
IGN Plays Mario Kart 64

IGN - It's Nintendo's 125th anniversary! Yes, waaaay back in September 1889 "Nintendo Koppai" was founded as a playing card manufacturer. But over the last 40 years or so, Nintendo has grown into one of the most prolific, successful, and beloved video game makers anywhere.

To celebrate, all month long we're playing 125 of of the greatest Nintendo games ever made. So come on this journey with us, and relive some of our fondest Nintendo-made memories. Up now: N64 classic Mario Kart 64.

SavageKuma3564d ago

Damn you are all on a role today lol.

3564d ago Replies(3)

The 7 Best Mario Kart Games Ever

Nintendo's beloved racing series has been around for more than three decades, but which are the best Mario Kart games?


The Best Selling N64 Games of All Time

Want to know what the best selling N64 games of all time are? Here's the top ten list, with many fan favourites and a couple of surprises.

Ninver403d ago

Never understood what 64 meant. Can anyone enlighten me? All I know is my neighborhood friends and I used to play the crap out of it. Favorite games were Cool Boarders, Mario kart 64, WCW vs NWO just to name a few. Man life was simple and good.


Mario Kart 64 Is Now Available In HD Graphics

A fan project allows Mario Kart 64 fans to experience one of the most prominent games in Nintendo history in HD.

MadLad532d ago

Can't wait for Nintendo to strike it down, sue the makers, then sell the work to us for $50.

CobraKai532d ago

I think the disagrees stem from the $50. It’ll be $60.

Duke19532d ago

And converted back to non-HD

ZeekQuattro532d ago

It's on the expansion pass already and Mario Kart 8 sells millions every quarter. I think Nintendo will be fine.

MadLad532d ago

I figured with something like this Nintendo would do right by the gamers and sell it at a deep discount lol.

Knushwood Butt531d ago

And sell an overpriced, painted plastic toy as a tie in.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 531d ago
XxINFERNUSxX532d ago

Nintendo is helpless if they upload it as a torrent and share it. Once it's on a torrent site Nintendo can't do shit about it. ROMs have been there for so many years, and it will continue to do so, and I will be there to take it all and post links directly to Nintendo and laugh about it, with my VPN of course 🤣

Yui_Suzumiya531d ago

I was coming here to make this comment, lol

z2g532d ago (Edited 532d ago )

Lol. Meanwhile the rest of the world moved on to 4k years ago.

Number1TailzFan532d ago

The last 1-2 years maybe, unless you didn't care about having a high refresh rate.

MadLad532d ago

I've been running 4k for a long time now, but I'm on PC.
Switch rarely gives you decent resolution or a solid framerate.

Number1TailzFan532d ago

MadLad i didn't go 4k until we had high refresh rate screens, which also had better pixel response times. I originally went 1080p 120hz in 2012, then 1440p high refresh with gsync in 2017 and last year i went with the 4k LG 27GP950. I didn't want to go backwards on refresh rate. I realise we had 4k monitors a while ago but they were all at 60hz.

anubusgold531d ago

4k is stupid low fps and less detail because consoles cant really handle it without using tricks like checker boarding.

Sgt_Slaughter531d ago (Edited 531d ago )

65.06% of Steam users are using 1080p
11.34% use 1440p
5.70% use 1366 x 768
2.60% for 4K

So no, they haven't. 4K is still for enthusiasts and the ultra hardcore. The rest don't care.

Kombatologist532d ago

"this mod also has a low chance of removal due to copyright reasons."

Not sure how they came to that conclusion when the GitHub has copyrighted assets in the form of PNG files. Get it while you can.

Orchard532d ago

Looks cool, but Nintendo will shut this down faster than you can say “it’s a me, Mario!” in your best Italian accent.

Einhander1971531d ago

So many bitter little people on this site, personally I doubt Nintendo really care about your comments anyway.

badz149531d ago

Nintendo doesn't even care about their fans, let alone the booing noise regarding how anti-consumer and scummy they are. they only listen to the path that leads to more money with the least amount of effort and investment possible.