
Familiar face set for a return in The Old Republic

Revan originally appeared back in 2004 as the player character in the PC game Knights of the Old Republic as an amnesia stricken Jedi turned Sith.

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Saryk3547d ago

Well well well! I wonder what happens since I joined the Order of Revan?


The Best MMOs For When You Finally Quit World of Warcraft

Blizzard is going through some stuff right now, and people are seeing the writing on the wall— World of Warcraft might not be the best game in which to invest your time at the moment.

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SeTTriP1026d ago

Didn't know people still played this game

Jiub1026d ago

Fewer people for certain but still a lot of people.

gleepot1026d ago

Nah, I'll keep playing the game with the millions of other people. The writing on the wall says "game is not dead" even though people have claimed it is for 15 years.

Jiub1026d ago

I'd guess that people are going to filter out but then come back for the next expac when the turmoil is over. I do worry about content delays, though.