
NZGamer: Haze Review

NZGamer writes: "Sitting down to play a brand new game isn't as instantaneous as it once was. Every virgin PS3 game needs to undergo a series of updates, reboots and installs before you can even start playing these days. However, after a cup of coffee and several laps around the backyard, Haze was loaded and able to be played.

Haze is the latest in the futuristic first-person shooter genre and is set in a war-torn world of 2048. With organisations like the UN and NATO a thing of the past, private military companies like Mantel Global Industries have taken the role of peace-keepers. All with profit in mind, naturally. It turns out that Mantel Global Industries are the leading force in world-wide peace enforcement and this is mainly thanks to a special biologically engineered substance known as Nectar. When human soldiers inject this chemical into their bodies they gain heightened senses and improved physical performance, making them almost super-human in many respects. Not to mention they wear highlight-yellow and jet black suits that make you look like a human wasp thing running around. Totally awesome, although I have to admit they're not very well thought-out in the camouflage department."

yanikins1115826d ago


Its closer to an 8.

And im gonna post this in every haze review that comes up.

More people need to play this game.

GIJeff5826d ago

I was really disappointed when I started playing this game, but its not as bad as the reviewers would have you think. I think reviewers tend to exaggerate things to the extreme. While haze isn't the best thing since sliced bread, its definitely way better than Soldier of Fortune: Payback. Haze gets a 7 from me. Its good enough to be in the top 30% of shooters.

LinuxGuru5826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

It's a good-enough anti-establishment story, and in no way is it a poor shooter.

8 sounds fair, not anything below a 7.

Like I've said before, you only deserve to rate a game if you're going to do so without preconceived notions, ideas, or expectations.

I see all these damned reviews saying "it didn't live up to the hype", well quite frankly it's your fault if you're gullible enough to buy into something as silly as hype.

Forming your own opinions is a valuable skill to have in the gaming industry, and most of the time, it allows you to have better experiences.

If you ever want to experience a game's potential as it was meant to be, then go out and play it and absorb it in your own way, without any sort of expectations or notions. Trust me, it'll do wonders for your gaming.


That's my review of Haze. Check it out.


Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1424d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331424d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1424d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1424d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1424d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1424d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1424d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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Phoenix Down 76.1 – Haze

We bring death to Montel Williams.


Phoenix Down 76.0 – Haze

Guns, drugs, and unnecessary war. Fun for the whole family.