
Dev Defends Against Claims That PS4 Is More of An Indie Console Now

"Given the lack of AAA games and the abundance of indie games on the PlayStation 4, certain players feel that the Sony's current generation console has now become an indie console."

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user74029313597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

"Given the lack of AAA games and the abundance of indie games on the PlayStation 4'


Neonridr3597d ago

that's a pretty old graphic now.

pedrof933597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Remember back in february when Titanfall (A third party exclusive on X1) released alongside Infamous on Ps4 ( 1st party) ? Since then Ps4 Got MLB the Show (First Party) and TLOU remastered al so first party. And X1... It got map packs for titanfall.

Neonridr3597d ago

I own both of those games on PS4 too.. :P

SoapShoes3597d ago

@Pedro and if you want to count non first party exclusives PS4 also got Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn and Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legends. The X1 hasn't had an exclusive since Titanfall and won't have anything till Autumn. Anyone who claims PS4 has no games, does that mean the X1 has less than no games? It has negative games? Stupid fanboys...

blitz06233597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

It's funny because if you compare the number of retail games it's identical to the PS3 in its first year. Just because there are more indies doesn't mean AAA games are being ignored. The ratio is just different, but in terms of totals there's nothing that proves the console is an indie machine.

andibandit3597d ago

Problem is that PS4 owners keep saying
its gonna/
is raining
so new ps4 owners are kinda scratching their heads, left wondering..."Did they mean rain indie games?"

PeaSFor3597d ago

More games>Less games.

its that simple.

ramiuk13597d ago

yeah very old graphic,the lists bigger now

Volkama3597d ago

Kinect Sports Rivals is more recent than Titanfall isn't it? Or are we only talking about grown-up games?

HiddenMission3597d ago


A game is a game it's just that simple. Indie, AAA it doesn't matter as long as it's on the console.

Problem is last gen we saw a rise of indies on PC and the beginning of indies coming to the PS3/360 (more so on PS3 from what I remember). Which is what a lot of consumers asked for. Now that indies are getting a lot of love on the PS4 (console space) the gamers who act like AAA is all that matters (XBOX only) talk trash saying PS4 is all indie.

The truth is a title is a title and only a fanboy would say the opposite.

If you really want to talk about exclusives and I do mean console exclusives the PS4 seems to be ahead. While some of the console exclusives are also on PC they are currently only on the PS4.

What this means to all who can't grasp what I've been saying is that if you don't game on PC and stick to consoles then you can only experience said titles on the PS4 which does make those indie titles exclusive.

On Topic: Article writer alludes to XB1 having more AAA games which it doesn't because if you add in the F2P titles and MMO's Sony is still ahead. The post just comes off as trying to stir up a comment war and guess what it succeeded for the most part.

ABizzel13597d ago

The thing I really don't get about many of these naggers, is that you know when these things are coming.

PS4 Firmware naggers (aka so called game journalist / bloggers): If you have a game blog online then you're somewhat in the know. You know good and well that Sony planned on releasing their next big firmware around Gamescon in August. So why are you nagging about it at the end of July.

Indie vs AAA naggers: It's the first freaking 9 months of the PS4 lifecycle. Anyone who has even bought a launch consoles knows there are dead times if you only focus on AAA games (which take 1 - 3+ years to make). On top of that it's summer which are usually dead months for gaming as well (which I don't understand). If you took 10 seconds and google "PS4 release schedule" you would see The Last of Us just came out, and starting the end of August a wave of AAA games and expansions will be releasing on the PS4 with:

Infamous Last Light, Metro: Redux, EA Sports 15, Minecraft, Destiny, DriveClub, Evolve, The Evil Within, Assassin's Creed Unity, GTA V, COD: AW, The Crew, Far Cry 4, Little Big Planet 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Project Cars, and Planetside 2.

There's something for everyone, and that's all we know for now with Gamescom and TGS likely bringing more announcements.

Just shut up and wait 3 - 4 more weeks.

ShadowWolf7123597d ago


They harp on the Firmware updates because it generates revenue. Xbox fans are already holding up their "superior update schedule" flag and running over there to brag. Clicks and revenue.

Then come the Sony fans to go on defense and point out the obvious to both the author and the other fanboys in the comments. More clicks. More revenue.

ThanatosDMC3597d ago

We need an updated list. It's bigger now.

tee_bag2423597d ago

@ Soupshoes
Wrong, Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn and Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legends are both on PC so I don't see how that makes them PS4 exclusives.

AndrewLB3597d ago

here's a more accurate graphic. note how it excludes games from 2015. So this list actually matters right now.


GribbleGrunger3597d ago

@AndrewLB: No wonder you think the XB1 has more games if you're using lists like that.

Prime1573597d ago


Andrew, I don't know where you got that list, but that list is pushing your biased agenda and not the truth.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3597d ago
Doge3597d ago

That's an outdated list.


Blacksand13597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

It's not even a year yet and people are crying about no games. Smart PS owners know 2014 is a down year for game we brought the PS4 to have it before the rush next year when the games start coming in 2015. Sony said they was going to cut back on games for the PS3 at E3 2013. Sony started that already only MP games came out this year on the PS3, the AAA came on the PS4. Next year most of the PS3 owners going to make that jump.

fonger083597d ago

That's a cool list for games, for 2015.

Xbot12143597d ago

lol PS4 fans be like.....


as for the indies they won't bring much, sony shouldn't be so focused on them, bring on the new games

S2Killinit3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

@ Dirty Pimp
thanks for posting that. I'm tired of telling people to look at the games lists and see for themselves who has more games (whether indie, AAA, or whatever). Some people just don't want to know the truth.

GribbleGrunger3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Wrong place.

GribbleGrunger3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

"Given the lack of AAA games."

This is a complete lie. There's no other way to describe it. The PS4 has had MORE AAA games than the XB1, so where are the articles about the XB1 lacking games?

The PS4 has more AAA games
The PS4 has more Indie games
The PS4 has more FTP games

How can so many articles from so many sites be overlooking this fact? I can't believe that it's because ALL of these articles are written by MS shills, so clearly it can only be down to the authors buying into a narrative without question, just like they did with the Vita.

It's actually creating some puzzling threads on forums too, in which the OP asks: 'Why is the PS4 still selling?" They're only puzzled because they've bought the 'no game' narrative. Luckily, most helpful PS4 owners provide an extensive comparison list pretty quickly and save the author of the thread from further embarrassment.

It WILL sink in eventually. Until then, keep up the good work folks :)

Xbot12143597d ago

uuh buddy xbox one has been bashed more than u can imagine so far, take a little hit once in a while. and try not to be a douche about it.

GribbleGrunger3597d ago

The XB1 has been 'bashed' (as you call it) for legitimate reasons, not a complete lie. That's the difference.

ziggurcat3597d ago


Why would a "hit" need to be taken when the statement that there is a lack of AAA titles on PS4 is factually incorrect?

Corpser3597d ago

Who's talking about XB1? The article never mentions it

GribbleGrunger3597d ago

@Corpser: The point is, IF this narrative is to be applied to any of the consoles, then surely it has to apply to the console with less games ... Doesn't that make sense? I'm all for the narrative dying and not even switching to the XB1, but whilst this lie continues, it's only fair that the facts are pointed out.

HiddenMission3597d ago


I don't know where your English comprehension level is at but the post alludes to XB1 having more AAA titles based off of the way it's phrased. See below

"Given the lack of AAA games and the abundance of indie games on the PlayStation 4"

That statement is a slant/intentional ignoring of the fact that XB1 has actually less AAA titles. If the writer had added XBOX One in that sentence then we could have a legitimate discussion but that did not take place.

So as it stands if you read in-between the lines the XBOX One is being talked about with a comparison that takes a slanted jab at the PS4.

BX813597d ago

Stop your crying about the XB1 articles. Jesus Christ man. If the article isn't true to gaming facts then report it. This has nothing to do with the xb1.

Salooh3597d ago

I agree with you there with the ps4. It's ridiculous . But not with the vita. Vita always lacked AAA games after launch and that's a sad fact because of how great the vita is ...

GribbleGrunger3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

@14Feb-R: My fault, I should have been a little clearer there. I was referring to the general 'no games' mantra for the Vita. I take your point. Bubble for the confusion. :)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3597d ago
madworld3597d ago

that is true,guys for god sick the only game com from Sony and it is a very good just Infamous ss so it is a fact that Ps4 now is just indie console and look to the line up from first party this year,it is the worst line up from Sony in years.the only game i am looking forward from first party is Drive club......

joeorc3597d ago


"that is true,guys for god sick the only game com from Sony and it is a very good just Infamous ss so it is a fact that Ps4 now is just indie console and look to the line up from first party this year,it is the worst line up from Sony in years.the only game i am looking forward from first party is Drive club......"

Ok than how come DCuniverse, Planet Side 2, WarThunder! do not count for Sony like Titanfall counts for Microsoft?

I know the A: and its simple

But those are on PC right? well so is Titanfall!

The point is many on a certain side want to ignore Free 2 play "console Exclusives" but try to imply and claim that in the same Token "Titanfall" counts only as an console exclusive for Microsoft, but the SOE game's that Sony has for the PS4 somehow some way do not count the same for Sony, just because Windows OS for the PC!

That is what is Ironic!

The point is because of Windows OS, many certain people only want to count PC exclusives on Xbox platform as a "Microsoft" Exclusive

And its very clear that side try's to frame the Argument that way.

truefan13597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Sony themselves said indies will be a significant focus of the ps4 moving forward. E3 2013 = big indie focus, E3 2014 = Big indie focus. Yoshida also doesn't even have faith in the upcoming ps4 titles, as he called Destiny, THE system seller for ps4.


XB1:Forza 5, DR3, Ryse, Kinect Sports Rivals, Titanfall, Killer Instinct

ps4:kzsf, knack, infamous, mlb the show


XB1-Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo MCC, Project Spark, Quantum Break, D4, ScaleBound, Fable Legends, Phantom Dust, Crackdown, Halo 5,

ps4-Driveclub, lbp3, the order, bloodborne, tlour, uncharted

The only list where ps4 leads is indies, but even those indies are coming to XB1.

I see disagrees, but no comments. I know the reason why is because you have no comeback. I posted the games and both ps4 lists are significantly smaller in quality and number.

@jnemesh, would you know that Kinect Sports Rivals 1 oustold infamous 1 and 2 combined. Also The Kinect Sports franchise has outsold the infamous franchise. Lastly YES IT IS BIG BUDGET. Find me another game with face and body scanning features. LOL I left out a lot of unannounced XB1 games too Gears, lionhead's new ip, Twisted Pixel's new ip, 3 Japanese Exclusives, Rare's New ip, Press Play's new ip...

Edit:I left this here for 3 hours and yet No ps4 fan could answer to my list.

ZIGGURCAT calls Titanfall multiplat, then goes on to mention Planetside 2, not to mention PS@ and Deep Down are both free to play games.

Starks posts the same exact list I have, but includes several indies to inflate his list.

The rest of the commenters were deflecting, thank you for admitting XB1 has the better games in both number and QUALITY.

jnemesh3597d ago

Wow, truefan! You are calling out "Kinect Sports Rivals" as "AAA"? On what planet does that game qualify as "AAA"?

Your list is leaving out a LOT of announced PS4 games too. Troll harder next time!

GribbleGrunger3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

This list isn't up to date but it will do. The problem is that this issue has been put to bed on more sensible forums and the list doesn't get updated because the point is already made. Suffice to say, the omissions give the PS4 a bigger lead in AAA and Indies.


Now if only people who write articles could catch up with those sensible forums.

Angels37853597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

You NEGATING a slew of PS4 titles that are not indies...in no way makes what you said factual.

Also the F2P games on PS4 are big budget games...in fact VERY big budget in most cases. Plus indies or not, its still more games and more options for ps4 owners that xbox owners will not have.

ziggurcat3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )


1. Killer instinct, and kinect sports rivals are *not* AAA titles.

2. Titanfall is *multiplatform*, not a xbone exclusive.

3. You conveniently left out a whole bunch of PS4 exclusives like deep down, let it die, planetside 2, etc...

4. Sales does not make a game AAA. So saying, "bu-bu-but kinect sports rivals sold more" is an invalid argument. And it's not even close to being big budget... Just because it's MS exclusive doesn't mean it had a massive budget. You seriously need to learn the difference between casual shovelware, and major blockbuster.

disKinected3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Keep spouting that rubbish...truefan.. Your inferior box won't become superior..lol.. Wake me up when xbox gets somw GOTY games.. Or even games that are better than indie games ps4 is receiving... I'll pick these indie games over garbage xbox lineup. Kinect sports rivals and dance central...rofl...pass!

LordMaim3597d ago

What I also love is the way he makes sure to capitalize each and every one of the Xbox One titles properly, and yet the PS4 titles are all in lower case, even for the name of the system. At least make it a complete list before you subtly minimize the PS4 list.

And before you stand Kinect Sports up against Infamous, maybe you should have a look at this:


Packing in Kinect Sports may have helped its sales, but didn't make them good.

Kayant3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

"E3 2013 = big indie focus" - less than 5 mins on stage

"E3 2014 = Big indie focus" - Less than 2 mins https://www.youtube.com/wat...

In terms of trailers.

Your facts are BS as usual.

"Find me another game with face and body scanning features" - Yes because that makes it a big budget title loooool.

Starks3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

First and foremost, I don't think Sucker Punch ever needed to lay off some of their employees for poor sales, except Rare, issued by Microsoft... for the exact game you spoke of, the abysmal Kinect Sports Rivals.

Second, let's restructure that PS4 list with games you seem to left out.

The Last of Us Remastered
Little Big Planet 3
The Order: 1886
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Guilty Gear Xrd
Natural Doctrine
Deep Down
The Last Guardian
Ratchet & Clank
Gran Turismo 7
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

I should probably throw in some of the FTPs you can't get, like Planetside 2, Let it Die, H1Z1, and Everquest Next, but that would be painful for me to do on top of all of those games I just listed lol. Don't forget the unannounced IPs and projects coming from Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, Guerrilla Cambridge, Media Molecule, Santa Monica, Bend Studios, Ovosonico, and Quantic Dream. I'm even tempted to list off indie games that'll be amazing to play, like Rime, Hohokum, Counterspy, Starbound, and Secret Ponchos, none of which you'll be able to experience on top of a slew of AA/AAA/Big Budget titles I stated.

So your pathetic attempt of a list has been crushed and conquered. You're welcome.

Geomasonic3597d ago

the things you see when you haven't got a gun.

Starks3597d ago

Truefan, you even seen what I typed? I said let's restructure that list with more games you left out, and it more than doubled by itself without needing to add any indie titles. Your last list has Ori and the Blind Forest, which is an indie, but whatever. Seems like you already decided with sticking with AAA games containing subordinate content with a subjacent system.

DigitalRaptor3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Ah… Truefan… one of the most consistently delusional liars on N4G.

Kinect Sports Rivals is a mediocre game, that much is true. Who the f*ck cares about the size of a budget, when a team of 10 people are making the biggest game universe ever in No Man's Sky, and will have more content than ANY Xbox game ever will.

You downplay Sony's indie lineup despite the fact that it actually contains relatively large budget titles, compared to what you're used to seeing from indie devs, which shows that Sony's support of indie developers is actually going places:

- RiME
- Shadow of the Beast
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
- No Man's Sky

A game like ICO is a cult classic AAA masterpiece, and none of those indie games look like they are offering anything less, particularly RiME.

Look those games up and tell me you get laughs from them, like you think all indie games on PS4 look like FEZ, Towerfall Ascension and Mercenary Kings.

You knowingly leave off announced PS4 games like Ratchet & Clank Redux, The Last Guardian, Guilty Gear Xrd, whilst listing games like Phantom Dust, Crackdown and Scalebound which are coming out in 2016. Sony's 2016 lineup hasn't even been announced yet. Their biggest developers are yet to announce their PS4 projects for 2015 and 2016, and you're trying to lay down what company leads in games?

What is wrong with you?

DigitalRaptor3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )



"The rest of the commenters were deflecting, thank you for admitting XB1 has the better games in both number and QUALITY."

THE LAST OF US is the highest rated "exclusive" game this gen so far. It towers above everything else, and the thing is, it's about as "exclusive" as Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall, Project Spark and Dead Rising 3.

Additionally, MASSIVE games like Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Kingdom Under Fire II, H1Z1, EverQuest Next and PlanetSide 2 are about as exclusive as most of the games you listed, but somehow they are excluded from your list? You try so hard to make things convenient and cosy for yourself by deflecting valid games like a hypocrite, and you fail immeasurably.

Lastly, your statement that Xbone has the better games in "both number and quality" is 100% inaccurate. Why is that?

1) PS4 has more games…. FACT.
2) PS4 has the better rated games… FACT: http://vgrhq.com/ps4-vs-xbo...

Gamescom '14 is going to hammer a nail in and embarrass your flaccid "arguments" (read: lies) even more than as standard.

tee_bag2423597d ago

Lol Planetside 2 has been on PC for the last 2 years. I love how fanboys have no idea what's on other platforms yet try to pass them off as exclusive.
Outlast, FF14, Titan Fall all were on PC too therefore aren't exclusive.
But I agree with the article. X1 seems to have a stronger AAA line up, not by much though. Non of the consoles have system seller yet.

EData3597d ago

My games are better than your games! Is this what N4G is all about? Funny.

imt5583597d ago

Ha-ha, you are PWNED, truefan!

Give it up already!

You put you pride on the line probably.

Toman853596d ago

Truefan1 is a troll with high double moral. Kinect Rivals triple AAA? Are you serious?

Using Titanfall as exclusive, yeah but dont write down Final Fantasy XIV on PS4, biased much.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3596d ago
Aceman183597d ago

The ppl complaining can go kick rocks. What do they think big budgets games are created over night or a few days?

Damn this generation is already becoming like last whine, whine, whine.

christian hour3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

I actually think it might be worse than last gen with all these whaaaaambulance drivers around.

And I think what factors in to this is the length of the last generation (the longest I've experienced in the 27 years I've been gaming).

For a large portion of young gamers posting on this site, they've never experienced a generation cross-over, they might have been too young to remember or cared back then to notice that at the start of every gen, the big games come in slow.

REAL slow.

It isn't usually until half way through the second year of a generation that AAA games production cycles start to overlap and release regularly. And ports, remakes and remasters are highly common place throughout a generation.

THe only difference this time is technology has gotten to a cheap and affordable point that any budding game developer can now make games on a low budget, so we're seeing a rise in indie developers, which generally have shorter development cycles, which means they come out more often.

AAA games are still coming out as frequently as they always have. I think a lot of people here just choose to see and hear what they want to and twist it around to fit snugly in to their warped perception of reality.

Why more indies on ps4 than xb1 you might ask? Well, because there's less anal rape'age happening in sonys indie policies than there is in Microsofts. Theres less hoops to jump through and not as many catches.

Aceman183597d ago


You ain't lying about today's young gamers. Well said and have a bubble.

system223597d ago

a) thats old. B) most of those games are indie games furthering the point of the article i'd say.

CaptainPunch3597d ago

Yet the PS4 only has a handful of titles I want to play, that graph is a bad comparison.

Spotie3597d ago

Who gives a damn how many of the games YOU want to play?

In the real world, you only account for one console sale. No company is gonna make much off just one person. So they make games that appeal to many people. Maybe there's just one game you wanna play; well, there may be a dozen people who will buy every game on the list.

Why should Sony care about you? The singular you who, like many of the fanboys in here, wouldn't buy a PS4 if Sony paid you?

Some of you people are a joke.

CaptainPunch3595d ago (Edited 3595d ago )

"Who gives a damn how many of the games YOU want to play?

In the real world, you only account for one console sale. No company is gonna make much off just one person. So they make games that appeal to many people. Maybe there's just one game you wanna play; well, there may be a dozen people who will buy every game on the list.

Why should Sony care about you? The singular you who, like many of the fanboys in here, wouldn't buy a PS4 if Sony paid you?

Some of you people are a joke."

Why should Sony care about me? Maybe because I am a consumer and buy their products? Your whole argument is bad, I never said Sony should make games for me. You are just assuming things to push your own argument. Too bad you won't have a chance to reply with your one bubble, enjoy the silence. I find it funny how you call me a fanboy, yet you're clearly one - your comment history proves that.

Have a good day, hahahahaha.

FanboyKilla3597d ago

Lmfao yes, i f n love it. Sony fans running and jumping here and there trying to defend that shit. Its getting ugly.

List your games all you want. I bet you dont even own that garbage. The thing is people are still playing and enjoying xone games. You have to resort to a list of games no one plays. Thats why the industry says ps4 has no games, because it has no games people play. Of course it has games on it, but so does ouya. Lmfao lmfao

r2oB3597d ago

If PS4 has no games that people play, why does every game sell better on PS4 than Xbox One? If PS4 gamers didn't play games then games would not sell for the console.

Not only do PS4 gamers play games, they play superior versions of them. But hey, at least you get to play system updates, those are pretty fun right?

greenlantern28143597d ago

First yes people are listing PS4 games they are nit playing, since they haven't been released yet my h like XB1 fans list games that won't be out till late next year like HALO 5, and 2016 titles like Crackdown. But to say people don't play games on their PS4 is complete crap and you know it.
A) like you know what everybody is doing all the time right.
B) my PS4 is used Daily and a bunch of people on my friends list are there every time I am on.
But I guess since you do t use your alleged PS4 nobody dose

cabinotier3597d ago

Generation & PC exclusive

what ?!

Chevalier3597d ago

Titanfall was on PC
Dead Rising 3 is coming to Steam
Project Spark is on PC as well.

Do 'console' exclusives not matter? Didn't all the 360 fans say that they had 'console' exclusives when you ran out of actual exclusives?

Now if it's on PC and not only on the console of your choice it doesn't count? Right, got it.

XStation3597d ago

Quality > Quantity.

Prime1573596d ago (Edited 3596d ago )

Good thing ps4 has both.

Ps4 has 30+ more PLAYABLE games.

Average Metascore of the Top 20 PS4 Games: 84.5

Average Metascore of the Top 20 Xbox One Games: 78.9

Highest/Lowest PS4 Score: 91/80

Highest/Lowest Xbox One Score: 91/69

90+ on PS4: 3

90+ on Xbox One: 1

80+ on PS4: 18

80+ on Xbox One: 8


So let me break it down for you.
Ps4>xbox in quality
PS4>xbox in quantity

That's why articles that perpetuate the idea of ps4 not having games are inaccurate fanboy grabs. The direct competition fares worse through qualitative, measurable results while taking no scrutiny in the same form.

XStation3596d ago


And how many of those games are popular and are played among many ppl?

AceBlazer133597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

The year of 2014 in exclusives

Kinect Sports Rivals

inFamous Second Son
MLB 14 The Show
Final Fantasy XIV
The Last of Us remastered
Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends

If PS4 has no games then the XB1 isn't even worth the title of a games console.

I wanna see what idiot calls out the exclusives on PS4 for being available on PC even though Titanfall is also on PC and 360.

ITPython3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

The keyword here is "certain players", ie XB1 fanboys. Anybody who knows the PS brand and isn't in denial knows that AAA exclusives are one of the biggest perks and advantages of playing on a PlayStation.

Just look at the PS1/PS2/PS3 (especially PS3) they are OOZING with AAA exclusives, usually so much that many players aren't even able to play them all in a single generation. Whereas the AAA exclusives for the 360, for example, can practically be counted on one hand. Halo, GeOW, and Fable. That's about it. The rest were multiplats that 360 fanboys considered as exclusives.

This time however, PS has the exclusive advantage AND the multiplat advantage. Yet somehow the PS4 is criticized for the "lack" of AAA exclusives? Amazing how powerful a voice the extreme minority has to get people to believe this. Guess it's kind of like the XB1 fanboys cheering about dedicated servers in online games as if it is something new and special that PlayStation folks don't have... yet dedicated servers have been a common occurrence since the PS3 first released. And is something the XB community is only just now (almost a decade later) getting to enjoy.

Ozmoses3597d ago

a game is a game...

from "kick the can" all the way to electronic gaming

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3595d ago
Neonridr3597d ago

so then, based off the devs claim of AAA coming in the future, it would be safe to say that the PS4 is an indie machine currently. I don't mind indie titles, there are some really awesome ones, but it's nice to play full titles as well. Thank god for TLOU Remastered, otherwise I wouldn't be getting a new game for my PS4 until September when Destiny drops. And the last game I bought was back in May when Watch Dogs released.

Kayant3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

"it would be safe to say that the PS4 is an indie machine currently" - In what way? And most times in it's life cycle this will always be the case because there is a lot more indie devs and cost/time to develop is less. Do third parties not count?

We don't need the dev's word to see this is true we know every Sony studio is working on a PS4 game.

Now the lack of AAA exclusives on PS4 meme going about is a bit silly.

2014 titles from MS/Sony/Nintendo

MLB:The Show
LittleBigPlanet 3
The Last of Us Remastered

Wii U
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8
Hyrule Warriors
Bayonetta 2
Super Smash Bros. Wii U
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Sunset Overdrive
Forza Horizon 2

These titles are all published by MS/Sony/Nintendo and are developed by either a first or second party in a partnership to count.

If you want to include third-party exclusives like TF, Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn, etc

Not counting clausal titles like singstar, kinect rivals, Dance Central Spotlight, etc.

With all that said if you even add the stuff I excluded the PS4 overall wouldn't be out by a lot 3-4 titles maybe.

Source - http://www.gamespot.com/art...

ramiuk13597d ago

if SONY supporting the small gaming development teams means its branded as a "indie console"then im fine with that,at least someone is supporting the up and coming talent.

every list proves that ps4 has more games coming out for it and what is better is opinion.

i wonder what xboners next excuse will be for xbone next stumble.

Chevalier3597d ago

Don't forget PS4 console exclusives/ 3rd party exclusives.

Bound By Flame
Natural Doctrine
Guilty Gear Xrd
Tropico 5
Samurai Warrior 4
Moto GP 14
Air Force Conflicts: Vietnam
Akiba's Trip

UK exclusives like:
Tour de France 2014 are also available only on PS4/PS3 NOT Xbone.

S2Killinit3597d ago

its not an "indie machine" the only reason this argument has come up is because PS4 clearly gets more games, the Microsoft camp has spread this rumor and the gullible (or willingly blind) have accepted it. Fact is, that the only difference between the two consoles is that one of them is not getting indie support (thus LESS games). The list does not lie. I invite anyone who wants to post that the PS4 is an indie machine, to attach a copy of the list of upcoming games for both consoles to their argument so everyone can see how correct they are.

Neonridr3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

That statement still has nothing to do with Microsoft, so I don't even know why you are bringing them in.

It's not hard to see that 2014 has not been a big year for Sony in terms of releasing games, 1st or 3rd party for that matter.

The fact that Microsoft is even worse shape in that department shouldn't matter. That's not what my comment was about.

S2Killinit3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

true, but its all relative. "Not a big year for Sony" is a relative statement. Either you are comparing the offerings to Sony's PS3, in which case the fairer comparison is to compare the offerings of the PS3's first year in which case PS4 has the better offering (if my memory serves me right). OR you are comparing PS4's offerings to the competition, to which I'm pointing out the fact that again the PS4 has a claim of offering more. If you mean that you're comment is made in a vacuum, such as your expectations, well, then that is a very subjective comment and maybe you should make it clear that you are speaking about your own feelings.

PS: my comment was not made in opposition to what you were saying by the way. I just wanted to point out that considering the realities of a launch lineup, i disagreed with the part about PS4 "currently" being an indie machine. That statement is often made by people who don't know or don't care about the facts, I was just pointing that out. but having read your comment again i see what you mean. you were not trolling and I just assumed you meant to compare.

imt5583597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Pretty lame article. How many games has Xbone?



Little more than fewer :



Also some are not listed on PS4 list, but they came out on PSN.

guyman3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

show us some brains, stalker

Master-H3597d ago

He doesn't know what that is, he's probably gon confuse it with a BJ lul

S2Killinit3597d ago

show us the real games microsoft.

what came out this month for xbone by the way?

FullmetalRoyale3597d ago

This may seem a little off, but I consider Guacamelee to be a REAL game. I had a blast with it while waiting for The Last of Us Remastered to release. And I am looking forward to having more fun with it. While you obviously are a bit of a troll, I have to believe that you can see reason.

Not everyone who enjoys, what I am going to call "downloadable titles" as indie doesn't fit some of these accurately, is someone that grew up on these types of games. I'm genuinely surprised by how many of my younger co-workers enjoy "old school" type games.

Some people want games that are fun. The Last of Us(AAA) is one of my favorite games of all time, alongside Snake Eater and Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask. I can understand NOT liking games like Guacamelee.

What I cannot fathom is the attitude of "show us the real games".

The "real" games? This isn't really directed towards you, as I've already acknowledged your trolling status. Thus eliminating any hope of an actual conversation. This is for the many more NON trolls that feel the way you feel about smaller titles.

I love the fact that for fifteen bucks I can not only get a game that I really enjoy, but actually has a platinum trophy, which I didn't expect.

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