
Superman Returns: The Videogame Review

It's a bird, it's a plane, It's a SUPERMAN review!

From the Review : "There are fun moments to be had when playing Superman Returns: The Videogame, but I never really felt that I was playing a complete game during my time with it. I'm guessing the team ran under some time constraints and had to push Superman Returns: The Videogame out the door before it was fully optimized.

In terms of actual gameplay features, the sprawling city is amazing, but there's little else to rave about here. If you are a huge fan of Superman, then by all means pick this one up ASAP. Those looking for a comic book game in the third-person style will want to check out either of the Spider-Man games first, or The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. These are better games overall than Superman Returns: The Videogame, and deserve a look before taking flight with the Man of Steel..."

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Arkham6399d ago

I don't think anyone had any serious hopes for this game anyway. No big surprise.


Why can nobody make a good Superman game? | FingerGuns

He's the most powerful hero, on paper the perfect character for video games. But why is it so hard to make a good Superman game?

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FallenAngel19842329d ago

Better question is why can nobody make solo videogames based on non-Batman DC superheroes.

PaulCollett2329d ago

Hopefully the new Spiderman will sort that out

Reckless_Love2329d ago

Spiderman is Marvel.

Nobody can make a good Superman game because he's too powerful. He can fly faster than the speed of sound, has the ability to shoot lasers from hia eyes and can punch harder than a round from a tank. He's immune to what almost all of humanity can throw at him.

So imagine the scope of the sandbox you'd need. Then how would you make him feel capable of such destruction? Then how do you make it so you try and avoid that destruction and care about npcs?

Absolute nightmare to try and make a game out of.

Goldby2329d ago

his lifebar is the "health" of the city
or just like how batman was poisoned with the joker blood in the arkham series, you could ahve him poisoned by kryptonite so he is overall weaker or weaker as the game goes on.

jaymacx2329d ago

I used to have the sentiment that no one can make a Superman game because of how powerful he is. I thought really hard about it.

+ they could have enemies that can harm him. He is vulnerable to magic, kryptonite and the red sun.
+ make it mission based and if too many civilians die , you have to start over etc.
Sumperman maybe powerful but he still is limited.
Whatever challenges he has in the comics needs to be fleshed out in the game.

JBaby3432328d ago

The problem with these ideas is that they ultimately take the fun out of the game.

If you use something to weaken Superman then you're not really playing as Superman using the powers he has so that defeats the point of a game where you are Superman.

If you use the city/citizenry as a life bar then every scenario becomes either a timed event or one where you are walking (flying) on eggshells to prevent too many deaths. Both are annoying and again defeats the purpose of being able to destroy stuff with fun powers.

You cannot really create a challenge or tension without missions being tedious or limiting the very powers that makes us want to play.

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2329d ago
Flewid6382329d ago

New Spider-Man game on PS4..

Aenea2329d ago

Which is a Marvel comic, not a DC one....


He is too powerful... You realize what kind of rig you would need to be able to fly through a city or a large map as fast as he can and render the world without bad pop in? There is a reason GTA V and other open world games won't allow you to go very fast through the world. Forza Horizon and Just Cause do a really good job of loading the world at high speeds, but not superman speed ;)

gangsta_red2329d ago

DC has so many underused heroes that they could utilize and it's a shame that Batman is the only one they can market.

InKnight7s2329d ago

Because Batman is just a human with fancy gadgets as every action games with extra cartoonish stuff. But flash as example he is super fast and normal developers like WB studios cant really fit superpowers into agameplay in proper way. We need that project of an studio who put all their power and creativity to simulate superpowers beyond Prototype and Infamous yet enjoyable and creative.
We are missing Iron Man, Thor, flash, GL, WW, Superman because of that limitations and typical form of superpowers in games.

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princejb1342329d ago

I think is because super man is over powered.
Is hard to make villains for such a hero without crippling super man. Plus flying around can get a little boring. D.C. Universe online showed me this

sampsonon2329d ago

it would be fine if the story is good. they can always gimp Superman's abilities using kryptonite weapons or mutant like creatures. they could also do the three villains from Kryton, Zod, Ersa , and the other guy lol from superman 2.
it must be more story driven with great acting.

alb18992329d ago

Yep, it is almost the same with movies.

gangsta_red2329d ago

He is not overpowered.

Superman has many villains that can go toe to toe with him and even put him down.

Goldby2329d ago

Batman being one of them

gangsta_red2329d ago

"Batman being one of them"


*GEEK RAGE x100*

DialgaMarine2328d ago

Super villains, yes, but the game would need filler enemies to keep it feeling fresh. I guess it could be an open world boss rush type of game like SotC, but that just doesn’t sound like it would work for him. Superman would be better as some type of RPG.

gangsta_red2328d ago

", yes, but the game would need filler enemies to keep it feeling fresh."

Intergang, Parademons, Phantom Zone criminals, ToyMan toy soldiers, I'm sure a designer could pull lots of material from the Supeman comic to fill up the Superman's world with enemies.

An open world game with GTA type overall story and side missions is what I envision a Superman game to be.

NXFather2328d ago

Obviously, we are talking about game engines and technical specs.

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InKnight7s2329d ago

Superman fly very fast, DC flying is a joke.
But yeah he have massive powers translate his power in a game is like making cheats and mods on GTA good for couple of hours to break regular gameplay just to have fun but boring a choas overall

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Neonridr2329d ago

what do you mean, Superman 64 was the best game ever created. I mean what other game lets you fly through rings while sprinkling in the odd cryptic task.

sampsonon2329d ago

because a sony studio hasn't made one yet.

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Virtual Kryptonite: Ranking The Superman Video Games That Failed To Take Off

Steel yourself for Batman v Superman with 10 titles that prove video games are Superman's kryptonite.

gangsta_red2986d ago (Edited 2986d ago )

Wha!? Superman: Shadow of Apokolips (GC & PS2, 2002) was actually really good and one of the better Superman games, no way was it bad.

secretcode2986d ago

Honestly, the only way we'll ever get a good Superman game is if it's basically a reskin of Asura's Wrath.

DragoonsScaleLegends2986d ago

Batman V Superman is DC's best movie to date in my opinion. I can't wait to see Batman's standalone movies, Ben Affleck is the best Batman I've ever seen. The Injustice and Flashpoint throwback scenes were amazing.


Will we ever have a good Superman game?

Joe from GamersFTW writes: So Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is out today, which sees 2 of the most titanic names in the superhero genre go head to head- that part of the title, the Batman V Superman part is clear enough. Then I suppose justice will dawn on them at some point? Talk about an unnecessary subtitle; you have everyone at Batman V Superman, guys! Everyone is stoked to see Superman, the strongest man in the universe and the bastion of virtue, fight Batman: a rich orphan in a bat suit who likes to brood and speak in a voice so gravely it sounds like he’s gargling rocks.

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Angainor72986d ago

only if rocksteady is on the frontline

jb2272986d ago

Pretty sure they are working on a JL game as we speak, Superman included...the writing was literally on the wall all over Arkham Knight. Rocksteady doing JL for a year or two down the line, WB Montreal doing a Suicide Squad game for holiday 2016 or spring 2017, that's what I see happening.

chrisx2986d ago

By PS5 gen maybe the tech could handle it

user66660472986d ago ShowReplies(2)
WilliamSheridan2986d ago

I think Man of Steel was a good movie. I thought it took place in the Nolan/Bale universe, but since it takes place in a new unseen Batman universe where Batman is essentially Iron Man, I no longer wish to see it....

masso91122986d ago

What are you even talking about??? O.ó

Niceman912986d ago (Edited 2986d ago )

I assume you're talking about Batman v Superman?
It's a good, watchable film and Batman is nothing like Iron Man. For a while he wears an armoured suit as opposed to his costume for a good reason. However, it felt as though DC crammed as much as they could into one film to catch-up to Marvel. Man of Steel gave Superman his exposure and I think Ben Affleck's Batman should have had his own film prior to this because their clash was a messy one as a result.

Allsystemgamer2985d ago

He also needed a film to establish why batman is a cold blooded killer because it comes out of nowhere in BVS. We see glimpses hinting at why but if you're going to fundamentally change a well established character there needs to be a damn good reason.

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