
So Many Me Review: So Much Merriment | GamerTell

From the review, "One me, two me, Sturdy Me, Brainy Me. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. Or is it? Is it so right that it’s blowing everyone’s minds?

Okay, that’s probably going a bit overboard. But it is true that So Many Me is a charming Ouya and PC game that takes a cloning mechanic that’s occasionally implemented in platformers, but manages to make it both a little more unique and frustrating at the same time.

Though really, it’s probably only frustrating to me because of Ouya-related situations."

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So Many Me - PS4 Review - PlayStation Country

So Many Me executes well on some clever ideas. The platforming is tricky and tight. Whilst there’s not a lot of time to the package, what’s here is engaging. Sometimes it frustrates and demands intense dexterity but the charming visuals work as a calming influence. Definitely worth recommending if you’re after a compelling platformer with plenty of character.

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[VC] So Many Me - Have you played with your blobs today?

It seems like there's a new 2D puzzle platformer every single day. So Many Me is a charming little adventure that'll make you think outside the box to solve its complex stages so let's step into a cloning machine and see what it's all about.

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TheCommentator2669d ago

It's not new, I played it with GWG more than a year ago.