
Bloodborne Director Explains Why the Game is PS4-Exclusive, Says It’s “Only Possible” on PS4

Speaking to PlayStation LifeStyle in an interview at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, we asked Bloodborne Director Hidetaka Miyazaki why the action RPG is a PS4-exclusive and here’s what he said:

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mochachino3531d ago

As a PS4 owner, to be fair they meant next-gen consoles.

xHeavYx3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

It's called Clickbait 101, your title wouldn't be as "controversial"

G20WLY3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Only possible to play this on PS4 would have been more truthful.

Also: Can't. Frickin'. Wait.

nX3531d ago

Everybody knows that From Software & SCEJA are just continuing the partnership they started with Demon's Souls which turned out pretty successful. Bloodborne could've theoretically existed on every console, even the Wii U.

Kyosuke_Sanada3531d ago

-says to Heavy in Knight Lautrec's voice-

And they will come....like moths to a flame.......

DevilOgreFish3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Hidetaka Miyazaki - "I always wanted to make a game set in the Victorian era, but to make it look good — with all the clothing and the architecture and thnigs — required a console more powerful than the ones that were around. the arrival of the PS4 finally gave us that. Bloodborne isn’t a game that could have been cross-generation, it was only possible on PS4."

Not possible through cross generation development he means.

mikeslemonade3531d ago

Exclusives need to stay exclusive. Support these developers!

The only game that shouldn't be exclusive is Bayonetta 2. Whole point of exclusive is it makes a better game, making on WiiU is counter-productive.

kreate3531d ago

'Only possible on ps4'

What does that really mean?

guitarded773531d ago

Technically, it is "only possible on PS4" because Sony owns the IP and I don't think they'd put it anywhere else. Just like SSB is only possible on Nintendo. Unless something changes.

Anyway... yes, click bait indeed.

NukaCola3531d ago

Sony and From Software have a good relationship. Xbone gamers will have a new Souls game as well but this spiritual successor will just be PS4 only. From Software is an open developer... ie 3D Dot Game Heroes on PS3 and Ninja Blade on X360.

AndrewLB3531d ago

Had his statement been the honest truth, we'd also see a PC version considering that mid-range graphics cards have at least 2x the processing power of a PS4. Plus there are FAR more than 10,000,000 PC gamers with graphics cards that powerful, so the lack of a PC version is either because they're foolish or have a deal with Sony. Not because of the reasoning he used.

Forn3531d ago

Considering this game wouldn't have been made as incredible as it is without Miyazaki, From AND Sony Japan Studio (1st party) teaming up, yes, it is only possible on PS4 because that's where the best developers are. That and of course being able to create the game without compromise to vision because of the power and development tools provided on PS4.

XBLSkull3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

"required a console more powerful than the ones that were around"

Notice he didn't say PCs, and remember the X1 came out after the PS4. Whomever wrote the headline is deliberately taking his comments out of context to push an agenda.

What was he going to say? "From a technical standpoint the Xbox One could also handle our game"? It's a PS4 exclusive so most devs aren't going to be talking about if it could be made on a competing platform.

DOMination-3530d ago

It roughly translates to "Sony gave us loads of money"

frezhblunts3530d ago

Mikeslemonade you sound dumb and childish, your saying bayonetta 2 is not a better sequel? I am sure you would never get to play and probably jealous that it is an exclusive but it looks amazing and the ratings are saying it is good. Just because it was on Wii U doesn't mean it is not better..... On bloodborne, cant wait till feb 2015 that would be a great exclusive and I believe we will start getting pretty hot exclusive from there

Chrischi19883530d ago

Mikeslemonade is a perfect picture of a fanboy. What exactly is it, that makes Bayonetta 2 on Wii U so bad? Just because of the Wii U, not the story and the game itself, the hardware makes the game a bad game^^ All should have exclusives, but when nintendo has one, they are not allowed and it is bad^^ How stupid, sorry for that, but it absolutely makes no sense and just shows your level of fanboyism.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3530d ago
kingduqc3531d ago

Im sure they can do the exact gameon any modern pc and the xbone... i mean that just plain bullshit that translate :we have a deal withsony and thwy pay us to say nice things on ps4

on_line_forever3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

we want PC version

k3rn3ll3531d ago

Your right. But what he meant isn't wouldn't have worked on 360 and ps3 while keeping the artistic vision. The contract is what's keeping it from being on pc and xbox one. I don't think anyone can truly say this would run on wiiU.

But yea I wish it was on xboxone and pc just as much as anyone else. Sucks for other gamers. I'll buy it eventually but not at launch. Witcher 3 is going to be taking all my time in February and possibly all the way to April

d3nworth13530d ago

Sony owns the IP and won't allow it to be down any other platform.

frezhblunts3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

I am pretty sure it could be done on Wii U but not as good specs, it wouldn't be 1080p and 60fps due to Wii U's power. Not that they can't hit those numbers but with a game like BloodBorne it is just too much for that system to hit those numbers and I love my Wii U though but I got my ps4 for the exclusives I missed out on because I had a xbox 360 and for games involving a lot of internet power.

peshkavusCA3530d ago

@irokster + 7h ago


No we dont.

^because you're devoted to PS4.

assdan3530d ago

I'm tired of these articles. You see this with every third party exclusive. It's not because it's not possible, sony just published the game. From seems to prefer sony as well, and that's probably another factor.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3530d ago
oasdada3530d ago

i think by that it means why its not on ps3.. and FYI demon souls that brought this franchise to life was both SCE's and from softwares baby.. never forget

cloudVIIWarrior3530d ago

Agreed glad this is coming to PS4 but seriously there's no difference my friend has an xb1 and there's no difference in the specs in fact destiny appears to have far better frame rate on xb1 which I was a bit dissapointed about but still happy with the ps4

XanderZane3530d ago

It's only possible because Sony helped fund the game. lol!! If Microsoft throws a billion to From Software I'll bet Bloodborne 2 will be only possible on the Xbox One. Hilarious!!!

Anyways, I don't care what platform it's on, as long as I get to play it. That's the great thing about being a True Gamer. You get to play ALL the GREAT GAMES, on ALL the BEST PLATFORMS.Now when is Star Citizen & The Last Guardian going to be released?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3530d ago
EvilWay3531d ago

Does anyone else hate when devs say "only available here." Like that is complete B.S and we all know it. The same experience could be made on other platforms, it isn't like the PS4, X1, or PC are mystical machines. They are basically the same, just a little more powerful than each other.

lameguy3531d ago

I think I would be an awful interviewer in these situations. I would have pressed to re-ask the same question again to get him to answer accordingly (if I could). Of course, I would also try to be as explicit as possible and not leave any room to the imagination to begin with, but in the event I messed up, I'd have to re-ask.

DLConspiracy3530d ago

Actually that's the sign of a good interviewer. Not settling for open ended answers.

TomahawkX3531d ago

read the article, Miyazaki is talking about cross-gen meaning ps3/360 because a lot of Japanese players still have PS3s and want it on previous gen.

MoveTheGlow3531d ago

Yeah, and on cross-generation I completely agree with him. You could split your team later on to port the thing, but you need a game like that optimized and running as well as it can - otherwise, what's the point?

geddesmond3531d ago

Half of the time I think these developers mean that if Sony japan hadn't of came to them with an offer to create a new IP in the Souls type adventure like they did with Demon Souls then the IP wouldn't have came to be. From Software would have probably made a next gen Dark Souls thats multiplat but now they have help and funding from Sony for a new project.

fr0sty3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

There are still ways you can craft a game to take full advantage of one specific architecture that would make the game unplayable on other architectures without heavy compromises.

Make a game that maxes out a PC with the latest Intel/Nvidia chips and a ton of RAM, and make that game take full advantage of that particular PC build's capabilities, and you aren't going to be running that game on any other system (PC included) without heavy compromises. Any multiplatform title must cater to the lowest common denominator when making decisions that affect the gameplay itself, like AI, physics, etc.

AndrewLB3531d ago

That's not true. Every single PC game made is designed with 3-5 major levels of detail and within each of those all sorts of adjustments to tune a game to your system. That is no different than what developers do when they make games multi-platform, except for each console they get one specific setting configuration, not five+.
By making a game geared at the most powerful system, it is extremely simple to then "de-tune" that version to create the lower levels of detail found in PC game settings as well as the versions for consoles. IN fact it's so simple, most of the time by picking one detail setting below maximum on the PC version, that would work perfectly fine on a PS4 for example. And two settings lower for the Xbone version.

fr0sty3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

You missed my point entirely. The fact that they have such scalability is what limits them. If the developer targeted one specific build of PC (which will never happen, but I'm speaking theoretically here), and put in features such as physics and AI that the game relied on that maxed out that build to its fullest potential (we'll assume it is a monster build), you wouldn't be able to port that game to weaker hardware without making some big compromises to the gameplay itself. Much like you couldn't put a modern dynasty warriors game on NES, even if you made all the graphics 2D, because the system simply isn't capable of keeping up with that many characters on screen at once. that would be a compromise that would affect how the game itself played, and so a direct port wouldn't be possible.

That is my point. When you make something multiplatform, there is no way for it to fully utilize any particular hardware configuration.

I'm not saying that is the case with this game, as there isn't much I've seen that would make me say that this game couldn't be ported... maybe at a lower resolution or with a few effects dialed back, but it could be done from what i've seen. The only instance I could see a game having trouble being ported from PS4 to XO would be if it made very heavy use of the additional compute units in the GPU for GPGPU tasks that the gameplay itself relied upon.

pwnsause_returns3531d ago

its more PR speak than anything.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3530d ago
alb18993531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

This tiltes!

user56695103530d ago

Where where? Oh you said titles

user3672723531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

It is only possible on PS4 because Sony paid for it just like Sunset Overdrive is only possible on XB1.

bazinga_913531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Read the article. It helps.

user3672723531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Lmao..if you read the article like I did..he said the game is too technical for cross gen and not about it can't run on a similar gen hardware like the XB1. Maybe you are the one that need to undestand what you are reading. So I stand corrected as the the reason why this game is only on PS4 is because Sony is the publisher and paid for it just like Sunset Overdrive. Also, the title is a bit misleading when the director was talking specifically about cross gen vs current gen and not that it is "Only" possible on Ps4. FYI, my original reply was to mocked the ridiculous flame bait headline submitted by PlayStationlifestyle.

PCBOX3531d ago

"It is only possible on PS4 because Sony paid for it " %100 true.

That kind of ilustrations just for PR and BS.I played the game at Gamescom of course looking good and art style is fantastic but technicaly not at all close to Ryse,TO 1886 or Quantum Break.

So it is only possible on PS4 because the reason is completely what you just said above but I swear Sony fanboys will not agree with you and me plus will start to talk about hardware which they even have no idea.Let it gooo

Saito3531d ago

Why do everything playstation hurt you? I honestly feel sad for you..

rarity3531d ago

how did they pay for it when they own the I.p? and do you ever think about what you say or do you just type the first thing that comes to mind?

reko3531d ago

Stfu,you havent played it yet.
Nice try tho.

beerzombie3530d ago

52+ fan-boys disagree with you it obvious that you need to readjust your thinking burn all things Xbox and buy a ps4.
Quantum break to me could be a game changer if done right the emergence of TV and gaming could prove fantastic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3530d ago
Mr_Writer853531d ago

Sony are also co-developing and own the IP

GameDev13531d ago

Sony didn't just pay for it like Sunset Overdrive. Blood borne is co-developed with Sony Japan studios, that's how Sony works, they actually make their first party studios work and fund second parties rather than throwing money at them

Ausbo3531d ago

They may not have payed for blood borne, but you are crazy if you think sony has never payed for an exclusive before.

No doubt microsoft does it the most, but most likely everyone else has done it. Including nintendo.

beerzombie3530d ago

Same thing; plus a lot of the games that Ms paid for were offered to Sony and they were not interested. This is a business and Ms has the big bucks so the more power too buy games I want to play.
The bigger issue that you fan boys talk about is developing 2nd party studios. I think you are wrong the way they do it is better because they can cherry pick what they want and let the developer keep the ip rights. Its a plus for all involved.

Rowco1473531d ago

Sunset overdrive is only 900p on Xbox 1 what's up with that. Thought they gained 10% with the removal of kinect

Ausbo3531d ago

they used it to put more enemies and effects on screen

Killzoner993531d ago

Nice try TROLL. Are you aware that the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbone? So any game that is designed specifically for the PS4 would be impossible to run on the Xbones inferior hardware. You Xbots need to understand that the PS4s exclusives cannot be matched.

DLConspiracy3530d ago

You sound angry at people for owning another type of console to play a hobby on. Calm down Fred Phelps.

LamerTamer3530d ago

The xbone could run any game the PS4 could just at lower quality. Just turn down the res to 900p or 792p and get rid of some AO and shadow detail, now you have the xbone version.

marloc_x3530d ago

Err..Sony was looking for a new ip. Miyazaki was speaking about not being on PS3.

You bring shame to our Sony family zoner..

user56695103530d ago

Hmm. If I make a game by myself, I'm footing the whole bill.

Now let me ask this.

If someone came to me to Co developed a project does that mean they didn't pay for it and didn't throw money at the project?

Is a dev considered 2nd party if they make multiplat games?

Yea you always see these excuses and spin moves in ps articles

Spotie3530d ago

But if you knew anything about the game, you'd know the IP is owned by Sony and they're helping develop the title.

Pretty sure that's different from Sunset Overdrive.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3529d ago
HeartlessGamer3531d ago

Sony trademarked bloodborne that's why it's only on PS4

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The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno56d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3356d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree56d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga55d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno55d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast23d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno23d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast23d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.


9 Years Later, Does Bloodborne Deserve All The Praise It Gets?

Saad from eXputer: "Almost a decade later, it's time to take the nostalgia goggles off and accept that Bloodborne has long been surpassed by its successors."

jznrpg57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Yes, yes it does. It’s still a great game. Elden Ring isn’t better just different and a bit easier . I like that you have to be aggressive but smart in Bloodborne

thorstein57d ago

I literally replayed it recently and it's better than I remember. I think it's like going back to a beloved book and noticing things I hadn't before.

raWfodog57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Yo! I was getting ready to reply with the exact same four words you started with lol. Yes, I think Bloodborne has withstood the test of time and remains a great game. That’s why all the fans are hoping for a sequel someday. Hoping that we can catch that magic again with a new storyline.

Leeroyw57d ago

Yes. Just replayed it a few days ago. My first Platinum. And yes. I rage quitted so many times and called it BS too when I started. It's tight. The combat is amazing and the lore is rich.

GamingSinceForever57d ago

Elden Ring was easier? I don’t know about that at all. I remember leveling up in Bloodborne and breezing through it. In Elden Ring no matter how powerful I got I was still catching a beat down from every boss.

thorstein57d ago

That's due to scaling enemies. I remember not doing Haligtree untill near the end and having enemies withstand almost a full blast from Azur's Glintstone Staff Comet Azure. My level was quite high.

Melee characters are not fun in that game, especially for the Elden Beast.

MeteorPanda57d ago

Considering l did a run 2 months ago? Yes.

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Bloodborne's Potential Remaster Continues To Be Sony's Biggest Missed Opportunity

"Sony is missing out on a hugely profitable opportunity by ignoring fan demands for a Bloodborne remaster and PC port," says Ahmed from eXputer.

thorstein86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software. What missed opportunity? I am sure the people at From Software know what they are doing. Especially since they are hiring devs instead of laying them off.

Maybe do an article about that instead of writing a hit piece on them acting like they don't know how to run their business.

86d ago
-Foxtrot85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

To be fair Hidetaka Miyazaki said in an interview

“Unfortunately, and I’ve said this in other interviews, it’s not in my place to talk about Bloodborne specifically. We simply don’t own the IP at FromSoftware.”

So the ball kind of is in Sonys court, it feels like a missed opportunity because it’s something people really want and Sony just hasn’t really been bothered to get it off the ground. There was rumours it was at one point but it all went silent.

Cacabunga84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Sony has been missing nothing but opportunities for a few years now.. since GOW release, it’s worrying silence we’ve been getting..

As for Bloodborne, imo it would be too soon to release it because PS4 game still looks phenomenal..

Bloodborne REMAKE I think will be PS6 launch title by Bluepoint. I truly hope so! 2 gens later we can get the same wow effect as Demons Souls.

Eonjay84d ago

He is right because it is Sonys IP but a little further back he also explained that they only work on one game at a time. This means that From must also be available. In other words it could already be in the pipeline. Ecen if that is the case, it's still up to Sony to reveal it when they are ready. As ever, I prefer not to hear about it until it's about 3 to 6 months from releasing.

CrashMania85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

'Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software'

Actually Sony owns the IP, same with Demon's Souls. I think they'd prefer if From did the work on any future of both of those though, but if Sony wanted to they could have those off to anyone else to work on them, like the DS remake.

thorstein85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Yeah. Thanks for the info.

But I still think that remasters should wait a generation. And Blue Point did Demon's Souls which was superb.

It can be a huge risk. And I think Hidetaka Miyazaki hinted that it would be a PS6 title. I don't he has no say in what happens, it's a partnership.

--Onilink--84d ago

To be honest, if there is a remake/remaster (not that it needs one) I would prefer someone else to handle it, like they did with Demon Souls

From many perspectives From Soft is an amazing developer, BUT, on a technical level they are far from impressive, both in terms of dated visuals (again, on a technical level, not art/design) and usually poor performance.

And what is the point of a remake/remaster if not to provide a visual and performance enhancement to a game that already nailed the rest?

Michiel198984d ago

@thorstein what huge risk? Part of one of the most well known ip's in gaming nowadays, there's not much risk there when it comes to a remake.

thorstein84d ago


I meant remasters in general are a huge risk, not Bloodborne.

Bloodborne isn't, but I think it's going to be on PS6, like how Demon's Souls went from PS3 to PS5.

Sorry for the confusion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 84d ago
thesoftware73084d ago (Edited 84d ago )


Wow, your post seems angry..relax it's an opinion.

And btw, it is on Sony, they have the exclusive right to the game, on top of that, they could have easily, at bare minimum, offered an official 60fps patch, with a few extras and charged people $10 to upgrade or $30-40 for new buyers.

I believe I saw an interview where , FromSoft said it was all up to Sony on a sequel and other dealing with the game.

A "hit peice", that serious huh?..relax lol.

thorstein84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Wow you seem angry. I responded to crash 2 days ago about the remaster and who did it.

Why do you care what other people think in a moment about some journalism. Calm down, buddy, it's just my opinion. From 3 days ago.

Edit: I just went back through my comments and found 2 where I call out the author in the past month. Wow, I'm a rageaholic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 84d ago
potatoseal85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

It will be a launch title on PS6 just like the remake of Demon's Souls for PS5 launch

OhReginald84d ago

Sony realizes people will flock to buy ps6s for a bloodborne remake. Easy money.

jznrpg84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Rumored it’s slated for PS6 launch. Some say PS5 Pro. Who knows ?

P_Bomb84d ago

Highly requested, unfortunately neglected.

jznrpg57d ago

Some say we didn’t need TLOU2 remake but that was a PS4 game and now we need a BB remake but that was a PS4 game. We send mixed signals

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