
Street Fighter will come to PS4 & Xbox One 'some time or other' - but not Wii U

Street Fighter will come to PS4 and Xbox One at "some time or other", but Capcom doesn't have any plans to bring the series to Wii U, producer Yoshinori Ono has revealed.

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Funantic13554d ago

Maybe Nintendo fans will start a petition.

Activemessiah3554d ago

If they were honestly tired of being treated this way, they'd be smart enough not to buy Capcom games on the Wii U... but hey, some people are just gluttons for this kind of punishment.

LAWSON723554d ago

Yeah because boycotting games will make fans happy and Capcom more dedicated to the platform /s

LOL_WUT3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Oh man! Another IP not heading to the WiiU? Seems like this is becoming a trend.

Why aren't WiiU fans demanding MORE from Nintendo when it comes to these type of things? Instead they resort on trying to get others to boycott the developers all because a certain game won't release on their system of choice. ;)

Master-H3554d ago

That will damage Nintendo in the long run by decreasing 3rd party sales on the Wii U even more and would mess up their Monster Hunter exclusivity deal that they have going on now, what becomes of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate if you boycott Capcom games?

Vegamyster3554d ago


Pretty sure most Wii-U fans don't boycott a company if they don't get a game, Nintendo hasn't had great 3rd party support for a quite sometime so most buy the system solely for Nintendo's offerings.

THamm3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Heck they're not buying Capcom games anyway, along with Ubi, Konami, Activision, etc Just wish Nintendo kept Rare

Dannycr3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )


Cause that's exactly what they never do. Demand anything from Nintendo. In their eyes, Nintendo is perfect, the best, can't do no wrong and have no room for improvement.

Capcom, in it's current financial state can't risk a port that won't get sales and we all know that the FGC plays on Xbox/Playstation, so obviously they will go with the safe choice.

weekev153554d ago

So because were not getting street fighter which hasnt been good since street fightr 2 turbo edition, we shouldnt buy Monster Hunter?

abstractel3554d ago

It's Nintendo's own fault for not creating a next-gen machine with close enough parity in power to make ports easy.

Realplaya3554d ago

Why is it Nintendo's fault ? Are they going to say give us your game or else? Are they supposed to hold a Gun to Capcoms head?
Capcoms in trouble any way so it's there loss.

Chrischi19883554d ago


You mean Sony fanboys right? Those Shuhei brotherhood ones.

lizard812883553d ago

I don't see how this is Nintendo's fault. It is just Capcom being lazy...again..

Capcom really doesn't support Nintendo outside of MH or VC.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3553d ago
Bhuahahaha3554d ago

they wont even bother
all they need is smash bros

SilentNegotiator3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Because no one could possibly be a fan of both.

But "I don't even want it" responses are typical with these types of reveals.

GordonKnight3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

No, they won't. I didn't purchase my Wii U for the next Street Fighter game. Games like that is why I have the PS4 & X1.

IMO The Wii U still has the most and best exclusives.

Wii U>PS4>X1

3rd party games mean nothing when you have all the consoles.

Ripsta7th3554d ago

If they do, i want a brand new SF. New engine and everything, no ports pls

XtraTrstrL3554d ago

Well, didn't that COO already announce SF5, along with a new pay-for-advantage system? LOL, then Ono immediately tried to do PR damage control by stating there'll be no pay4advantage coming with it. So, they already soured the whole announcement for me. I'm still wondering if they're planning on making the SF5 game for hardcore fans again, like they said they would long ago. I'm sure that'll be out the window if there's really a p4a system to go with it. Whatever, we'll just have to wait and see.

Baka-akaB3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Except Ono and others didnt just say there would be no advantage of the sort . They outright stated the guy was talking out of his a** and merely hypothetising on a game they havent even started conceptualise

And please , Arcsys games added mechanics to lower the entry barrier and yet their games , including P4a are easily as technical , if not more than SF . SF is way more mainstream that those titles , so that's hardly the issue there

What do you even think Ultra are for ? It's a clutch recovery mechanism at heart , wich "purists" initially disliked and still dealt with easily .

And focus ? it was a dumbed down parry system wich is now quite popular .

XtraTrstrL3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

I personally despise Focus. It just doesn't feel like SF. It's a step up from EO(Easy Operation) that was made for the same reason, to attempt to bring in more casuals. I just am not a fan of it.

Also, the higher ups at Crapcom seem to have way too much power. They've done it with every other franchise they own, franchises way more far reaching than SF. I don't see why Ono would be able to overstep them with SF, they're gonna do something stupid like 'Gems' in SFxTekken, which is a p2w setup. They're just horrible, a fighting game with p2w aspects, they have no limits to their greed and idiocy. They don't realize they're cannibalistic greed is losing them money and degrading every franchise they own.

Baka-akaB3553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )

But while not the most newbie friendly , SF's job isnt to be the most impermeable fighting game actually . There are plenty other niche title for that (or spin offs) , that delves into "anal retentive" execution and combo complexity for all tastes .

So i dont see how focus (or Ultra for that matter) made it not feel like SF . Hell at some point , when introduced ; people accused Super moves to be a clutch too , so that misplaced feeling , imo , is nothing new , with people still accepting it in the end .

SF favor quality of execution but was already at heart about being a chess tactician in a fight .

If anything it's when it lost itself into adding tons of pointless layers of complexity , with SF3 , in a transition era , on top of the rise of the 3d ... that Street fighter losts its place and footing in mainstream gaming .

Either way , people complained as per any big mechanic changes , and yet who's on top again and generate the most interest in most competitive outlets ? SF4

XtraTrstrL3553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )


Well, I hope they can stay on top with it, with every other one of their franchises slowly slipping away from them. All because of greed, and mainly for the same reason they added 'Focus' - to make the game more accessible to casuals. I think 'Focus' is way better implemented for that purpose than how they completely changed the genres of other titles like RE - in the name of making it more mainstream. I still just don't like 'Focus' personally though, but don't think it ruins the game, just feels funky to me.

I really hope SF5 is good and doesn't have any 'gems' or anything like that. I dream of them going back to just throwing as much in the game as they can, rather than doing what they did in SFxTekken by locking characters on the disc and taking the microtransactions to a new level. Please Capcom, just leave that out of Street Fighter, it's just a fighter, you don't have to vamp us on every little thing always. That's why you're doing so bad as a company as a whole.

The SF team begged to make SF, that's probably why they had a little more freedom than the other teams maybe. The higher ups were more focused on screwing RE up at that moment still. You can see though, how they're slowly overdoing it with the same practices now and forcing themselves on the SF team, SFxTekken did horribly because of this. I don't think it dropped in price so quickly cuz it was a bad fighter, just people couldn't deal with the ridiculous anti-consumerism and locked-characters and 'gems' was taking it too far. Just let the damn team make SF5 without breathing over their necks, it'll make you more money that way Capcom.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3553d ago
CertifiedGamer3554d ago

Street fighter 4 definitive edition for the PS4, X1, and PC. I wouldn't put it into capcom to release that game on PS3, and 360 while still calling it definitive.

XtraTrstrL3553d ago

They'll do anything. What's funny to me, is long ago - they said they wouldn't make a crazy amount of versions of SF4. When people were making fun of SF2, SSF2, SSF2T, SSF2HT. Now, looking back, they have basically done just that with SF4. Though, SSF4 was an amazing upgrade. Arcade Edition was eehhh, other than the rebalancing, that could have came regardless. Ultra is taking all its new backgrounds from SFxTekken and a few characters from there, just altered. I mean, I love Hugo, and was thrilled to hear he was coming to SF4 - but yeah, they're doing exactly what they said they wouldn't do.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3554d ago

I dont need it. I have Super Smash Bros. which is better.

I rather have Soul Calibur VI and Dead or Alive 6 for Wii U.

SilentNegotiator3554d ago

You'd better hope that they think Wii U versions are worth making, then.

Blueraven3163554d ago

Any new console versions of dead or alive or soul Calibur wouldn't come out on the wii u. Nintendo has been on a downward spiral since super nintedno. Wii had fluke console success because of a gimmick. Until they understand you need 3rd parties. It'll see the same console downward spiral

CorndogBurglar3554d ago

I see you remembered to take your drugs today.

Smash Brothers is better than SF? Come on now. Smash Brothers is a fantastic game, and very fun. But SF is the epitome of fighting games.

MRMagoo1233554d ago

They arent even the same kind of fighter, so I can imagine a few WiiU only owners will be annoyed by this news even if they have smash bros (which is a game I really dont see the appeal of).

deafdani3554d ago

You and OtakuDJKing are making the same mistake: stating opinions as facts.

Yes, both Street Fighter and Smash are fighting games, but both are so wildly different from each other that you can't state, objectively, that one is better than the other. All you can do is state which one YOU like better, and that is called an opinion.

This is pretty much like comparing Gran Turismo to Mario Kart. Both are racing games, both are excellent in what they do, but they are also completely different beasts from each other.

CorndogBurglar3554d ago

@ deafdani

I'm sorry. I forgot that people weren't smart enough to tell the difference between opinions and facts.

If I say Street Fighter is better than Smash Brothers, thats still an opinion, even though I didn't say "in my opinion", in my sentence. If you, or anyone else can't tell the difference then I don't know what to tell you.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

I have Super Smash Bros. which is better.


My Opinion

CorndogBurglar3554d ago

@ OtakuDJ

And you are certainly entitled to that OPINION. Me saying you were on drugs was just a stupid joke and thanks for not getting all butt-hurt over it.

Your OPINION which you spoke is certainly not an OPINION that I agree with, however you are free to have that OPINION. Just I am free to have my OPINION.

And one more thing: OPINION!

Theyellowflash303554d ago

Well.... when it comes to ratings and sales....Smash Bros destroys Street Fighter

Chrischi19883554d ago

Speaking in terms of a Sony fanboy, meaning in sales and nothing else, Streetfighter is not even in the same league with Smash Bros.

Speaking as a huge fighting game fan, Street Fighter is not even close to the best fighting games. Mortal Kombat is way better, Injustice, even the Dragonball fighters from Bandai Namco are better. Only Tekken is worse, in my opinion.

Knushwood Butt3553d ago

@ Chrischi1988

Mortal Kombat better than SF4 ? I think you might have a hard time convincing anyone but yourself on that one.

Let me guess, SF4 got less popular with the Nintendo fans all of a sudden (but I bet they liked it just fine when the DS got a port).

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3553d ago
Gohadouken3554d ago

Not that wanna wish you ill and jinx it ... but it's unlikely the wiiU would get either Soul Calibur VI and DOA 6 ...

They'd most likely be game released well into the next gen cycle and skip the ps3/360 too anyway

Redempteur3554d ago

thank OtakuDJK1NG for the laugh.. it was needed.
Please do'nt forget to ask kindly TEAM NINJA for your DOA6 on wii U.

Dannycr3554d ago

Let's make a bet. I'll bet you whatever you want that, when they say that DOA6 and Soul Calibur VI are not coming to the WiiU, he's going to show up and say that he doesn't even like the games and Smash Bros is way better "in his opinion".

Chrischi19883554d ago

Does it matter? Why are you so feed up with his opinion? What you dont understand is, that in most cases Smash Bros is better. It depends on what you like on these kind of games. DOA6 and Soul Calibur are nice games, but you compare them to one of nintendos most successful franchises, that is a joke man.

Gohadouken3554d ago

How are they a joke ? Beyond Smash selling better obviously . It's a great game but aiming at a broader and more mainstream audience with a slur of popular characters .

I'm not sure how you could even go there , even as a fellow Smash fan . let's jus stick to it "depends what you like on these kind of games"

Redempteur3554d ago

Sales doesn't make a game trully sucessfull.
Brawl sold over 12 millions but fans are back playing melee or hacking the game so it can play like they wished it would.

The new smash bros will certainly be a commercial sucess, but whenever the fighting community embrace it or reject it remain to be seen.

Dannycr3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )


Are you serious? Street Fighter was/is the foundation of the FGC, it is the most professionally played fighting game in existence. Actually, most Capcom fighting games are. That includes SSF2Turbo, SF3rd Strike, MVC2, UMVC3 and USF4.

Smash recently was (finally) acknowledged by the FGC and it brought something new and nice to EVO, but the FGC lives and thrives because of Street Fighter.

Comparing both games is ridiculous and using sales as a base for quality is even worse. That's like saying Mario Kart is a better racing game than Gran Turismo because of the sales. Two completely different things.

PSD: Yes, I'm a smash player, in fact, I play Smash more than SF but I would never consider it better, just different.

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Street Fighter V Executive Producer Yoshinori Ono Leaving Capcom

Few among Capcom’s developers are as well known as Yoshinori Ono, who has basically been the face of the Street Fighter series since IV. Now, he's leaving the company ad the brand.

Fluttershy771371d ago

Not sure if good or bad. SFIV was amazing, Capcom had a winner there they should have supported it. SFV is Ok. Fighting games are a niche thing, so they try to incorporate as much people as they can, but when the game is so basic and easy to execute, it becomes boring after a while. A good fighting game is a hardcore game.
What I want from Capcom for the future is another Alpha, with the same amazing art style and animation (that's key) but Hardcore don't make it accessible... if you want to be good, learn it.

Abriael1371d ago (Edited 1371d ago )

Losing a developer as experienced as Ono-san is never good. He may have made mistakes, like everyone, but the experience he brings to the table (of good and bad things) is doubtlessly valuable.

Sonic-and-Crash1371d ago (Edited 1371d ago )

@FLutter... i agree with Flutter....i wouldnt call that a loss for Capcom , Yoshinori along with other new generation developers were responsible for wasting/destroying a lot of legendary Capcom franchises ....just remember RE 5-6-7 (and probably 8) , under the supervising of Jun Takeuchi , or DmC and UVM3 ...

These younger generation developers were underdogs previously on big games but not directors or high ranked developers and that s why dont know how to properly make great games or reboot them ...Capcom made a lot of mistakes the past 10-15 years putting these guys in director /producer positions

jznrpg1371d ago

@Sonic you aren’t blaming management at all which makes little sense . Corporate had the ability to green light projects , not the devs themselves . Sure devs can make bad games but the past mistakes of Capcom and even Street Fighter are definitely part of managements fault . I don’t have direct knowledge but I do know when you fail at a company it always starts at the top .

Sonic-and-Crash1371d ago (Edited 1371d ago )

@jznrpg.....yes iagree ...the problems are mainly management s fault by just greenlighting the funding of one project and dont having quality standards to be at least comparable /similar in assets with previous games of the IP ....

Capcom for some stupid reason does this a lot as they seem to care more to grab the quick money from hype/expectations rather than creating an artistic product that will leave a legacy behind it....Some say in purpose are changing randomly the devs behind a new project in order veteran developers to not get the proper credits and publicity and in someway obtaining "property" over the IPs--example Mikami -Resident evil or Kojima -MGS , though that way unexperienced people with bad ideas tend to become head directors and develop sloppy games ....As of now i dont expect nothing else than medicority from Capcom for the next gen ....as the last game i liked from them was Monster Hunter World and before it Dragons Dogma ...any other game from the classical IPs they transformed it to cash grab mediocrity that doesnt have anything in common with older games(best example RE series)

bouzebbal1371d ago

Very bad news!!! Very energetic guy, and big loss

PurpHerbison1371d ago (Edited 1371d ago )

Just listen to this if you have time. https://www.twitch.tv/video...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1371d ago
TechnoGoat1371d ago

So you're saying make a niche game, even more niche?... got it.

1371d ago
solideagle1371d ago

SFV sold more than SFIV, I agree it had troubled launch but sales depicts success for SFV. I am assuming SFVI will be multiplatform now?

jukins1371d ago

Never know but I doubt it with any spending heavily on 3rd party content and exclusives. Depending how close it is im sure sony approached them

Imortus_san1371d ago

SF5 is multiplatform just like most SF games before it, the only reason its not on Xbox is Because Sony paid Capcom not to Launch on Xbox, so they could get rid of Xbox on Evo Championship.

Teflon021371d ago

It's because the game wouldn't have existed if Sony didn't FUND the GAME. Not specifically pay for exclusive rights. They simply said it'll be a generational exclusive as return for funding.

Why the hell would Sony care if MS has Xbox at EVO? Lol. PlayStation is the prefered spot for fighting games, that wouldn't even make sense. Now Call of Duty and Activision I can believe that for since Xbox was the only spot for shooters in the 360 Era

Imortus_san1371d ago


That is a ballant Lie that you keep telling yourself, Capcom never needed money, much less help to make the game they have been making for 30 years, and to prove it, you also have SSF4 lanch on PS5 to take out the Xbox 360 version from Evo.

"Why the hell would Sony care if MS has Xbox at EVO? Lol. PlayStation is the prefered spot for fighting games," - PS5 is last gen was Xbox 360 that rulled the Evo and had arcade sticks with 0 input lag.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1371d ago
Terry_B1371d ago

Yoshinori Ono leaving is good.

People say he revived Street Fighter but seem to forget that he was just a sound designer before and had a big role in changing the fighting game industry into the dlc and microtransactions mess it is now.

Gaming4Life19811371d ago

I agree all the way with you fluttershy77 sf4 was amazing and sf5 is just ok. All I want is for capcom to stop trying to make these fighting games accessible and let people practice and get better like it used to be.

DeadManMMX1371d ago

They supported the hell out of SFIV. I remember having a large group of people to talk to about it at work. We were never going to be pros but man we loved it and all the updates. Then they went platform exclusive which was stupid and launched in a half finished state. It just hasn't been the same this time around.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1371d ago
NeoGamer2321371d ago

Street Fighter V improved a lot from launch, but it really tainted the franchise for me. Maybe some new leadership will mean a better game next round from Day One.

RaiderNation1371d ago

I was really turned off by the business model of SFV. Charging full price for the game and purposely holding content out to charge extra for it was ridiculous.

Viking_mo1371d ago

They did that on street fighter 4 and onwards. It was expected to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled that with street fighter 6

Teflon021371d ago

Holding content out?
Why are there so many ppl with these ridiculous assumptions. SFV released like that because they didn't finish the game. But do you seriously think the game could have released ever if they eere putting the content that's in it now? SFV helped bring Capcom back after not even knowing if they can fund a big game anymore at the generations start. The game was barebones. But they didn't make you buy a separate game like SFIV to Super SFIV. They game you all the game modes and updates, a story mode which is new mainline street fighter etc. While I get the issues with the initial release as it was bad. These weird narratives lol. Come on

RaiderNation1370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )


"Why are there so many ppl with these ridiculous assumptions?"

Its not an assumption. That's exactly what Capcom did! They purposely released SFV with a severely gimped lineup of fighters just so they could turnaround and sell them for extra cash! There are older versions of Street Fighter with much bigger rosters. Plus it REALLY pissed me off that fighters like Sagat, Blanka, and E-Honda were put behind a damn pay wall! Those fighters are STAPLES of the SF roster and should always come standard with the main game! SFV was one of my most regrettable purchases this generation!

Imortus_san1371d ago

SF is dead, after this cluster f_ck they made, with charging like hell for a shit ton of Extra characters, and the new versions they released are all the same with some extra code, meaning if you dont have online all you get the the beta release.

RaiderNation1370d ago

Agreed! Putting staple characters like Sagat, Blanka, and E-Honda behind a paywall was about as big of an asshole move as you can make! Those characters should ALWAYS come standard with Street Fighter!

sourOG1371d ago

He’ll be an asset wherever he goes. The last street fighter presentation was fantastic and makes it seem like replacing him was a good move though.

neomahi1371d ago

Not a bad Executive Producer, a pretty goofy dude, at least he didn't push his own personal agenda on people like Naughty Dog have, and if he did, it was subtle. Ono knew how to separate his personal feelings from business, I think he did well. His demeanor strongly indicates how he feels every time he's on stage, but it didn't exactly manifest itself in games in a pushy way, it was subtle and I appreciate that from him.

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Yoshinori Ono Reflects on Street Fighter 5

An interview on the lessons learned from Street Fighter's latest entry.

XxExacutionerxX1476d ago

I feel like Street Fighter 4 and 5 were just a rehash of old characters that also became paid DLC. Are they good games? Yes. Street Fighter will never be the same unless they bring back the arcade style feel(stop just thinking of EVO players), stop reusing old characters other than Ryu/Ken and maybe chun li. Capcom needs to Evolve Street Fighter with all new characters like Street Fighter 3 did before. Bring back a cel-shaded yet upgraded art style. Street Fighter 2 will always be the peak of this series.

PurpHerbison1476d ago

I'd argue they are thinking about the casual players more than the competitive players outside of balance patches. The gameplay in SFV speaks for itself.

The issue with making a bunch of new characters is possibly alienating fans that expect the tried and true characters. While I think SF3 is awesome, particularly Third Strike, they actually weren't very popular. And part of the reason was the ratio of new/returning characters. There was a dark age almost a decade long after that until SF4 revived the scene.

They can try to do what Guilty Gear and DBFZ did to give it an old yet clean updated look but I doubt they will ever go that road.

I agree that SF2 will always be the peak but it is extremely hard to compete with that considering its impact on the industry across the board.

Enigma_20991476d ago

DROP the games as a service part.

AK911476d ago

Just release a complete game at launch and you'll have no problems.


Wccftech's Best Fighting Games of the Decade - Genre's Golden Age

Wccftech selected the ten best fighting games released in the 2010 decade, which they reckon was the Golden Age for the genre.

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