
Advanced Warfare’s “Retreat” Multiplayer Map Was Already Teased in Ghosts’ Nemesis DLC

MP1st - Pretty sneaky, Infinity Ward.

As it turns out, you may have already known about Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s most recently unveiled multiplayer map, Retreat, all along, even though it was only showcased for the first time earlier today.

VealParmHero3557d ago

Maybe not the biggest news of the week, but stuff like this is always cool

Palitera3557d ago (Edited 3557d ago )

Now... Can people please finally wake up about their PR schemes?

CoDwhatevernumber. A smaller deal each year.


Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare 2 Was In Development Before Being Canned For WWII

Former director at Activision, Bret Robbins, revealed that Advanced Warfare 2 had a working prototype, but it was eventually shelved for COD WWII.

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chicken_in_the_corn424d ago

That is a shame. AW is my favourite CoD. I hope they do a sequel one day.

LordoftheCritics424d ago

Thoroughly enjoyed AW.

Good campaign and everything.


Same. Fantastic campaign, but I wasn't crazy about the jetpacks in multiplayer.

RaidenBlack424d ago

I still prefer CoD based on historical settings or in near future settings(like CoD: Ghost) ... even though I liked infinite Warfare's campaign ... it was top notch

CobraKai424d ago

I felt it was a good time to revisit WW2

porkChop424d ago

I actually really enjoyed WWII. I never understood the hate it got.

JEECE424d ago

A lot of people who never played a shooter prior to like 2012 get really mad about anything that isn't a modern combat game.

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Weapons That Should Return in a Sequel

Game Rant Writes "With rumors swirling about a sequel to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Sledgehammer Games can bring back a few weapons for a modern encore."

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MaximusTKG525d ago

Here’s hoping that a sequel just doesn’t happen.


All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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UnSelf840d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth840d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo840d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy839d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad839d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX839d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam839d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje839d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad839d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude839d ago (Edited 839d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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