
Fairy Fencer F Review | RyattaReviews

Another JRPG that’s been out in Japan a while and comes out here in a few days. We already know its getting a sequel, but does the game deserve it? Im short yes.. it’s pretty much what Bravely Default is to Final Fantasy for the Tales of games.

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Fairy Fencer F Bundle is on sale for $4.99

If you're a fan of anime and RPGs, you may be interested in developer Compile Heart’s Fairy Fencer F.

Right now the Fairy Fencer F Bundle – which includes Fairy Fencer F, Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force, and 8 DLC packs – is on sale for $4.99 at Fanatical. A free Steam account is required. The deal ends in five days.

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SegaGamer1891d ago

This is like the 5th time in as many months that this has happened. At this point, I would be surprised to not see on sale somewhere XD


Amazon July Mid-Month Digital Blowout Sale On PS4/X1/PSV/PS3/PC

A shopping bonanza is always fun and exciting. Isn’t it? And, when a mega shopping event is specifically organized for the gaming enthusiasts, then it comes even more compelling. Well, Amazon.com has now launched the great Amazon Digital Sale where you are entitled to receive huge discounts on a wide variety of games that are compatible with the most popular home video gaming consoles including PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox One and PC.

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Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force | R3D Gaming Review

In 2014, Idea Factory released its masterpiece JRPG, Fairy Fencer F, for the Playstation 3. The story, gameplay and characters flowed very well together.

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