
Performance Analysis: Alien: Isolation

In essence, we have a locked parity between the two consoles in terms of image quality, but when it comes down to performance, it's clear that Sony console offers up a smoother and more consistent gameplay experience. The PS4 delivers a v-synced, fairly stable 30fps presentation with no screen-tear.

Creative Assembly has targeted parity in terms of resolution and graphical fidelity across both consoles, but in doing so has incurred a performance hit on the Xbox One. Perhaps lowering resolution might have worked out as an acceptable compromise in order to achieve a more stable frame-rate.

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stonecold33529d ago

got this on ps4 and enjoying this game

MRMagoo1233529d ago

Another win for ps4 in the battleground of multiplats, this game will scare me too much tho I feel.

person1234man3529d ago

considering that I can play it at full 1080p highest graphics settings and get 144fps i wouldn't call it a win for any console. 30fps is unacceptable in this day and age.

MRMagoo1233529d ago

Which console do you do that on ? Xbone or ps4 ? Because that's what this article is about.

If you are talking about pc I too can play it on my pc with higher settings it's not the best pc but it has an Fx8350 cpu a gtx 750ti OC and 8 gig set of 1600 vengeance ram but that's not what this article is about is it.

Kosmacz3529d ago

Is it scary? I really mean it :-) I'd like to play it if it is ;-) Otherwise, i am not interested ;-P

Mornzie3529d ago

Well it better be scarey, otherwise it's a bit of a failure if it's a horror game looking to scare people!

From the looks of it, it's very atmospheric and likes to build suspense, if you're into fast paced shooters this one is not for you. If you're a fan of the alien movies then definitely.

Gazondaily3529d ago

"Indeed, the situation is pretty interesting: Creative Assembly has targeted parity in terms of resolution and graphical fidelity across both consoles, but in doing so has incurred a performance hit on the Xbox One."

Told you so. You didn't even need Digital Foundry for it. You should have taken my analysis as the final one:


Neonridr3529d ago

lmao, that is hilarious Septic.

That being said, I wonder if this will ring true when the AC Unity analysis hits. Even though resolutions are the same, performance might be better on the PS4 version. And maybe all these people who are screaming bloody murder about the whole #paritygate will step down from off the ledge..

Kribwalker3529d ago

I'd say let them jump. They are getting upset about a video game, obviously they don't have much to live for

MasterCornholio3529d ago

Digital Foundary provided us with a framerate analisis. Funny how you didn't do an analysis on the framerate.

Do you have the equipment to measure it like digital foundary?

Mornzie3529d ago

Well, not really that surprising, just didn't expect a game that hasn't got alot going on, on screen to have any drops at all.

Playstation 4 wins again I suppose.

Ghost_Nappa3529d ago

Can people please shut the hell up about resolution so devs can feel more comfortable about lowering the rez on x1 so they can give me a more stable game?

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banger8854d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


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Rebel_Scum231d ago

tbh it doesn’t need a sequel. Fantastic game but not something to make into a long running series.


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crazyCoconuts238d ago

Good month imo. I'll play Gotham Knights and House of Ashes. I'm finishing up Disco E on Steam right now - that's a superb game.

cthulhucultist237d ago

House of Ashes was weird but one of the good weird ones! Really enjoyed it

238d ago
Lexreborn2238d ago

I really enjoyed Gotham knights playing with my friend

238d ago
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