
Rockstar's PS3 Exclusive Agent's Cancellation Reported by GameFly

After the confirmation in 2010 that Rockstar’s PS3 exclusive Agent was still in development, not much has been heard about the game, besides a pair of trademark filings last year.
Apparently, though, the game may have been canceled, at least according to a mail that retailer Gamefly is sending to its customers who had the game in their GameQ.

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Enemy3550d ago

No one but Rockstar knows if the game still exists.

SmielmaN3550d ago

I do hope it's still in development but it would definitely make sense to release on PS4 at this point. I would like to see a video at least, at this point.

Patrick_pk443550d ago

If it is in development then it will definitely be PS4 exclusive, like Until Dawn and The Last Guardian (I still have hope).

thorstein3550d ago

The Gamefly response is a stock reply to deletion of games from your Queue. It, in no way can confirm a game's status.

AliTheSnake13550d ago

Damn, I totally forgot about this game. Everybody has been talking about the Last guardian.

morganfell3550d ago

GameFly has sold the digital distribution side of their business to a company called AtGames Holding, presumably to focus on the rental side of things. Cleaning out the rosters is normal. I do not know if the game is still in development but if so it would make sense that it was shifted to the PS4 a year ago.

sonarus3550d ago

I have 0 interest in this game. We dnt know anything about the game other than the title so nothing to miss even if it's cancelled. Good riddance

nX3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

Isn't this the trademark for Agent?
If I read it correctly it was extended by Take Two on May 21st so I would say Rockstar is still holding onto it.

UltimateMaster3549d ago

5 years later, they think it's cancelled?
Ya think they would have a lot sooner.

The Last Guardian, coming on PlayStation 29.
By that time, people will say: "when was it ever announce?" and fail...

BABYLEG3549d ago

People laugh at MS for helping companies when it comes to development so games can stay alive..

This is a result of sonys way of doing business. as far as im concerned thjis game never existed because I never saw any gameplay of it

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3549d ago
modesign3550d ago

i would rather have sony make their own sandbox open world game than be dependant on rockstars word.

elninels3549d ago

No I would like to be patient and wait for whatever rock star wants.

Thatguy-3103550d ago

Did the game ever exist though? Nothing came out but that logo. I'm not surprised seeing how so little info the game had to back it up.

Enemy3550d ago

It existed internally. Word is Sony was helping to fund the game on PS2. Later it was moved to PS3. And now no one (again) but Rockstar knows.

DOMination-3550d ago

It did exist. Some guy leaked screenshots on his LinkedIn account. I'm on my phone so can't be bothered to link but iirc you can find it on the games Wikipedia entry

Bobby Kotex3549d ago

You honestly think Rockstar is going to put out a PS3 exclusive now?

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SuperBlur3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

obviously this will come out on ps4 , they cant really give people a ps4 games to ps3 owners if they haven't upgraded yet.

equal_youth3550d ago

that was my guess too. agent looked like a huge ip and why should rockstar release that game for ps3 when there is ps4 and by then an even bigger install base than 10 mil.

hulk_bash19873550d ago

Did they release any footage or undated info besides the initial announcement back in 2007? Just curious as I have heard or seen nothing at all.

equal_youth3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

if i remember it right jack tretton re announced it at e3 2009 but i am not so sure about it. besides that it has totally gone quiet for agent.

jdaboss3550d ago

Obviously you just pulled that prediction out of your ass.

SuperBlur3550d ago

Just had a look at your comment history , you sound mad. Are you mad bro?

FYI ; R*games isn't "under" 2k studios , stop talking out of your "ass".

andibandit3550d ago

"obviously this will come out on ps4"

Obviously we dont know

SuperBlur3549d ago

Yea sony paid for an exclusive from R*games , if its canned for PS3 , i'll leave you to guess on which other platform it will most likely come out to.

i'll save you the time and effort to think this one through, PS4.

andibandit3549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

Wait!! is that the same kind of guess when everyone said TLG was comming to PS3, cause we all know how that guess went....

iamnsuperman3550d ago

I feel the retailer will be the last person to know about this. Why would they be told. It isn't like it was coming out next week and they needed to prepare. Gamefly is probably doing what we are all thinking and that is it is never coming out (especially for the PS3)

spunnups3549d ago

Biggest announcement tease ever? Has to be up there with Eight Days, Beyond Good and Evil 2...what else?!

-Foxtrot3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

If this wasn't going to come out or if Rockstar dosen't want to make it then all they have to do is give Sony their money back.

I'm sorry but if I was Sony and I helped fund a game so it could be an exclusive (L.A Noire) only for them to turn around and say "Listen you let us make this game multiplatform and we'll make you another exclusive game, fully built up us at Rockstar" then I would be either demanding my money back or pestering them to get the game made. Sony (and us) have been patient so far.

It's not like they are doing Agent for Sony as a favour, it was a deal. It's why I'm baffled at Sony's "Well it's up to Rockstar" attitude.

demonddel3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

Dude excuse me but how do you know what Sony has been waiting for you don't know what these companies are doing with they're financing boy I tell ya these kids today

-Foxtrot3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

I think Sony has waited long enough, at this point it feels like Rockstar is going "Yeah, yeah we'll get around to it eventually", putting it off because they don't want to make a big budget game for one console and loose out the Xbox One/PC audience....especially after how much money GTAV made.

It's wasn't a difficult business deal, you're making it sound like Rockstar need to sort out their "financing"...it' ;s ROCKSTAR, they have plenty of money.

Sony lets game they've funded go multiplatform

In return Rockstar makes another exclusive for them


That's it

Rockstars sales and reputation has grown over the years, if they really are worrying about loosing money because it won't be on other consoles then they should of done it when they were supposed to and it wouldn't of been as bad as it is today. However it might not be since the PS4 has a huge audience at the minute. The game would also bring more sales with people wanting to play a new Rockstar game

gamerfan09093550d ago

You don;'t know the deal that was in place. If anything they could've simply cancelled the game and gave sony an exclusive DLC or exclusive future content in place of the game. You're talking like you know the developments.

-Foxtrot3550d ago

We've had countless of articles on here in the past about the deal and what happened.

If it had changed then Sony would of told us, or Rockstar would of.

I highly doubt exclusive DLC is the same as a full on game

SuperBlur3550d ago (Edited 3550d ago )

LA Noire was bought from Team Bondi by R*Games after they announced Agent tho

SonyStyled3549d ago

la noire was handed over to rockstar in 2006 in which development began in 2004 wholly funded by sony computer entertainment. agent was announced at E3 in 2009. la noire hit shelves in 2011 and at that time was one of the most expensive games ever made

Pinkdolphinyfg3550d ago

Even if the supposed deal you said is true (there is no concrete facts but pure speculation of such a deal) i doubt such a game would be in the caliber of Gta 5 or Red dead because LA Noire cost no where near what those games cost so it wouldn't make sense for a team like Rockstar North to over compensate Sony with a GTA 5 equivalent, especially with the lost sales they would have by going exclusive. Maybe like a Midnight Club or a Manhunt 3.

DOMination-3550d ago

I imagine take 2 probably gave sony some cash back. Agent, if it ever releases will almost certainly be next gen multiplatform

donthate3550d ago

What you are saying is that Sony is incapable of watching out for their own investments?

Let's be real here, Sony isn't some tiny inexperienced company with a lot of cash. In fact, it is the complete opposite, it is a hugely experienced company with little cash.

Frankly this is a huge loss for Rockstar as it is for Sony, but the one that suffered the most are the gamers.

Sony touted this game on their list of exclusives for ages, and now it sounds like a cancelled game. Next up on chopping block is likely Guardian.

Sometimes it is better to list games that are ready, or very certain it will release. Even better drop projects that don't work out in certain amount of time and start over with something else.

Sony has pushed out a lot of quality exclusives over the years, while these games has been in development. Cut a sinking ship loose and move on!

SonyStyled3549d ago

youve been around gaming news a while huh? because ive said before rockstar owes sony an exclusive because of the la noire fiasco and all i got in my comments was people saying im pulling shit outta my ass. i would imagine those who said that are a bit newer in the world of gaming news. if im not mistaken the game that was going to be owed from la noire was the "old west project" (RDR). but that didnt happen because it went over budget to make money on one console. and now we have agent which is also probably over budget to release on one console. and anything less of aaa was not part of the deal between rockstar and sony. if agent is done for either cancelled or exclusive theres is probably just going to be a handover of funds at this point

showtimefolks3549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

sony even had exclusive rights to GTA4(under the same deal with made past GTA's exclusive for ps2 for a limited time period)

LA:noire is another

the way i see it is that sony has been bending over backwards for R* so R* really need to deliver


_-EDMIX-_3549d ago



Sony has never owned the GTA IP....never.

I know of zero deal with GTAIV as GTAIV is on both PS3 and 360.

LA Noire is "another" what exactly?

Sony was only attacthed to that title because they where set to publish the game. The game took too long, cost WAYY too much money and Sony decided to not publish the game.

5 million units of LA Noire and you would think maybe the made a wrong choice.

....go look up how much to cost to create that game and the debt the team is in. 5 million units later and they were STILL IN THE HOLE!

Sony hasn't been doing ANYTHING for Rockstar other then likely paying for timed deals. They didn't need to pay much either because with 24 million XB's out and 100 million PS2's, those timed deals with GTA made sense at the time.

Sony paid for a timed game. Rockstar timed it.

Nothing is owed to either publisher. Deals are done on good faith and a damn handshake LMFAO!

"bending over backwards"? LMFAO! Sorry dude but the deals are legit, they paid for timed games, got them...move on.

They where not doing Rockstar some sort of favor just be be buds....

_-EDMIX-_3549d ago

"rockstar owes sony an exclusive because of the la noire fiasco"

What? Link.......

"people saying im pulling shit outta my ass"

Zero link to prove otherwise soooo.....

". if im not mistaken the game that was going to be owed from la noire was the "old west project" (RDR)"

You are.

Sony was to publish LA Noire. The cost of development and the lengh of time caused them to let the game and project go.

Team Bondi NOT SONY when to Rockstar.

Team Bondi OWNED the IP NOT SONY. Team Bondi had Rockstar Publish the game and aid in finishing it up.

Later Rockstar purchased the IP from Team Bondi.


Again...TEAM BONDI owned the IP. Sony was to publish. This game being done by Rockstar has literally nothing to do with Sony...


Team Bondi...NOT SONY sell the IP to Rockstar ie ROCKSTAR DIDN'T MAKE LA NOIRE! They published it...

The only thing Sony handed over to Rockstar was the publishing rights.

So this idea that Sony or Rockstar owe anyone anything is very, very funny. As you guys don't seem to actually know a damn thing in regards to what your talking about.


I think many of you guys need to read the actual facts regarding this game, its IP owners, original publishers etc.

showtimefolks3549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )


Sony let them out of GTA4 deal otherwise that game would have had to be exclusives on ps3 for a period of time.

Than R* turns right around and make exclusives content for xbox360

sony let them out of LA:Noire deal so i agree that a exclusive game from R* is due


maniacmayhem3549d ago

"If it had changed then Sony would of told us, or Rockstar would of."

What makes you think Sony or Rockstar would tell us anything? Especially when there has been no mention of this at all since it's tease logo reveal a looong time ago.

You are speculating and guessing thinking that Rockstar owes Sony something. Where people got this notion from I have no idea. The only way Sony or Rockstar would be required to tell the consumer anything is if money was involved, if the consumers actually invested in the game or had some kind of stock in it.

But other than that Sony or Rockstar doesn't have to tell us anything. I love how people think that R owes sony something.

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AutoCad3550d ago

Kinda obvious,This game was more myth thn Last guardian..
Dont think anyone is surprised

user74029313550d ago

pretty decent troll i must say

AutoCad3550d ago

How exactly am i trolling buddy?
When was the last thing you heard about either The Agent or TLG?

Im tired of every year anticipating its announcement, to only be let down year after year.

GTgamer3550d ago

Tbh we have been hearing about TLG lately just saying. But agent yeah that's been queit for that longest.

DigitalRaptor3550d ago

The last we heard from TLG was very recently - information from Yoshia and Scott Rohde that Sony is still pouring money into the production of the game, and close to confirming it's being re-engineered for PS4.

We haven't had an update from Agent with gameplay or anything solid about whether it's still in production for several years. Trying to compare the two is dumb.

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Agent: Rockstar's PS3 Exclusive That Never Escaped the Shadows

No game proves how quickly things can change in terms of ethos at a studio quite like Agent.

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XiNatsuDragnel51d ago

I wished agent was revived so badly

Skuletor50d ago

Rockstar's game outpost has steadily declined since HD console gaming started . Hell, they were releasing new games every year since the PS2 launched, up to the start of the 7th gen.


First leaked screenshots surface for Rockstar's canceled Agent

It appears that the first screenshots for Rockstar's canceled spy game, Agent, have been leaked online.

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purple101137d ago

I thought this got cancelled then rolled into LA Noir

Also, does anyone remember the feature they were supposed to have where you received a text in the game it came to your actual mobile phone?

SonyStyled136d ago (Edited 136d ago )

If I remember correctly, LA Noire was being developed by Team Bondi under a 3 game exclusivity contract with Sony. For some reason the contract was terminated and development of LA Noire by Bondi was cancelled, but resumed by Rockstar half complete and released as multiplatform. Agent was supposed to be an exclusive title by Rockstar in return for LA Noire.

I’m sure there’s many more details I don’t remember as it was 15 years ago. Some of GTA5 is recycled from Agent though

Team Bondis wiki page

Santouryuu136d ago (Edited 136d ago )

Iirc, sony terminated the contract because of the developers beeing mitreated by rockstar. Rockstar was "supporting" with the development.

Found it.

ocelot07136d ago

Was that not the Agency? Another spy game Sony was working on.

TheColbertinator136d ago

That's the one. Sony Online was in charge of that one and were the team responsible for Everquest

Profchaos136d ago

Nah la noire was always something different the link between la noire and aren't was that Sony was originally going to obtain exclusivity to it. Sony was instead offered agent as a PlayStation exclusive if they allowed Rockstar to reneg and make la noire a Multi plat

porkChop137d ago

I've already seen quite a few of these years ago. But still, it's a shame it was cancelled. Hopefully one day we'll get another globetrotting spy thriller. Maybe MS can get the rights to Alpha Protocol from Sega, or have Obsidian make a spiritual successor.

thorstein136d ago

Our go old school with Golgo 13 out Rolling Thunder..

Great IPs that could take a swing at reviving.

TheColbertinator136d ago

Interesting. My type of game and unfortunately never surfaced.

XiNatsuDragnel136d ago

I wished we got revival of agent tbh.

136d ago
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Rockstar Games' Agent Cancellation Fears Possibly Confirmed

Could this mean yet another IP being ignored by Take Two

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Garethvk950d ago

The fact that it has been this long and was intended to be a PS3 title pretty much is all you need to confirm it is not happening.

chicken_in_the_corn950d ago

This. And the fact Rockstar North worked on GTA V and RDR2

VenomUK949d ago

The game’s been cancelled and there’s still more chance of this coming out than Star Citizen.

ProjectVulcan949d ago

When it was first announced 90 percent of current Fortnite players were not born yet, that's how long ago it is

Yui_Suzumiya949d ago

Just like how I've been waiting for a Snatcher sequel for 26 years 😅

1Victor949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

😂 you don’t need to have a Nostradamus prediction to see this one coming🤣, but hey there still hope it’ll be developed before the fabled PS10🤷🏿
Edit I forgot to tell you it’ll be based on a true story of a ticket agent 😜 and it’s going to be a simulator

Epicor949d ago

Rockstar still owns Sony that one exclusive game, right? Or maybe there was a monetary settlement being made already.

roadkillers948d ago

Hell no. It may be contractural, but there is no way Sony will make them hold their end up. You are bringing Rockstar to court with the possibility of ruining a relationship with possibly the biggest brands out there.

... oh and we didn't know the terms either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 948d ago
XiNatsuDragnel950d ago

Please just release the game already

ApocalypseShadow950d ago (Edited 950d ago )

I think the writer is "a little late" if they are wondering on if Rockstar is ignoring the Agent game announcement. Anyone waiting this long for the game have gone to college, got married and had kids. It's not an IP if there wasn't any game released.

It's just another reminder of an announcement that went nowhere. Same as Deep Down, 8 Days, Killing Day, The Getaway, etc.

If it ever shows up, it would be the surprise of the year. But I wouldn't bother holding your breath.

gintoki777950d ago

It was all just a lie to get us to buy consoles

950d ago
ApocalypseShadow949d ago

I wouldn't go that far. More like Rockstar was no longer committed in making games beyond their bread and butter GTA and RD that sells in the tens of millions. We see that today. No new IPs. No updates or sequels of their other games.

No more Bully, no Warriors, no Midnight Club, no Table Tennis, no Manhunt, no Smugglers Run. Nothing but the above two games. No risk. I mean, they can't even be bothered to create DLC for those above games. Just milking the online with micro transactions.

They announced Agent but were never committed to make it in my opinion.

roadkillers949d ago

This title was most likely fraud. Take-Two and Sony had a partnership. This is why every GTA prior to 4 was released on Playstation console first. Rockstar promised a new unique IP to Sony for the release of GTA time-exclusivity.

I'm not mad, but I do genuinely think Sony was played with. What could Sony do? Bring them to court and ruin an incredibly strong relationship with the most dominant company in the industry? They were frustrated, I remember past interviews with Sony stating that they know nothing on Agent.

Remember, Rockstar was still releasing games on a yearly basis when Agent was announced. In my opinion, one of the biggest gaming heists of all time and by fact... one of the biggest gossiped game of all time.

Mr_cheese949d ago

No lies, I went to uni, got married and am now expecting a kid hahaha

I did however 99% give up on Agent, saved the 1% because I'm a dreamer

ApocalypseShadow949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

Lol. Well, it's nice to dream. Congrats on the baby.

The way I look at it is if they were really committed to make it happen, they would have already. It just didn't fit into their GTA formula.

No matter what people think of The Last Guardian, Sony seemed to commit to releasing it. Either it was the team, the producer, director, something. They WANTED to make it after Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. No matter how long it took. We may not see that happen again at Sony. I do respect them for that.

But you can see the difference as Rockstar never released a trailer of the game, no updates, no developer interviews, etc. I figured it was dead after the first year. If it ever shows up, even "Duke Nukem" would smile.

Mr_cheese948d ago

Thank-you! It's exciting times and made me laugh when reading your comment because it put the whole saga into context.

GTA Online has destroyed a lot of what we, the fans, expect from Rockstar. It is a shame because it feels like they're becoming a one game (new) a generation business now rather than a multi game developer.

Can't ever diss the quality of what they deliver, just wish we had more (which isn't outrageous considering the bank they make)

LemyAtom949d ago

Deep Down looked really great. Of course, we've had Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne and more since then to fill the void.

jBlakeeper949d ago

R* won’t sell anything that isn’t proven to sell tens of millions. The gaming landscape has changed immensely since this game was announced and game development is too expensive and takes too long to incentivize making new IP’s.

Yui_Suzumiya949d ago

For me it's the opposite.. I was married to my second wife and had a kid around that time.. now I've been divorced for 9 years, gotten obsessed with anime and visual novels recently and even got a Yui Hirasawa tattoo on my right now. If anything I've experienced extreme age regression in certain aspects, lol.

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shadowT950d ago

was once announced for PS3

sourOG949d ago

Lmao someone still waiting for agent

Yui_Suzumiya949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

Well I am.. then I'll actually enjoy something that Rockstar created for once aside from the first RDR, lol

sourOG949d ago

Don’t hold your breath lol. They burn dollar bills to power their headquarters. It would have happened by now. It should have happened by now.

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