
Delaying Hellraid Was Worth It | TGH

Vaughn Highfield of TheGamersHub writes:
"When Dead Island developer Techland said they’d be bringing out the eagerly-awaited expansion ‘Project Hell’ as a full-title called Hellraid, I was both intrigued and worried. What had changed to make them feel that it could no-longer exist as an aside to their zombie slaughter? And why were they aiming to raise the bar so high and create an ambitious Elder Scrolls meets Dead Island title? Then, to raise the worry-meter (yes, I’m calling it that) even higher, the project was delayed from its initial 2014 release until 2015. But why? What happened? And, more importantly, what’s changed?

Well, a lot actually. For one, things have been rebuilt in Chrome Engine 6 – the same engine that the fantastically fun Dying Light is built in. Thanks to this engine change, Hellraid is looking gorgeous, those lofty aspirations of Skyrim-like vistas and dungeon sprawls seem believable now."

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joab7773582d ago

My only concern about tech land games are glitches. Hopefully there aren't that many. Interesting how they are able to make two huge new IPS simultaneous.

stormswrath3582d ago

I'm looking forward to Hellraid but I hope it's not too linear. I'm already getting Dragon Age Inquisition and The Witcher so if it turns out to be linear then I'll wait till I can get it for like 20 or 30 bucks.


Interview: Techland explains Dying Light - Hellraid

Dying Light - Hellraid is a new DLC add-on for a five-year-old game. It uses some of the assets and environments of the original (now on hold) Hellraid projects - and some Hellraid weapons will be usable in the main Dying Light experience.

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Yui_Suzumiya1426d ago

Been waiting a million years to play Hellraid. So happy I finally can!


5 Games that got stuck in Development Hell that we will never play

MWEB GameZone writes: "These games were announced and looked great but were never seen of again."

Skuletor2283d ago

Wish there was a written list, the article just has a couple paragraphs but the actual list is all on the video.

DarkVoyager2283d ago

The list is in the tags under the article headline on this page.

Skuletor2283d ago

Grey text on a white background, didn't even notice that before. Still you know what I mean, a readable list with a paragraph for each game.

Relientk772283d ago

Still waiting for Deep Down

agent45322282d ago

Agent had pretty sweet gameplay, hopefully Rockstar releases it.

Maldread2282d ago (Edited 2282d ago )

That`s not Agent, but footage from a very promissing PS3 game called 8 days: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

You can see the same here, with people calling it out: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Too bad we didn`t get to play 8 days though. Looked really good.

I`d be surprised if we see Agent coming out, with GTA and Red Dead 2 taking some time.

Deep Down did look pretty cool too, but i guess it`s gone since we havn`t heard anything about it for some time.

Knightofelemia2282d ago

I would add Scalebound to that list I was looking forward to that game


Interview with Techland about Hellraid

"It is hard to pinpoint one game. There’s Heretic and Hexen, then there is Quake, and of course, Diablo. I loved the atmosphere and gameplay of those games. They were some of the clear inspirations for Hellraid, and the games I played countless hours of way back in the day. A big part of our team shares the same nostalgia."

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