
7 Blizzard Games That Were Cancelled Before Titan

8CN: Although Blizzard has always said they have a "highly iterative development process," many fans would claim it's more like a case of everything just taking too freaking long. We’ve seen many games come and go with Blizzard, so we thought we’d mention a few of the Blizzard games that never saw the light of day, in honor of Titan’s recent cancellation.


Five Cancelled Video Games That Deserved a Chance

Gotta wonder why Starcraft: Ghost literally became a ghost.

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shinoff2183459d ago

Wish they did more then 5. There's a ton more out there.

TheSenorCheese459d ago

It's obviously something that can be revisited. But, yup, agree.

darthv72459d ago

Im surprised 1313 has not been revisited after the success of Fallen Order.

shinoff2183459d ago

Hope I will cause it sounded amazing.

Knightofelemia459d ago

I was always curious about Scalebound until it was scrapped.

TheSenorCheese459d ago

One of the titles we missed covering. But our guess? Uneasiness between Platinum and Microsoft.

Godmars290459d ago

You mean MS wanting a MP component for an obvious SP game.

porkChop459d ago (Edited 459d ago )

Platinum said they actually deserve a lot of the blame. Realistically both parties made mistakes. Platinum bit off more than they could chew at the time, and MS didn't quite understand how to just sit back and let the devs work their magic.

Hopefully the two can come together and try again because the game sounded really good.

jznrpg459d ago (Edited 459d ago )

If it was a single player game I think it would have had a better chance of coming out . Ms wanted it to be online co-op . Dragon games aren’t easy to make and making it co-op is even harder and to me that was the major factor of why it failed

gangsta_red458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

Not sure where people are getting their info that MS 'wanted' it to be co-op. From it's first teaser it was shown to have some type of co-op feature. It was probably pitched to MS as a multiplayer co-op game and Kamiya has gone on record saying he bit off a bit more than he could chew. You can definitely see elements on what they wanted to do with Scalebound in Bayonetta 3.


Godmars290458d ago

Largely because the game existed before MS wanted it. Another is that more if not all Xbox titles have been online coop. Lastly, in in-game continuity, it made no sense to have customized versions of the same character popping up for boss fights. At least, as a hyped feature of the game, I've never heard explanation for it.

Regardless of what a dev, who wants to do business with MS so likely isn't going to badmouth them, says. Of course they're going to share blame in what a client wanted, even if that one thing was the exact thing making the project "more than he could chew".

gangsta_red458d ago (Edited 458d ago )


"Largely because the game existed before MS wanted it."

Where are you getting this info from, because the story I've read is that Kamiya had the idea for a while and always wanted to make it but ultimately went with Bayonetta. He then pitched the idea to MS and then started to develop it. There may have been ideas for features from in other games that may have found there way to Scalbound, but Scalebound was not created beforehand.

"Another is that more if not all Xbox titles have been online coop."

That may be true for most MS games but that still doesn't mean it was mandated by MS for Platinum to do. And even if it was, Platinum agreed to do it, there wasn't a surprise by MS that they needed to add multiplayer halfway through development. That is not how third party development works, both parties agree through signed contracts beforehand what's expected with milestone deliverables.

"..it made no sense to have customized versions of the same character popping up for boss fights."

Not sure what you're not understanding, but there were customized versions of different players coming to help for boss fight. Maybe there was a mechanic to have characters equip different gear, the same type of features that is pretty standard found in multiple games of its type.

"Of course they're going to share blame in what a client wanted, even if that one thing was the exact thing making the project "more than he could chew"."

Kamiyah has never held back his opinions, he's been extremely outspoken in the past. Enough years has gone by for him to have told even a fraction of what you think might have happened and still not him or anyone from Platinum, from recent employees to any ex employee has said anything of what you are claiming.

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Top 10 Games We’re Happy Got Cancelled

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Sometimes, a game getting cancelled is actually a blessing in disguise that either helps the developer or game series reach new heights with what actually does come next or just saves our time and money by keeping what would obliviously have been a bad time lost forever."

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harmny1762d ago

You're happy for the lay offs too?

PiNkFaIrYbOi1762d ago

Why would anyone be happy about any game being cancelled?

1762d ago
0hMyGandhi1762d ago

okay, I'll bite.
I friggin adored Arkane's version of Prey (it's basically the spiritual successor to System Shock that we never got) but I would have loved to see the bounty hunter iteration of the sequel as well, perhaps as it's own IP.

2ndhandcorn1762d ago

Scalebound for me was happy it got canned , the concept seemed picked out of a hat lol terrible.

Knightofelemia1762d ago

That RE title on Gameboy colour looks like an Atari Lynx game


10 Highly Anticipated Video Games That Never Saw the Light of Day

There have been so many games from major developers that we have been excited to finally play, that somehow, in some way, got axed before they were ever completed.

It's time to take a look back, and pour one out for all of the lost brothers and sisters of gaming that were taken before their time.

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FallenAngel19842208d ago

Deep Down is never going to see the light of day

porkChop2208d ago

Shame, it looked pretty cool.

IamTylerDurden12208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

My top 10

Star Wars 1313 - This was my if Star Wars and Mass Effect had a baby, sorta..

Silent Hills - P.T. nuff said.

Deep Down - Visuals were stunning. Capcom, please.

Agent - it has become the R* version of TLG.

Bioshock VITA - It was legitimately planned and in the works, until it wasn't..

Visceral Star Wars - Visceral, Hennig, 3rd person Star Wars action.

Scalebound - Looked awesome early on, other than the Beats By Dre..

Prey 2

Infamous VITA (rumor)

IamTylerDurden12208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

Infamous VITA was a rumor. It was to be called Infamous: Electric Souls and Nate Fox pretty much promised me. Darn you Nate.

The Santa Monica space RPG was a shame. Too bad SSM has such high standards, i bet it wasn't that bad.

gamerpop2208d ago

Star Wars 1313 and the recently canceled EA game were big upsets.

Raven7222208d ago

Fable Legends? Really? Every other game on that list I can agree with but that. That game never had hype. It had artificial hype from people who wanted it to be more than what it was looking to become. It was hardly ever spoken of outside of list wars and some poor schmuck who was forced to write about the game because it made an appearance at some convention. It wasn't what people wanted. They wanted a proper Fable game. They got a garbage asymmetrical multiplayer game in the vein of Evolve but even less exciting.

The 10th Rider2207d ago

Eh, I think the original concept was decent enough, even if it was nothing spectacular. However it felt like the more and more they showed the worse it looked.

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