
Forza Motorsport Honcho: Xbox One Will Improve, but Biggest Gains Come from Optimizing Your Own Code

In the last few months a lot of attention has been placed on elements that increased or will increase the power of the Xbox One, like the juice previously reserved to Kinect made available to developers for different purposes or DirectX 12, but Turn 10 Studio Head Dan Greenawalt, with whom DualShockers had a chat at Gamescom, thinks that the true gains lay elsewhere.

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OC_MurphysLaw3583d ago

Makes total sense. Sure they are going to get a bump in power from the kinect change but ultimately you have to code your games to take advantage of that. If you don't improve your code just giving more power wont really impact you much if you aren't doing anything different on the coding side.

jimjam34423583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

i agree, compare gun on 360 to red dead redemption on 360, i would swear there was a generational leap between those and with the same 512 mb ram they always had. it seems to me after anout 5 years weve seen all the code side improvement were going to get. i wasnt even able to enjoy gta 5 because the damn game felt like it ran at 20 fps most of the time. lets hope this gen doesnt stick around so long this becomes a problem again. far cry 3 was another example of a great game hels back by hardware. at least for me whos pc cant run stronghold 3 on lowest setting. edit: which is why i play on console

Volkama3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

I prefer to refer to the 360's memory as "the amazing 512mb unified GDDR RAM".

3583d ago
jimjam34423583d ago

wing walker, i completely disagree those arent very good examples. maybe halo3 to 4, but gta 4 still holds its ground as a next gen game. and car games are never a good example.

christocolus3583d ago

I've got a lot of respect for Dan and his team. Can't wait to see Forza 6. That game will be amazing.

EvilWay3583d ago

The disagrees are ridiculous. Forza 6 will hopefully be a masterpiece. I look forward to seeing it go against Gran Turismo next year

lfc_4eva3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

Forza has always got better.
I played forza 1 way back on old xbox and it was sweet.
But you could see the evolution of the game on x360. My friends and I played Forza2 to death, but when forza3 came out, our jaws dropped. Then again with forza 4.
Its obvious as the coders become more adept with the environment, they become better and more efficient. So better looking and playing games on the same hardware.

I'm guessing your disagrees came from Sony fans. Yet the same principles apply to Gran Turismo, which has also evolved dramatically over time.

EvilWay3583d ago


I agree. Tbh I wasn't thrilled with Forza 4, and I would say Gran Turismo was better. Since it had way more cars. That is the only thing I think Forza needs to improve on, get rid of the dlc packs and have those cars in from the start, dlc is okay but we don't need packs for honda civics that should be in the game already

LOGICWINS3583d ago

Why does Forza need to go up against GT?


Just enjoy the games.

ABizzel13583d ago

Didn't become a Forza fan until Forza 3. I just wasn't a sim racing fan when the first one launched, and Forza 2 just didn't grasp me. But Forza 3 hooked me, Forza 4 was just more of 3 (which wasn't a bad thing), and I don't have 5 because I didn't get my XBO this weekend, due to lending money to friends and family -_- (leeches).

But I'll have it soon, and I'll be picking up Horizon 2 and waiting for Forza 6.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3583d ago
mhunterjr3583d ago

I think the best thing about the playground/turn 10 partnership, I'd that they share assets and talent.. They create two very different racing games, but they are able to uses the achievements of the sister studio to enhance their own game.

There's no doubt in my mind that the next Forza will be great, beautiful, and full of content.

christocolus3583d ago

Both devs are really talented...and in the case of forza 5,turn 10 had a lot to deal with i.e Launch deadlines&sdk issues,but now that the rush period is over and everything is settled i believe we will get a far more polished game in the sequel.

3-4-53583d ago

Any news on Forza 6, or is it just one of the inevitable things we will hear about within the next 6-12 months ?

christocolus3583d ago

Lol. Its one of those inevitable things we will hear about in the next 6 to 12 months. Except they want to take a break from forza and venture into another genre...but i doubt that. the development of the next forza motorsport game should have started by now. I'm guessing it will be ready in 2016.

InTheZoneAC3583d ago

and who didn't know this????????

why do people think that games get better as the console ages? it's because they learn how to optimize and make things more efficient.

waste of an article...

zsquaresoff3583d ago

Someone is praising the Xbone. Let them have their moment.

RobLoPR3583d ago

Best example of learning to make a better game with time is the Super Nintendo... started with games like Super Mario World and finished with games like Donkey Kong Country.

qwerty6763583d ago

this Agree/Disagree thing needs to be changed.

legitimate comments and positive xbox comments are being put down for no reason.

is this the same for sony articles?

Gamer7773583d ago

The disagree and bubble system favor the majority group. So even if the majority of comments are on topic and constructive;biased trolls can ruin the comments section without even commenting by spamming disagrees and negative bubble votes.

Kavorklestein3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

To answer your question- The Sony articles are almost COMPLETE POLAR OPPOSITE.
The only time you really see somebody downvoting a Pro-Sony comment is if they throw in something like: "This is why xbox one is doomed" "Way better than xbox one"
"The PS4 is the only___________" or something along those lines.

There are of course exceptions, and there are a small amount of people who troll Sony articles, but it's NOWHERE NEAR the same level of immaturity as a whole.

It's off-putting to even WANT TO BECOME a PS4 gamer when you see that your peers and fellow players are going to be THAT pathetic.

It's sad really.


How Forza Motorsport is bringing Drive To Survive's high-octane thrills to Xbox

Having outgrown its Gran Turismo rivalry, Forza Motorsport is looking to redefine racing games in glorious high fidelity for Xbox Series X and S.

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darkrider726d ago

I think forza horizon is now number one on the forza games. That franchise took the number one spot on racing on Microsoft machines. I think they should go next to forza rally, because there a huge hole on that area of racing. A full forza rally would be great. I think normal racing game already hit the ceiling.

Obscure_Observer726d ago

"A full forza rally would be great. I think normal racing game already hit the ceiling."

The new Forza Motorsport marks a return to it´s simulator roots. Turn 10 is not aiming at Gran Turismo anymore. They´re aiming at Assetto Corsa and other full SIM racing games.

darkrider726d ago

What simulator roots? It was always an arcade racer.

PitbullMonster726d ago

It took Turn10 8 games to implement tire and fuel management and now they are aiming for assetto corsa?

Knushwood Butt726d ago

'Rewind button' and 'simulator roots' don't sit well in the same sentence.

Flawlessmic725d ago (Edited 725d ago )


Id ask u if u were joking but sadly i know ur being legit, what a shock.

Like pitbullmonster said it took 8 games just get tyre and fuel management in the game and somehow its leaped gt and when did gt fall behind the other sim racers lol

U could try to be a little more subtle when making fan boyish comments.

Guaranteed u havent even played the latest gt or assetto corso so likely have no idea what ur actually talking about.

Anyways back to the op, im glad motorsport is coming back exactly as is with a new physics system and revamped graphics, id take this all day over a rally game.

If they want to make a tally game then sure thatd be nice but not at the expense of motorsport

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 725d ago
EvertonFC726d ago

Forza rally could be awesome, not sure why you're disagrees

darkrider726d ago

I think so, but that's just an idea.

Obscure_Observer726d ago (Edited 726d ago )

"Forza rally could be awesome"

Personally, I don´t think Xbox needs another *Forza* title since Microsoft already has one of the best Rally IPs in the genre.


Orchard726d ago

This game looks absolutely insane visually. I'm wondering what framerate it'll run at with RT enabled. Obviously, there will be 120hz and 60hz modes, but with what level of detail & RT is the question.

ABizzel1726d ago

I'd assume 60fps still, but the resolution is likely dynamic just like it was in Forza Horizon, with 1/2 or 1/4 resolution raytracing which is apparent from the trailer. Allegedly what was shown was a combination of PC max settings and Series X targets, so we'll have to wait and see.

120Hz mode would be cool, but I'm not sure they'll do it, and if so it'll likely only be Series X. So I'd say:

Series X: Native 4K@60fps basically Max Settings / Dynamic 4K@60fps w. Raytracing (1440p - 4K)
Series S: Native 1440p@60fps High Settings / Dynamic 1080p@60fps w. Raytracing (720p - 1080p)

--Onilink--726d ago

I really doubt they will do raytracing in 60fps mode, hopefully im wrong, but I just dont see it happening.
30fps RT mode
60fps performance mode without RT

Im not even sure there will be RT at all on Series S

ABizzel1725d ago (Edited 725d ago )


The Series X should be able to do it without question, it's more of a question of how far down will the resolution have to drop when Reflections are at their most. A map with Rain, Puddles, multiple cars, and sunshine is going to be the stress point for the game, and we'll see if fps take the hit, or resolutions takes a nose dive in such as section. The resolution of reflections look 1080p on Series X because there was a good amount of aliasing going on, so I see Dynamic 4K with drops down to 1440p higher or lower depending on the map, time of day, weather conditions, number of cars on screen, and number of reflections.

The Series S is the one I question, because 1080p reflections while having aliasing is okay and not as noticeable while playing, so if the Series S uses quarter resolution we're looking at 540p reflections or lower and that's going to be very noticeable. But they said RT for Series consoles, but the didn't specify to what degree, aka used cars salesmen tactics, so it could very well be RT is in the PC version, and SX version, but it's RT shadows on the SS.

It would be a HUGE fail if they drop fps to 30fps for Raytracing in the SX version, but the Series S might have no choice in order to keep a high enough resolution. We'll see in 2023 I guess.

Army_of_Darkness725d ago (Edited 725d ago )

As a PlayStation only gamer, I have to admit that this new Forza game looks a generation ahead of GT7! And the water effects! Omg! Insanely photo realistic! Well done turn 10, well done.

dandm7171725d ago

does anyone remembers Rallisport challenge 20 years ago - that game was some rally racing with great graphics too


Looking Back To 2014 and Forza Horizon 2

Paul writes: "Forza Horizon 2 then, a game from 2014 - a game that still stands up today"

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xRacer74x1713d ago

Would love to see a PC port of this game Forza 3 and 4 are just gorgeous on XBOX but Jaw dropping on PC.

ilikestuff1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

I remember when gran turismo was the driving sim king, I miss those days, I played the crap out of gt1, took me forever to get enough credits to get that viper, gt2 brought those muscle cars! Gt3 was a banger, gt4 was the downfall in my opinion, it was like they half assed the game, I think at one point they scanned a model car and used the bottom of it for the bottom of a car on their game. They gave up the crown and dont seem to care. Man though, gt1,2, and 3 were great.

sizeofyou1712d ago

Seriously even comparing FH to GT? 🤔

sampsonon1712d ago

not like DC does. they were 10 yrs ahead of their time.

but FH2 was pretty good as well.

ilikestuff1712d ago

Awesome video, those weather effects are nuts. I know that game didn’t start off to good but they should’ve gave them one more chance before they got shit down. Loved motorstorm

sampsonon1712d ago

i made sure i bought it before they de listed it from the ps store. those graphics are still one of the best this gen. and the best when it comes to realism. it looks soo real sometimes.

ramiuk11712d ago

i was blown away by driveclub ,infact still am tbh...
the rain !!!!!!!!!

porkChop1712d ago

DriveClub had some really impressive weather effects. It's a shame they didn't get another shot.

spicelicka1712d ago

Graphically that's true DC is the best looking racing game ever, but the article isn't talking about graphics only. Game design and gameplay in FH2 was miles ahead and has consistently improved with each iteration.

sampsonon1712d ago

they are saying it still holds up. to me that's a graphical thing. but if they think the open world car games are is the thing that makes a racing game hold up then The Crew is the winner.

in 10 yrs you can show DC and people will still think it's one of the best looking games.

but i get your point.

xRacer74x1712d ago

Just think if DC did not have prerendered backgrounds and the narrowest roads of any game i had played in a long time and it felt like it was on rails. DC was subpar and it cost the studio their jobs.

sampsonon1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

first of all the studio was shut down because of the launch of the game and all the free dlc they had to give away because of it. not the game itself.
pre-rendered backgrounds? lol thanks i needed that laugh.

"Just think if DC did not have prerendered backgrounds and the narrowest roads of any game i had played in a long time and it felt like it was on rails."

that's called a racetrack dumb dumb :)

FH2 had some of the worst graphics in a racer so of course you could have an open world. too bad the crew did a better job than FH2 and still does when it comes to open world racing.



xRacer74x1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

@sampsonon Except Genius(Intended Irony) not all the tracks were race tracks. And No feeling like the game is on rails does not mean its a race track either. DC was a subpar racing game. I really enjoyed the invisible barriers when you drove on the burm too. Forza was such a better game but that does not need to be said its why the studio is still making games and the other was FIRED. I get it though its not like on the PS4 their is a great arcade first party racing game. So you do not know any better.

sampsonon1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

@xRacer74x they were race tracks, just not off road tracks.
sub par my ass. Like i said sony only disbanded the company because of the bad launch. they also have GT so they could afford to close the company.

FH2 looked like shit and still does compared to the superior graphocs of DC. even 3 looks shit compared to DC.
One game was using tracks and the other was an open world. one looked way better and the other one allowed you to "REWIND" HAHA! when you race = garbage.

Forza Horizon is a fun game, don't get me wrong. but it was lacking in so many places compared to DC.

spicelicka1712d ago

I don't think simply being open world makes a game hold up, there were plenty of things FH2 did so well. IMO it did many things better than the Crew, which is why it's rated so much higher as well. Better graphics than the crew, the multiplayer was amazing with FM drivatar tech, and the handling of car just feels better than any arcade racer given the variety. The soundtrack is still my favourite.

Imortus_san1712d ago

LMAO, all the people that add no internet sucked balls since the phisical edition did not had those effects.

Forza Horizon 2 metacritic = 86 user 83

Drive Club metacritic = 71 user = 63

There is no real comparation, Drive CLub floped and the company went down while Forza Horizon 2 triumphed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1712d ago
3-4-51711d ago

* I've still yet to beat the game and haven't bought FH3 or FH4 because I still have stuff to do in FH2....I just haven't played in a while. It's an awesome game and yes it still is just as good now as when it originally released.


7 Ultimate Xbox Gamerscore Grinds for Those with Way Too Much Time on Their Hands

Jacob writes: "Following on from my list of insanely difficult achievements, it’s time to shine the spotlight on another type of hellish achievement. The dreaded grind. These are the awards that will take you hundreds of hours at the absolute minimum, and often involve repeating menial tasks over and over. It’s safe to say that these were definitely not made with the casual gamer in mind. Only the most committed will ever see these pop."

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BillyG0AT1801d ago

rewording countless other articles, yayyy