
Wait, I Have To Play Destiny For 20 Hrs. Before It Gets Good?

Bungie says Destiny becomes a "whole different kind of game" after you put 20 hours into it. Okay, so what's that say about the first 20 hours then?

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lifeisgamesok3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I agree why should this game get a pass and make it harder on game reviewers

A game should be good and fun from the start

Did games like Skyrim take this long to review no and it has way more content

Titanfall may have been short on content but it's very fun to play

user65409483527d ago

You can play for far longer than that and it will still never get good.

nX3527d ago

He didn't even read the article, it's not talking about reviews at all. Also it's the truth, the real fun starts with the end game, the (terrible) story just exists to get you there. This game has some mechanics that make it addicting as hell.

ShinMaster3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

""I Have To Play Destiny For 20 Hrs. Before It Gets Good?""

Reminds me of the time FF13 came out... only a lot more shady. This game is getting a lot of special treatment compared to other games.

@ Bloodborn

Yes, the mechanics, gunplay and graphics are rock solid. There's a lot of money invested in this game, so it's very polished.
However, that doesn't keep it from being soulless. I've played MMOs before, but this pseudo-MMO game has no personality. No memorable characters or story arcs. Its overall design is bland, generic and lacks a decent art direction. It may be pretty but its environments are vastly uninspired, as well as your gear and weapons.

PeaSFor3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

its exactly like unlocking torment difficulty and adventure mode in diablo3, thats just too bad haters and naysayers are too busy bitch and moaning about something they dont like thaan understand the concept.

im having fun with the game, so bite me polajones.

Panthers3527d ago

I have to admit the game has gotten better the more I played. I play SciFi games for their story/universe, and Bungie created one hell of an amazing universe with Halo. I am hoping this games story gets fleshed out better and they put more science into the SciFi because right now I am very annoyed with the way things are explained in this game.

Basically space magic. The Traveller and The Darkness. Really!?!??!

pedrof933526d ago

MMOs normally only get really addicting on end game.

XBLSkull3526d ago

The vast majority of gamers never even finish the campaigns of games. If your game takes 20 hours to become fun than you have horribly failed. Should have been good right from the get go.

Prime1573526d ago

World of warcraft wasn't fun from about level 20-50 in vanilla...

I expected the same of Destiny. I think it was either poor marketing and pr, or p poor consumerism, or both.

GameSpawn3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )


"This game has some mechanics that make it addicting as hell."

It's that MMO-crack baby. Too bad the first one wasn't free, unless you count the Alpha and Beta as being the "first one".

I still find it hard calling Destiny a full out MMO though. It's MMO-esk, but there are not massive city arenas with thousands of players. There is not an almost unending stream of quests (unless you consider the "Patrol" missions this). There is not any sort of player crafting and barter system.

Destiny is definitely unique in that it does not fall completely under the definition of an MMO or a FPS. It truly is a weird amalgam of the two.

Short of more expansive quests and missions, I don't think Destiny needs to do more than it has already done. I don't really want a barter/crafting system (more emphasis on barter) because it would undermine the point of "questing" for Legendary and Exotic items, utterly destroy the economy, and lead to people getting overpowered weapons and armor far to early and easily (meaning no true reward for risk and effort).

Consoldtobots3526d ago

for someone who had become REALLY bored with FPS I am enjoying the ever loving hell out of this game. Currently going through my missions using just a hand cannon and haven't had this much fun in quite some time with a shooter. fanboy reviewers can go to hell.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3526d ago
Enemy3527d ago

Skyrim wasn't good to begin with. It was bad from the start.

xPhearR3dx3527d ago

What are you smoking? Skyrim was amazing and one of the best games from last gen.

monkeyDzoro3527d ago


Skyrim story was bad. Combat was awful. The only thing Skyrim was and is still shining for... GRAPHICS. That's all it has.
Nobody remembers Skyrim for its story. Nobody remembers Skyrim for its combat.
Everybody is just talking about its graphics and mods. That's all.

Kornholic3527d ago

I invested 30 hours into Skyrim. It never got good at any point, and after reaching the 30 hour mark, I just quit.

dcj05243527d ago

Have I been teoeported to a alternate dimension? Skyrim is a fantastic game.

nix3527d ago

just like GTAIV. that game.. i spent like 30+ hours and i quit.

but how it got 10/10 across the board still amazes me.

ScottyHoss3527d ago

Agreed, skyrim just wasn't very fun to me,but destiny has been truly addicting. Some people may feel that's the opposite and that's alright, gamers should put hours into games they think are fun, and not be criticized for it.

wsoutlaw873527d ago

Skyrims combat is garbage and npcs are pointless. The only good thing about skyrim was the landscape. The quests and caves were repetitive and the gameplay wasnt good at at. Destiny has a lot of the same issues as skyrim except combat is funner in destiny. Demons/dark souls is 10x better than skyrim and doesnt really have a told story.

CJDUNCAN3527d ago

skyrim wasn't the biggest disappointment in gaming to date for me. After beating the dragon absolutely nothing happens. No rewarding cutscene, nothing. The combat was outdated and clumsy, and the graphics were ok for last gen, but not the best i've seen last gen. That game was just flat out horrible.

NewMonday3526d ago

@all of the above


some people love Skyrim some hate it, different games for different people.

Skyrim was a great game to it's audience, but some just don't like that type of game doesn't mean it's bad, but you don't see a group of people try to convince others it's mediocre.

Kidmyst3526d ago

@Nix, I felt the same with GTA4, Now GTA5 was amazing and I loved Skyrim, main story was OK it was the factions and variety of quests that made it enjoyable for many many hours. I like Destiny but it really at times feels the lacking of actual characters, and unlike other games if they kept adding in new characters I think there would be more positive responses to Destiny. It's a good shooter but repetitive quests in the same areas. I'm level 12 and hear after level 20 it gets better so we'll see.

MrCherry3526d ago

Skyrim kicka$$ this....game is not half of that!

3526d ago
NarooN3526d ago

Skyrim is yet another over-hyped game. That's all gamers do nowadays it seems, just over-hypes everything and even latches on to games just because everyone else is doing it. It's pathetic and shameful.

DOMination-3526d ago

Off topic but what is with everyone using the word "addicting" ? Is this some new Americanism because the word should be "addictive" and even if "addicting" is a word, its going to be a verb so is being used wrongly above anyway. Not as annoying as "could care less" though which I see almost daily on n4g.

On topic: This reminds me of ff13 as yahtzee said "you can stick your hand on an oven hob for 20 hours and yeah, you might stop feeling pain but you're going to have done some serious damage"

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3526d ago
Ninver3527d ago

GT6 was attacked for the same reason if I recall. PD clarified that the game got better (which it did) as you level up and unlock features such as damage etc but reviewers and fans still trashed the game.

Reality is that people want the full experience right from the beginning for the money they spent.

SolidStoner3526d ago

About the "damage".. some cars have better then others, it was "off" at the beginners mode and some more.. then it started to show rally and nascar damage etc.. (but it was really basic and cosmetic).. only after updates we got full support for technical damage.. (only online)... anyway I wish every game developer to look and learn how to support a game from PD! (ok that last thing about Microtransactions is a bad thing, m key!)

AsheXII3527d ago

Destiny got good the second i grabbed my first rifle.

purp13m0nk3y3526d ago

Agreed. It's been fun the whole way through for me. And the more I play the more I enjoy. Only at lv11 so far. But my mates are I are loving the co op.

Why don't people just go play the game and enjoy it for what it is.... A great game. Not perfect, but really quite good.

Don't be haters people. There are millions of gamers world wide that are having a blast with this game. And totally oblivious to the irrational hate this game is generating.

My bro was literally shocked when I explained to him the negative reviews and hate directed towards this game online. For many gamers this game has delivered on Bungie's promise and more!

joab7773527d ago

Really? This is why Bungie only mistake was not telling ppl that it is a bona fide mmo.

Yes, u play for 20 hrs before u level cap. But, as ppl log 100 's and 100 's of hrs level capping multiple characters and classes, a few days isn't that much.

I know I'm not alone in saying this is the first game in awhile that has me wanting to play it so bad that I think about getting home all day. It's highly addictive and a ton of fun.

Yes, like all mmo's, it's hard to keep enough content for hard core players but not too much for casual. Usually endgame makes or breaks an mmo in the 6 months post launch. But Destiny already has events, a raid coming and I am not a big PvP fan, but I love the PvP in this game.

When compared to a game like WOW etc., it may seem to b a little shallow but w/ heroic modes on every mission, daily, weekly, strikes, the raid, and a legit mmo PvP, there is quite a bit for launch.

My only concern is how fully Bungie is planning to go w mmo staples like extensive customization, and social tools.

Other than that, I REALLY hope ppl keep playing and don't judge it based on reviewers need to review it as a sp game like Halo. It isnt. I for one am ecstatic that they stepped out and made this game.

OrangePowerz3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Could be worse. WoW is fun until level 10 and after that it was a grind till level 50 and got fun again from there and it takes a lot more time from level 10 to 50 in WoW.

superdong3526d ago

Leveling in Wow has a lot to do with who you are playing with. If you go it alone... it was quite the grind yes... but i personally had some amazing times when i leveled my first toon. World PVP was just the best, running around Stranglethorne having these amazing battles against the Alliance.... That moment of terror when you seen a high level player riding about on his mount as you flee for cover hoping he didn't spot you. The barrens all chat...

First time leveling in WoW for me was some of the best moments i've enjoyed in gaming and it only got better at level 60.. almost 10 years ago now ! Crazy.

MarkusMcNugen3526d ago

I loved WoW in the beginning. But after all the expansions, starting new characters became bland and boring as hell. Barely anyone would be in starting areas, you almost had to go it alone the last few years. I believe thats why they introduced the refer a friend double XP. If you werent playing with a friend it was really really boring.

OrangePowerz3526d ago


I hated Stranglethorn and the open world PvP since on my server it was always full of gankers.

From level 50 it was fun since the good dungeons kicked in at that time and with 60 the raids.

moegooner883527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Bungie becoming a multiplatform developer is still making you salty I see.

nX3527d ago

I think it's a pattern, I noticed more Xbox owners criticizing it.

ALLWRONG3526d ago

And a bunch of PS fans defending a mediocre game to the death.

moegooner883526d ago

@Allwrong, awww you mad too.

Rickgrimes953527d ago

You had me until u said titanfall

Perjoss3527d ago

I started having fun as soon as that first cinematic finished and they let me start shooting at stuff.

porkChop3527d ago

"make it harder on game reviewers"

Last time I checked, this is their job. They get paid to do it, so why the hell would I care if something is easy or not for them? Any MMO really starts once you get to max level, and Destiny while not an MMO is still very similar in a lot of ways.

And last time I checked, very few games are actually good and fun from the start. Most games start off slow, especially the games with more longevity.

Sevir3527d ago

Exactly!!! And what's been great is that I've been addicted to this from the get go. :)

beerzombie3526d ago

I think the real problem is this might be the first mmo on consoles for this new generation. I know there have been others but this is a massively marketed game that is being played by people who have never played or even thought about a mmo before.

3527d ago
Irishguy953526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

Yeah but Skyrim is terrible. Time doesn't matter in it because of level scaling. Not that i'm defending Destiny, just that Skyrim sucks.

Like...everything is Skyrim, literally everything besides the landscape was bad. The story(ies) where bad, the quests were bad, the combat was extremely bad. Even 'looting' and leveling where bad all due to the scaling systems bethesda likes to use. Over the result is 'Skyrim sucks'

HanzoHattori3526d ago

Yeah. I agree. The only redeeming quality Skyrim had was free roam/open world style of gameplay. Other than that, it was below average in my opinion.

beerzombie3526d ago

Skyrim the problem with this game was it was to easy to dragons and there were to many. Most fantasy worlds dragons are an end boss and also almost impossible to kill. To just go around killing dragons felt off.

3-4-53526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

The Destiny Hate now, is like Corporate America - just getting in on the joke - and then spreading that as if it's brand new....like it's still "cool".

* It's the joke that was Hilarious 5 days ago....there are still those people going around acting like they are still hearing it for the first time.

By continuing to talk about the "cool" thing, you've made it "un-cool".

* Remember when Facebook was pretty decent, and then all the Moms found out about it....

That is what this Destiny bashing is like now.

All the Witty people got their comments out of the way.

No all the non-creative people are just re-hashing the hate.

HanzoHattori3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

Many players expected to see a futuristic COD/Halo/BF4 and when they didn't get it (Immediate player matches and multiplayer modes) the complaints and whining began. In this game you have to earn your rewards. There are no annoying campers and players running around with sniper rifles defeating someone with an assault rifle,<(UNREALISTIC) the shooting mechanics in this game are well balanced and anyone can kill any player at any time. The only thing that separates players is gear, gear acquired through hard work. The game is rewarding, but it does need more content for what it is. Destiny does succeed at providing a sense of desolation caused by an alien invasion. It's the rewards and that feeling that you are part of a small group of warriors trying push back a seemingly endless hoard of invaders that keeps me coming back to play again and again.

Mac4203526d ago

An that's your opinion... Some people love Titanfall an Watchdogs others don't. I didn't like either an find Destiny lived up to MY OWN PERSONAL HYPE.

I haven't really slept, mainly due to this game. Love every minute of it an can't wait for what's to come. This is like GTA Online these are just the building blocks. Think of Destiny as a skyscraper, only thing they have right now is the foundation an the steel framing.

If you don't like it that's fine, don't play it. Don't get this mentality gamers have lately, that there will be this game that every gamer will just love an nobody will have a dislike for. Millions of people pass on different titles every year because they have they're own opinion. Didn't realize till this game came out how many people need others opinions to make a choice in a game purchase.

Now I know why society is degrading... People need others just to make there mind up on a simple game purchase.

ScaryMonkey3526d ago

Once again, fun is not quantifiable its subjective, whats not fun for you is in fact fun for a lot of other people.

SonyMontana3526d ago

I've been having fun since I picked up the controller. Gamers are such crybabys these days. SMH Bungie made a great, fun FPS and all people do is dump all over it. This industry...

spicelicka3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

Unless you have the sense to not give a f***. I've only Put like 5 hours in and i'm loving the hell out of it so much. I almost can't believe that the people hating this game are playing the same game as me. Like seriously, yea there are things to improve and change but the game is so damn awesome how can you not enjoy it?

Anyone that thinks 6/10 or 7/10 is an appropriate rating for this game should really look at other games that have those ratings on average. Destiny has a 74 and Wolfenstein has a 79, you're telling me that game actually comes near Destiny in quality and quantity? It is a great game not gonna lie, and it deserves a 79 which is a great rating, but damn if people are rating destiny lower than Wolfenstein then wtf does that say about the rating system?

Tedakin3526d ago

Agreed. Titanfall was fun the second you started the Tutorial. It perfected FUN. Destiny is anti-fun.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3526d ago
conjurdevil3527d ago

Well a LOT of content opens up near level 16-20.

ZAF3527d ago

it's an mmo, mmos only get better in the endgame.

Snookies123527d ago

Well, it's not really an MMO. It simply borrows its style from the MMO genre.

Kingthrash3603527d ago

Well...that makes it a mmo.
I mean what is it thats not mmo?
Long boss fights, funner with friends, grindig, loot, equipment upgrading, powers upgradeing, mixes reviews. ...sounds mmo to me.

Forbidden_Darkness3527d ago

@Kingthrash: A MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. Not a 3 man fire team/6 man raids per world. The only place that contains a good amount of players is The Tower and that's in no way a MMO because of that.

And Borderlands has all of that and isn't called a MMO.

Snookies123527d ago

@Kingthrash360 - As Forbidden_Darkness stated, an MMO stands for Massively Multi-player. Destiny throws you into a hub area, then pairs you off with a few people in missions. Again, it simply borrows from the MMO genre with the way it does things. It's not an MMO, and shouldn't be labeled as such.

ShinMaster3527d ago

@ Kingthrash360

You just described any RGP.
And "funner with friends" applies to any multiplayer game.

nix3527d ago

Snookies.. you mean to say RPG.. with multiplayer angle.

Sevir3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

It is very much a Massive Multiplayer Online game, exactly what it is. Constraining you to a 3-6 person party for missions and raids and strikes is a DESIGN choice, in the larger portion of the game, standard missions you can do solo or in a group, you still see random players roaming about the world interacting with the same points of interest as you and your 3 man team does, like you'll see in Games like WoW or FF14 or whatever else MMO you know... And the fact that live players of the 10000s and more populate the world and you come across them every second whether it being a mission, strike or exploration for loot and gear, it's exactly what an MMO is just under different design choices. They Designed Destiny to be more cohesive and coherent to intimate social play online, you really can't get that form of communication when from a large player party count, and it provides the right amount of challenge and just enough of the carrot dangling in front of your face to keep you motivated to keep going.

Destiny is an MMO with polished tropes of the fps genre with the added bonus of a deep social mechanic and PVP modes ultimately makes this much more appeasing than your standard MMO like WoW or FF11/14...

kurruptor3526d ago

It isn't a damn MMO. Bungie never said it was an MMO. They actually said it was not an MMO.

If the most people you see on the screen at a time is like 6. That isn't an MMO.

Have you idiots ever played an MMO? Hundreds or thousands of people in the same world at the same time. You could visit any of them if you knew where they were.

Spotie3526d ago

It's close enough.

Which means people shouldn't be surprised if it has some similarities, like a slow start.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3526d ago
joab7773527d ago

Finally. And yeah, just look at FF14 or DCUO or Warframe. 1 yr after launch they r an entirely different animal, much bigger than before.

Bungie biggest mistake was not marketing it as an mmofpsrpg.

King_of_Nothing3527d ago

They didnt market it that way because thats not what it is. 3 man teams per area is far and away from mmo.

VsAssassin3527d ago

A game that opens up 20 hours in sounds like Final Fantasy XIII. Oh, wait. FF XIII needed you to play 30 hours until it opens up. /s

DEATHxTHExKIDx3527d ago

i liked that game start to finish.

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter348d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell348d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig348d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast348d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g348d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka348d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

348d ago Replies(1)
348d ago
Father__Merrin348d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard500d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai499d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface498d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard496d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.