
The Sims 4′s Awful User Reviews Indicate a Strong Fan Backlash

"Prior to the release of The Sims 4 there was a lot of talk about the plethora of features EA and developer Maxis had cut from the game. Ranging from pools to toddlers, the more cynical Sims fan suggested that EA was planning to save this content for a later expansion pack, but whatever the reasoning behind it, a lot of people weren’t happy."

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knifefight3549d ago

Well yeah. They keep getting sales below expectations, so they want to make more money, and instead of making the games better they REMOVE features to charge you separately for them in future updates. That's not how you do it, EA. You make the games BETTER, not worse, if you want better reviews and sales. It's like talking to a wall with these guys.

Deividas3548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

Idiots, they are just idiots. They removed the most ridiculous stuff in Sims 4...No dishwashers to name one....and then you have no bookstores, no cars, no grocery stores, worlds are TINY!. ummm thats just basic stuff. There are such few items in the base game that its really just sad.

christian hour3548d ago

Wow I did not think it was that bad but... wow. That's worse than what they did with sims 3. Sims 2's base game is more value for money than sims 3 and 4 combined it would seem.

It's a shame to see such a great series get turned in to a mockery of its former self. I can see why Will Wright quit the game industry after spore. He must have seen the oncoming storm of shady business tactics in the video game world. They probably asked him to charge an arm and a leg for spore expansions or something and he was all like "FLUFF NO! I'M OUT! *drops microphone*"

Dee_913548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

welp. Looks like Sims 3 for me all over again.Buy main game, and pirate expansion packs. I have been looking at lets play and all I can do is shake my head.Hopefully there will be free updates and patches because it is blatantly obvious to me that they are holding back a lot of stuff for EP's and SP's right now.

Sales aren't suffering or below expectations at all.The sims 3 sold I think 3 million in its first year alone, not sure if that includes expansion packs and stuff packs or not.Its just typical EA being greedy.
They had 5 years to work on this game and all we got is slightly different looking ts3 with very few new features and pretty much everything else worst than the previous.I don't even care about the lack of content,actually ts4 has more content the ts3 did day one, but its the features that get to me.I'm sure a lot will be included in patches and what not.But after waiting 5 years, this is my first impressions.

christian hour3548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

They dropped the ball with sims 3. All the fun and humor was just sucked right out of the series with that installment, gone were the numerous (often hilarious) ways you could die, the running gags from sims 1 & 2, the random hilarious events that could happen etc etc and a lot of the customization options or core features from previous titles were relegated to a pay wall in the store or brought out in later stuff/Expansion packs.

And that was EA a couple of years ago when they were just getting started on their extortionate content cutting micro transaction formula. I can only imagine things are a lot worse this time around. And it's a shame because sims 3 could have been a great game with the introduction of living neighbourhoods.

It left such a stale taste in my mouth I havent even bothered looking in to sims 4 at all. RIP Maxis, well and truly a shadow of your former self, I'm sure Will Wright is sick to see what has become of his great games. Don't even get me started on what they did to Sim City!

Magicite3548d ago

How many more franchises will EA ruin until nothing decent is left...oh wait.

Wedge193549d ago

My wife is loving it. She is disappointed in the missing features, but she says the game that is there is so intuitive and deep, that the missing features are minor annoyances.

I'll call them minor annoyances until I see my bank account when the expansions with those features start coming out....

-Foxtrot3548d ago

Sorry but I have seen NOTHING since it was announced which make up for the missing features

All I've seen is a big focus on "emotions" and "feelings"...not to mention how many different types of ways your Sim can walk.

I mean something like that is something you could do in a simple update or expansion pack.

scark923548d ago

So you are not impressed with the Cowplants I assume?

annoyedgamer3548d ago

No offense but your wife is exactly who EA is courting. Females gobble this stuff up daily on Candy Crush , Farmville and other popular mobile games. The Sims is EA's rendition of mobile pay 2 win on PC. You should let her know she is being taken advantage off.

Wedge193548d ago

She's aware, but just as an FYI, she's also a hardcore gamer. Hates Candy Crush and mobile games in general, loves games like Diablo III, Transistor, Child of Light, Assassin's Creed, and whatever else she can get her hands on for our PS4.

She has actually played the game, and she enjoys what it has. She does hate the missing features, but also sees good in what is there. Her review score at this point for it hovers around a 6 or so, pending getting deeper into the game.

She's being realistic about her expectations, but there is nothing else quite like The Sims out there, so EA kinda has the monopoly on the genre, whether you like what they are doing with it or not.

3548d ago
pompombrum3548d ago

Lets be honest, Maxis is dead. The once great studio is just another in a long list of casualties swallowed up by EA's greed and stupidity. Worst part is, the higher ups probably won't even acknowledge the real problems and instead just blame it on us as they always do.

iNFAMOUZ13548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

duhh, these greedy companies are ruining the games we grew up with, dont you have enough already!!!
people need to riot outside their studios until they implement this stuff for free

CerealKiller3548d ago

People are still buying EA games at launch? When will they learn their lesson?

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