
Is the world of Harry Potter Turbine's next MMO project?

Massively reports:

''There has been a good deal of press lately about the $40 million in funding Turbine recently received. But what didn't get looked into deeply was who gave them that cash and why. If you follow the money, we think you'll find all roads lead to Hogwarts.

Turbine is a privately held gaming company that specializes in launching and maintaining games from well-known brands, Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online, specifically. Time Warner is one of the new investment partners in this latest round of financing for Turbine. They also own Warner Bros. Studios which owns not only the film rights to The Lord of the Rings (and upcoming Hobbit prequel), but also holds the video game publishing rights to the Harry Potter franchise which also just happens to be the biggest movie franchise in box office history.''

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Harry1905807d ago

Avada Kedavra for everyone.

PoSTedUP5807d ago

get out of here harry, your time has expired.

Baka-akaB5807d ago

it's a wonder some mmo wasnt marketed already toward kids , on pc and consoles .

Baba19065807d ago

this could happen..... the fanbase is huge. this could make some children addict to gaming.

Snukadaman5807d ago

They were the makers of my very first MMO game asheron's call..i loved that game and I might be interested in this.

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A Harry Potter RPG or MMO Would be Great

Jason Stettner of Gamerheadquarters writes; "On the odd occasion I've wondered why there has never been a Harry Potter RPG or MMO based within the wizarding universe."

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2578d ago
SoldierTypeNtGen2578d ago

Ether or could be really good an MMO playing with friends and other players can be so much fun !

2578d ago
2578d ago
2578d ago
crou2578d ago

Would take some serious effort to think things out and expand on the universe to make it good.

The idea definitely has potential.

On the other hand, anything generic spewed out as a cash grab from its popularity, I'll just skip out on as I'm sure anyone else sensible would do.


The Top Three Franchises BioWare Should Work On Next

Chris Penwell from PlayStation Euphoria writes: BioWare, the creators of Mass Effect and Dragon Age have placed their RPG spin on Sonic the Hedgehog and Star Wars in a triumphant fashion. They appreciated the original lore from the franchises they have worked on and there are still many franchises out there to bring their story based gameplay. Here are the Top 3 Franchises BioWare Should Work On Next.

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NovusTerminus4336d ago

NO! NO!... And I could care less about Harry Potter.

Final Fantasy 13 was not that good, true, but give it to someone aside from Toriyama and Kitasae! DO NOT westernize the FF franchise! It will turn out allot like DmC...

Bioware has done NOTHING to prove they can have an Asian feel to their stories, at all. So why give them Avatar and FF? So far, all I notice about Bioware is how their stories are oddly similar to "A Song of Ice and Fire"

chrispen94336d ago

Maybe the Final Fantasy series needs a mix between Western and Eastern experiences. Saying that "Bioware has done NOTHING to prove they can have an Asian feel to their stories, at all" is true but the series is created by a Western company, Nickelodeon. If they can make a cartoon with an Asian feel, I'm sure BioWare can.

NovusTerminus4336d ago (Edited 4336d ago )

Saying "if Nickelodeon can do it, then so can Bioware" is not true. Nick found the right creators that could. Bioware has a team, that in truth has not explored other cultures. Bioware has not proven, or even tried to come up with something as creative as what Nick and SE have done. Bioware's top three games are: A game about knight's fighting an ancient evil, a space marine fighting an ancient evil, and KOTOR (I don't know much about this.) which is a game based on an already established world.

FF sells because allot of fans of anime buy the games. And it would be to jarring of a shift going from SE to BW. Their styles are vastly different. FFXIII sold 4.8mil on the PS3 alone. and roughly 2.0mil on the 360. Why hand it off? It has the fan base already, they just have to make a better game, which is possible, just let Nomura handle it.

Lord_Sloth4336d ago

Giving a story to any1 aside from it's originator is rarely a good idea. Avatar The Last Airbender had an Asian feel, yes, BUT the movie translated by M. Night was absolutely atrocious and felt like a giant excuse to use special effects and have kids in a movie. He completely butchered what DiMartino and Konietzko had created.

Shall I bring up Uwe Bolls works as well?

How about pointing out Tameem's "vision" in DMC: Devil May Cry?

Bioware can't match their major "inspiration" with R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" which is written by a fellow Westerner so what makes you think they can recreate a Japanese feel? They even pissed off the fans of their own franchises! They don't need to try and handle another!

FlashXIII4335d ago

"So far, all I notice about Bioware is how their stories are oddly similar to "A Song of Ice and Fire" "

I'd love to see BW make a song of ice and fire/game of thrones rpg.

The others on the list.. HELL NO! BW making a FF game.. that's about as absurd as letting the people who made that mario soccer game do the next fifa.

TheDivine4335d ago (Edited 4335d ago )

Um Jade Empire was an asian game and of the best games ever made. That def had an Asian feel (it was all chinese mythology). Now they shouldnt make a jrpg lol but they can make anything with their style and it would be amazing. Make Jade Empire 2, Kotor 3, and a new ip and im happy.

I would LOVE a real Harry Potter game, maybe a prequel with its own story and characters. Its a very interesting world and deserves a great game.

Drazz4335d ago

Anyone could make a better FF than what XIII and XIII-2 turned out to be. I would be worried if EA got a hold of FF though, they would find ways to make us pay extra for it I'm sure.. They've pretty much destroyed Bioware's reputation.

TopDudeMan4335d ago

A game set in the harry potter universe where you could create your own character and advance through a new plotline at school would be pretty awesome, I think.

As for giving ff to bioware, no. That's ridiculous.

Blastoise4335d ago

Bioware have sucked this GEN, just as much as squeenix. Knights of the old republic > All mass effect games put together

Summons754335d ago

NO to all especially final fantasy Bioware has killed every new franchise they made this gen you really want them to kill these things?

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Turbine on What's Next: "Nothing We're Going to Be Talking About in the Near Future"

Gamervision's Sarah LeBoeuf writes: "In the gaming industry, there are some rumors that just won't quit. One such rumor is that developer Turbine, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, would be developing an MMO set in the Harry Potter universe, a possibility that very much excited me. After announcing that Lord of the Rings Online would be going free-to-play earlier today, Jonathan Cooper had a chat with Adam Mersky, the executive directior of communications at Turbine. In addition to discussing Dungeons and Dragons Online and LOTRO, Coop asked what the future held for Turbine, hoping to get a hint of what games the developer might have in the pipeline."

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