
Did Ed Boon Just Confirm Arnold Schwarzenegger for Mortal Kombat X?

It would make some sense, given that Ed Boon has an admitted love-affair with action and horror movies of that age, and because Arnold Schwarzenegger is so desperate for work he's doing Expendables 3 and a new Terminator movie (no longer published by Warner Bros.) so Netherrealm could probably get him to voice act for it.

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scark923588d ago

If true, I want a alternate costume depicting 'Turbo Man'

csreynolds3587d ago

Ed Boon Tweeted about his lunch the other day. Sandwiches confirmed for MK X!

cannon88003587d ago

If it bleeds we can kill it!

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Ed Boon responds to the NRS animation discourse online

Within the dynamic realm of interactive gaming, NetherRealm Studios (NRS) stands as a source of both excitement and contention, with discussions spanning visual aesthetics and kinetic animations. Since the debuts of Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat 11, the studio’s visual evolution has been nothing short of remarkable. An evolution that becomes most apparent in the refined portrayal of character facial models, enhancing both their visual appeal and their ability to authentically render the intricacies of Black skin across various lighting conditions. However, in the midst of this progress, one aspect remains a challenge—the attack animations—an ongoing Achilles’ heel within the domain of NRS games.

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abstractel277d ago (Edited 277d ago )

My personal opinion would be that they focused less on juggles and more on grounded combos so sticking out a poke and it continues to juggle an airborne enemy should go away. It just looks silly. I love MK and Tekken, but this aspect has always been silly to me. It still has some great looking combos, but the air juggles just makes the animations reset, making those specific combos look stiff.

SF has some of these air juggles, but not nearly as much. I'd much prefer their combos combos which are generally more grounded. I don't think the animations are bad in MK in any way, it's the way they are implemented in gameplay in the juggle state.

MK1 is still a day one for me, but fixing this issue would make a lot of people complain less about MK1's animations.


NetherRealm Studios Brings Ad Banners To Mortal Kombat 11

NetherRealm Studios most likely is repeating its ads strategy to promote its upcoming game. An ads banner has appeared in MK11's menu.

530d ago
1Victor530d ago

Oh ok thanks I was on a rush and my gaming thumb is twitchy 🤷🏿🤣

Tedakin531d ago

They did the same thing in MK9. There was billboards advertisiing Star Wars blu rays and other things.

Yi-Long531d ago

It’s for the promotion of their next game, yet this kinda stuff only achieves to completely put me off. This ruins the game I own, and as a result, pretty much annihilates the chance of me picking up the game they’re promoting.

It’s beyond ridiculous, and 1; this shouldn’t be a thing, but 2; if you’re gonna make it a thing (and you shouldn’t), then at least give the option to completely turn off that nonsense.

jznrpg530d ago

I’m not going to play anything with ads .

1Victor530d ago

Personally I don’t mind adds in F2P games as long as they’re not intrusive but in a full purchased game that is unacceptable 😡

Crows90530d ago (Edited 530d ago )

Add this to the list of things you dont mind in f2p games.
We dont mind mtx
We dont mind lootboxes
We dont mind cosmetic only mtx
We dont mind p2w mechanics
We dont mind ads

What else can we add here. Some of these even apply to fully priced games.

zachyBROosevelt530d ago

I mean in this sense no. I personally thought it was cool back in like ps1 days of games where a racing game might have like a “Gatorade” billboard on the streets because it’s more realistic at that point. Just me tho… The Mortal Kombat thing is garbage move on their part

hotnickles530d ago

Ads to promote their own games is fine

DarXyde530d ago

I've thought about this a lot over the years and I felt the same way until recently. When it comes to corporate profits, there's always a level of scope creep, and you have to be aware of that. It starts as something this innocuous, but it rarely remains that way. I remember on X360 with Burnout Revenge. A good amount of free cars via DLC but none of the purchased cars were pricey. No one batted an eye. Then we started seeing Ubisoft do things with Prince of Persia 2008 where they locked the ending behind DLC. To this day, I've never played that DLC. It's honestly just grimey.

Anyway, never underestimate their creativity in this regard. Ads for your own game today, unskippable interactive ads from close partners next, etc.

hotnickles530d ago

I don’t base any of my opinions on the slippery slope fallacy. Just a personal view of mine.

MK11 is dead. If they are using it to promote their new game I don’t see the issue. It makes sense. If they using it to promote Doritos then yes that’s weird. I will not chastise them for promoting Doritos until they do so though.

hotnickles530d ago

This is actually good news if you think about it. That means they are gearing up for an announcement. The rumor I hear is MK12 in 2023. I believe this move is trying to hype people not discuss the practice of ingame advertising lol. It’s the secretive trollish hinting that boon likes to do imo. At this point any kind of life, a pulse is a message.

It’s different with fighting games. It’s seasonal like call of duty. Especially NRS fighting games with the least amount of support by far with 2-3 years support. The practice of in-game self-promotion makes sense in this model. In my opinion.

DarXyde530d ago (Edited 530d ago )

In your opinion, fair enough. I disagree.

The thing is, this is very multivariate and not as simple as "A leads to B". There are several inputs I think you could use to evaluate the likelihood of this getting worse. Capcom did this type of promotion with Street Fighter V and to their credit, they've been doing a lot to rehabilitate their image.

But considering this is a WB-owned studio for an upcoming game, I think this is just the beginning. You mention criticizing them when the time comes, but it's not going to stop here. It's going to become more pervasive.

Eventually, we'll see how this comes to a head. I'm curious about it. Just be mindful of what you are willing to allow, mate

hotnickles529d ago (Edited 529d ago )

Capcom is doing things to rebuild their image because it was self-corrected. In that case, the customers pushed the needle. That’s why I don’t believe in the slippery slope fallacy, the entire universe is built on self-correction. There is always something to stop the bottom falling out.

It’s possible. I don’t deal in absolutes so I’m not saying “no way this happens” but I see it as highly unlikely.

I’m always mindful lol.

DarXyde529d ago

hot nickels,

I'm sceptical and find a comparison between these cases are similar in principle but very contrasting in circumstance.

In the case of Capcom, they were really on thin ice. A number of commercial failures and bad practices. They came stumbling into the PS4/Xbox One era. They really had to do an about face to make things right. Sure enough, even with ads in SFV, they knew they couldn't push it.

I don't see the same for a WB studio, honestly. I don't know—nobody knows yet.

But I think we will see where this is going. Knowing that MK loves guest characters for instance, I feel like it's going to become a hub for advertising products related to those characters too (for example, watching trailers for a new RoboCop).

I suppose we'll have to wait and see, mate.

Like you, I'm open to being wrong. I don't really think I am though.

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Mortal Kombat Developer Next Game May Release In 2023; Should Be Studio's Longest Supported Title

The next game by Mortal Kombat developer NetherRealm Studios has yet to be officially announced, but it seems like fans will not have to wait much longer not only for a reveal but also for an actual release.

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ZwVw539d ago

"Should Be Studio's Longest Supported Title"
Which isn't saying much. MK11 was supposed to be supported for several years, with NRS even claiming that the pandemic wouldn't deter any of their momentum. Only for them to ditch the game barely after two years (with them going radio silent for numerous months with those years), with no updates on future titles since. It wasn't like MK11 didn't sell millions of copies.

NRS needs to look to Capcom (SFV) and Namco (Tekken 7) in terms of supporting a fighting game for the long haul.

Yi-Long538d ago

Strong STRONG disagree. I’d rather have 2-3 years of support and then seeing them move on to their next big project, instead of releasing numerous expensive season passes before they’re done.

I think MKXI and Injustice 2 found the right balance. And they released complete editions when the games were still relevant.

CorndogBurglar538d ago

MK11 released like 2 or 3 separate expensive "season pass" type DLC's before releasing a final version.

Terry_B538d ago

Its more like players having to support a fighting game by paying 20-60 bucks for it every year if they want a complete version once.

Street Fighter V was at 60 for the base game and 30 at least if you wanted all additional characters and stages each year. = over 200 bucks at least...+ some money for a few extra costumes and I think a few e-sports stages

Army_of_Darkness538d ago

2 years of support is more than enough for me, I'd rather have them focusing on releasing a new game!

MehmetAlperTR538d ago

I prefer Shaolin Monks 2, instead of Injustice 3...

hotnickles538d ago

I heard somewhere that he pretty much confirmed mk12 in 2023. Best year in fighting game history? SF6 and T8 look amazing. MK12 has had extra long to bake so it better be dope.

Tzuno538d ago (Edited 538d ago )

It better be MK XII, needs to be U5 and bloody as fk
Injustice is irrelevant
Doesn't hurt if they change the fighting control scheme in to something more fluid and linked, not just individual button presses

Bathory666537d ago

I’d love shaolin monks 2 or mk12. Sorry but injustice sucks.

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