant move on 343's part in lauching the beta a full year prior to the game's lauch. This gives them plenty of time to actually implement fan feedback, and to act accordingly concerning the Halo community's concerns. Everything that I've read/seen thus far leads me to believe that they have a true passion for the franchise, and that they've recognized their mistakes in Halo 4, namely the lackluster multiplayer, and loss of Halo's multiplayer identity that occurred from trying to seemingly assimilate COD's fanbase. I've only played through the co-op campaign for Halo 2, and the Halo 4 campaign so I'm very excited for the opportunity to experience Halo fully for the first time. This along with GeOW, for the same reason (I've never played a Gears game outside of a few minutes spent with the GeOW 1 co-op campaign) were two of my biggest determining factors in buying an Xbox One as opposed to a an additional PS4 in our household.

ABizzel13504d ago

I've never been a Halo fan, I can say they're good games, but I just never really got into them and I really don't know why (Just never did anything for me).

That being said, for some reason I'm really interested in Halo: MCC, I don't know if it's simply because of the value, the convenience (I like having things conveniently in one collection), or if I'm just ready to give the games a second chance.

Kingdomcome2473504d ago

I'm excited as well. For me it's an even more incredible value because it's in essence four brand new games, Nightfall, and Halo 5's beta, all for the price of one game. I don't know what to expect, but I love games with a great story, and Halo seems to have tons of awesome lore.

Perjoss3504d ago

Blur does some of the very best game related CG trailers and cutscenes, they really are brilliant at what they do, and my friend works there :)

343i have also proven that they can deliver. Halo 4 was outstanding, especially when you consider it was running on pretty old hardware.

4Sh0w3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

I thought Halo4's multiplayer was great. They did some new refreshing things at the time when everybody said the Halo formula needed change.

I also loved Halo3 multiplayer but my favorite is still Halo2, the maps were insane I was alot younger but seriously Halo2 owned my life, thankfully I got some help at Halo-rehab, now I'm planning to relapse when this MCC launches. Oh well.

larrysdirtydrawss3504d ago

why? part 4 was the worse on all fronts except for graphics. this is not be the biggest halo ever because the xone sales arent great to begin with

otherZinc3504d ago

Really looking forward to the Master Chief Collection.

The new information towards the Halo story & playing
Campaign Co-op will be great!

DesertFoxJr3504d ago

I really hope H:TMCC comes to PC.

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Volkama3504d ago

Yeeeeeeyyy Halo 17 confirmed. Where do I pre-order that and all the editions inbetween?

Charybdis3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

First four will be available in master chief collection in november , halo 17 might take a while longer to release. Not sure on halo 5 but they do seem to put out a halo every 3 year with in between other halo branded releases such as halo wars and odst.

Volkama3504d ago

I was only joking, but appreciate your effort to help :)

Farmassy3504d ago

Halo 17 just got delayed. I was really looking forward to it too

Aussiebeachbabe3504d ago

Farmassy/ This is microsoft not sony.

Nicxel3504d ago

If they keep to their 3 year cycle of halo titles, by the time they get to the 17th installment...I'll be in my 60s....think about it...I don't think I've ever run into an elderly person on halo haha. I'll be yelling at kids calling them whipper-snappers as I T-bag them.

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ChronoJoe3504d ago

Should be 2046 for Halo 17 then right? Maybe we'll see it at E3 2045.


cruzngta3504d ago

Rez has not been spoken of but there was a statement by 343 in which they stated they will be delivering this game at a solid 60 fps so we will have to wait and see where they get with the rez. I am curious if dx12 will factor into this game by the time it is released because that may help in getting it to 1080/60.

OOMagnum3504d ago

Halo 5 is gonna be massive. I wonder if the flood will return I kinda miss them.

Mikefizzled3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

Locke has research division under his command. They find an ancient artifact in Nightfall, that being a shattered Halo installation. Alpha Halo was home to a 'flesh mutating bioweapon'. Which is basically the flood. Assuming they are one and the same its pretty much flood confirmed. Also Didact isn't dead...

aviator1893504d ago

I don't think it's the flood.
In the nightfall trailer, they describe the new threat as something that infects only humans and nothing else. And infection occurs over a wide area, not physical contact, so it's something new, I think.

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Five Games to Play While Waiting for Armored Core 6

The newest From Software game is just around the corner. These are five excellent games to play while waiting for Armored Core 6.

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Si-Fly274d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast274d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125274d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx274d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro273d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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Best Xbox Game Studios Franchises

These are some of the best and most popular video game franchises now owned by Xbox Game Studios and Microsoft.

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Sciurus_vulgaris283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Microsoft was involved with Halo, Gears, Forza, Ori, Flight Simulator and Fable from early development, I will give them credit for those franchises. Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Doom were established franchise before being acquired by MS.

Crows90282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

Exactly. They had nothing to do with their most popular franchises now.

Their old franchises are dwindling and pretty much non-existent.

They've had perfect dark in the chamber this whole time and haven't done squat...that tells you the kind of company they are. Fable is another franchise that's been destroyed and ignored...let's see how the new game turns out.

Profchaos281d ago

Yeah perfect dark, banjo conquer ms seems to kill more franchises then they like to admit while pretending to care about others like hexen

Sitdown282d ago

Given the article specifically says "now owned", what made you feel the need to do a break down?

thesoftware730281d ago


Because it's N4G and any opportunity to shit on MS is never missed.

Rude-ro282d ago

Gears is not.
It was the same as mass effect:
Just contracted.

closed_account283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Ah yes, feels like forever ago since Microsoft created Skyrim. So much so, I had actually forgotten they had created it and the other Elder Scrolls games! 🤔

*They really shaped my preteen years w the original Doom too!

ocelot07282d ago

Don't forget the original Elder Scrolls way back in 1994 or fallout in 1997.

Sitdown279d ago

So you don't understand the combination of "now owned"?

Crows90282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time.

Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made ...in that case the franchises should be fine. But then...they shouldn't really get credit.

DOMination-282d ago

"I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time."

Based on what?? Microsoft usually gets stick for releasing too MANY games in their franchises, to the point where it's quite a long-running joke - one I'm sure you've partaken in before.

Pretty much all of their major IP has had releases in the last five years or have upcoming releases scheduled so I see no evidence whatsoever for this claim.

"Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made"

But.. They HAVE been very hands-off for a long time and have drawn lots of criticism for it?

fr0sty282d ago

See: All of Rare's games

DOMination-282d ago

I really wouldn't say that MS have let Rare franchises die. They've just had the freedom to create new IP in Sea of Thieves and Everwild. MS are currently developing a Perfect Dark game, licensed Killer Instinct out, Rare themselves released several compilations and several Banjo games as well as PDZ in the past.

I'm not sure what else you could want. They can only make one game at a time. You can't say MS let all their franchises die but also be annoyed that they allow their studios to make new IP.

Profchaos281d ago

If that's the case where my banjo or conquer sequel why didn't I get sunset overdrive 2 oh yeah not enough bro in those games

ChasterMies282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

EA is a good example of what can happen to a franchise when a larger corporation buys up studios from a smaller corporation. Quarterly earnings should never matter more than quality.

wiz7191282d ago

@Crows that is the case , Zenimax is operating independently of MS and have full creative freedom to do what they want. Zenimax games aren’t being published under XGS ,

ravens52282d ago

Soon Microsoft will be known for making Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Candy Crush, Call of Duty etc. Lmao they know what they're doing. Especially with the archiving issue the gaming industry has.

closed_account282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

Microsoft built the game industry. Microsoft invented games. Didn't you know? ;)

**What a bizzaro world we live in where the losers can become the winners overnight.

Hypertension140282d ago


What are those franchises you're talking about?
Activision/Blizzard only makes Call of Duty and Bethesda has Elder Scrolls and Starfield only, stop making it seen that is much more anti competitive/consumer than it actually is.......

Profchaos281d ago

Zero creative vision and the ability to bankroll it by purchasing everything that everyone else had success with even Halo wasn't technically theirs Bungie had to sell it to them to become independent

Atari6052B282d ago

You mean any studio Microsoft could acquire to flog last gen games on game pass ... What happened to HD-DVD that Microsoft pushed so hard ...

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic283d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.