
New RPCS3 - Most Promising PS3 Emulator - Video Shows In-Game Footage From PS3 Commercial Game

YouTube’s ‘B1ackDaemon’ has released a new video from RPCS3 – the most promising PS3 emulator that is currently under development – that shows in-game footage from Voodoo Chronicles: The First Sign.

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DonDon3578d ago

Sony should hire anyone who can emulate ps3 games so they can do it on ps4. PS Now makes no sense to me and I've played the hell out of the Private and Open Beta for them. The minute lag is noticeable in fps games and fighters.

user3672723578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Agreed. PS Now is really laggy. Played the beta on my friend's PS4 last week. If they will have an emulator, I'll swallow my pride and get a PS4 in heart beat. Would love to play great classics such as Uncharted, GOW3, Haze, Lair, and Genji: Days of the Blade lag free and cheap used Gamestop price on the PS4.

Outside_ofthe_Box3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Not sure if serious or trolling...

Your last sentence makes me question whether you actually tried PS Now whereas prior to reading it I believed that you did.

Edit: Trolling it is. I just reread your post. Lol @ the fact that you have to swallow your pride in order to purchase a console. Grow up, it's not that serious lmao.

user3672723578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Last sentence? Isn't the Uncharted series, GOW3 ant etc..classics on Ps3? What is the issue here. I admit never owning the PS3 or Ps4 but doesn't mean I don't have an appreciation for great games when I see them. The BC on Ps4 will be like killing 2 birds with one stone as I can enjoy some of the backlog of PS3 games that are not available on the xbox brand while having a great new system in the PS4 to play Uncharted 4 and future great PS4 titles. What is there not to like about BC over renting streaming games with lag?

BBBQ_BYOBB3578d ago

Haze, Lair, and Genji: Days of the Blade? Out of all the PS3 exclusives you missed out on, those should be at the bottom of your list, crossed out.

Outside_ofthe_Box3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Haze, Lair, and Genji raised huge eyebrows is all. If you genuinely want to play those games then cool, to each their own. Sad that your pride(lmao) has to take a hit in the process though...

gootimes3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

From what people Say about Now it has very little lag, and many testers have said pretty much none at all on various sites... I think it strongly depends on connection. Looks like an awesome service to me, just need to make a competitive priced subscription model and I'm in.

guitarded773578d ago

I've been in PS Now from the Alpha, and have not had success with it. It could well be my internet speed, but the biggest issue I have is the very low rez graphics, and losing connection. I'd much rather have backward compatibility. I have a huge PS3 catalog and am currently switching between the two consoles.

Cryptcuzz3578d ago

I tried it out last week with Dead or Alive 5 and it was basically lag free to me. That is a from a fighting game and if that was the level of input lag I can expect from other games, I'll be happy to say my experience made me me a believer of the technology Sony used in PS NOW.

Now, as for the pricing, I'm waiting for some sort of subscription based pricing, ala Netflix has for its service, before I really use it more.

I never like rental plans, but I was really curious on how the service would be. Bring me a subscription plan and I'll be a subscriber.

kneon3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

I've had no perceptible lag and the graphics quality is indistinguishable from the same game playing locally.

But how well it works will depend on your ISP and your proximity to the PS Now servers

Christopher3577d ago

I'd love to see emulators, but it's a double edged blade.

If you do it via hardware, it costs more money that people tend to not want to pay for. If you do it via software, it's easily hacked and results in a lot of piracy that Sony can't control.

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Imalwaysright3578d ago

Why would they do that when they're making a killing with their HD remasters of HD games and they can nickle and dime us with PS now?

Gamer19823578d ago

Well the issue with emulation is you need at LEAST 10X the original hardware to emulate it. With PS3s unique graphics chip CELL thats going to be hard. So emulation may not be possible on the PS4.

Axonometri3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Great come back and show us when the cursor has moved to the close button...
10 years later.

YoungKingDoran3578d ago

With how complex the PS3 architecture is, I would have to say that whether you are for or against this type of thing, and yeah there wasn't much going on, but that is impressive.

nevin13578d ago


Sony will rather have people rebuy game via re-releases or PSnow. That is the reason why BC was removed.

How can anyone debate that?

user65409483578d ago

Well they said b/c was removed because of the ps3's cell chip is too expensive to add to it, plus the entire ps4 architecture is closer to a pc. So that is why there is no b/c.

Baka-akaB3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Yes and no . They'd make more money with people just buying the current and past crop of ps3 retail (and digital games) .

They left the bc out because it does require extra work on ps4 (might not even be possible , the console is far weaker than what ultimately the polished emu will require down the line ) , is a financial cost , and they can obviously still charge money for re-releases

yewles13578d ago

*looks at specs used in YT description, looks at what game they're using, looks at performance*


Dasteru3578d ago

The hardware listed is about 5 years old and mid range even back then. Also the emulator is still quite early in development. It will eventually run alot better.

Studio-YaMi3578d ago

By then,the PS6 or even PS7 will be out ...

Dasteru3577d ago

Work on RPCS3 has really started to pick up recently. We should see games become playable within 2-3 years. That is not to say we will see them all running at 1080p/60 that soon, but they should be playable.

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