
'“Diddy Kong Racing 2″ for Wii U?

The Ranting Robots share their rumor regarding “Diddy Kong Racing 2″ for the Wii U.

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JaXion53605d ago

You read the title then type out a short sentence related to it just to get first comment, stop it already and go outside for once in your life.

Activemessiah3605d ago

At least he stopped referencing Naruto.

DigitalHope3605d ago

If this is remotely true I just found 299 reasons why I need to get a Wii U.

Jonny5isalive3604d ago

you should first build up your chakra before unleashing your comment on your opponents. Then they will grant you many agrees and bubbles. Only then will you be able to rise above the rank of a one bubble genin.

MSBAUSTX3605d ago

Terrible idea. If they release another racing game featuring a Nintendo or Sega character it would not be as good as Sonic all stars or Mario Kart 8 and or it would use gaming ideas and innovations that could be kept for the next Sonic or Mario racing game. It would be diluting the toonish racing genre which everyone is already perfectly fine with. I do not like this idea and think it would be a waste of resources when those resources could be applied to either a New IP or making a really good sequel. Is this game really going to bring anything new or unseen to this genre? NO because these characters are in Mario Kart already.

Sincere01213605d ago

I was excited at first when I heard that there might be a Diddy Kong racing 2 but then I started thinking exactly what you've commented.
It would be a waste of time and resources,that time and resources could be better used on a new Metroid.

IonDestroy3605d ago

Except they're not in Mario Kart. Diddy was dropped after Double Dash due to the development of this game, brought back for Wii after this game was shelved, and then dropped from 7 and 8 due to this game being un-shelved because of MK Wii's runaway success. This game is also supposedly meant to highlight the more ignored Nintendo characters, all fighting to be the next star.

There were lots of Nintendo racing games on the Wii (DK Barrel Blast, MK Wii, Excite Bots, etc.) which was around the time that the original Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing game came out, so if the market wasn't flooded then, it certainly won't be flooded now.

This is a Monster Games project, who have been doing either DK games or Racers recently, so I'm pretty sure that new IPs and other franchises are largely unaffected by this.

MSBAUSTX3605d ago

I would like to point out though that the sales of those games are this:

DK Barrel Blast: .6 million worldwide

Excitebots .2 million worldwide

Mario Kart Wii 34 MILLION COPIES!!!!

I feel I shouldn't have to say any more to show where the fan base was. They wasted their time and efforts with those trash racing games that I have proven no one hardly wanted. I am just merely asking that they do not pollute the games cache for the Wii U with these garbage titles. It will make people make fun of the system more and of us more for buying it if they do this.

However, I am a big advocate in the adage "to each his own". So if this is a game you like, then by all means buy it and have a great time because I want everyone to enjoy their Wii U the way they want to. It is not my place to judge what others like to play. I am merely stating that I won't buy it and would rather see the money invested elsewhere. If you guys buy it and love it then that is awesome because Wii U is awesome. Good luck to you guys that want this game to be made. I hope for your sakes that it is.

MSBAUSTX3605d ago

@ Sincere0121 YES EXACTLY. I can tell you right now that I wouldn't buy Diddy Kong Racing for Wii U. WHY? Because MK8 is good enough and will be for most people. Even the original Mario Kart sold twice as many copies as Diddy Kong racing did on N64. Diddy Kong racing = aprox 4.8 million and Mario Kart 64 = aprox 9.8 million copies. with the Wii U sales being as low as they are and everyone loving Mario Kart 8 and probably starting to pick up Sonic's racing game, why would they buy this too. The money and time should be invested in a good Metroid game or something other than another kiddie racing game that obviously people want half as much as Mario Kart. I can also tell you that if they are putting Captain Falcon in Super Smash then they should be working on a dam F-Zero game already. Not a jungle based version of Mario Kart.

REDBEARD3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

@MSBAUSTX That is like saying we don't need Kirby and DK because we already have Mario.

DKR and MK can coexist just like their platformers can.

You do realize 4.8 million is a success, right. Just because it didn't outsell MK doesn't mean it was flop. Nintendo earned money from those games.

Monster games will be the one developing this game. If you were expecting them to make Metroid, then you would be disappointed anyways. The original rumor states Monster games is developing this game just in case you are misinformed.

Kevin Callahan is the blog that it originally came from.

If sales is the only thing that matters to you, then I feel sorry for you. The Excite series is incredibly fun and I would hate to see you and many others skip them because of ''sales''. Barrel Blast wasn't exactly a good game so the low sales is reasonable. Diddy Kong Racing is in a whole different league than those games.

Pozzle3604d ago

" Even the original Mario Kart sold twice as many copies as Diddy Kong racing did on N64."

You say that like it's a bad thing. Diddy Kong Racing was the sixth best selling title on N64. It was hardly a failure just because it didn't sell as much as Mario Kart.

Chrischi19883605d ago

Diddy Kong Racing was an N64 game, which offered Kart Racing, as part of the game, but not main. Diddy Kong racing had its specialty in different types of races, like Airplane Race and something else I cannot remember, but it was totally different from a normal Mario Kart, even though it had some elements.

SonyKong643605d ago

the 4 player egg hunt game was absolutely masterful = )

some of my best couch co op experiences !

I'd pay full price to relive that in hd.

Pozzle3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

Exactly! I'm surprised people are calling it "just another kiddie racing game" when it was so much more than that. Diddy Kong Racing had an adventure mode, a story, a hub world, multiple vehicles to choose from, an amazing battle mode (the egg-stealing one was particularly fun), boss battles/races, characters to unlock, etc.

Remember the first time you think you've completed everything...only for the lighthouse to open up and reveal an ENTIRE NEW SECTION OF THE GAME? Diddy Kong Racing was such a massive experience. It was amazing.

REDBEARD3604d ago

The original rumors states Monster games is the main developer. It will also include animal buddies from DKC, not a kart.

Riding animals in a racing game is ambitious. And with the added adventure mode, you will have a different experience from MK8 and SASR.

Monster games has developed the Excite series and DKCR3D. I don't know why anybody would be upset about this especially when Retro will have a small part in developing this game. In the rumor, it states Retro has a main project with this being their side project.

jnthnbgg3604d ago

Slaps forehead, you clearly never played the first. If they make this as good as they did the first but improve on it rather than feed of an old AAA title. Still in my opinion for its day and technology available the best racing game ever.

iplay1up23604d ago

It is a great Idea, I love Sonic all stars and MK8, But Diddy Kong Racing on N64 held its own against MK64. If you have not played Diddy Kong 64, It was not just Racing, it was much more than that. Fantastic game. I have not played it in at least 10 years, but still remember it very well.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3604d ago
3605d ago Replies(1)
Pozzle3605d ago

I had so much fun with Diddy Kong Racing when I was a kid. But oh man, the Adventure Mode was difficult! I can't even remember if I completed it.

If they can make a sequel as good as the original, bring it on!

martinezjesus19933605d ago

So many good memories with that game! I dont think i passed it either haha but i put in around 50 hours into it! I personally hope they make another

Kinger89383605d ago

Omg yes! Grew up on the original! Remember running over the frog dressed as a chicken to unlock drumstick! Oops spoilers! :P

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Nintendo E3 2015 Wishlist

Rice Digital:
It feels like just yesterday that I was excitedly sitting through Nintendo’s Robot Chicken conference, and now we’ve just had a video with lots of new information about this year’s E3. For me, it’s probably the most exciting time to be a gamer. As such, I’ve been thinking a lot about what we might see this year, so here’s a list of things I think we might see and some things we may not see, but it would be nice if we did.

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greenmiker3300d ago

I want more jrpg by Nintendo.

wonderfulmonkeyman3300d ago

Agreed. I feel that Xenoblade Chronicles X should be just the beginning of a new wave of JRPG's for the Wii U.

Sora_19943300d ago

Don't forget smtxfire emblem

Kurisu3300d ago

Hoping to see some more of the new Project Zero!

ThichQuangDuck3300d ago

My worry with Nintendo is they announce a lot of great things,but I worry when they are coming. I have considered a Wii U,but will wait til the majors are out and it is cheaper. There is no rush for me to get the console yet. Although I hear great things.

Dream Games:

Star Fox

Mario Party by old creators


Sora_19943300d ago

I understand waiting for more big hits but as far as cheaper goes yea that might not happen lol Nintendo tends to keep their games priced high for a long...long time unless u were talking about the console which is 225 on their online store with Nintendo land(refurbished tho)

ThichQuangDuck3300d ago

I was generally talking console,but again there is just no rush for me to get the console. Many of the worlds Nintendo creates I don't miss. Just me personally. Really do wish they were doing Luigi's Mansion 2 with tablet though.

Sora_19943300d ago

Yea I feel the tablet still hasn't been put to its full potential yet..pokemon snapU would be goat for that situation

ThichQuangDuck3300d ago

I mean if you are going to sell a tablet so hard then use it

Dannyh3299d ago

Did they ever put a date on the 90's racer yet. I will buy a wii u day one for that game

ThichQuangDuck3299d ago

Don't know what racer you are talking about. That is part of my issue. Games are announced then we don't hear about them for a while

Dannyh3299d ago

Game informer just did a big write up on it a few days ago. and if you go on youtube and type in the 90's racer for wii u some new game play footage will come up. if you are a fan of sega arcade games like Daytona and super sega gt then check it out looks really fun

Father__Merrin3300d ago

I hope Nintendo ditch the wii brand and return back as a proper home console maker.

a next gen system with third party support with Nintendo exclusives can't fail.

ThichQuangDuck3300d ago

Gamecube is still my favorite Nintendo Console

wonderfulmonkeyman3299d ago (Edited 3299d ago )

The third party games have to be something other than off-hand ports with missing content.
We've seen what third parties do for ports. Wii U's first year was full of them.
Never again.
Good exclusives or equal content multiplats.
Nothing less will have even the smallest chance of selling.

Ark_3299d ago

Imo another viable option would be to drop homeconsoles alltogehter and just create a NintendoOS, which runs on PCs and Steamboxes.
The consumer would have the option to put NintendoOS, SteamOS and Win10 on his machine. So no thirdparty issues anymore for Ninty and the consumer has a good amount of options to choice from.

Hardware design and production staff could focus on VR-Sets with awesome controllers. Nintendo is big enough to make these at a fair price and is one of the few who could get the controllers right.

May sound farfetched, but is actually solving a lot of problems for Nintendo. They could create a Steamlike infrastructure for the Asianmarket and their exclusives. All the thirdparty support is infused over Steam or Win. And they can focus on creating games for these machines, their handhelds and the mobile market.

Shnazzyone3299d ago

uhhh... lil too soon buddy. A new Nintendo system will be announced either next year or the year after that. More than likely we will get our first peeks next year and in 2017 we may have a new one.

This year we will see many reasons why to own the system. Expect a better look at LOZ, It's gonna be the games. Lots of games for Wii U / 3ds. This is when all the games started late in the console release will begin seeing the light of day.

Though in this article. No to diddy kong racing dlc, Yes to a better online battle mode where you can select many if not all of the past online battle courses.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3299d ago
Big_Game_Hunters3300d ago

Nintendo shoud partner with Nvdia on their next console and call it the Nintendo GTX. Use steam OS and partner with valve. Get steam on Nintendo console.

Shnazzyone3299d ago

This is so amazingly off topic.... nice what-if I guess. They would make a good pair. HL3 CONFIRMED>

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Is Diddy Kong Racing 2 a Good Idea?

From GamesReviews:

"Last week, rumors surfaced on the Internet from industry insider Kevin Callahan that Diddy Kong Racing 2 was a real thing, and that it was currently in development for the Nintendo Wii U.

"There are a few questions which need to be answered: do we need a Diddy Kong Racing sequel, and how can it be successful?"

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Snookies123612d ago

Man, if they pulled it off right I would absolutely love a second one.

colonel1793611d ago

I also would love a Diddy Kong Racing, or as I've said before, Mario Kart would work great as a spiritual successor. After Mario Kart 8 what can they do anyways? They already did antigravity, so I would love it if they just skin Diddy Kong Racing as Mario Kart and make it.

Also how awesome would it be to have Diddy Kong Racing tracks with antigravity, and classic Mario Kart tracks redesigned with Planes and Hovers in mind.

I don't know, but for me it makes sense and I think it would be awesome.

GamingSinceThe80s3611d ago

The sequel they had planed for GameCube before MS bought Rare,had you racing on the back's on animals like the rhino and ostrich from DK Country.So I hope it's that.If you Google it you will find pic's and maybe even some video.

jcnba283611d ago

What I really enjoyed about DKR was the single player because you weren't just racing the whole time. You had a hub world where you had different tasks to do as well as the racing. So yes I think a sequel would be great!

Neoninja3611d ago

I would love to see a DKR2. It was such a fun game and I really enjoyed the adventure mode which although basic added to it. It's one of the main reason why I like it better than Mario Kart. I also enjoyed the different vehicles and the music was awesome! The Dino challenges, silver coins, WizPig, it was all great.
I really do hope this rumor has substance to it cause I'd be first in line to buy Diddy Kong Racing 2.

Metallox3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Let me be clear, if it's not made or supervised by Retro in any kind of way, then I don't have any problem with the development of a sequel.

Retro should, at the very least, make another 3D Donkey Kong game, a racing game is not ambicious enough for me, even if DKR was very special because you could do more than just racing.

-Foxtrot3611d ago

It's a good idea because so far we've only had one Kart game per gen by Nintendo and that's been Mario Kart. Cyling between Diddy Kong and Mario Kart will give us more Kart racing goodness.

Only thing they have to worry about is how they separate the titles to make them feel completely different from each other.

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Rumor: Diddy Kong Racing 2 In Development

According to a rumor, coming from Kevin Callahan, a 3D artist who has worked in both in television and the video game industry. A sequel to the N64′s Diddy Kong Racing is in development for the Wii U.

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Axonometri3617d ago

Great now get on Luigi's Mansion U! along with several other great past titles.

3-4-53616d ago

Can't wait to play this game.

bouzebbal3616d ago

same here. i had a blast on N64 and i'm getting it on Wii U. please b true!

ZombieKiller3616d ago (Edited 3616d ago )

As long as it has the death stares. God Luigi gives the dirtiest looks when he passes people. We need more subtle, funny things like this cleverly implemented. Lol nah regardless, I loved the first DKR.

Neoninja3617d ago

If this is true I would be so happy! I loved DKR and every now and then I bust out the 64 and play it!
I might be in the minority but I feel that DKR was a better kart racer than Mario Kart 64!
Maybe it was because it had an adventure mode with a little story to it, and it helped it didn't have stupid rubberband AI! Man so many good memories about that game.
Freaking WizPig, Taj the Genie, racing the dinosaur guardians, the music! Fun times indeed!

AJBACK2FRAG3616d ago

The graphics were very advanced for the time!! The music from Hot Top volcano haunts me to this day!!! Now all we need is a "good" Perfect Dark!!!!!!

BosSSyndrome3616d ago

To each his own but personally I hated DKR with a burning passion.

waltyftm3616d ago

Tried playing a couple of hours on my daughters DS, utter crap imo, she loves it.

Servbot413616d ago

That's because the DS port is garbage.

Kevlar0093616d ago (Edited 3616d ago )

I don't see why they would, tbh. The counter to Mario Kart was DKR had flying and hover crafts. Now that MK has flying and underwater sections DKR would need a lot of changes to be different, especially since none of the characters are relevant (the original had Banjo who is owned by MS)

Would rather have F-Zero. No other mainstream racer is like it.

thecastroregime3616d ago

While I actually do agree with you, there is mention of completely rebooting the franchise. Who knows, maybe they have some funky ideas up their sleeve?

AJBACK2FRAG3616d ago

and Conker who was a hell of alot nicer back then. In Mario Kart 8 you float not fly!!!!!

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