
Hyrule Warriors review – The Defilement of Zelda | Metro

Metro :

"If you know what Dynasty Warriors is then you already know exactly what to expect of this game. We’ve seen many Zelda fans and Wii U owners trying to convince themselves that this would be something more substantial, but despite a few minor improvements to the formula this is just as shallow and repetitive as the Warriors games have always been. And we really can’t understand why the team-up ever seemed like a good idea to Nintendo.

Given its niche appeal in the West there’s actually a good chance you haven’t heard of Dynasty Warriors before, but the fact that it’s so easy to describe is part of the problem. The closet point of comparison is a 3D version of old school scrolling beat ‘em-ups like Final Fight, in terms of both the limited number of moves, the equally limited intelligence of your enemies, and the intense repetition of the gameplay."

weekev153526d ago

Oh dear what an uninformed review. Clearly figured that somehow this was going to be a fully fledged Zelda game. I know everyone is entitled to an opinion but why get someone who clearlyhates Warriors to review a warriors game. Itd be like asking me to review Halo, immediately starting in a bad place.

3-4-53526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

* There is a similar article on the front page of Yahoo right now.

Guess who write it......


Polygon HAS NO Integrity, Ethics or Morales, and either does this "site" for printing it.

We see through your BS Polygon, Nobody respects you guys anymore. Your washed up.

marloc_x3526d ago

Fair enough. I am gonna enjoy it thoroughly..

Xof3526d ago

You'll notice there are a half-dozen competent reviews on the first page of N4G right now, and this is the only one with any comments.

If you're going to complain about hitbaiting drivel like this, take a step back and realize that it only exist because of YOUR patronage and all those like you.

pcz3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

its not uninformed- metro are not newbies, they have been doing this for a very, very long time. back when the internet didnt even exist, actually. they are from all the way back in the teletext days and are highly respected for their up-front and painfully honest reviews.

people in the know are well aware of this, others from a different generation who are used to journalists praising every major game that comes their way wont understand this thing called 'totally unbiased reviewing.'

you may disagree with the review and write it off as uninformed, but once you play the game you will realsise that actually, metro are right. nobody wants to hear it, (or maybe has the balls to say it) because its a zelda game, but sometimes these things have to be said.

i also believe in this type of reviewing, because that is what people need- honesty, after all, we are paying in our hard earned money for these games.

i always had my doubts about this game, even though it does look good, and although i am seeing a lot of positive reviews for the game, metro's review is the one i know is the no-nonsense one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3526d ago
RAFFwaff3526d ago ShowReplies(4)
Gamer19823526d ago

Metro is a national newspaper not a troll site.

wonderfulmonkeyman3526d ago ShowReplies(2)
crusf3526d ago

Gaming journalism has really gone down the shitter.

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bunt-custardly484d ago

Nioh games definitely up there at the top alongside Ninja Gaiden BLK.

LoveSpuds484d ago

There is a decent fan base for the Nioh games, but still think they are criminally overlooked and under appreciated.

I just bought the PS5 collection to replay them again with all their DLC, a sweet collection for my games shelf for sure.

deleted484d ago

Yea, those gardens haven't been plowed in over 10 years now though. Imagine if they cultivated it, let it grow again.

Starman69484d ago

Amazing what ya can do with a samurai sword lol 🤣

tehpees3484d ago

The honourable mention though.

TheSenorCheese484d ago

originally it wasn't going to be included because of their take on Samus' character. But the gameplay's actually not bad.

Vits483d ago

Honestly, I don't know if we can even blame them for that take. Nintendo's Sakamoto was credited as the writer and from what we learned later with the Retro Studios interviews for the Prime series, Nintendo apparently never saw Samus as this stoic badass that most of the west imagined her as. Going as far as describing her as "motherly".

shinoff2183484d ago

Ninja Gaiden was dope but I don't really care for alot of their games.

484d ago
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Koei Tecmo President Would Love to do a Mario or Star Wars Musou Game

Koei Tecmo President Hisashi Koinuma said Mario and STAR WARS are the two franchises he would love to do a crossover Musou game with.

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phoenixwing1095d ago

I'd definitely buy a star wars version


Five of Gaming's Coolest Ever Limited Edition Items

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jamesclark19911171d ago

The cool thing about the PS2 chainsaw display was that there was a (kind-of) hidden compartment at the back which was the exact size to hold the PS2 steelbook.

darthv721171d ago

I have that controller but sadly I lost the main cord. And its not something that was anything close to being standard or easy to find.

PrimeVinister1170d ago

One of my friends had it back in the day and I had wondered alout why it had a detachable cord that you could lose.

My friend then said it was so they could manufacture the one unit and then fire its appropriate cord in the appropriate box.

But then we realised each version has a different socket on the unit itself - so there was zero point in it except for collectors to lose the cable.

You know the designers are on r/, gamecollecting, laughing away.

jamesclark19911170d ago

I kept my cord in the "hidden" little brown drawer on the base of the unit.