
ZTGD Review: LOL

Agetec breaks new ground in DS gaming!

L.O.L. gets in your face from the beginning by saying right on the box "If the game is boring, You are boring!" It sounds like a challenge, and it is. It's a challenge just to write this review because there is so little to this game.

It starts by a host recruiting one to three other players (thankfully only one person has to buy it because it's single card play) to tasks of their choice. It sounds neat- but it's not. You're supposed to throw out challenges like the ones displayed on the box, "Complete the Panda Bear!" "My TV remote can do _____" or ZTGD's own "This sucks. Who agrees?" After the host sets a time limit for response, everyone has their chance to come up with an answer to be voted on at the end of the round.

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