
Game Revolution: Kung Fu Panda Review

Game Revolution writes: "I am surprised. Really I am. I mean, the concept of a goofy, uncoordinated panda becoming some kind of kung-fu hero is so lame that it seems like the writers in Hollywood really are throwing darts at a board. Hmm… the main animal star is… a Panda! And he'll do… Kung-Fu! Damn, just missed "Caribbean Monk Seal" and "Barbershop Hi-jinks"! But when the trailers for the DreamWorks flick came out, it looked like they might be on to something after all. With a smart voice-over cast, including Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, and a nice-looking homage to old-school chopsocky flicks, it looks like Kung Fu Panda could be a winner.

But how about the game? Thanks to Activision, I was worried we'd just get another Shrek game with a panda in it. Well, we're all in for a pleasant surprise, because Kung Fu Panda manages to survive the 18 Bronzemen and come out in one piece."

+ Varied gameplay
+ Moves galore
+ Good replay value
- Disappointing voice-acting
- Camera issues

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jznrpg428d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal428d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


Other Games to Satisfy Your Mists of Pandaria Panda Infatuation

The ads for Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft expansion Mists of Pandaria are currently inescapable. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing, since the trailers are absolutely beautiful. It's no secret that the expansion hype has only increased the popularity of pandas in the gaming community. This article contains suggestions for several panda-themed games that can help gamers satisfy their cravings to play as pandas in WoW's newest expansion.

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jaawn4255d ago

Dude...totally going to play some Warcraft III later. Oh an Kongregate is awesome! Good article.


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"In video game discussions, you’ll hear all sorts of terms being tossed around to describe a game’s social standing. “Overrated” someone will say, as they describe the latest Call of Duty and make the claim that it doesn’t deserve all its praise. “Underrated” someone will say, as they describe the latest Animal Crossing title and claim that people should appreciate it more, or that they simply just “don’t get it”. Then there’s a lesser-used term: “Under the radar”."

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