
Alone in the Dark: Illumination's co-op multiplayer takes a leaf out of Left 4 Dead's book

It seems the days of Alone in the Dark offering solo scares are over, because the series is jumping on the increasingly popular co-op bandwagon.

Reports are suggesting that upcoming entry Alone in the Dark: Illumination will feature co-operative multiplayer mode with four playable character classes, in which players will work together to clear and abandoned mining town of an ancient evil.

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-Foxtrot3561d ago

It has co-op


Just when you think this reboot could be another entry into the survival horror genre.

Lord_Sloth3561d ago

At the risk of playing Devil's Advocate L4D is a fun game that PS fans never quite got to experience and with Silent Hills returning to Horror and Revelations potentially taking up the reigns of RE can we not afford to say goodbye to horror element that was fairly mediocre beyond the 1st few entries anyway in trade for something that, while not the same, may still be a great game?

Just food for thought, don't crucify me or anything.

NovusTerminus3561d ago

Really would have preferred a story focused single player game.

But I do have to say this, why is it called ALONE in the Dark now?

-Foxtrot3561d ago

HA....never thought of that

Went right over my head

ZombieGamerMan3561d ago

should be renamed Together in The Dark

Sketchy_Galore3561d ago

What? They're making new games in the Alone in the dark and Legacy of Kain series??!!?? Awesome, I grew up on those works of art. The world of imagination and fantasy they created meant so much to me growing up, I can't wait to return back to those worlds and see what has changed. Let me just load up n4g and check out these previews....

.....oh...........oh my........


aaronlif103561d ago

I got to admit im a bit disappointed. one thing I have hoped for was a remake of the original game. after finding out that they cancelled a true remake of the original (after completing what I considered to be a pretty awful fifth installment), I was really hoping that this game would turn out to be the remake of the original game I was hoping for. but...no. I guess a remake will never happen. the worst part is it almost did. they cancelled that but gave this the green light. who knows, maybe I will end up loving the game. but I cant help but feel disappointed they are releasing this after cancelling the remake.

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Alone in the Dark: Illumination - New patch will overhaul player advancement system

Atari has announced a major update for Alone in the Dark: Illumination. As the press release reads, the new patch places an emphasis on player ability progression which gives each character class – Hunter, Witch, Priest and Engineer – enhanced powers and skills to fight deadlier creatures and hellish adversaries.

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OoglyBoogly2902d ago

Is anyone even playing this game anymore? I've forgotten that it exists...

Yui_Suzumiya2902d ago

GOTY.. How could you forget? :3

quent2902d ago

Can't get over the name, its so contradictory, they don't have a clue