
WB Play is a Game Publishing Platform With 'Social'

New information has been revealed about WB Play, revealing it to be a "game publishing platform."

-Foxtrot3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Leave it with Valve and Steam...ffs

radler3556d ago

It could be the worst gaming platform ever seen, significantly worse than Uplay, and people will still obsessively buy the next big game that uses it because gamers have no self control.

People had the chance to stop things like this in their tracks when Ubisoft tried Uplay, and then EA did the same with Origin, but they just can't help themselves. Expect to see more services like this cropping up over the next few years until every publisher has their own service.

Hope you guys enjoy having 30 different accounts just to play some videogames. People will say, "Oh, it's so bad!" but just watch, they'll throw money at WB when Middle Earth or Batman Arkham Knight release.

pwnsause_returns3556d ago

this sh*t needs to die very quickly.

annoyedgamer3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

As I said the game market is going to crash.

Alot of gamers will not like to hear this, but the crash is necessary to clean up the various pockets of scum that has begun to fester within the medium. If and when the market does recover it will be stronger and better.

qwerty6763556d ago

"What's most interesting is the fact both PC and consoles are set to be served by the system."

wonder if sony will allow this one.

user56695103556d ago

Wtf this is getting annoying. Do wb games even publish enough game to make this. I'm not gonna buy any of their games anymore. Didn't get into uplay or origins. I would support these if it was on something on the level on gog with drm but I'm better winning the lottery

annoyedgamer3556d ago

These platforms are glorified drm. GOG is unlikely to adopt it.

Roccetarius3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

The way GOG handles ownership is what i'd like to see Steam and other platforms do. The reality is though, that it's unlikely to happen.

If WB begins to use this exclusively for their games, then i'm unlikely to buy them.

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I've Lost All Hope For Hogwarts Legacy 2

Saad from eXputer: "Despite the success of Hogwarts Legacy, WB's decided to focus on live service and I've lost all hope for a potential sequel."

banger8881d ago

Let's just chalk this game up as a fantastic one-off, and WB can go f******* rot in hell.

Notellin79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

No, David Zaslav and everyone in the WBD executive office is scum and deserves the absolute worst.

DarkZane79d ago

It was actually pretty repetitive. I got bored after a few hours and forced myself to finish.

mudakoshaka79d ago

Thank you! Beautiful facade but no real depth to the game.

-Foxtrot79d ago

I'm hoping with the layout and foundation already done now they can spend their time in the sequel to refine things and give it a lot more depth so things don't feel repetitive.

Profchaos79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

I have no idea how eceutive teams can look at both Hogwarts and suicide squad next to each other and go hey our critical and commercial darling was a fluke suicide squad was the real success they just didn't know it.

Seemingly there's some weird ego involved someone wants to be proven right

--Onilink--79d ago

I mean, not to necessarily give them any kind of credit, because they clearly have some pretty dumb ideas… but the reality of AAA development has meant basically all big publishers have had to look at Live Service games in one way or another to try to cope with increasingly bigger budgets and longer development times.

The 5 years it took to make HL (with no doubt a massive budget) cannot be hard to manage when they are also expected, by gamers AND shareholders, to come up with several quality releases each year, just look at how much complaining (warranted or not) there has been about Sony’s first party release drought (with Sony also going through their own Live Service issues)

I cant really fault them for trying to find a sustainable and profitable live service game or two that helps keep their quarterly and yearly numbers looking good while they would, ideally (and this is where they appear to be going wrong), using that time and money afforded by their live service games, to fund their big non-live service projects.

Espangerish78d ago

For this reason the industry needs to move away from so many 50+ hour long AAA games and focus on high quality but shorter stuff. Obviously they would sell at a reduced price too (don’t want £70 12 hours games) but you know what I mean hopefully!

HarryMasonHerpderp78d ago

They look at charts. One of them is how much money live service games make and the other is how much money single player experiences make. Hogwarts may have sold really well but it's a drop in the ocean when compared to an on going live service game if you manage to get a hit.
Personally I don't understand why so many people dump their money into live service games and I find it super sad that they're so popular. The kids absolutely love them.

Profchaos78d ago

I agree I'm the same I don't understand the appeal I've never wanted to pay for cosmetics I've always felt that should be included in the game but kids love them

Think thats the thing about getting old you aren't garunteed to know why the next gen loves something you hate I guess my parents hated the music I listened to growing up maybe this is the same thing

Ironmike79d ago

I bought thought it was okay first 10 hrs then boy did the repeative gameplay kick in

scorpio_204979d ago

Yep. The castle was so fun. The overworld was just like every other overworld. They should have doubled down on the castle/student stuff.

The game overall was mid.

GhostScholar79d ago

They will realize that live service games die pretty much as soon as they begin and then they’ll stop and we may still get a sequel.

Zhipp79d ago

For sure this is what they're thinking.

DOMination-79d ago

If you strike gold with Live Service, you have guaranteed mega-income for years. If you fluff it, then you just have a single player game. This is the way publishers who don't really care about gaming see it.

I don't agree with it btw - but this is why it is how it is. Publishers see no downside - just up-sides and dollars.

glennhkboy79d ago

PUBG, APEX, MW & numerous mobile games show that IF publisher can make a popular live-service game, they will have a cash cow in their hand. That's why publishers keep trying.

GhostScholar78d ago

Yes, IF it’s popular. Of all live service games, something like 3 percent are “popular”

Kyizen79d ago

If Hogwarts was a live service game you wouldn't need a part 2.

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Warner Brothers is working on new DC games, but sadly not Superman

With Suicide Squad KTJL now available on PS5 and Xbox, WB Games is developing new DC Comics games, but Superman isn't a priority right now.

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RaidenBlack113d ago

not another GaaS, plz WB
and plz let Monolith make another F.E.A.R game after their Wonder Women game

Christopher113d ago

WB execs are big into live service games, sadly. They got the wrong memo that most other studios have gotten about live service games not being as successful because of the existing pool of them and having to be a hit immediately to truly succeed. Epic, EA, and Riot aren't making all that money to let others get in on their action. They're making it as hard as can be for people to get a piece of that pie.

ApocalypseShadow114d ago

With Spider-Man doing well, with an upcoming Wolverine game coming down the line, and the leak that an X-Men game is coming to PlayStation, and games like Guardians of the Galaxy doing well, just give us a Justice League game. I'm sick of just seeing Batman made even though I like Batman.

I want a Superman game. But not if the developers aren't capable of making a great game with the character. I can see different levels made with the different characters to show their powers in Justice League. Even an underwater Aquaman level where you can use his communication powers with sea creatures would be great. With a boss battle with Black Manta in and out of the water. A Flash level running through the streets against Reverse Flash, in the sky and in space battles with Green Lantern or Superman. Fighting on Paradise Island with Wonder Woman, etc. Either fighting the Legion of Doom or Brainiac controlling villains. Just something Epic. You could mix and match super heroes on different levels. But the game would be much harder to play as those characters because that hero would be at a disadvantage.

That's what I want anyway. It doesn't just have to be Superman only.

Terry_B113d ago

Give me a Lobo or a Green Arrow game already.

porkChop113d ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Superman character just doesn't work in a video game. Between his abilities and his singular weakness, any game where you actually *feel* like Superman will basically have you in god mode the whole time.

The whole bad guys using kryptonite to weaken him thing is super boring at this point. Also, an origin story where he's slowly learning his powers will only work for one game before you run into the same problems again. You can't take away his powers as an adult because it's a cheap gimmick and people hate it. He's just not a good character to build a game around.

Superman as the bad guy where you're struggling to survive and take him down? Eh, maybe, but it wouldn't be a Superman game anyway at that point.

RaidenBlack113d ago

A Superman game will work for a semi-open world game not set on Earth but on another hostile planet with pockets of Kryptonite debris/formations and other natural hostilities + super mutant enemies.
This will limit his ever uber powerful abilities and will force players to play accordingly & strategically.
Now don't comment below, "but what's the point? we want an open world Supes game set on Earth" coz that ain't feasible as porkChop listed above.
One Superman game like this is still better than no Superman game.

CantThinkOfAUsername113d ago

It seems like younger generations love the feeling of being OP with no struggle whatsoever if current popular entertainment is anything to go by.

ravens52113d ago

As long as its not gaas or I hope it does just as poorly as Ssktjl

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WB Games' Nemesis System Should Be Its Focus, Not Live Service

WB presented the most creative enemy AI with the Nemesis system, only to lock it up in a vault and pump out trash live-service games instead.

Number1TailzFan196d ago

I'm glad there's at least some people working on AI that want to give it away and for it to benefit people, not just to fill their pockets like this.

Vithar195d ago

such a waste, Love the Shadow games. I think Wonder Woman will use it?

Jin_Sakai195d ago

What was Nemesis system and how does it work?