
Why Destiny Will be the Biggest Disappointment of 2014

Matt Trovalli of Gamers Heroes writes:

Like many others, I was fortunate enough to get into the Destiny beta test last week. I have been hyped on Destiny for a very long time and have followed all of the development but after the public beta. However, I was extremely disappointed. Destiny was not the “game of the future” like the hype would have suggested. In this case, hype got players hopes way too high. There are a few fundamental issues with Destiny that are too big to fix this late in the development process. Issues so big, they could definitely be a turn off. Here’s why I didn’t enjoy Destiny.

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700p3571d ago

I dont think anything could top watchdogs.

Anthotis3571d ago

Definitely well said.

I'll always regret wasting money on Watch Dogs.

Azmatik3570d ago

I vote titanfall the biggest flop/disappointment hype train for this year.

ForgivenZombie3570d ago

Titanfall and Watch Dogs are neck and neck, imo.

harrisk9543570d ago

Infamous? A disappointment? I know that it's your opinion, but that's just silly!

XBLSkull3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

Personally for me it's the Last of Us remaster. It hasn't lived up to the hype and mass of GotY awards. It's not a BioShock that is for sure. Apparently it's just me though.

Watchdogs for sure, but Bungie definitely has not created a Halo caliber game with Destiny. But since it releases in September it'll be a great game to tie us over for a couple months till the mass of fall games descend upon us. That is for those of us who aren't tied up in some good ol' Diablo 3.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3570d ago
SCW19823571d ago

Agreed. I really wish Ubisoft would get rid of that IP and go back to what really matters. THE PRINCE!

HammadTheBeast3570d ago

I wish they'd make a sidescrolling Prince of Persia completely loaded with graphics and gameplay.

NarooN3570d ago

Dude...Prince of Persia on PS2/Xbox/GC were just amazing. So much fun to play.

FanboyKilla3570d ago

lol all ps comments that are positive get agrees negative disagrees. you all are pathetic. it would definitely be any one from sony exclusive line up. kill zone, knack. lol ill play watch dogs before those. lol you guys are funny. xbox go to titanfall.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3570d ago
JonnyBigBoss3571d ago

Not to me. Watch Dogs was awesome. Destiny, unless something drastic changes before release, is going to bore me.

Brix903571d ago

You bore me....now shh grown men are talking...lol

vishmarx3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

the lack of content has really disappointed me,i wasnt in it for the pvp and think im gonna wait till a special edition with a few expansions comes out

joab7773571d ago

Destiny will not disappoint. Once policy level cap and reach endgame, the addiction will kick really kick in...and political will b hooked...guaranteed.

DigitalHope3570d ago

So is hating Destiny the new cool thing to do? I'd rather be lame and enjoy one hell of a game.

UnHoly_One3570d ago

Passive, it's always cool to hate big games.

It was cool to hate Titanfall, it was cool to hate Watch Dogs, now it's cool to hate Destiny.

I'm personally kickin it old school and hating The Last of Us.

extermin8or3570d ago

No one hated on the last of us save for some fanboys that couldn't play it. Because it was the underdog a 1st party, new IP releasing in the final 6 months of a consoles life. It was expected to sell well and review ok but people did't quite expect it todo aswell as it did.

NarooN3570d ago


Just because people "hate" on a game doesn't mean they're doing it just to be cool, like UnHoly seems to be doing, which is nothing more than just being a hipster. At least people here have listed legitimate reasons as to *why* they're hating on said games.

It's a *fact* that Destiny is already immensely over-hyped, just like Titanfall and Watch_Dogs were. Both of those games didn't live up to the (admittedly impossible) levels of hype the idiotic drones heaped upon them, and neither will Destiny. Now whether or not one thinks Destiny will be good or not...that's a personal problem for the individual, one I won't comment on.

bloodybutcher3570d ago

Yeah, i preordered destiny, got the beta, played it and cancelled my preorder...hehe, bit ironic, is it not? It was fun for about two days, that's it. DCUO is more fun for me.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3570d ago
ITPython3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

I actually had a ton of fun in the Destiny beta, and within that week I easily put in over 40 hours of gameplay (even with such limited content available).

I can't wait for Sept 9th when all the worlds are unlocked as well as all the levels, weapons and other upgradable things. Not to mention I only tried the Warlock, so I still have two other classes to explore and level up as well.

As long there is a heavy player presence in Destiny (nobody wants a ghost town when going into social areas) the game is going to be massively successful and popular. Personally I love the grinding aspect of it, I love leveling up, getting new stuff unlocking new powers etc etc. It gives me a really good reason to play aside from the gameplay itself.

Back in the beta as I loaded up the game I always thought to myself "So what do I want to accomplish/upgrade/do today?" and I LOVE that aspect of it.

Oh and I actually really enjoy Watch Dogs, aside from the sub-par graphics it is quite fun.

mixolydian_id3571d ago

Halo reach was their last game

The levelling up/upgrading style of play is way more rewarding then simply gaining credits and buying a new helmet.

Akarogg 3570d ago

Agreed. Advice for developers: Ignore these articles.

Mutant-Spud3570d ago

I played a lot of Defiance with the sound turned off and music playing through the headset, if I have the money to buy Destiny it'll be the same. The leveling,trying different character builds and the loot are the point of these games for me, I don't care about the story or social elements.

1nsaint3570d ago

Warms my heart knowing all of you are looking forward to my birthday :)

N4Flamers3570d ago

This article is the reason they should not let idiots into the beta. His complaints about the game can be null and void with the release.

First he complains about the spider tank being a repetitive fight. He says that all you do is shoot it for 30 minutes. Well thats your problem. Youre supposed to take out the legs to expose the neck, you can also shoot off the machine gun. It's 8 minutes tops if you pay attention (look for critical damage)

He complains about the classes being the same yet corrects himself and says they have different abilities. What is he complaining about then? I played all three to level 8 and prefer the warlock. He relies on grenades and having a low cool down. I mean this article will be pointless once the game is out.

Im not saying I believe destiny is perfect. Here's an actual problem that could be upsetting. Raids have no matchmaking and there are no in game guilds. That leaves you with the option of going online somewhere to get a group of 5 other people to play online at the same time for a few hours.

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showtimefolks3571d ago

destiny Beta bored me, i am still gonna wait for final release. But destiny isn't gonna live up to my personal hype

mass effect

this is how i thought of Destiny

from the beta: this is what i actually got,

not any affects like mass effect(no pun intended)
and some minor mixtures of borderlands

Destiny is basically halo without master chief

BiggerBoss3571d ago

Did you even play Destiny?? Or halo for that matter? They really don't play that much alike. Especially the multiplayer pvp in Destiny is NOTHING like Halos mp

InTheLab3570d ago


Dude the MP is EXACTLY like Halo except that ADS is more prominent.

Dark_Overlord3570d ago

TBH that's what I thought, the game seems to similar to Halo in how it feels and plays (I didn't say content). To me this feels like where Bungie wanted to take Halo but couldn't.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad game just it isn't for me.

Skizelli3570d ago

My initial thought was Halo + Borderlands as well, but Halo's gunplay is actually better and Borderlands has a bigger variety of randomly generated weapons. Granted, I only played the Alpha.

That all being said, I'm still looking forward to it.

millgate13570d ago


Ehh....if you were to compare one thing in Destiny to Halo, it would be the PvP. Extremely similar.

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GoGoGadge73571d ago

i Know you are are hoking. and ive had one too many and just back from the villag.e... but thats the funniest shit ive'e ever read. shit. its 3:30am... dammit.


Hardcore_gamerxbox3571d ago

Watch dog is so much better than boring destiny

Neo Nugget3570d ago

Different strokes, bro.

I personally didn't like Destiny and enjoyed Watch Dogs, but everyone likes different things.

troylazlow3570d ago

I tried the Beta, didn't do anything for me.

I may also be in the minority, but I'm glad I was able to play it before spending money on it. Open Betas will either make it or break it for a game these days. Some of my friends loved it, but to me it was disappointing.

diehardmetallicafan3570d ago

totally agree. i think ill be cancelling my pr-order after playing the beta. it was not that impressive at all to me. maps and enemies were repetitive, loot was scarce and the missions and story sucked. ah well, now i only have to pay off my pre order of the order 1886 for now.

Major_Glitch3570d ago

@700p Agreed! Watch Dogs was a horrible disappointment. Just traded it in for TLOU Remastered.
OT: Looking forward to Destiny! I'm pretty sure it won't live up to all the hype, but I still believe the game will be great fun. Had a blast in the beta.

TheXgamerLive3570d ago

Its definately a dissapointment bc it was made to play on last gen.consoles so your looking at a game thats technically already old. Halo 5 will be the game that Destiny hoped to be HOWEVER:) Destiny will still be fun bc its a bungie game and a last gen Halo w/a slight modification.
If made for this gen Xbox One & PS4 only, then we'd of seen a different more open Destiny:)

Baccra173570d ago

I though Titan Fall had that wrapped up but I guess you're right.

derkasan3570d ago

I'm with you on that one. It's becoming harder and harder to find a game, so I know we're not the only ones who feel this way.

ThatOneGuyThere3570d ago

i loved watch dogs... probably one of the best next gen games so far. and actually felt like a next gen game.

abstractel3570d ago

I don't feel it felt like a next/current-gen game. AC Unity looks like a proper next/current-gen game, so does Batman Arkham Knight, COD Advanced Warfare, Driveclub, Dragon Age, Witcher 3 and The Order. Infamous Second Son didn't play like a current-gen game but it was gorgeous and enjoyable -- way better looking than WD. WD felt like a last-gen PC game (like a multiplatform last-gen game but played with PC bells and whistles, example Tomb Raider). I enjoyed it, but it wasn't a true current-gen game.

ThatOneGuyThere3570d ago

I guess i should clarify. The visuals, i understand your point. There however, has never been an open world game like that where you can interact with your environment on that level. It was like GTA on speed. freaking awesome. all of the games you listed have not come out yet, and are only impressive VISUALLY. I said, "felt like a next gen game". big difference.

abstractel3570d ago

Watch Dogs was fun. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It wasn't a "10" but not every game can be. It wasn't a disappointment to me because I don't form high expectations unless I've played a game.

Destiny beta was great fun and I'm really looking forward to playing through the campaign and public events. Don't get all the hate on this particular site.

PR0X13570d ago

You are disappointed that Titanfall did not come to PS4 that is all. If it was exclusive the the PS4 you all would have circle jerked how it's the best game ever made.

VegasDawg3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

What about that 10 hour game that only lasted a weekend, Infamous? Oh that's right this is a Sony fanBOY sight. Even though Sony ripped you off it was a feel good rip off because they can do no wrong.

C-H-E-F3570d ago

I say...
#1 Titanfall
#2 Watch Dogs
#3 Destiny

2 of the three games buzz lasted for a new york minute upon release, with Destiny's gameplay and story I don't see it lasting any longer either. The game just looks Great IMO.

3-4-53569d ago

Yea Watchdogs already earned that.

Some might say Titanfall as well, but that game actually turned out kind of ok.

Watchdogs was beyond generic.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3569d ago
gangsta_red3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

I think Destiny will be a huge disappointment. A lot of people are putting a lot on this game for no reason at all. the beta was lackluster and that is a good indication the game will too.

Also the whole PvP has the same number of teams Titanfall did. Which if I am not mistaken set this and other websites on mad fuel fire. And yet this game gets a pass?

admiralvic3571d ago

"Also the whole PvP has the same number of teams Titanfall did. Which if I am not mistaken set this and other websites on mad fuel fire. And yet this game gets a pass?"

For one thing, TItanfall doesn't have single player and is completely dependent on strong pvp to sell (unlike Destiny). Titanfall also had a lot of bots and worthless things going on in the background, which some people mistook for larger numbers than were actually available and thus problems came into play. Especially since I would be willing to bet a large number of people would gladly trade the bots 4+ more human players.

Spurg3571d ago

I've had this discussion too many times...it was a design decision which allowed the game to be more balanced and allow the player to call in their titan any time they want.

Evilsnuggle3571d ago

First off i have been hating on destiny for long time saying its going to flop hard . But i played the beta and i surprising liked destiny and i dislike first person shooters I like third person perspective personally . I played one game of PVP and I hated it but liked the co op play and community online muiltplayer of destiny i hope that the division takes the same approach a living online muiltplayer feel . I think word of mouth and positive press and news could help sales wise for destiny .

Yui_Suzumiya3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

But Titanfall has no real story or progression like Destiny. Titanfall is essentiallyjust like a $15 downloadable multiplayer game with no story substance.

ErcsYou3571d ago

Nobody really cared about 6 vs 6 but everybody cared about hating on Titanfall.

I thought the beta was awesome and I am very excited for Sept 9.. Good bye diabolo 3, hello Destiny..

Dirtnapstor3571d ago

Don't know about a goodbye to D3, but hello Destiny is definitely in order! I liked it, looked good and played well, so it'll only get better upon release. People confuse betas as full fledged demos. It's the mystery of ignorance I guess.

InTheLab3570d ago

Then you weren't paying attention. 6v6 would be perfect for pilot on pilot like everyone wanted but no.

Everyone hated the lack of content. Few modes, weapons, titans, and filled with bots.

People hated the amount of unjustified hype. People hated how certain sites were calling that game the second coming when all it was was a decent overpriced mp only shooter.

Spurg3571d ago

The beta gave a very brief taste of what you can expect from the game.

About the Pvp...Although I would love more players, 6v6 is ideal for Titanfall. Similar to how Halo is best play in 4v4 team slayer. Destiny will work best as a 6v6, its similar to team slayer.

LAWSON723571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

"Halo is best play in 4v4 team slayer"

Just no.
Yes 4v4 is ideal for true competitive Halo gaming, however Team Slayer is far from the best competitive playlist. Real teams play objectives. Halo is great for many reasons online. The game offers the more lenient 8v8 BTB which is just a blast at times and most custom gametypes are best with a whole game full of people.

The ideal Halo playlist is nothing because the variety in the game offers plenty superb gametypes and player counts that each have there own reason for playing them. Many games could learn a thing or two from Halo especially when it offers much more than a game that is literally only MP.

I have friends that would call BTB, action sack, team objective, and Team SWAT the best playlists, and that is because the game is variety at its finest and allows you to pick what playlist makes Halo fun for you

1nsaint3570d ago

agreed lawson, halo 3 custom games was amazing, definitely the most fun i had in a game ever.
creating your own map and own mini games and playing on it with 15 friends was tons of fun.

Big team was also great (especially Big Team Heavy) and i hope to see it return along with Free for All

Hellsvacancy3571d ago

I've complained about 6vs6, no double standards here

Darkstares3571d ago

I too have concerns for the game as far as enemies go. It looks and plays very slick and polished even for a beta. There's still a lot of unanswered questions about the game so I will take a wait and see approach first.

DLConspiracy3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

That's so true. I don't want to doom the game but there is a lot of blind loyalty behind the game that seems to be pointing the very same direction. I still play Titanfall though despite all the hatred it received from opposing people. Too bad cause its got great mechanics. Destiny feels like it should be endless and huge and now we sort of know where the edges are. Sort of takes the wildly hopeful expectations and curbs them.

My concern in a nutshell..


Sevir3571d ago

Blind? 4.6 million played the beta and 90% of the people that played it loved it. There's a vocal minority that's bashing it because they think what the played is all that's left to the game. To that I laugh. It's ok if you don't care for it, but I think anyone bashing it after playing 10% with a low level cap is plain out silly

Destiny is gonna surprise many.

DLConspiracy3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )


I know its OK if I don't like it, I never said that I did though.. Nor did I think I was bashing it. Just explaining a concern.

I don't see how you can call me out saying I am bashing it after only playing 10% of the game and then follow it up with "destiny is gonna surprise many" after you yourself only played 10% of the game. Seems kind of like the same thing to me just opposite sides of the spectrum.

Edit. I hope that it surprises us all, but I think it's fine to be skeptical so we don't cross over into hope/unmet expectations.

Palitera3571d ago

I bet reality will be a b**** when Sevir finally play the game he is dreaming about. lol Talk about annoying delusional zealot...

Mr-Dude3570d ago


Well said... Let people bash it, I don't care. Coming September I will enjoy Destiny even with the "minimum amount of planets and level-cap". These days, gamers have to complain ABOUT everything. But I bet that most of the bashers here will buy Destiny..

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Letthewookiewin3571d ago

Don't care about the MP but it's cool it's there. It's a Bungie thing. I paid 60$ for this game I will with out a doubt get 30 hrs out of it and I think that's being extremely modest and that's worth it to me. If not, oh well I've spent 60$ on a lot worse games, it wouldn't be the first time I got burned. But that's the risk we take with any hobby pretty much.

Tru_Ray3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

Agreed. I played a bit of the beta. I found it to be pretty solid overall. I wasn't blown away by it, but I have literally played everything on the PS4 that is worth playing already.

Right now I am chomping at the bit for new next-gen experiences. This game is going to sell 8.5 million games easily, given that there is little competition out there.


objdadon3571d ago

Excuse me, Titanfall has bots! Lol it was fun for a while but bots make it uncompetitive!

ic3fir33571d ago

Not bots to replace players, they do not make anything like a player, is LoL and Dota style, only for farm, and support

BiggerBoss3571d ago

I'm actually really excited for this game. Sure the one destination per planet thing disappointed me a little, but not enough to not enjoy the game. And I was unsure about 6v6 (didn't play titanfall) but after playing I'm glad they went that route. Of course this is all my opinion, but as someone who spent almost 60 hours on the beta, I can't wait till September 9th

vickers5003571d ago

Well everyone has a right to their opinion, but I couldn't disagree with you more. I had more fun with the Destiny alpha than I had with Killzone Shadowfall, Infamous Second Son (platinum'd SS)and Assassin's Creed 4 combined, and that was just the alpha. And once the full game comes out, I'll probably add BF4 to that long list of disappointing games that weren't as fun as Destiny.

MysticStrummer3570d ago

"the whole PvP has the same number of teams Titanfall did. Which if I am not mistaken set this and other websites on mad fuel fire. And yet this game gets a pass?"

It's not the same thing. 6v6 competitive multiplayer is all there is to TF. With Destiny it's just another game mode. I want to play Destiny, but the competitive multi will definitely get the least of my time by far.

abstractel3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

Titanfall = MP only with one vehicle type (Titan).
Destiny = MP with multiple vehicle types, Co-op, SP, seamless PVE (Public Events), Scavenger side missions, space combat etc, character customization, meaningful leveling up of armor, weapons and more.

Original post by Gangsta_red = fail.

1nsaint3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

there wont be space combat :(


ThatOneGuyThere3570d ago

i havent had this much fun in a co-op shooter in a really really long time. Playing alone? yeah, rather play borderlands. Playing with friends? Destiny takes the cake.

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marioJP873571d ago

I also believe it'll be the biggest disappointments too. Mainly because it is being touted as one of the best games of all times by idiots.

cr33ping_death3571d ago

First time I ever hear of this site.

Neixus3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

Just because it's an unknown site doesn't mean their point is not valid.

I'll get destiny down the road, but there is set dangerously high expectations, so it's almost bound to cause dissapointment for some people.

Look at The Last of Us, that got all the hype, yet still a few people didn't like it.(personaly, my favourite game)

People have different tastes you know.

cr33ping_death3570d ago

Small sites tend to come up with bs titles to get hits. Even you said "some" maybe the title should be changed to "disappoint for some? Dont you think?

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter348d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell347d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig348d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast348d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g348d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka348d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

348d ago Replies(1)
348d ago
Father__Merrin348d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard500d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai499d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface498d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard496d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.