
Gamescom 2014: PlayStation System Software Update 2.0 Coming With New Share Play Feature

JM: Sony is finally coming through with one of the first promises they made with the PlayStation 4

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gameon19853584d ago

How the hell did Microsoft let Sony beat them to the share feature? Oh well as long as they get it.

Dudebro903584d ago

Its completely different.

Sonys version is streamed, and the other person can only play if the person who owns the game is playing and invites them.

The sharing on xbox was simply sharing the game in its full capacity, but only one person at a time. So playing the same game was a no go.

user14394143584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Sony really have surpassed every expectation I had about the PS4. I am amazed. :)

Notramagama3584d ago

MS allowed 1 other to play with at the same time. Sonys is still better though the ability to by pass downloading. If sony implements a "play with game via stream until you've downloaded it" feature for all games, that'd be killer...

iamnsuperman3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Essentially it is co-op but the other person doesn't need the game. I am not the most social person in gaming so I won't use it but still pretty good feature.

Edit: I have just had a thought. If say you went round someones house and they had a PS4 couldn't you just turn on your PS4 (via the app) and play your games at his house (no downloading required). It depends how "passing the controller" works but that is great feature right there

mikeslemonade3584d ago

The conference had many annoucements just not big annoucements. There's plenty of innovative games and unique genres that I look forward to on PS4.

bouzebbal3584d ago

i have always been looking forward to shareplay, now we know when it's coming out!

AliTheSnake13584d ago

So basically i can now play TowerFall: Ascension online. Great feature.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3584d ago
Godmars2903584d ago

pretty sure this is something they announced with the system.

JoGam3584d ago

@ Above and below....You guys are absolutely correct.

dragonyght3584d ago

this feature was announced at the debut of the PS4. it just we have forgotten about it

3584d ago
xer03584d ago

"How the hell did Microsoft let Sony beat them to the share feature?"

Microsoft literally scrapped all it's original features and copied Sony; so how can you ask this question?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3584d ago
Kingthrash3603584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Best update for any console. IMO.

MysticStrummer3584d ago

Pretty huge feature imo. When they explained how the FC4 co-op would work with keys and would be limited in time I thought ok well that's not as cool as it sounded at E3, but when they brought up Share Play I thought WOW!

ThinkThink3584d ago

I feel like this is one of those features that sounds good on paper but most people won't really use much. It's cool that Sony is stepping it up though. Hats off to them for that.

tinynuggins3584d ago

I won't use it but some might.

fr0sty3584d ago

There have been a number of times I've wanted to play a game online with a friend but they didn't have the game. This solves that issue. I'll definitely be using it.

Kivespussi3584d ago

That's a terrific feature and I will definitely use it!

colonel1793584d ago

I don't think it will be used that much either, but it will be great when you need help in the game, or need someone in a game meant for multiplayer (like LBP) to get a trophy, etc.

realplu3584d ago

Here is how I see it. You watch someone play a new game on Live from Playstation and it looks pretty good. Then you check your friends list and one of your friends has the game. You can connect with your friend and actually play the game to see if you like it.

ThinkThink3584d ago

Yeah but can you imagine the hassle to coordinate when you can both play that specific game? Maybe you want to play but he wants to play something else. It just seems like a huge hassle but I get what you're saying. In theory it sounds cool.

ScottyHoss3584d ago

A simple messagewould suffice, agreeing on a time wouldn't be hard if you lived close (streaming long distance would suck) problem solved.

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jambola3584d ago

My stream cut off at the end of this part :(
did they mention when it will be available?

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boskoz3550d ago

Nice writing, for a game I honestly wasn't aware, until now.

I will check this out at release!

kaiserfranz3550d ago

I'm a sucker for Norse mythology. Will be checking this for sure.

Imp0ssibl33550d ago

How did this slip past my radar? Might have to give it a closer look...

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There's very little information about it, and it was only announced in June. Could be a surprise

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It was a game id heard nothing from, but think it could get quite a cult game exploring all the possibilities...


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