
Ubisoft Explains Why Far Cry 4 Is Not A PS4/Xbox One Exclusive

Unlike Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4 will be hitting across two generations of consoles. The game is scheduled to release on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and of course the PC later this year.

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vishmarx3531d ago

sorry that sony conf translation was just hilarious,

Timesplitter143531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

can you blame them for releasing on more platforms, though? If I were a game dev I'd release on as many platforms as possible

starchild3530d ago

Being cross-gen can in some cases hold back a game, but it's not a hard rule or anything. Depends on how they go about development.

Even some exclusives could easily have had a last gen version made since a lot of them are "next-gen" in visuals only.

In any case, Far Cry 4 looks fun as hell and the visuals are some of the best in upcoming games anyway, so I'm not worried about it.

PaleMoonDeath3531d ago

70+ million X360 folk, 70+ million PS3 folk, and a mere 10+ million PS4 and 5+ million XB1 owners, I can understand why cross gen at this point is still appealing, but it's for money plain and simply.

Next year expect games to be more current gen only, the previous consoles uses will fade when the newer consoles sell more and more.

spacedelete3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

as if there is actually 140 million active last gen consoles. most people have moved to next gen or PC, some people have traded their console in, some don't buy games anymore and just rely on PlayStation plus or GWG and most of them have died years ago due to YLOD, RROD or broken disc drives.

DefenderOfDoom23531d ago

to spacedelete .. most people moved on from 7th gen ? Heck no! I do not believe, 15Omillion people just stopped playing on 7th gen consoles and now are playing just on PC's . I still play games on my PS3 everyday . Also i have a few friends who bought a PS4 and they are still playing games on their PS3 almost everyday!

StanLee3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

A huge number of gamers haven't bought a current gen console. I haven't. I see no reason to, yet. And as limited as the options are this year on current gen consoles, I probably won't until February.

Mutant-Spud3530d ago

Well I just bought another as new second hand 360 after mine died and by the contents of the HDD it hadn't been used since about 2009, incidentally that's the fourth 360 I've owned since 2007.

Patrick_pk443530d ago

I still use my PS3 to play exclusives, I have my PS4 for console and Sony exclusives, and my PC for multiplats and exclusives. I have the best of all worlds, I still need to buy a Wii U.

SoulMikeY3530d ago

You guys are special. There is maybe.... MAYBE 50 million active ps3's and 360's combined. We have to take into account that more than half of you and your friends have had one (at least) crap out. So that number automatically goes to 70 mil. And don't be the lying douche bag that acts like he has only bought one and it still works perfectly.

Then there are people like me (a large percentage) that no longer use our old consoles except to look at. And also the millions upon millions like me are not buying old gen half-assed bullshit like borderlands pre sequel or AC: Rogue. While you guys are looking at porn, we're getting ass.

n4rc3530d ago

Pretty sure the last figure I saw for live was 43m subscribers...

You can probably add a few that dont have live.. So were at 50m I'd guess..

SoulMikeY3530d ago

43 million active live accounts. That counts xbox one too? And tons of people have multiple people using one xbox. Separate accounts. So we can again hack that number way down.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3530d ago
Gamer19823530d ago

People gotta stop really using them numbers.. Just because 70 million consoles sold doesn't eman theres 70 million gamers with them consoles. In fact it probably means less than half that as most people will be on there 2nd ps3/360. I bought 3 ps3s in my time in fact don't know anybody whos ever bought just 1 360 or ps3. So I half that number myself and knock a bit off to get a real picture of the amount of owners.

GarrusVakarian3531d ago

Because money. Period.

Who you tryin' to fool with that BS PR answer, Ubi?

OutcastMosquito3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Of course it's for money, they'd be stupid not to. Also, I do believe they care about their fan base. Not all people own a PS4, Xbox One or a gaming PC, so comments like that just make you look bad.

starchild3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

Of course, but why do some of you take such offense to these kinds of things? Surely any mature adult knows how the world works and why it's a PR person's job to cast things in as positive light as possible.

It would be the same with any company. The answer to almost every question would be "money", but do you really expect these companies to answer questions that way?

And that doesn't mean that money is the ONLY concern people in these companies have, it's simply the predominant motivation and concern. If you don't make money the company can't continue to function and will die. If employees don't make money they can't pay their bills nor feed their families and therefor can't continue to make games.

Randostar3531d ago

Ummmmm maybe its the fact that there are over 100 million ps3 and 360's in consumers hands. Maybe.

PaleMoonDeath3531d ago

Yep, more than 140+ million combined, that's a LOT of cash to be had.

JimmyDM903530d ago

Yep. I think next fall you'll see hardly any multigenerational games (sports and shooters being the exception).

You only need to look at watch dogs to see how much the sales have already shifted. Ps4 sold more than double ps3 did (2.5 to 1.14) and Xbone outsold 360 by about a quarter of a million copies. This fall with Multigens like Destiny, far cry and all the annual sports and shooter games will give us a more accurate view of where the sales market is currently situated and whether it's worth it to keeping porting to last gen.

IamTheStorm813531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Makes sense from their PoV, of course, and I fully understand that.

That being said I simply cannot wait for last-gen to die. Both PS3/360 were awesome machines, but the time has come to let them die a death so all developers can begin developing exclusively for the new, fresh and powerful hardware without having to make concessions for vastly weaker hardware.

Randostar3531d ago

I would say the same thing, but i still know a few people who haven't switched. Which is understandable, they're all saying the same thing too. There is nothing on next gen that makes them feel like they need to buy it. The time will come though, i would say in about a year and a half we will see way more PS4 and X1 exclusives.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

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DefenderOfDoom248d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot48d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor48d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos48d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius48d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8848d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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nibblo883d ago

I would put 5 above 6 but agree with the other ratings. Though 6 has more refined gameplay compared to 5 it's lack of a compelling story really does hurt it imo but if you are a gameplay fiend and don't really care about story it makes sense.