
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is the Top-Selling Game on Steam

Hardcore Gamer: After the numerous delays, little fanfare and fact that it was releasing the same day as The Last of Us: Remastered, it seemed as if The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky could be forgotten. Leave it to JRPG fan hype and follow-through sales to make the game a resounding success.

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ValKilmer3602d ago

Things like this restore my faith in humanity.

Godmars2903602d ago

Why exactly?

For the last eight years high end graphics have been an obsessive focus at a disregarded cost, traditional gaming - anything not a FPS or open world title - was either done poorly or regulated to handhelds, now this title which was on the publicly aborted PSP has shown up - and surprise! - gamers starved for variety are buying it.

"Humanity" or gamers have always been here. Its the industry - doing different things justify making more money - that needs to restore its "faith." To temper want of profit margins, to outright exploit, and let devs have fun producing a product that suppose to be fun.


Nihon Falcom wants to "eventually" re-release Trails in the Sky for modern platforms

While yesterday Nihon Falcom announced the latest The Legend of Heroes title for Japan, during their investor Q&A it was revealed that the company plans to re-release The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky for modern platforms - though they don't quite know what form such a re-release might take.

Vits173d ago

If they released a physical collection of the original Trails of Sky, I would get it in a heartbeat.

shinoff2183173d ago

Hell yea. They've been killing it the last few years. Appreciate it

Relientk77173d ago

I hope so! I would totally get it

LiViNgLeGaCY172d ago

They should. They're freaking great games.

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Eleven great Japanese games under $15 to get on the Steam summer sale (2023)

Steam's annual Summer Sale is here again, and here's a couple of great deals for fans of Japanese games who aren't sure what to get!

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342d ago
342d ago

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Review - The Games Cabin

The Games Cabin writes:
"I’m a big JRPG fan, so it was a matter of time before I learned of Trails of Cold Steel and Trails in the Sky. A few days ago I finally completed Trails in the Sky Series and I’m glad to announce it got me super excited to continue through Cold Steel.

As the title suggests, this review will only cover Trails in the Sky, which is only the first 3 games of a 9 game franchise, with another game coming out 2023."

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