
Thrillville off the Rails: SteamFirst Takes a Look

SteamFirst: As I had free choice of which game to write about I found myself quickly in a not seeing the wood for the trees kind of situation. Which in this case is a good thing, who would visit a download site with no choice. So I decided to go with a developer I am quite familiar with namely Lucasarts. Originally developed by Frontier, distributed by Lucasarts and available on steam it was released in 2007. I’ll keep this in mind evaluating it.

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New Games with Gold for July 2022 - Xbox Wire

It’s time to announce the July Games with Gold lineup! On the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, capture photos of the wondrous Beasts of Maravilla Island, and survive being stranded on a desolate moon base in Relicta. And for our classic lineup via Backward Compatibility, build and ride rollercoasters in Thrillville: Off the Rails, […]

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darthv72705d ago

Yawn.... I will say torchlight is fun, but i have that on my steamdeck. Relicta is also on PS+ Extra and looks like it would make a cool VR game. No PSVR support though.

VenomUK705d ago

@Darthv72 How did you shift this story about the Xbox Games with Gold lineup into a negative about PSVR not supporting one of the games?! 🤣

crazyCoconuts705d ago

It's pretty impressive actually.

darthv72705d ago (Edited 705d ago )

Hmm... that is funny. I see it more as a negative against XB. Like other games on both, some offer a VR mode for PS and this looked like it should be one of them. Then again it doesnt even offer VR for PC so... ehh.

RedDevils705d ago

That how professional troll at their best work.

ChasterMies705d ago

Why continues reporting this? Who is left that is still interested in Games with Gold?

crazyCoconuts705d ago

I guess if I paid $5/month for this crap I'd still want to know what I got...

Eidolon705d ago

Yeah, be interesting to know. I hardly care because of Game Pass now, still don't mind seeing what we get, but I've come to terms that it's mostly going to be nothing I'll play if have GP.

itsmebryan705d ago

They should get rid of games w gold. With Gamepass I have too many better games to even think about GWG.

crazyCoconuts705d ago

So they've managed to decrease the value you get each month without decreasing revenue by making the games crappier. If they still charged $5/month without giving you ANY games at all, it would open them up to criticism and direct comparisons to PS+ without any way to subjectively spin the message

Crows90704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

It's also part of gamepass ultimate. It's good to see since it directly competes with ps extra

northpaws705d ago

This is beyond bad... kinda shitty move to force all their subscribers to get gamepass.

VersusDMC705d ago

Technically forcing people to move to Gamepass Ultimate. Regular gamepass doesn't include Gold.

Silly gameAr705d ago

I guess that's that value that everyone keeps talking about.

KillBill704d ago

Technically you aren't forced to buy anything. And Xbox Live gold can be bought separately. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

KillBill704d ago

What are you talking about you can still buy Xbox Live Gold on its own if you want to. You guys need to stop having conversations about Xbox if you know nothing about it. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

Silly gameAr704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

I guess the comments flew right over your head, huh? If GP was such a good value, gold would come with game pass, without having to get the more expensive opinion.

KillBill704d ago

@silly - what? Point is that gold can be had WITHOUT game pass. simple as that. Nothing forcing you to buy game pass.

gamer9704d ago

@ Silly, not sure what you're trying to say, you want game pass ultimate for the price of xbox live gold? That's ridiculous the amount of full price day 1 games you get included in game pass - you don't get that for cheap. Nobody is forced to get game pass, if the value is there you subscribe. if there's a drought in games you unsubscribe like i just did a month ago. Will likely get back on game pass this fall/holiday and into 2023 when the games are flooding in.

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Family Friendly Gaming Review: Thrillville Off the Rails

FFG writes: "The rating of an E10+ and descriptors (Fantasy Violence, Mild Lyrics, and Mild Suggestive Themes) may send a lot of families running away from Thrillville Off the Rails. The WMG can certainly understand that opinion, however there are some shining moments in this home console video game. Thrillville Off the Rails appears on the Wii, Playstation 2, Personal Computer, and Xbox 360. Family Friendly Gaming reviewed the Wii version (editor there are also hand held versions on the PSP, and DS but they have fundamental differences from the console version). The player gets to pick their character, go through a small tutorial, and then manage the amusement park. Getting to play any game, and ride any ride is one of the benefits of this game."

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Toys R Us midnight Star Wars: Clone Wars event, life-size action figure giveaway

From the article:

"As if fans really need another reason to get psyched about the upcoming animated Star Wars: Clone Wars film, Toys R Us is having an in-store midnight sales event featuring Clone Wars products and also giving away four five-feet tall Clone Wars action figures."

Toys R Us is also offering free shipping on select items including many LucasArts videogames including Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Thrillville and Lego: Indiana Jones. Several videogames include a buy-one-get-one-half-price offer. Also:

"To help promote the event, Toys R Us is also giving away four life-size (as in five feet tall) action figures. Depending on the week, you could win a large-scale Anakin, Captain Rex, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka figure. You can enter once per day via the "Galactic Star Wars Sweepstakes" web site."

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