
The Last of Us: Remastered is a cash grab, and why nobody believes it

GotGame writes: Despite it’s $50 price tag, and other factors, The Last of Us: Remastered is not getting called out as a shameless cash grab. So, why is that?

user74029313579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

no its not. even if it was a 'cash grab' i still wouldn't miss out on this mofo. this is the most awarded game in history.

Abash3579d ago

The Last of Us is a remarkable game and truly an experience that no one should miss out on. A lot of gamers will finally have the chance to play it on PS4 because they skipped the PS3 last gen, and enhanced with the power of the stronger console.

People can argue whatever they want, but at the end of the day it's just more gamers that'll get to experience one of the best games of all time.

fenome3579d ago

Exactly, and I'm buying it again because it was a phenomenal experience as it was and I want to see what enhancements they've made to it. Not to mention full compatibility with the DS4.

Call it what you will, but I have no problem supporting one of my all-time favorite development studios. People whine and cry when teams disband, go mobile, or studios close, but then you hear them say things like "meh, I'll wait and get it used", or "I'll wait and hope it comes free to Plus".

I know games are expensive, and there are a lot of shameless cash grabs out there, but at least people should show support to the people who've earned it. If we don't support them, then they can't keep supporting us.

Ezz20133579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

GTAV who come much later after TLOU is also getting a remaster and no one dare to to question why
even though it already sold billion or something on last gen consoles so why remaster it again ?!

TLOU getting a remaster on ps4 ...well, TDK Joker said it best :

no one force any one to buy it
it target Gamer who never played it not who already played it

SilentNegotiator3579d ago

I haven't played TLoU yet and plan to on Ps4. Sure isn't a cash grab for me.

Cupid_Viper_33579d ago

The annoying part about the whole Last of Us remastered debate, was that a bunch of those same people were criticizing Sony last Year for releasing TLoU so late in the PS3's cycle. Questioning whether it was the right move or not. And now we have to sit through countless articles like this, while the Xbox brand gets its almost yearly dose of Halo with no problem.

Unlike some other companies, Sony didn't choose to stop productions of games for the PS3 in order to try and bolster up the PS4's line up. If Sony was like Microsoft then games like TLoU, Beyond 2 Souls, and GT6 would all have been cancelled PS3 projects and get shifted to PS4 like Killer Instinct, Ryse, and Dead Rising 3.

It's perfectly normal for Sony to release a PS4 versions of those games that were released so late gen, after catering to their 80-85 million PS3 fanbase. Anybody who has a problem with that will have a hard time not being seen as bitter with ulterior motives.

ginsunuva3579d ago Show
Death3579d ago

For those that haven't played it, it's a bargain.

For those that played it and are content, it's irrelvant.

For those that played it and want to have the upgraded version, $50 is a cash grab. If there was a $20-$30 upgrade available to those that already bought it, I don't think many would complain.

The other thing making TLOU stand out is the timing. Work on the PS4 version had to have started close to the release on the PS3. Instead of telling gamers there were no plans for a PS4 version, it would have been nice if Sony told fans one was in the works. It's not uncommon to let consumers know ahead of time that a game is being made. Sony didn't want to sacrifice PS3 game sales so they shifted this onto gamers. It was a dick move by Sony, but with places like Gamestop offering the PS4 version for $25 this is way over blown.

ABizzel13579d ago

It can't be a cash grab for the simple fact that if you try to buy the entire experience (game + dlc) on the PS3 you're spending $62.


The PS4 version is only $50, instantly saving you $12, and it's 1080p, 60fps, with better graphics. And all that's excluding the fact that it's one of the best games if not the best game of the last generation.

If you don't like it don't buy it. It's as plain and simple as that, and the same goes for the entire gaming medium since the article basically says every game is a cash grab.

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

3579d ago
gaffyh3579d ago

Of course it's a cash grab, but it's being done by Naughty Dog and improved dramatically. Plus loads of people are yet to play TLOU and it is such a great game, it deserves a remaster.

Sevir3579d ago

So let me get this straight!, people were complaining that this game should have come to PS4 instead of PS3, criticizing ND for making it so late in the PS3 life cycle. But now that its coming its a ash grab...

seriously Its a game being rereleased for a new audience who hasn't played the game on Ps3 because they skipped it and others who want to double dip with on a new console with a host of performance and visual upgrades. Cash grab is irrelevant. It takes Money in and of itself to port games to other platforms They aren't doing this for free. people are working long hours to bring these games to new audiences and old fans alike.

So this author can shut up and shove it. Why would anyone complain that one of 2013's biggest and most acclaimed titles finds new fans and new footing on a new generation of hardware is beyond me... If you think its a cash grab simply ignore it and move on. No one is ringing your arm and telling you how to spend your money.

I purchased and beat this game last year and I've happily paid the $50 to play through this game again. Its worth it for those who want it and will own it.

Gazondaily3579d ago

Somehow you kids brought the Xbox into the discussion. Well done. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Anyway, I'm getting the remaster and whilst I don't think it NEEDED a HD remaster, there clearly is appeal for it so what can you do?

Blacktric3579d ago Show
gaffyh3579d ago Show
Blacktric3579d ago Show
SilentNegotiator3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

"If there was a $20-$30 upgrade available to those that already bought it, I don't think many would complain"

There is; it's called "selling your Ps3 copy".
Gamestop even has a promotion for $25 towards Remastered if you trade in.

ChrisGTR13579d ago

I really wanted tlou on ps3 but I opted to rent it and beat it in 2 days. Amazing game but now JM glad I rented it I'll be buying it this time around

King_many_layers3578d ago

I would hardly call it a cash grab.

Capcom' release of Resident Evil 4 HD on PS3 and 360 was the definition of a cash grab. The game was simply the PC port placed upon those consoles. The PC version itself was pretty poor for the time it was released with no updates to textures or lighting and only hitting 30FPS. Then there's the fact that both the PS3 and 360's adaptation had absolutely no changes to the controls.

TLOU has taken the core of the game and embellished upon every aspect.

PX543578d ago

For those who've already played and completed it I can't see how purchasing it again on PS4 is worth wile - especially at full price again. I owned it on PS3, yes it's a great game, and I had fun completing it a number of times.
But is a graphical upgrade really worth paying full price again? The story's no different, i'm sure all the same MP maps will be there, if you think about it game sequels are usually where the graphical upgrade comes into it, but you also get new story/weapons/characters/maps/ abilities etc.
I can understand those who didn't buy it on PS3 going out and getting a copy but for people who have owned it previously it makes no sense to buy it again.
I agree if there was an upgrade discount I may consider it, but it would still only be consideration - it wouldn't be a clear yes, as there's too little i've not already done in the game.
This sort of thing is why really great AAA games (or games in general) are so few and far between, companies repackage the same crap over and over with a graphical upgrade and the masses buy it, is it any wonder we get the same old COD-like games year after year, with no real advancements.
Really if all you want is good graphics, go watch a film. Games are supposed to be for gameplay and interaction, as far as i'm aware this has only received some tweaks to the PS3 version if anything at all.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3578d ago
christian hour3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

This article is click bait, and everybody belives it.

Sure, every company wants to make money at the end of the day. But that's a blanket statement used to excuse underhanded behaviour among business's. It's the companys conduct in attaining that money that should be under scrutiny and thats what really matters.

Companies that have had terrible conduct with the consumer while trying to make a profit?

to name but 3.

Sony and Naughty Dogs conduct with consumers have been impeccable as of late, this sort of scrutiny is reserved for others, not them.

If you think its a cash grab, don't buy it.

For the logical people among us, we see it as a chance to revisit one of the greatest games (if not the greatest) of last gen as well as an opportunity for people to see what a developer like naughty dog can do that may have missed out on them during the ps2/ps3 era or who may not have been born when Crash hit our screens (without having to wait until UC4 hits)

PX543578d ago

@christian hour - no the logical people would not spend full price on a game they've already owned and completed just for a simple graphical upgrade

mrpsychoticstalker3578d ago

Sony needs the money. Money grabbing much eh Sony?

truefan13579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

For those fans in extreme denial, tlour WOULD NOT be a cash grab, if they let gamers know it was coming to ps4 from the start. They kept declining a ps4 version, while simultaneously working on the remaster. tlour is definitely a cash grab, you can believe those sony 50% of ps4 owners didn't own a ps3 pr statements if you want. Only 7/83 million bought the ps4 version, by those same statistics very few of those "50%" will even buy it. It will be more of those 7 million who rebuy the game.

nujack3579d ago

The PS4 wasn't even announced yet. So they were supposed to say, "we are also going to re-master this game for the PS4, which wasn't announced yet, but it will be announced and our game will be on it!"

Shame on Naughty Dog for making a game so good that people want to buy it again re mastered, such a cash grab to make it like that. This is the full game and all the DLC, plus re mastered, even if it wasn't re mastered I would buy it again for all the DLC.

MysticStrummer3579d ago

"you can believe those sony 50% of ps4 owners didn't own a ps3 pr statements if you want. Only 7/83 million bought the ps4 version, by those same statistics very few of those "50%" will even buy it. It will be more of those 7 million who rebuy the game."

Thanks for that glimpse into the future, but I do wish you time travelers would bring back more important information for once.

Some people will re-buy the game, and some people who didn't own the game on PS3 will buy it on PS4. It's not a cash grab any more than other updated games. Some are worth buying and some aren't. It's up to the individual consumer to decide which is which for them.

Ron_Danger3579d ago

Wonder if you'd use the same logic when talking about the Master Chief Collection.

objdadon3579d ago

I still would've bought it for ps3 as well as the ps4. I don't wait, I play!

Kayant3579d ago Show
fenome3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

The PS3 version is $39.99 on PSN


The PS4 version was remastered (not a simple port), and comes with $30 of DLC for only $10 more than the original is right now without the DLC. Spin it how you want, it's a good deal. Whether it's someone that missed out on it the first time or someone who wants to dive back in is irrelevant.

Why does it even matter to you anyway? The only interest you've ever had in this game is trying to downplay it. Why don't you try to find an article about something that actually interests you instead of trying to spread your negativity into things you don't? I just don't get the point.

Ballsack3579d ago Show
3579d ago
GW2123579d ago Show
ElectricDynamite3579d ago


Who in this cruel world is as stupid as that?

Sevir3579d ago

So do you reserves that same judgement for Microsoft with the Halo Master chief Collection...? i'm just asking since Microsoft didn't tell us that they were releasing Halo 1,2,3, and 4 years ago while they were making an XBONE!

You extremist nonsensical fanboy really need to shut up already!

Brettman20083579d ago

A lot of disillusioned Xbox 360 owners moved over to PS4 because of all the misteps with 360 and the Xbox One. I think tlou will sell millions, many of them ex 360 owners.

ado9083579d ago

No nujack im pretty sure they announced the ps4 close to the last of us release. I definitely think they should have told gamers a ps4 version should come out sooner than the ps3.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3579d ago
colonel1793579d ago

If we had this "remaster" logic in the N64 era, we would have had at least 10 remasters and re-releases of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

mantis_toboggan_phd3579d ago

And I would of bought em all. I love me some zelda.

ASTAROTH3579d ago

Nintendo had been doing this remasters thing since the original Super Mario Bros games on the SNES and nobody complains. Nintendo is the father and master of cash grabs. Look at the tracks in Mario Kart 8... remastered fan favorites. As mantis said I would bought them all again cause I love Nintendo games but I also love great games and TLOU, like it or not, was the best game last gen. So why complaining that much? cause is a Sony game? cause only Sony is doing remasters of its games and franchises?. Dont be so hipocript people. . .

ramiuk13579d ago

how can remaking the most accalimed game for there new audience and prob reaching theldnt acchieve) be a cash grab????

i didnt play it on ps3 like 35-40% of ps4 owners(as migrated from xbox360).

its in UK for £30 which is amazing price imo.

on topicof ramakes i hope they do GOD OF WARS and UC series for there new audience.
i played all god of war and uc games but they was awesome and would love to play them using the ps4 power

Kran3579d ago

Then explain this...

This game was released last year, high praise, fantastic reviews, many sales for the PS3.

... so the purpose of the PS4 version is...?

You can't say to get those who didn't buy it on PS3 to buy it for PS4 because, yes that's true but that's very minimal. Next gen games are telling almost twice to what a last gen game is selling for, so a PS4 version would almost double that a PS3 copy would make...

making it a: well... "cash grab".

styferion3579d ago

lol, very minimal.. when there's an article not too long ago stating half of current PS4 owner never have any PS3 last gen..

Spotie3579d ago

None of what you said made any sense, Kran.

A large number of PS4 owners never had the PS3.

And I'm not sure exactly what next gen games are telling you, but they're not telling me twice anything, except maybe framerate.

The game still requires money to be made, even if not as much as the original, but it's still something. And it's not out of line, price wise, with any other remakes or remasters. In fact, with it coming with all DLC and still not being full price, it's a good deal.

I fail to see how you, Death, and others can call this game a cash grab.

Sevir3579d ago

approximately 37% of the PS4 install base is comprised of Wii/XB360 owners who never had a PS3... this data is trackable because When you sign up for PSN it asks you what systems have you owned prior to the PS4 and you're able to select as many as you have. the most relevant ones are Wii/PS3 and XB360. That's a HUGE number. if you estimate that the Ps4 sits currently at 8.5 to 9 million units sold to customers your looking at 3.5-3.7 million USERS who never PLAYED TLOU or a PS3 for that matter..

You all call it a cash grab so easy but for get Making games takes MONEY! To invest into a new engine and WORK COUNTLESS HOURS a day for 2-3 years or even a year to port or develop a new game TAKES PAYING employees and portioning resources to spend money on printing and distributing a game that's taken Millions in and of itself to redevelop again. They probably wont even break even on the on the product because not everyone is going to buy it!

Cash grab? yeah please sit down.

kevinsheeks3579d ago

Whoa sir stop using logic and reason its frowned upon at n4g

PX543578d ago

@Spotie @Sevir
Both of you stated that making games takes money - that's obvious, but surely they've already made that money from the sales of the PS3 version. They should be spending their time making more DLC or a sequel or even a new IP.
This is why a remastered version is a cash grab - they know it's going to sell, not just to those who didn't previously own it but to about half of those who did (for some reason).
I enjoyed the game, but it had it's faults - like all games (mainly the AI) - but I can't see any justification in buying the same game twice.
Do you not think those who did buy it first time round deserve a discount or some reward for their loyalty if they do decide to buy it again? As far as I can tell both the new owners and the re-buyers get the same content at the same price.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3578d ago
JsonHenry3579d ago

It is most certainly a cash grab. It just happens to be one most people are okay with.

These people don't make and sell games because they love it. They want your money.

thereapersson3579d ago

I disagree. In the case of Naughty Dog, they are a studio who fulfills both categories. They make games because they love games, and a side effect is, they can earn money from making such awesome games.

Imalwaysright3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

Are you 5 years old or are you the most innocent person on this planet? Side effect? Of course that it is a cash grab. EVERY game is made in order to make money and if the remaster gives ND and Sony more money the better for them. To put it in simple terms: no money = no games for me or anyone else... lol side effect.

JsonHenry3579d ago

Can't tell if he is trolling or not.

Surely this guy doesn't believe the company has any interest other than turning a profit?

ado9083579d ago

Jsonhenry and iamaleaysright don't bother posting anything logical. These fools actually believe companies care about them lol its all money fools all money

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3579d ago
ajax173579d ago

And didn't Sony say that a large percentage of PS4 owners didn't have a PS3? I'm pretty sure they said something like that. I also love how all these "cash grab" articles are always about The Last of Us and never about Tomb Raider or GTA V

szenkapotamus3579d ago

It is the exact same thing as a GOTY edition that so many games release so often. The only difference is that it's been upgraded for PS4. If this was on PS3 again, no one would complain or give a shit. The hate this is getting is absurd. If you don't want it, don't play it.

FullmetalRoyale3579d ago

"It’s Sony just putting an old game on its new console that already doesn’t have enough new games. It’s Naughty Dog taking the time to make a game we’ve already played better for the few who didn’t play it yet. It’s $50 for a year-old game.

See how offensive those statements sound? They sound like that because you disagree, because you probably liked The Last of Us and would love to play it in a higher resolution with all the DLC included from the start."

"See how offensive those statements sound?"


I bought TLoU on PS3, and will buy it again, with all dlc and better graphics and performance.

You see, this is what is referred to as an even exchange.

They want my money. I want what they are selling.

Win win.

Visiblemarc3579d ago

Yeah, I agree.

How is offering a remastered, upres-ed, 60fps version of history's most awarded game for optional purchase a bad thing?

Please stop running these clickbait articles.

Visiblemarc3579d ago

I'll also add that this is *nothing new*.

Super Mario 64 DS STILL sells for $40, same for the Ocarina remaster.

This is part of the industry and is *fully* optional.

The games industry isn't obligated to give you a game because you bought a previous version...or worse, tried to wait out a price drop.

wsoutlaw873579d ago

the idea of releasing a game on multiple platforms being called a cash grab is just completely idiotic. How does that Idea even make sense. So when all these games come out on consoles first and then have a pc release at a later date, and it looks better, it isnt just a cash grab, but this is? Sorry but this author just didnt think this through. Im sorry if it hurts your feelings but people make games to make money and release games on multiple platforms. Please think, make sense of something, then write it. Making a PS4 release is something ps4 gamers want and its something the developers want, so make it something ridiculous.

mcarsehat3579d ago

I agree with DirtyPimp, with his opinion and his Dirty Pimpin' ways.

It is a cash grab, every Re-mastered game is a cash grab, just because The last Of Us was awarded 200+ GOTY awards doesn't make it a cash grab? The awards alone are precisely the reason WHY this game is a cash grab.

assdan3579d ago

I don't understand why authors keep calling it. My favorite part about every one these article? They act as if they're the only ones who have the thought that it is a cash grab. If this game is a cash grab, then every single GOTY edition of a game is a cash grab. If you haven't experienced it yet, then it's not a cash grab. If you have played it, you don't have to get it. If you do, you get all the DLC you have yet to play with better graphics. But I think the second point is the most important. If you don't want to buy it, you don't have to.

showtimefolks3578d ago

no simply because a lot of people didn't own a ps3 so this gives them a chance to play it with all the dlc at $49.99($10 less than original MSRP)

also its for fans like me who no longer have a ps3 or want to experience it in full HD running 60FPS

there is no such thing as a cash grab, people want these games so theses games are coming out

Halo master chief collection

also who the heck didn't think we would get TLOU and GTA5 on next gen consoles to begin with?

BlackOni3578d ago

They specifically stated that there were no plans of a next gen release. Game informer, IGN, gaming bolt, and several other outlets interviewed them about that very topic. They blatantly lied to our faces about it. That's why I consider it a two-faced cash grab. :/ I loved Naughty Dog up until this point, and when they included those extra perks in the multiplayer. Feels diluted and unbalanced now :/

showtimefolks3578d ago

seriously brother are you really that naive? what did you think R* o ND would say? wait we will release it on next gen consoles too, that would hurt their sales on last gen consoles

7 million for TLOU
and 30 plus for GTA5

anyone with a working brain knew these 2 would be coming to next gen consoles

WonderboyIII3578d ago

I am gonna buy 3 copies of it just for the sake of it. I love wasting money on recycled games.

BlackOni3578d ago

This article wasn't very well written in actually making a case for this being a "cash grab". I will attempt to explain why I'm kind of upset about it.

The Last of Us was an absolute masterpiece, and Naughty Dog should continue to be commended for it's brilliance and excellent design. The problem I have with this is how it was rolled out, and the shaft ps3 owners got as a result.

All along, ND has declared it would not, and had no plans to bring this game to next gen or any other platform. Yet in several interviews, PR and heads of the company have gone on record to say they've been working on the remastered HD PS4 version since the end of the PS3 version's completion, right from it going gold and releases. The problem, is that they blatantly LIED about it. "No plans to bring this to PS4." What a load of horse shit.

I imagine they felt like they wouldn't get as many sales if they were honest. Which is absurd, because look at Blizzard and how they're handling Diablo 3. As soon as they could, they announced the console and next gen console version, and indicated early on that they were coming. As soon as it was made available, I preordered it. I also imagine that the ND departures had something to do with the direction the company is headed, and the shady lying practices it has adopted. Look at how well that went over for Microsoft and the X1 :/

In short, the reason this is a cash grab is because they weren't transparent about it from the get-go. PS3 users who opted to buy the season pass, now are left with $80-$90 of a game that was promised to be the swan song of the PS3, now realizing that if they had just waited, they could have had the enhanced version. But of course there was no way of KNOWING that, was there? ND is going downhill, and their latest patch for those extra "perks" in multiplayer was an indication of that decline.

Dynasty20213578d ago

Pretty sure it's not the most awarded in history.

It's not even the best rated. It's like the 40th best rated by critics.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3578d ago
-Foxtrot3579d ago

Yes it's a cash grab because it's targeted towards people who never got the chance to play the game ¬¬

People who buy it again are just a bonus in Sonys eyes.

DigitalRaptor3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

I'm not sure who are worst…

The dimwits who think of articles like this worth writing, or the trolls that agree with them to further their brain-dead agendas.

I guess every single multi-platform game ever is a "cash grab" because they wanted to put it on more than one platform.

I guess the PS3 version of LittleBigPlanet 3 is a "cash grab".

I guess the 360 versions of Titanfall, Project Spark and Forza Horizon are "cash grabs".

I guess the PS4 version of Plants vs. Zombies is a "cash grab".

It's a highly polished and souped up version of a game that was made available for purchase a year ago. It's being made available for a discount of less than $50 (PSN price). People expect it to be less than that with all the DLC that amounts to about $30?

They're almost GIVING this content away. What is wrong with these idiots? Months of insanely hard work went into this. These people need to either wait for it to go down in price, for people who have never played it before to get an absolute steal, or say nothing at all because they're making themselves look not only entitled, but absolutely stupid.

mcarsehat3579d ago

Modern game development in general is a cash grab, yes, all multiplatform games are on more platforms to GET MORE MONEY and games are re-mastered to GET MORE MONEY. that is that.

pwnsause_returns3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

a cash grab would of been if it was a straight port, no augmentations or anything...

this is obviously not a cash grab.. B**ch Pls...

complaining about one of the best games of the Generation and thinking its just a crash grab with all of the upgrades they've done to this game....

CocoWolfie3579d ago

so tomb raider and master cheif collection are also cash grabs?

MasterCornholio3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

What about Metro and Oddoworld?

Anyways I think the press I'd going a little bit too far with this but that's just my opinion.

Roccetarius3579d ago

At least the Halo collection is actually a collection, but still a cash grab. Tomb Raider was definitely one as well.

nujack3579d ago (Edited 3579d ago )

The Halos are all old. TLOU on PS3 still sells for $40 on PSN, the DLC is worth about $30 PLUS it is re mastered. It's a great deal!

Bladesfist3579d ago

I would not say you can throw the master chief collection in the same boat as a one year old game being re-released. Stuff like Tomb Raider is a better example. The Master Chief collection is making me want to get an Xbox One.

funkybudda3578d ago

and I look forward to UC 1-3 remastered collection, and hoping for GoW collection as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3578d ago
GamersHeaven3579d ago

How shameless of Sony and Naughty Dog bringing one of last generations greatest game over to the PS4 1080p 60FPS all DLC included for 50$ *sarcasm* If you don't like it do not buy it it is as simple as that.People like me re-buying it is because we love the game,this is a great time for people who never played it to purchase it for their PS4 experience a game made by developers who poured the hearts in to it for 3 years on PS3 + extra year porting it over to the PS4.

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The Last of Us Part 1 – Why The Ending is Still so Impactful

The Last of Us never dreams of insulting its audience’s intelligence. And the best example of this is, of course, is its ending.

Read Full Story >>
shinoff2183510d ago

Shit the beginning was to. I'm not sure how I would feel if I didn't have kids but having them it broke my heart to see.

ClayRules2012510d ago

Yes. The beginning and ending…how they break you, make you think , question things etc. so impactful.

And yeah, I have a son (he’ll be going to college here next year) and just feeling Joel’s pain, heartbreak, loss…it hits you differently when you have a kid (s) of your own.

PhillyDillyDee510d ago

I didnt have kids when i played it and the beginning had me sobbing. That story left an impact on me

Orchard510d ago

The story was a rollercoaster from start to finish. Probably my 1st or 2nd most favorite game on PS3 (the other being MGS4).

Aloymetal510d ago

I agree with you. MGS4 was truly special, I wasn't the biggest fan of the long cutscenes but I understand is part of Kojima. Great game nonetheless.

Snookies12510d ago

Best Metal Gear game, coming from a HUGE fan of the series. I bought a PS3 JUST for MGS4. And got the collector's edition too. Worth every bit of money.

Yes, the cutscenes can be very lengthy. But a lot of it was quite necessary to really tie things together. Previous games had some longer cutscenes as well. It's just that they were trying to wrap everything up with MGS4. So, it's understandable that they'd have to throw some info dumps into the game here and there.

Orchard510d ago

The cutscenes are long indeed, every Kojima game sets a new record there :P

But the game was awesome, the second they showed that first E3 demo, it was clear it was going to be something special.

I still remember being mind blown by the Octocamo. It was also the first third person shooter game where I felt like the controls and aiming etc all went smooth / fluid and weren't janky. Hard to explain in words, but it felt 'natural' to aim, move etc in it.

gangsta_red510d ago

I thought the game went on a little too long and it started to wear thin. It should have stopped at Winter. That would have been a great way to end that game with the sequel continuing from there (if necessary).

-Foxtrot510d ago

I loved it however the ambiguous ending was kind of ruined in the sequel

The first game had this conflicting grey area of Joel's actions, a decision to let you think it over and discuss it with people, however the sequel created a narrative that "OMG JOEL 100% DOOMED HUMANITY...HOW SELFISH" and making out Ellie wanted to die in the hospital even though 1) She didn't know she was going to die and 2) She was ready to see Joel once she got out of surgery so he could teach her how to play Guitar.

For me he did the right thing, I mean they pretty much attacked him when he was trying to save Ellie, they lied to him and said they were going to kill her without thinking any other decision out or asking Ellie herself and they pretty much were going to throw him out onto the street without any of his weapons/gear where he could have probably died. There was no guarantee a cure could be made with these guys, it was all "chance".

Crows90510d ago

Exactly. He made the first good decision and this time around the girl he took care of didn't die while escaping...which alluded to the beginning of the game. He was prepared this time.

-Foxtrot510d ago

Like I just don't know why the Fireflies (and now Jerry in Part II) didn't think about any other tests, it was literally "Yeah this bitch has gotta die". You're telling me they couldn't wait for more blood tests, think of new ways to approach it? The worlds been gone for decades, it's not going to collapse even more by waiting, the damage is done.

If they woke Ellie up and asked her but Joel also told her what they did and were going to do to him I don't think she'd really want to sacrifice her life for these guys compared how she suddenly reacts in the sequel.

Even the hospital setting in the original game was run down, dirty and literally the best they could do, that alone didn't inspire confidence they had the tools to distribute a cure let along make one. I know the sequel and remake kind of retcon it where it looked cleaner, brighter and newer but again I'm going off the original, the first time I played it. The Fireflies at the end of the day were not good people, they were still terrorists with their own ambitious goals in mind, I don't think they would have been fair handing out the cure if they did get it made

TricksterArrow510d ago (Edited 510d ago )

It's a work of fiction, and more than once Bruce and Neil stated that the cure was a given, it was a sure thing and they regret not making it more clearly. If the cure wasn't a thing, the ending wouldn't ne nearly as impactful as is.

Crows90510d ago

Except tlou2 states that it isnt a given. The ending is still impactful.

Inverno509d ago

Think the reason why she was going to die was because the guy was a vet, not a doctor

-Foxtrot509d ago

Yet suddenly was the only person who could create a cure

"We deffo need to kill her"


"Trust me....I'm a vet"

TricksterArrow509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

Jerry was a doctor. A lead doctor. His bio makes it clear that he attended Northern Utah Medical University. He just happened to like animals. I wonder if people really pay attention to the games they play anymore (if they played, it’s a toss with TLOU2’s critics)…

Imalwaysright509d ago


You should play the PS3 version. Once you do, you'll realize that the ending was retconned because Jerry wasn't the surgeon that was going to kill Ellie.

TricksterArrow509d ago

I played all versions. He was not a vet in any of them.

Imalwaysright509d ago

He was not in the original version of the game but the "Jerry" that Joel killed in the original clearly wasn't someone that acted professionaly or inspired confidence because he was willing to work in a dirty operating room and was wearing boots.

TricksterArrow509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

Jerry was a minor unnamed role that got expanded on the sequel and also got recast, not unlike any TV series and games before this one (such as Resident Evil, in which Claire, Leon, Carlos and Chris all look considerably different from one iteration to the other). Also, still not a vet. And also unsure what argument you are trying to make by “dirty room” and “wearing boots”. He is still a doctor that has the ability to develop a cure, it doesn’t matter what he is wearing or what tools are at his disposal, the story is what it is.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 509d ago
ChubbyBlade509d ago

That’s why I didn’t like part 2. It removed all the nuance

Inverno509d ago

I think when you realize he's a vet, Joel's decision feels a bit more justified for those who played both games. Just playing, since you're in Joel's shoes, you don't really question it. Then playing the second there's a justification that doesn't take away from Joel's decision but for the player should reinforce your understanding of it.

You said it in the second comment. "The Fireflies at the end of the day were not good people, they were still terrorists with their own ambitious goals in mind." That's why they just went along with killing her cause they didn't want to figure out some other way.

shinoff2183509d ago


I think they just tried to show you how Joel's decision affected more then just Joel and ellie . Just showing different angles and a bigger picture. I think Joel did the right thing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 509d ago
dmonee510d ago

The story had me emotionally engaged. Gaming for 40 years it was the first time a game story messed with my emotions in the way movies do. As far as the game and gameplay? Not so much lol. It wasn’t bad in my opinion but the game itself was ok. It was the storyline that kept me going in TLOU 1 and TLOU 2.

ClayRules2012509d ago

“As far as the game and gameplay? Not so much lol. It wasn’t bad in my opinion but the game itself was ok.“

What exactly did the game do that qualifies it for just being ok? And same question for the gameplay?

dmonee509d ago

That’s a tough question because I could ramble on and on as to why. I’m speaking for myself because I usually pass on survival horror type games. So instead of getting into a debate as to why I found the gameplay to be ok. I originally commented on how the narrative had me emotionally sucked in. Especially the opening segment. So much that I purchased a game I would never have purchased if not for the story. It’s more kudos to the developer for getting people like me out of my comfort zone to play a game I wouldn’t usually play.

ClayRules2012510d ago

I know some people were upset with Joel lying to Ellie (friends of mine) that they felt it should’ve given the player an option to have Joel either

A. Lie to Ellie or B. Tell Ellie the truth. Type of situation, which just makes no sense. The game nor its story doesn’t given the player any control to have/make any choices that change the direction or outcome of ANY of these characters in this unforgiving and dark world.

I don’t blame Joel for doing what he did.

1. Ellie became the “Something” that he needed to keep fighting for, beyond just living day to day, simply being survivors.

2. Marlene gave orders to that no -name guard to kill Joel if he tried anything…you just done pissed him off all the more with those words. I wonder, if Joel had been killed and Marlene ever came across Tommy again (Joel’s brother) would she have the guts to tell him “Listen Tommy, we need to talk! About Joel…I couldn’t waste this gift. Tommy “What the hell you talking about, Marlene??” Marlene “I had Joel killed, if he” Tommy “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Got carried away there lol. You get the idea tho. To my point, it wasn’t guaranteed that Ellie was the cure, and after all Joel did, went through, not even allowing Joel to see Ellie, just talk with her, that’s messed up.

3. Of course looking at the actions Joel took in the hospital and how that has major consequences in Part 2 for him, Ellie etc. it’s not like there wouldn’t have been a big threat later on at some point. This world is wicked, dark, unforgiving and everyone’s growing up, has their own WANTS. NEEDS. DESIRES. Solely for themselves, loved ones, or group. All while trying to survive.

Joel I think knew when he said “I Swear” that he’d done something much worse than when he actually saved Ellie from that operating room and possibly causing death to humanity (as if it would be appreciated anyways.

Yes, he lied to the one person who gave him purpose to live, purpose to have hope, purpose to be that father again (which he of course wasn’t looking for, but it just naturally happened upon him) like he was to his daughter Sarah all those years ago. And to him, maybe in that moment, lying would be worth the little bit of time, the years they’d have together creating memories, seeing Ellie grow up before his eyes etc. rather than lie to her and see a reaction in words and deeds in which she might’ve ran off losing all hope and trust in him etc. I mean, she did lose trust in him all those years later etc. but as we saw, she was willing to work with him, try to repair what Joel broke, and he knew it wouldn’t be easy, as did she. But with time she understood I think why he did what he did.

It’s just sad in the end, his lie, the time they lost with his betrayal, and than horrific death, caused Ellie to go seek revenge in a way in which Ellie changed, she kept chipping off more of herself along the journey, scary and sad thing to see, and exhausting. But powerful storytelling throughout it all.

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