
You're worthless to indie devs

Puppygames, a UK-based indie dev, took to their blog to denounce the current economics of indie game publishing. PixelAttacks.com takes a look at the blog post & tries to make sense of it.

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Ultratron Port Blasts Onto Consoles

Curve Digital ports Puppy Games' twin-stick shooter Ultratron to PlayStation platforms, Xbox One and Wii U.

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The Puppygames Diatribe of Glory

Hardcore Gamer: There’s a view that people in the public eye should always shut up and smile. Today it’s Caspian Prince of Puppygames’ turn to realize that that’s one of the single stupidest courses of action every advised, and he does this in a blog post about how the race to the bottom in indie game pricing has devalued the individual customer to worthlessness.

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The Gaming Buddha: Titan Attacks

The Gaming Buddha: "Curve Digital and Puppy Game take a shot at their rendition of Space Invaders with Titan Attacks. Is there enough of a difference to stand on its own or is it just another clone?"

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