
Review: Master Reboot (Pure Nintendo)

Pure Nintendo: "I’m thrilled when games turn out better than I expected, and Master Reboot caught me by surprise, exceeding nearly all expectations! There is so much more I could talk about, but I’ve well exceeded my space limit already. I’ll sum up by stating the obvious – buy this game! Master Reboot not only does most everything right, but goes that extra mile! This could very well turn out to be one of the most memorable Wii U games I’ve played. As it stands now it’s one of my favorites, eShop or otherwise, and definitely among the best Wii U games released this year!"

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2077d ago Replies(7)
lxeasy2077d ago

Laser League is awesome. I play it on Xbox all the time

nucky642077d ago

so, no sniper elite or nioh? that sucks.

blackblades2077d ago

Well don't believe rumors, lol ya hyped just to be disappointed.

PoopsMcGee2077d ago

I'm glad Nioh wasn't true. I already have it.

And Friday The 13th is more of a score for me than Sniper Elite.

Exvalos2077d ago

Trust me it's not the game is horrible

Eidolon2077d ago

I have Nioh and platinumed Diablo, so i didn't want the first "leak" to be true. And Sniper Elite 3 ultimate is on PS Now with download option.

PoopsMcGee2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

Forgot about the Diablo part of the rumor. Yeah, I have it already too.

sampsonon2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

Nioh? go get a job and buy it.

lol, Nioh?! Jesus.

KwietStorm_BLM2077d ago

So do you say that for every game on PS Plus or Games with gold?

sampsonon2077d ago


There was a time when i cared, but could care less now. I never said, Give us God Of War, but i have said i didn't like the choice of games.

How much time and money do you think Nioh, A 2017 GAME, took to make?

spoiled brats.

Weeblordbad2076d ago

Judging by your posts here and in the past, you're a balanced person.

RememberThe3572076d ago

Your tone is a little rough but yeah, Noih is dope. Go buy that shi+.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2076d ago
Profchaos2077d ago

Leaks have constantly been wrong lately

Jimneous2076d ago

I had thought Gravity Rush Remastered might be on offer since I came across it in the PS store and it had a PS Plus free label, it had a price when I clicked on it however.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
Matrix62077d ago

Not much point in giving out actual decent games for Oct/Nov, far too many huge games coming out soon!

Sitdown2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Don't know what's scarier, your logic or the fact that 11 people so far agree with you. There is no point in giving out old games in Oct/Nov that are actually decent because there far too many games coming out soon? What if people don't want the games coming out? What if there budget doesn't allow them the good games? Why can't the standard be decent games every month, despite what's being released?

CarlDechance2077d ago

I’ve never even heard of it

coolbeans2077d ago

It's a great MP game that deserves a chance.

LucasRuinedChildhood2077d ago

Is it actually bad? It has a score of 82 on Metacritic and was made by the OlliOlli guys. It does have couch mp so I'll have to give it a go at least. Friday the 13th is an odd choice given that they recently gave away Dead by Daylight but I suppose it is the month of Halloween

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10 Obscure Horror Games You Probably Haven't Played

10 awesome and obscure horror games you probably haven't heard of. What offbeat horror games do you love? Let us know in the comments!

DarkOcelet3025d ago

That means they are not popular enough.

DragonDDark3025d ago

No.. the game is called "Obscure"

DarkOcelet3025d ago

You never heard of it?

Obscure is awesome, it has the style of gameplay of Resident Evil.

If you are a fan of the old school Resident Evil then you should play both Obscure 1 and Obscure 2.

They are so cliched as they get but so cool too lol.

DragonDDark3025d ago (Edited 3025d ago )

No xD
I'm saying that obscure is an obscure game lol

I played Obscure 1 and 2 and I loved them.

TricksterArrow3026d ago

Eternal Darkness is pretty popular. A better entry would've been Clock Tower.

Pastorfuzz3025d ago

I have Haunting Ground on the PS2 and Siren Blood Curse on the PS3. Both of those games are pretty good.

Kyosuke_Sanada3025d ago

DeSpiria for the Dreamcast it's a strange horror RPG evolving around a special agent sent to discover an underground cult. It's set in a dystopian future after World War III which leads to some serious creepy atmosphere. The character designs are questionable but it flourishes in monster design and disturbing music (which would have been so much better in full-length but tracks are limited to 20 second loops.) I await the day I am fluent in my Japanese studies so I can play this game in it's entirety.


Haunting Ground, Galerians and Rule of Rose deserves mentions as well. I would go on about these three but I doubt you guys want to read a novel....


Indie Corner launches Contest - $100 Nintendo Indie Prize Pack

Indie Corner is celebrating its 1 year anniversary and to celebrate we're giving away a huge Indie prize pack!

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