
Releases: Week of August 5th, 2014

Critically Sane's Don pulls himself away from the newest iteration of Rogue Legacy to give us his thoughts on this week's releases.

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May’s Humble Monthly Bundle Has Undertale, Inside, Gonner, More

For those who enjoy blasting away enemies to find presents for beached whales, seeing bears die multiple times over and over, going on dates with skeletons, playing with baby chicks in eerie farms, and comic books, then the latest Humble Monthly offerings will be quite pleasing indeed.

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Metrico+ Review | Warp Zoned

Warp Zoned writes:

"Graphic designers who spend their days translating statistical findings into a series of colorful bars and charts are working in the interesting new field of infographics. And if you’ve opened an Internet browser at all in the last five years, you’ve more than likely seen dozens of them.

Companies love infographics because they’re able to distill complex statistical studies down into an image that is easily shareable across Facebook and Twitter. Audiences love them because they provide easily digestible primers on subjects as frivolous as the many on-screen deaths of Sean Bean to serious societal problems like income inequality.

Dutch development studio Digital Dreams used this same philosophy to create Metrico, a puzzle platformer that was released for the Vita in 2014. The team expanded on their original concept, and launched Metrico+, a remake/sequel, for the Xbox One last month."

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Metrico+ Review (Xbox One) - XboxAddict

XBA says: A game that revolves around pie charts and graphs is a lot more interesting than you may think.

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