
Fanboys Beware: It's Starting to Look Like the Consoles are More on Par Than You Think

It's undeniable that the Xbox One console is an underpowered machine when compared to the PS4. With more and more games reaching that all-important 1080p resolution on the console though is it possible that fanboys of the future aren't going to have anything to yell and scream about anymore?

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Mikelarry3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Yeah but my 1080 is better than your 1080.. theres levels to this RECOGNIZE :)

OT: it was bound to happen, it is no longer that important now that the consoles cost the same

bintarok3556d ago

Still, both current gen consoles are not powerful enough for future 4K gaming.

JeffGUNZ3556d ago

True, but with the price of 4K/Ultra HD televisions and the lack of support (mainstream) support of 4K, that isn't an issue. I could see this gen. ending a little earlier once 4K becomes more common.

xHeavYx3556d ago

One game makes it to 1080p and now the consoles are more on par?
Yeah right, wake me up when console sales are on par

Volkama3556d ago

Shhhh.... don't... make... a sound....

You might wake the fanboy.

afterMoth3556d ago

Hilarious, so when a game that isn't pushing the hardware makes 1080p on both systems it means both systems are equally powerful. Microsoft loves the way the die hard Xbox fans think.

pastysmash3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

4K gaming will never catch on. Not even on PC. Considering you need a decent 770 or 780 Sli setup for good performance most people avoid it because the whole premise is too pricey for PC gamers to conform to.

@Volkama I disagree, I didn't say anything about the costs of the Monitors/TV's. I know they're coming down in price.

It's the price of GPU's that facilitate 4K performance that turn people off. 500 pounds for a 780Ti, 400 for a 780, 290x etc, both GPU's still struggling to perform at 4K then you have to take into consideration building the rest of the PC, Cpu, PSU, Mobo, SSD etc. How do i know?

I've been running 4K for 4 months on a samsung U28D590DS...


Volkama3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I think this canadianonlinegamers site have put up a few questionable articles.

Destiny and Diablo are relatively high profile games that both made the last-ditch jump from 900p to 1080p. It's a good thing for the Xbox version, but it doesn't say much about the hardware difference between the consoles.

@Pantysmash 4k gaming will catch on. nVidia, AMD, and more importantly the likes of Samsung/LG/Asus are all steering the industry towards it. The costs won't be so steep forever.

ABizzel13556d ago

This is so silly, Diablo 3 running in 1080p should have never been a question to begin with, and if it was it really goes to show that the XBO was vastly underperforming from it's base model GPU.

It runs at 1080p @ 50 fps on a HD 7750, so that meant the XBO (based on a 7790) was performing worse than that if they couldn't get it up. So currently the XBO is an easy port for games running on the level of an HD 7770.

CuddlyREDRUM3556d ago

Neither are 99% of PC rigs.

Patrick_pk443556d ago

@JeffGunZ You know 4K monitors are cheaper then Television by a land slide, right?

brich2333556d ago

4k? yeah because 99% of the population has 4k tvs.

Scatpants3556d ago

Most people's PCs aren't powerful enough for it either.

Volkama3556d ago

@pastysmash bully for you, I have a 4k TV and crossfire 290s myself.

Graphics cards advance, 4k will not require multiple high end cards forever. So the cost of 4k gaming will drop significantly.

jackdaddy3556d ago

I would rather have a few more years of quality 1080p gaming on my ps4 than sub standard 4k right now.
That's what Pc's are for.

higgins783556d ago

Both? Sorry, but unless you have been living under a rock you will find 3 current gen consoles...a little known console manufacturer called Nintendo is also in the picture. Bloody ignorant jocks. Don't think for a second that missing out on 'next gen' cough* games such as Watch Dogs and TLOU make it less relevant.

SilentNegotiator3556d ago

Neither are 99.9% of PC rigs.

Cueil3556d ago

hoping this generation is short

Docknoss3556d ago

The One's hardware had never been the issue. It was the rushed Dev tools Microsoft put out. Now that new and improved SKU has dropped, nothing but 1080p from Developers. Nay say all you want but it's the truth.

700p3556d ago

All i see is people crying.

ZombieKiller3556d ago

I'll believe that when I see it.

If the xbox is struggling now with 1080p, what happens when the games get better looking/require more power?

Sorry but I'm sticking to my PS4. Actually, no I'm not sorry.

Prime1573556d ago

@pastysmash, "4K gaming will never catch on. "

Well, people said that about 720/1080... technology grows fast. So never? Not never.

Right now, yes, it's for those with cash to burn. However, a few years will tell.

masterfox3556d ago

lol 4k, good luck with that.

Boody-Bandit3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

"4K gaming is the future"

Yes, I agree. It's the future.
The future for the PC and some day console gaming. But those that pretend PC gaming is already there are either lying their @zz off or don't know WTF they're talking about.

I have a PC (check my profile n click on my facebook link for pics) with dual GTX 780 Ti Classifieds and my rig can't hit 4k resolutions at reasonable frame rates.

My rig struggles (which I just upgraded this week), although I thought it wouldn't, to hit 60 FPS with BF4 and Crysis 3 max settings, 60fps on 3 x 1080p displays at 60hz.

It takes about 1 minute to google and hear the tech experts tell you we are roughly 2 years away from 60fps, 60hz, max settings in 4k on a single display. Even than the cost will be more than most are willing to spend unless you have uber deep pockets.

Do some research on 4k you will also find that most games out today have issues, regardless of how powerful your hardware, with scaling, dithering, panning, scope, etc... while running games in 4k. Most people running 4k displays do it at 30hz. Not 60,120,144, etc, but 30hz just to get reasonable frame rates in 4k.

So don't believe the drivel being spewed by the misinformed. Oh and BTW those 4k displays have input lag worse or on par with standard LED TVs. Any hardcore PC gamer, or hardcore gamer in general, worth their salt, want as low a input lag monitor as possible. Not screen response time but input lag. 2 entirely different beast.

That is why 1080p is still the best monitor to game on competitively.
I have a PC monitor with 7ms input lag and a 55 Sony w802a for console gaming in my media room (it has 17ms input lag / lowest on big screen displays today).

memots3556d ago

but 1080p didn't matter a month ago ? it does now?

4Sh0w3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Oh here we go, show me anyone who says 1080p/higher specs does NOT matter and I'll show you a fool.

That's why we buy new consoles.

What your mis-characterization of the general topic is missing is that while there are some who now and continue to make 1080p a main priority, there are many that don't think it is paramount; especially if we are talking more ambitious games from a design perspective. For example if a developers VISION/GAME DESIGN is to make a huge open world game with, tons of effects, tons of NPC's, tons of weapons, scope, depth, weapons, modes, features, etc AND ALSO he targeted it all to be running at 1080p 60fps and mid development cycle he found that his vision is too ambitious, my hope is the first thing he sacrificed is 1080p, I'd gladly take all the above at 900p while you can have the lifeless 1080p game because the dev thinks the label on the box is more important to gamers.

Bobby Kotex3556d ago

It's ridiculously sad you comment is downvoted. The ignorance here is amazing.

Wizard_King3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )


Yes 4k will catch on and sooner than you might ever think. You fail to see that next years GPU's are all targeting above 1080 as the high end GPU market has hit a wall at 1080p. 3 years from now even mid range GPUS will push 4k at a reasonable rate and we will shift forwards while PS games are stuck at 1080 and xbones will be stuck with even less.

We can already see the next wave of 4k screens supporting 60 hertz and above and with HDMI2.0 all the issues will be ironed out.

You can choose to deny this for what ever reason you feel but it's the truth. Most decent PC gamers already have more that 1 1080p monitor (I have 3, that's 5760x1080) or a 1440p or a 2k screen.

So yeah I am more than confident that next years 880GTX and the following years 980GTX will prove you wrong. Console only gamers will still have around 6-7 years of static tech ahead of you at that point, while PC gamers leap ahead. I'm not knocking what the PS4 is and can do but lets not piss in the wind about things you obviously don't understand.

And I bet if that actually is your screen you where dumb for buying a first gen, locked at 30 hertz 4k screen..... DUMB

andibandit3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )


"4K gaming will never catch on"

ok so in 30 years we will still be gaming in 1080P?

you problably meant:

"It's gonna be a long time before 4K gaming catches on.

Giul_Xainx3555d ago

Lack of support and adoption of 4k rez TV's?

Boy doesn't that sound so much like 2007 with the hdtv hdmi fanboy war over the 360 vs ps3?

Next in line was blu ray disc apparently not being needed.

Don't ever say something has a lack of support or not enough peolle buying it. What you should be saying is this:

I can't wait to see 4k gaming.

That is the problem with this fanboy war. Progress gets stunned and shot in the knee because of silly, stupid, and downright trollish comments to put down another fan base.

We pick on the opposite console to show its bad side that needs improvement. But all of these 00 kids think of it as some sort of a personal diss to their image.

Seriously those people on youtube don't care about your opinion on them. They don't care if you put up something against the console they chose. They all see that as a means to improve their system.

It is the ones who do take the dissing of their console so personal that they have to make personal insults towards the opposition. When really you should be focusing on the negatives of JUST THE CONSOLE. Not the person. Who ever throws out a personal insult against another persons opinion needs to have their head checked.

This is why we keep saying "dance fanboys dance!!!"

Why? Because we want you to point out something that is wrong with our system to make it better.

If you really want a fanboy to get mad just ignore their comment completely. Don't even make a relly. Most of all if you even send a pm that means you are truly disturbed and should avoid even owning a console. Your constant perception of acception needs to tone down. No one really cares about the brand names you support.

Berezau3554d ago

4K may or may not catch on. The truth is though, we're starting to stretch the line where the difference in visual fidelity is not really going to be noticed by a heck of a lot of people.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 3554d ago
Enemy3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I like how they're coming to the conclusion that they're on par based on Diablo 3, which can run at 1080p on even the weakest laptop. If the Xbox One couldn't output this game at 1080p, I actually would have felt even more sorry for Microsoft here.

It's also funny that only games "on par" are cross gen games, games which are basically designed with parity in mind (see Destiny).

Current gen games are what the Xbone is struggling with, not last gen.

Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that Diablo 3 is an ugly game. Why wouldn't it run at 1080p on Xbone is the question?

Atrocious article trying too hard to achieve actual traffic on their website for once.

Artista 3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

What will your excuse be when current-gen games also do 1080p on the ONE?

Enemy3556d ago

They won't, and if they do, it'll come at a cost (sacrificed graphics on Xbone in exchange for higher resolution).

It's really delusional for you guys to keep telling yourselves the Xbone is as powerful as the PS4. It never will be. Learn a thing or two about set specs and you'll understand that it's not magic. It's simply working with what's there.

Destiny, again, is a fine example of what parity means. They're aiming for the same vision across all platforms, and not taking complete advantage of the extra power on PS4. Ask yourself: does that mean the PS4 is just as powerful as the Xbone, PS3, and 360? Use your head.

creatchee3556d ago


"It's really delusional for you guys to keep telling yourselves the Xbone is as powerful as the PS4."

Yes, but no less delusional than you and others who seem to think that the PS4 is some crazy amount more capable than the Bone. The fact is, whether games are the same resolution or different, they basically look and play the same in practice. Sure, you can zoom in on screenshots and spot the differences or see a few jaggies here or crushed blacks there, but it is nitpicking by definition.

The bottom line is yes, the PS4 is and always will be more powerful than Xbox One, but not to a degree where anybody who is truly being honest to everyone (including themselves) can say is significant.

Artista 3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

^_^ You made use of a cross-gen game as an example, again.

So, what you're saying is, the PS4 has unlimited resources, yet it couldn't run some cross-gens games at 1080P. Battlefield 4, Watch_Dogs.

The PS4 is till only a console. Stop exaggerating its capabilites.

Killzone SF multiplayer (Which Sony is being sued over) isn't 1080P either

The differences between PS4 and Xbox ONE are marginal. PS4 has an edge, yes, but it's not enough to make me a gullible fanboy, ahah.

SilentNegotiator3556d ago

~90% of Ps4 games are 1080p, ~50% Xbone.

Marginal difference my ass.

Enemy3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

@ creatchee: Is the difference between 720p and 1080p only noticeable by nitpicking now? It's not my problem if your eyes need a checkup. It's downright laughable that you would even bring up the word "nitpick", which is just a sad way on your part to dismiss the extra power advantage for your convenience.

Seems you're on the boat of denial instead of acceptance. Let me know when your boat of delusion crashes so I could take you a bit more seriously.

@ Artista: No platform has unlimited resources, not even the most powerful PC. If you feel that the only way you could get your "point" across is by putting your own words in my mouth so that you may respond to something I never said, don't bother responding me, as you are clearly having weird discussions with yourself.

@ SilentNegotiator: Funnily enough, that 40% in between is the PS4's power advantage over Xbone.

AngelicIceDiamond3556d ago

@Aitista That's what I'm wondering.

If a game is 1080p on the X1 what will be the next goal post? Diablo, Destiny, The Crew maybe the new COD or the new Assassin's Creed.

Save the "oh its parity" "The game isn't that demanding"

Now that I took away that logic what does it ultimately come down to then?

@Enemy "not taking complete advantage of the extra power on PS4."

That right there. Explain some supposed extra power that the PS4 would take advantage if you didn't have parity. 14K 4K, 120 frames or more somewhere around there?

SilentNegotiator3556d ago

What's funnier:
1920x1080 is about 2.1 million pixels.
1600x900 is about 1.5 million pixels.

1080p is about 50% more pixels than 900p. And any Pc gamer can tell you that performance scales pretty linearly with pixel count (assuming effects and other details aren't being altered).

creatchee3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


"Is the difference between 720p and 1080p only noticeable by nitpicking now?"

There are only two multiplatform games with the 1080p VS 720p disparity - COD: Ghosts and MGS:GZ. Two. Games. Everything else is either 1080p vs 900p or 900p vs 720p (or even 792p). Basing an entire generation of games thus far on those two instances is asinine and misleading.

And, to answer your... accusation I guess? I (as well as many others) can tell the difference between 1080p and 720p. It's just not that big of a difference. Sorry if that isn't convenient for you.

Why o why3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Queue up all the apologists who were oddly quiet during last gens comparison articles.

Ask any pc guy if 900p vs 1080p is classed as marginal. After that explain why the comparison articles last gen generated so much heat. Where did the notion of multiplats generally being better on one platform come from.

You guys kill me. .Don't get me wrong. Enjoy your gaming regardless but cut the crap. .

If it mattered to you last gen then you're a hypocrite if you scream from the moral high ground now. If this didn't bother you then I apologise for some of the more over zealous comments. Some of them are just giving back what was thrown at them so it's not directed at your type. N4G doesn't have an option to filter comments so only the hypocrites, goalpost shifters and butt hurt can read. When they do, you'll be free of the torment

gootimes3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


There is no goal post moving, there was no claim that 1080p was all that mattered, it was only ONE example of the disparity, there were others, like FPS and textures, shaders... which generally played the PS4's advantage.

People aren't saying that the PS4 is the most powerful machine ever, and it crushed the Xbox one in every way. In fact they are very similar in power and performance. All people are saying is that there IS a power advantage in the PS4's favor, it is a fact. If that matters then great! People sit here trying to change the subject and call hypocrisy on those that care about resolution (like it didn't matter to 360 fanboys... sure) but the ONLY thing that matters in this argument are machine specs, that tells you what a machine can do. The PS4 is in fact capable of more, whatever that more is.

1nsaint3556d ago

@enemy its not a 720 vs 1080 thing tho, its 900 vs 1080

ZombieKiller3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

@Artista: Let's actually GET to that point first then we'll talk.

"The differences between PS4 and Xbox ONE are marginal. PS4 has an edge, yes, but it's not enough to make me a gullible fanboy, ahah."

-But Microsoft and the bullshit they spew at you is?

4Sh0w3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

"I like how they're coming to the conclusion that they're on par based on Diablo 3"

-Yeah while X1 may not be as powerful as ps4 it was just as silly to say sub 1080p launch games were indicative of what X1 was capable of, with late changes, late dev tools and harder to use eSRAM its only logical that those were negative factors that will get fixed going forward.

"The obvious conclusion would be that the PS4 version is being held back in some way"

-So devs who have been so far developing games with higher spec's on ps4 because its EASIER TO DO SO, while putting out a lower spec'd X1 version are NOW all of a sudden going to "hold ps4 back"? lmfao, Yeah, right that's some more baseless ps conspiracy theory BS. Truth is ps4 is more powerful but its CEILING is not on the level of a good pc. X1 can reach *nearly the same identical specs its just takes more effort to learn and use the hardware/esRAM to achieve it.

@Why o Why
"Ask any pc guy if 900p vs 1080p is classed as marginal."

-Yes there is a technical difference and on some levels you can SEE a difference but you make it sound as if its a huge gap that folks can actually notice easily. Take all these *forum posters with this keen vision put them in a room with 2 high end HDTV's, consoles covered, button labels/prompts removed and you and I know that most here could NOT say which is running at which res, lets not even mention, normal gamers who don't follow gaming news= IT IS MARGINAL in terms of visuals to the naked eye and we all know it.

"After that explain why the comparison articles last gen generated so much heat. Where did the notion of multiplats generally being better on one platform come from."

-How convenient you forgot a whole year+ PRIOR TO PS3 LAUNCH where ps loyal fans swarmed almost every positive xbox news thread with comments about how ps3 WOULD sell 10mil and past 360 in 6 months, how every xbox game sucked and ps3 WOULD have Pixar graphics, and much worst comments born out of sony's arrogance and the mentatlity that "next gen doesn't start until we say so".= Uhm, of course the media and xbox fans were quick to do comparisons and ask where is this "Hype Machine 3" that was made by a highly evolved alien race? Seriously despite my sarcasm, YES the media and xbox fanboys laughed when ps3 stumbled, and xbox fans had a right to question ps3 post launch and so on. NOW you portray ps fans as some innocent fanbase looking for retribution after years of torment. pfft Neither fanboys are victims. In the past I've owned all consoles and I don't care which is more powerful, NOT because I'm not a graphics whore or a guy who loves to see new tech pushed, Hell Yeah I do love for my games to push tech but its delusional or just a one sided view to pretend its this drastic difference in the technical capabilities between 360/ps3 and now X1/ps4. I mean even the latest pc vids I'm looking at running this gen games aren't some huge leap over X1/ps4 games. To each his own but its just not that significant enough to sway me, the games themselves are more different because of their type, genre and vision, that's it nothing where I say to myself "OMG _game can never be done on _". I mean again like last gen if you need Digital Foundry to take freeze frame screenshots and slow games down side by side on a test bench to see a difference, then for me theres really no difference= marginal..still if I really was that nitpicky about only having the best specs possible on earth then I probably would go with PC gaming.

Firebird3603556d ago

Show me a single game on ps4 that looks and plays as good as Forza 5.

kenshiro1003556d ago

@ Fire

Killzone: SF and Infamous: Second Son. Please, don't embarrass yourselves further. A more expensive console should be demonstrating raw power with actual exclusives.

Why o why3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Type all you want 4show... the differences are greater than last gen. You may attribute that to hype or what the ps fans did for that 1 year but I saw 7 years of the ps fulfilling its potential without falling off. Ive stated on numerous occasions that there are NO innocents so try not to imply I'm playing any victim card.


Clearly.....NOBODY IS INNOCENT. ....I wrote that because I believe and know that. Its funny looking at 7 years of x verses your 1. Digital foundry and lens of truth were rife with vitriol over smaller differences than this gen.......yeah I get ya...sonys arrogance/fans/whatever was the reason right Lol. At least I can show you hypocritical commenters who are on this very same site...can you show me those sony trolls from 7, 8 years ago.....

If you cant take it.....dont give it.....I'm 100 percent sure we can agree on that wholeheartedly.

4Sh0w3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

Why o Why
"ps fans did for that 1 year but I saw 7 years of the ps fulfilling its potential without falling off."

lmfao, your link is to a Titanfall sales thread where the first and many comments are downplaying it's value= what exactly does that prove? ps fans have been in the mud long after ps3 realease right along with 360 fans, the 1 year to 7 is laughable I could easily show soooooo much trolling from ps fans all last gen just as easily as you could show some from Xbox fans so just stop the BS, especially when this very site by any rational person would be admittedly skewed positively towards ps, which is fine because maybe that's just how popular the brand is but it also bleeds over to there being way more fanatical, irrational fanboys of the ps type on this site. Sony is more humble but they've also started slow this gen AGAIN while that's fine its fair to criticize just the same as how you are quick to critique micro slowing down last gen. Those same digital foundry articles are filled with just as many ps fansboys swearing "mine is better than yours" no matter the digital foundry conclusion.

You are simply looking for excuses to continue the petty BS that ALL fanboys love to wallow in. I get that some on both sides can get angry when the brand they prefer is *attacked unfairly but damm the key difference is that more often than not ps fans are provoked simpy if X1 does well. It's the common trend from those who hate Xbox/microsoft as you'll notice this thread is not about bashing ps4, its intent is to simply imply that X1 is addressing early flaws and improving, whether that's true or not WHY exactly does that bother the folks who should care the least? ps4 doesn't get any worst regardless of improvements on X1 but the behavior here ironically points out how much more vitriolic the xbox haters are. Truth is its almost always a disproportionate response when it comes to xbox related news vs the exact same type of ps news. Again games like COD Ghosts that clearly suffered from early launch time constraints were held as the true capability of X1 but at the same time much better games like starting with as far back as Forza5 all the way to games like Destiny now hitting 1080p and looks better, plays better and has way more content, features etc at 1080p but now its like "meh, whatever". Then back again with non-demanding games like Trials Fusion being lowered spec'd than ps4 so it's automatically because X1 is underpowered and nothing to do with the dev not using the hardware properly. Also theres plenty of goal post moving from ps fans too, it happens with sells, graphics vs game design, calling out companies for misleading consumers or for being greedy/bad for consumers like with ps now beta prices. I mean it goes on and on but I don't personally go to ps threads to bash ps fans, I sort of hate to use labels and be boxed into being a xbox fan as if I hate ps. No but when you actually like xbox and can't ever have a decent conversation about what's going on with xbox I see it as my right to speak out on the totally skewed BS that's going on.

I apologize for the length but couldn't express my opinion without going on a bit so this is my final comment on the matter.

Why o why3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

You missed my point or misinterpreted what I said 4show

I didnt say there was only one year of sony fans trolling.... I said I saw 7 years of sony being trolled but still producing more and crushing the fud. From 'no games' to 'best graphics' to 'the sales' so yeah there IS a lot of goalpost shifting because from where I was sitting here on n4g 'exclusives didnt matter' and neither did 'sales in na'. Achievements were downplayed as was ps plus. It goes BOTH ways. You calling out one side shows myopia. If you don't venture into specific ps articles how on earth can you be judge and jury to spout what you spout.

Like I stated before....if you wasn't the type to revel in LOT or digital foundry articles then IGNORE the retaliation. Its as simple as that. Don't bicker with me over who did what first or worst when you've stated how you avoid such articles...makes zero sense because it means you only see one sides vitriol. I'm telling you that there are commenters here on n4g who used to laud the differences between the multiplats that are now crying morality. Differences that were smaller than the ones we can see now... Really, what is there to argue with? Those are the guys who are targeted. You giving excuses doesnt change the fact. Was there special parle given to the ps3 because it was harder to develop on? Ok den and I'd also like to remind you this is n4g and isn't to be taken too seriously. This whole site is built of bickering. It would be very sterile without it as well as less profitable.

Again...dont give it if you cant take it but I'll add that you cannot defend the undefendable. I'm not going to defend ps trolls or be blinkered to their existence. If you have something to say to them then say it just cut with the 'its them its them its them' crap or say im making excuses to continue the nonsense when I'm just stating facts.


Just re read your 'starting slow' bit......you're kidding me right. Are you comparing sonys start this gen to microsofts 3 years of drought...... smh. Ok jokes aside, are you aware sony has released more games, both core and indie than microsoft has this gen. I'm trying to work out what you're saying or implying but you've said you're done with the topic so I can only assume you weren't aware of the facts and needed filler. Until next time dude

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3555d ago
denawayne3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The PS4 is selling like hotcakes because of pure hype. There is nothing that separates the two systems put raw power. If raw power is what people are looking for then why don't they go the PC route? It's been almost a year since the systems were released and I've yet to see why the PS4 is so musc better than the Xbox One. Games for both systems are lacking at the moment. And if you ask me, I would argue that the Xbox One has the better, more unique features. I'm not saying everybody should have bought the Xbox One but I do believe a lot of PS4's sales were do to one big flock of sheep.

Outside_ofthe_Box3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I'll never ever ever understand this type of argument. All of PS4's sales are because of pure hype, but all of XB1 sales are because it deserves them right? Can't someone say the same thing the other way around? Why is it hard to believe that people like what the current offering the PS4 has? How about the upcoming games? People aren't allowed to buy the system for that as well? People should only by a console for what it has at the moment? But I guess thinking that way makes me sheep? But your way of thinking is how the levelheaded ones think right?

hiawa233556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I own both consoles, and although I see the difference, it is not that big of deal for as far as my eyes can see. There has always been console differences. The PS2 surely wasn't equal to the Xbox. It is funny, now it is an issue this gen. I hope devs get over this and just make the best games they can make for each platform. I will determine which version to get. That is all I ask.

denawayne3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

@Outside_ofthe_Box - I would definitely argue that the PS4 is selling because of it's games or features if there was any proof of it. I haven't read any articles that say the the PS4 is selling like hotcakes because of a certain game or feature. A lot of people are buying the PS4 because it is popular and people like to be a part of it. Ever hear of trhe expression "Jumping on the bandwagon"?

MysticStrummer3556d ago

"I do believe a lot of PS4's sales were do to one big flock of sheep."

Interesting theory, since it was XB1 sales that mostly happened in one big block during the holidays last year. It's August, and more than half of XB1 sales still happened in 2013.

Outside_ofthe_Box3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


List every game that is currently on a the PS4 and every game that will be available on the PS4 in the future and that's your answer. Any one of those games can be and/or will be a reason why someone would pick up a PS4. There are probably people who picked up a PS4 for Uncharted 4 alone. Or probably they were waiting for UC4 and decided to pick up a PS4 early after lets say another game that released that may not of been a high priority like UC4, but was a game that they were still planned on playing like InFamous or Watch Dogs.

Just because nothing interests you at the moment doesn't mean everyone feels the same way and it doesn't make them sheep just because they don't feel the same way you do.

xDHAV0K24x3556d ago

go peep how many ppl are trying to sell of the extra ps4's they bought for profit!

Biggest3556d ago

Go peep how many people (Microsoft) are trying to sell off extra XB1's they made for profit!

denawayne3556d ago

@Outside_ofthe_Box - Apparently if you bought the PS4 because of a future game, then you're not the sheep I'm referring to. Of course there are many people who bought the PS4 knowing that was the system for them from the beginning. With your logic, all of the PS4 sales were in the bag before the Xbox One reveal. I feel a of of people heard the bad press about the Xbox One and flocked over to the PS4 without really knowing that the PS4 really isn't that much better. I have a few friends who swore off the Xbox One, bought a PS4, and are now regretting the decision because they used to play with other friends on Xbox LIve and those friends are still there.

I could really care less which system sells the most. I made my decision based on what I like not what the media tells me to like.

Outside_ofthe_Box3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


***"I could really care less which system sells the most. I made my decision based on what I like not what the media tells me to like."***

Okay, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that all, but WHY is it hard for you to believe that others did the same?

Your few friends doesn't represent anything. You don't think that there are a few people out there that bought an XB1 and regretted it?

And I wasn't trying to say that all of the PS4 sales were in the bag from the get go. I was just stating one of many examples on why someone could pick up a PS4 since you have a hard time believing why one would. If the PS4 had bad press and it was still selling the same amount as it is now would the people you are referring to no longer be sheep then? Or would they be blind sheep? The main deciding factor for most people when buying a console especially early adopters are the games/revolve around the games period.

Also, can't one argue that buying a system because it's popular among your friends is "jumping on the bandwagon"? Just saying.

Why o why3556d ago

pure hype

What a simpleton

Ok so last gens performance of each company didn't have anything to do with it nah?

Microsoft's fall off or casual switch had zero to do with people not wanting their fingers burnt again nah?

Sony's 'broke' ass managed to produce quality for the WHOLE gen whilst the 'loadsa moolah' Microsoft adopted the minimalistic drip feed strategy. . . . .nah. . . . people didn't notice that . . . . Nah. . . .joker

denawayne3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

@Outside_ofthe_Box - I think what it comes down to for me is the fact that the PS4 has outsold Xbox Oneb by 3X and there really isn't any reason other than hype as to why that is. I'm basing it on the fact that the Xbox 360 sold just as much as the PS3 last gen. So basically, a lot of people have jumped ship. And why is that? Is the PS4 really that much better that someone would abandon the Xbox brand?

@Why o why - What's funny is I agree with you but calling names really degrades your point.

Why o why3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I'll apologise for that...

I just thought saying its 'pure hype' was borderline trolling or a very simplistic way of accessing the current situation at least.

Outside_ofthe_Box3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


Well to answer why one would switch over, Why o Why brought up a good point about how last gen played out(which you seem to agree with). Another reason could be because of the initial DRM fiasco which might have led some to no longer trust MS despite them reversing their policies because it left a bad taste in their mouths. Another reason could be because the PS4 was initially cheaper. Since both consoles are more or less the same might as well go for the cheaper one right? And another reason could be because some made as an objective observation as possible and actually came to the conclusion that the PS4 is the better of the two(Shocker, I know). There are a slew of reason why one would switch. Not everybody just automatically upgrades to the successor of the system they currently own. This "PS4 is all hype" has been played out since before both consoles were even released to be honest. The hype was suppose die back in March according to armchair analysts here on N4G.

Also, just because people switched doesn't mean that they abandoned the brand. They might by the other system at a later date.

twdll3556d ago

Wow... People are sheep. Guided by unseen things..

twdll3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

A shame really.. Humanity had so much hope..:(

kenshiro1003556d ago

It's not selling on hype. It's selling because it's the better console and Microsoft screwed up.

Cut the nonsense.

denawayne3556d ago

@Outside_ofthe_Box - It's easy to be on the side of PS4 right now. It's clearly winning. The only thing I'm trying to point out is that people who have switched from Xbox to PS really aren't seeing the benefits like I believe they had hoped for.

Outside_ofthe_Box3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


***"The only thing I'm trying to point out is that people who have switched from Xbox to PS really aren't seeing the benefits like I believe they had hoped for"***

Outside of the few people that you know how do you figure? You don't know if the majority of people who switch are not satisfied. You are also assuming that most people would be happy had they stayed with the XB1. You, yourself even said that both systems are lacking at the games department right now so how do you know that people wouldn't be just as unsatisfied had they stayed with the XB1?

madpuppy3555d ago

Frankly, What Ms tried to pull at the beginning of this generation hurt initial sales more than anything else, and deservedly so, Personally,I wouldn't buy a console from Ms just out of principal. Anybody with half a brain that has to ACTUALLY work for their money Should understand why Ms deserves the poor sales they are getting. Karma for trying to take over the gaming industry through Consumer hostile tactics such as taking away consumer ownership rights and treating customers like criminals with their draconian DRM scheme.

For me, the power of the console pales in comparison to my consumer rights as well as my right to privacy.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3555d ago
avengers19783556d ago

I guess we will find out for sure in 2015, Witcher, division, dying light, should all run the same on both consoles... If they are indeed on par with each other.

gfk3423556d ago

Before talking, I would first wait the release of 1080p games on Xbone and read the Digital Foundry analysis. A game is more than the resolution... I'm specifically referring to textures, fps and others, which in my opinion are more important.

3-4-53556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

1080 Schmeneighty.....I want good, fun games, packed with content.

I don't care what console those games are on.

Well...except ios games.....those are mostly beyond shovelware.

Gamer19823556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Diablo seriously?? I'm sorry but anybody who knows anything about game design knows its alot harder to process something like an open world 3rd person game because of things like draw distance those things are just more grpahically intense. Honestly I was suprised this wasn't 1080p when announced as it runs 1080p 60fps on pretty similar graphics on lesser PC hardware. The consoles are not on par and probably won't be this entire generation. Not to mention just like last generation ps exclusives will blow ms exclusives out the water when it comes to graphical fidelity.

Thats not being a fanboy thats just stating thae facts here.. I am a PC gamer foremost not a console gamer.

Fatal-Aim3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

3rd party = lowest common denominator

notice all the new features in the DualShock 4, which these guys have yet to truely put to any use. just like VR or even the Wii, a new input can breathe a completely different experience into any game if used correctly regardless of how on "par" you may think any two games are. and that's just the controller, let alone everything else under the hood of the actual console.

we haven't even crossed the first year. 3rd party is the last i would expect to really show us what this console can truely put out.

like PS3 and PS2, i'll wait for 2nd and 1st party before making my judgement. i have a pretty good feeling a lot of people are going to be eating their words.

Pogmathoin3556d ago

I read the article and not the headline only, and he is not saying just because one game reached it, he is saying more games are achieving it, but also saying PS4 is still more powerful. Its just that soon it will be down to simple preference. Its not hard, but to some, if X1 ever became as good as PS4, people here would be suicidal.

PS4OUR3556d ago

The article reads like an MS fanboy happy that Xbox One is reaching 1080p on games that are an old ass pc game (Diablo 3), a cross gen game (Destiny) and places hope on an upcoming multiplat (Witcher 3) that it would hit 1080p since its currently sitting at 900p.

If you ask me, these three games are bad examples to use when trying to push the point that Xbox One will effectively hit 1080p standard across its library of games.

Diablo 3 - This can run on a mid level laptop.

Destiny - Cross platform game and not an example i would use in a hardware comparison sense.

The Witcher 3 - These guys have been singing the praises of Xbox 360 when they released Witcher 2 on that platform. The fact that they are at 900p on Xbox One and not 1080p (yet) is telling. They stated that DX12 wont solve the Xbox One resolution problems despite some on here that think it will.

Which brings me to the point that this article is badly constructed and executed. In fact its not worthy of a click because the above mentioned games are bad examples of comparing the hardware differences between the two next gen consoles.

Pogmathoin wrote: "if X1 ever became as good as PS4, people here would be suicidal"
No, just no. Hardware is fixed. PS4 has more grunt under the hood. FACT

showtimefolks3556d ago

so ports running 1080P is on par with newer games that run in 900P? Please let this argument die down. Its over and done with. Xbox one will be an amazing console so we don't need this well its on par with ps4 when its really not

majority of 3rd party games will look/rub better on ps4. That's not an opinion

user3672723556d ago

Great article. the gap is closing.

Skate-AK3556d ago

I bet I am the only one that understood what you meant in your first line. Levels.

IceKoldKilla3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

I understood it was a joke yet so many jumped fast to disagree with you. Someone elaborating on why one 1080p is better than other is the level of stupidity we can expect but as simple as "My 1080p is better than your 1080p" is just plain child-like. That simple of a sentence on such a complex subject is what I would have said as a 6 year old child desperate to prove I was right.

AshleeEmerson3555d ago


I really don't see what the price problem is. I'm an early adapter of most technology and truthfully their not that expensive. We just got a Sony 4k for a couple grand and it's MUCH worth it, it's like the d**n picture's in your house.

Trust me, there is no lack of support I know 13 people in my neighborhood who has them. I do agree with you on one thing and that's from what I'm seeing with the quality and that's, that next gen will come sooner than we imagined.

Visiblemarc3555d ago


I hate console wars as much as the next guy, but your comment is right on the money.

I couldn't care less which console is more powerful, but what does bother me is when transparent tactics are used by companies to exploit loyalties and spread misinformation.

All consoles have a ton to offer, own as many as you can afford or have time for, because exclusives are pretty much always worth the cost of admission...and stop arguing.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3554d ago
Insomnia_843556d ago

If anything, Xbox One will hold back this gen's multiplatform games and the Playstation exclusives will prove this just like last gen.

whoyouwit043556d ago

Then why hasn't they (Sony) put out a exclusives that shows it yet?

antbolton893556d ago

Im guessing you didn't play Infamous SS

johndoe112113556d ago


or killzone or have seen driveclub, the order, bloodbourne or uncharted 4.

mochachino3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Infamous looks stunning.

mrpsychoticstalker3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Ryse is the best looking game of this generation. And that's a fact. It's funny for a console that supposedly can not reach 1080

MysticStrummer3556d ago

@Psycho - Several games have already surpassed Ryse, and that's a fact.

kurruptor3556d ago

Not that I agree with your question.

But you can't just spit out beautiful games. Games take years to develop, especially the worthy ones.

LonDonE3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

LMFAO!!! "Ryse is the best looking game of this generation. And that's a fact. It's funny for a console that supposedly can not reach 1080

Dude ryse is a good looking game but NO WAY IS IT THE BEST LOOKING GAME THIS GEN SO FAR! i own and game on EVERY PLATFORM (check my avatar pic for proof) and i own ryse and in no way shape of form is it the best looking! the levels are complete corridor like arenas which funnel you into doing the same generic thing again and again! the character models for Marius looks good, and so do most of the other supporting casts of the game but the problem is most of the cut scenes are PRE RENDERED!!!!! and so this defeats the purpose! the game has the same 4 or 5 enemies character models which you fight again and again throughout the game.
And the roman army following you all are clones of each other mostly LOL

Also the levels are linear as hell! the game has flat textures all over the place, the camera is janky and the game play is mediocre at best.
The resolution is 900p LOL and the frame rate is barely hitting 30fps and most of the time is 24 to 17fps LOLOLOL seriously it is more of a tech demo! dont get me wrong i enjoyed it as a cinematic game but come off it!

Infamous second son is open world, native 1080p at 45fps for the most part! that is the best looking next gen game so far without a doubt! anyone who truly owns both consoles and both games will know this to be true! dont get it twisted infamous too has its problems like rubbish side missions and lack of content but on a technical level IT DESTROYS RYSE! and so does killzone shadow fall!

If you as a serious core gamer think that ryse is the best technically next gen game so far then you are delusional!

ziggurcat3556d ago


"Ryse is the best looking game of this generation. And that's a fact."

no. that's an opinion.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3556d ago
gangsta_red3556d ago

Every year the Xbox always holds something back. Such an awesome excuse for when multiplat games don't live up to the expectations of Sony fanboys.

Automatic blame is put on the other console. Such a neat little foundation a lot of you have created.

xDHAV0K24x3556d ago

they're a disgusting bunch! smh

DragonKnight3556d ago

So wait, because an old game like Diablo 3, which isn't exactly a graphical powerhouse, can reach 1080p, that means the consoles are more on par? Wow. Well, I see that the standards bar has been considerably lowered.

I love reading through these articles for the inevitable reasons why the Xbox One can catch up because they always ignore the idea that the PS4 can and will improve as well. I suppose the only hope is that Xbox One will improve while Sony just rests on their laurels and does nothing.

kneon3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Maybe next someone will release pong at 4k on the xb1 so that they can claim it does 4k gaming.

People seem to not understand that any game can hit 1080p if you cut out enough of the effects, on screen elements and features.

DragonKnight3556d ago

Also artstyle. For example, you could take a game with a more cartoony artstyle and make it 1080p pretty easily because you're not trying for more realism that requires more resources. So the Xbox One could get Diablo at 1080p, ok. Why couldn't it get Ryse at 1080p then?

I mean, judging from this articles logic, the consoles are on par right? If any game getting to 1080p is the bar we judge things by, surely the Xbox One should have been able to get Ryse at 1080p right?

Benjammin253556d ago

You've hit the nail on the head, kneon. If sonic the hedgehog 1 runs at 1080p on both PS4 and Xbox one, that doesn't mean they are both the same in the graphics department.

Grave3556d ago Show
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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave27d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan27d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



All the Essential Video Games Everyone Needs To Play At Least Once

Given the medium's wild diversity, this primer of the essential video games everyone should try is a good place to start.

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thorstein51d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218351d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga51d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno51d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name51d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno51d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno51d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure50d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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The Best Video Game Romances of All Time

Wealth of Geeks explores some of the best gaming romances that have stolen our hearts over the years.

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