
Microsoft poised to buy SEGA?

Are you an avid Xbox 360 gamer? If so, chances are you are also a member of the 'old' SEGA faithful.

It's no secret that when SEGA fell out of the hardware market, most of the devout fans of 'home of the hedgehog' pledged allegiance to the Xbox brand. In part due to the early launch titles for the original Xbox - the classics 'Panzer Dragoon Orta' and 'Jet Grind Radio'. Both niche titles brought the SEGA faithful over to Microsoft's house for a party.

SEGA Sammy shares have taken a battering over the last two years, dropping from a high of 2050,40yn down to 1020,00yn this week - that effectively halves the market value of the group making it an ideal takeover target.

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Silogon5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

take them. You can have them and all their future bombs. Old sega is near and dear but the people who made that sega have all moved on and as we've seen in films, (Batman, Dawn of the Dead, Damion, The omen, The fog, Black christmas, hills have eyes, The hulk, the punisher, Day of the dead,Texas chain saw massacre, Halloween, and the list goes on and on)

So, just because you have the rites to make an intellectual property doesn't mean it's going to be the same or as good.

Bleem3605808d ago

I don't agree - sorry.

Whilst I'm prepared to admit some of the output has lost it's sheen, Sonic being a prime example - there are still a bunch of IP's that do well. Look at Yakuza for the PS3 for example - Virtua Fighter 5 and lets not forget the much wanted Shenmue III.

paul_war5808d ago

SEGA's titles are very mixed:

Good - Condemned 2

Bad - Iron Man

Ugly - Viking

However this will be a hugh plus for Microsoft, they still produce a lot of titles.

BeaArthur5808d ago

I'm going to have to disagree with you there on Condemned 2. Condemned was great and Condemned 2 started out great, but half way through it transitioned from psychological thriller with a unique combat system to a weird sci-fi adventure that was hard to follow and the combat turned into a below average FPS.

plenty a tool5808d ago

i would imagine there's alot of sega stuff which is extremly popular over there, and they've got a huge back catalogue which could tapped, remade and updated.

a good move for microsoft imo.

american_ninja5808d ago

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but this rumor looks highly familiar...
First off, 80% of that article is just pure opinion.

An odd one at that, Sega games haven't sold as much on Xbox and Xbox 360 as they did on PS3, PS2 and Wii.

Second, Sega dropped the hardware market nearly 8 years ago, why does the article feel the need to write that again?

Also, how could this be Microsoft's desperate move?

Another mistake, Sega is not Sega Sammy, Sega Sammy is Sega's parent company, buying Sega Sammy would mean buying an entire conglomorate of game companies, Internet service providers, music studios, movie studios, animation studios, arcade facilities.

On a whole it would likely cost more to buy the entire Sega Sammy conglomrate then to just buy Yahoo!, so I know this article is nothing more then wishfull thinking on behalf of a random fanboy.

And wanna know the real irony here? Sega games in general have consistenly sold more then Microsoft Games Studio's titles.

Fallen_Angel5808d ago

Sega has a lot of really great IP's the problem is they either been making crappy new ip's and screwing up the ones they have. While a lot of really good IP's they have they are doing nothing with . Where's panzer Dragoon saga 2 , shenmue 3, skies of arcadia 2 or how about a crazy taxi 3 ?

tplarkin75808d ago

MS needs a Mario killer. Sonic has done it before on Genesis. Perhaps Sonic could do it again. This also falls in line with MS wanting to appeal to younger kids and families.

BeaArthur5808d ago

tplarkin7...to be fair Sonic never killed anything. Sega only went through about 1 and a half generations (Dreamcast died too quickly to consider that a generation) before it died off. Sonic is a classic character, but that series is in desperate need of renevation and in it's current state has no chance of knocking off Mario.

Madmax12819805808d ago

sorry but condemned 1+2 arent developed by sega it was monolith sega is the publisher. and fallenangel there already was a crazy taxi 3 on the original xbox.

Doppy5808d ago

Honestly I think this is a good move for Microsoft. They'll have a casual mascot (Sonic), and one for the hardcore (Master Chief). Not to mention a huge library of old games to re-release, or re-make. Nintendo and Sony should be doing the same thing and buy some of these games studios.

Microsoft- Epic, Sega, Eidos, Team Ninja

Sony- Square, Capcom, Konami, Namco

Nintendo- Sega, Grasshopper

KillaManiac5807d ago

Actually ^^^^ Namco and Capcom have UNFORTUNATELY been giving more love to Xbox 360. Same goes for Square Enix b/c they must of gotten a Big O'l check in the mail recently.

At least PS3 still have the RPG of Gods FFXIII and FFXIIIVersus coming sometime next year (I hope!).

tplarkin75807d ago

Sonic did defeat Mario when he first came out. It was a time when those that played Mario on NES grew up. The original Sonic the Hedgehog was a big leap in technology. Sega marketed Sonic as faster and cooler than the slow-poke Mario, and it worked.

If MS buys Sega, they would have to be smart with Sonic, but Sonic could defeat Mario. It's a great character.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5807d ago
predator5808d ago

if they make shenmue 3 then im all for it

Cherchez La Ghost5808d ago

I don't want to even start thinking about that. Shenmue is a "classic" game. I never seen no other game to duplicate it's style.

predator5808d ago

yeah i know....lets just hope they see sense and make it huh?

green5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

It will be a sound business move for Microsoft to do buy Sega.It will help in boosting the knowledge in their fanbase that they are still committed in delivering more games for the Xbox brand.God knows that they are seriously lacking in 1st party studios compared to Sony.

Yes Sega have lost their way abit but with some substantial cash injected into reproducing their amazing back catalogue of games Shenmue,Sonic,Yakuza,Skies of Arcadia,Panzer Dragoon to name a few, will only help in increasing sales in all territories.

Anyway Sega please just make a Shenmue 3.

Bleem3605808d ago

Totally agree - Shenmue III would sell bucket loads. It was a fantastic Dreamcast title if perhaps a little ahead of it's time.

But please - No more forklift jobs!

anh_duong5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

sounds like a good idea but for an M&A annoucement it seems strange for it to be delayed until E3. I think you should check sega share price in the last few days before for an insider trading. an annoucement like this should be partially leaked.

edit: sega share price down 25% in last few weeks whilst the sector has risen makes it seem like this theory is interesting but so far highly speculative

RiseOfMonster5808d ago

I cannot believe you named all those SEGA games and forgot Jet Set Radio. Segas best franchise (IMO)

green5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

LOL.cant believe i forgot about Jet set Radio.That was one amazing game.

One thing with Sony fanboys is that when they bring up lists of games coming to the PS3 , most have not even been confirmed to be in development but they list them anyway because SOny own the studio so it's not impossible to believe that Sony is working on the game secretly.

That is the kind of bragging rights that Microsoft need to empower their fanbase with.Buying Sega or other studios will do that.3rd parties supports everyone now so it all lies on the 1st party studios to set console A apart from console B.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5808d ago
tudors5808d ago

not all games can be complex, my kids just like the ability to fly in a virtual world in a metal suit.

5808d ago
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Report suggests the UK is a console nation

Bit-Tech: Perhaps the biggest surprise was that the tide of console gamers is a cultural phenomenon which does not appear to cross every border. According to NPD's research, while the UK has the highest incidence of console usage out of all the markets analysed Germany boasts the biggest number of PC gamers.

France, meanwhile, is clinging on to dedicated hand-held consoles like the Nintendo 3DS and Sony PlayStation Portable at a time when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets.

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Knight_Cid4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

"when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets."

you mean like japan, europe or the US where the 3ds is breaking records?

People are ditching the 3DS so fast in the US, 3ds sales have doubled over ds first year sales and the year isnt even over.

No source, no truth

who approved this garbage?

Knight_Cid4460d ago

you shouldnt be proud to approve slander

ATi_Elite4459d ago

but 250 million global online PC Gamers say other wise.

Everyone with a Gaming PC can play Wii Games so does that mean the world is a Wii Nation?

I think people just enjoy Games and it really doesn't matter the platform.

Console Nation, PC Universe, iPhone Realm, doesn't matter just enjoy your Games.

StayStatic4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

Considering most PC Gamers will own 1 or more consoles , declaring the UK as a "console nation" is complete and utter bollox.

kevnb4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

owning a console and playing the occasional game once in a blue moon doesnt make you a console gamer. Just like owning a pc and maybe playing some random flash game doesnt make you a pc gamer. Alot of pc gamers bought ps3s, its a blu-ray player and media hub that plays games.

guitar_nerd_234460d ago

I'm from the UK and game on nearly every platform I can think of.

But yes in general I'm more thumbs than fingers when It comes to my games.


Paul Christoforo to Write a Book Based on the Ocean Marketing Debacle

Remember in December of last year when Paul Christoforo became the pariah of the internet? Ocean Marketing was at the center of a scandal that took the internet by storm after Christoforo exchanged rude, angry emails with a customer of Avenge Controllers, for whom Christoforo was providing customer service. I recently had the chance to speak with Paul about the whole ordeal and what his life has been like since.

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Star Wars Kinect: Droid Themed Xbox 360 Limited Edition Console….I’m VERY Excited!

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LX-General-Kaos4473d ago

That is a very nice looking xbox 360.

gamingdroid4473d ago

That does look sick and the sound is even more awesome. Too bad the darn Xbox 360 is so expensive still.

LX-General-Kaos4473d ago

When the Wii U drops the xbox prices will take a serious nose dive. Hopefully they still have that particular one floating around retail.