
3 Ways Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s Campaign is Resurrecting its Endangered Narratives

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is shaping up to breathe life into the single player aspect of the Call of Duty franchise. Here are three reasons why.

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ThunderPulse3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

3 Ways it Won't
#1 MP is more popular than SP
#2 SP isn't even touched by some a lot of people
#3 Generic Story

XtraTrstrL3570d ago

You're right about #2, I deleted Ghosts off my PS4 a month or 2 ago because I was sick of it's horrible performance. Before doing so, I'd packed over 20 hours of gameplay into it though, and not 1 second of that was single player campaign. To be honest, I'm not sure I'd buy another COD unless they went the route of oldschool PC shooters or the new Killzone and PvZ: Garden Warfare. As in, give competitive mp map packs for free, and charge only for co-op stuff, customization items, weapons and other items and boosters.

The reason is that I'm sick of the fragmentation of the player pool, by the time the 2nd or 3rd map pack releases, I can never get into Kill Confirmed or other types of matches after 11pm or midnight. I'm forced to play Team Deathmatch late at night usually because of the segregation of the community. I don't like being forced to buy map packs just to be able to play a mode I like, and even then you still have less people to play with than before.

crusf3570d ago

Leave MP out of it look at the campaign as a whole dear sir. That leaves you with one reason awww:(

qwerty6763570d ago

everyone trying to be more like naughty dog now.

ape0073570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

remember that ND's Legendary game UC2 took notes from IW's CoD 4 in both sp(intense pacing) and mp(perks and stuff)

im glad ND is still together, unlike IW which totally suck now after the departure

Summons753570d ago

Endangered narratives...

Uh, have you been in a closet or something because
A) we have tons of games with amazing narratives: Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Deus Ex, Red Dead Redemption, Tales of Xillia...just to name a few
B)Call of Duty is THE WORST offender of any type of narrative. Horrible and repeated stale plots with huge plot holes every other level, one character archetype with no character development. Kevin Spacey is not enough to make a story good, sure he's a great actor but if the writing is bad (which from trailers it's typical generic story with bad writing) than Kevin Spacey could give an Emmy winning performance but the story will still be bad,
C) Not to mention the fact that hardly anyone play COD for the story, it's multiplayer focused and will always be. The "new mechanics" are nothing new to gaming or do they provide anything to the story. In all the demos you have super arms but can only use the strength when promoted.

crusf3570d ago

We saw these articles last year:
*3 ways ghosts revolutionizes Call of duty.
*10 ways (1 way per page) Ghosts will be the definitive Call of Duty.
*Next gen starts with ghosts and here's why.

ramiuk13569d ago

but the fish moved away from you in the water


Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare 2 Was In Development Before Being Canned For WWII

Former director at Activision, Bret Robbins, revealed that Advanced Warfare 2 had a working prototype, but it was eventually shelved for COD WWII.

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chicken_in_the_corn424d ago

That is a shame. AW is my favourite CoD. I hope they do a sequel one day.

LordoftheCritics424d ago

Thoroughly enjoyed AW.

Good campaign and everything.


Same. Fantastic campaign, but I wasn't crazy about the jetpacks in multiplayer.

RaidenBlack424d ago

I still prefer CoD based on historical settings or in near future settings(like CoD: Ghost) ... even though I liked infinite Warfare's campaign ... it was top notch

CobraKai424d ago

I felt it was a good time to revisit WW2

porkChop424d ago

I actually really enjoyed WWII. I never understood the hate it got.

JEECE424d ago

A lot of people who never played a shooter prior to like 2012 get really mad about anything that isn't a modern combat game.

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Weapons That Should Return in a Sequel

Game Rant Writes "With rumors swirling about a sequel to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Sledgehammer Games can bring back a few weapons for a modern encore."

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MaximusTKG525d ago

Here’s hoping that a sequel just doesn’t happen.


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare remains the series' lone bright spot this gen

GR: "If one series truly defined the seventh generation of consoles it was Call of Duty. Sadly, the series has struggled to reach the same heights on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and only Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare feels like the previous era of innovation and top-notch storytelling."

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Killa781673d ago

I quite enjoyed it but I think black ops 3 was the high point.

Modern warfare could be if a few tweaks are made and the new maps are good.

Baza1673d ago (Edited 1673d ago )

Story wise.. black opps 3 was all over the place. Modern Warfare story is so much more cohesive and actually makes sense.

Immorals1673d ago

Black ops 3 was terrible. The story was absolutely atrocious.

Knushwood Butt1673d ago

I quit that campaign after about an hour. All I remember is some crappy robot drone combat R2D2 thing that you had to use. I didn't make it past that.

Epicor1672d ago

For me the Black Ops installations have always been the high peaks in terms of PVP mode. Black ops 3 campaign was pretty bad though. Advanced Warfare's campaign was pretty good, one of the best ones - but PVP was bad!

gamer91673d ago

LOL Advanced Warfare, too funny

1673d ago
Kabaneri1673d ago

The campaign was OK, but the guns sounded like cap guns and the multiplayer maps were not memorable at all.

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