
Why the Xbox One is a Failure

By Cyrus Martin

​As my first editorial submission to this web site, some might find it arrogant of me to begin my efforts here by undertaking an endeavor that could very well paint me into the ever dreaded corner of a “fan boy”.

If these words do indeed forever repel some from my offerings of opinion based on that conclusion then I do regret immediately those unfortunate consequences and I offer my sincerest apologies for assuming a villainous role that cannot be reconciled as an aspiring member of a form of media. I do however value highly the worth of impartiality, and would grant some measure of justification towards those that would hold that belief, and that this has not presented sufficient enough a deterrent as to dissuade me from my observations and the indictment. I would now submit to any who can stomach my critique of the state of affairs at Microsoft’s gaming division.

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Xbot3603601d ago

It is a little too early to make these claims. In this case Obamacare, The Cleveland Cavs, and Destiny have also failed.

Ultra3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

Yet another wishful thinking that console A is a failure because it is less powerful than console B and the early started sales figure is better.

PS2 or Wii was also less powerful but not even a failure. The writer is the one who is not being honest to history, a less powerful console is not destined for a failure. Also, passing judgement based on the lower sales figure is like saying the PS Vita was already dead compared to 3DS.

Seems like someone thinks like he represents the whole gaming community here.

johndoe112113601d ago

Did you read the article? He is not saying the xbox is a failure because it is less powerful than its main competitor. You picked one point out of an entire list of points and decided to sum up the entire article based on it?

This article actually made the most amount of sense when compared to all the other "the xbox is doomed" articles out there and he certainly doesn't seem to be biased.

I'm not saying that the xbox is a total failure, but had this been any other system the media wouldn't have been so forgiving. People just seem to be contented sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling lalalalalala at the top of their lungs whenever you mention that the xbox is NOT doing well at all when compared to the competition.

"when a football team scores double the points of its opponent, we don’t make that excuse for the losing team. We don’t pretend like things aren’t that bad and accuse the media of inventing the whole fiasco. If a mixed martial arts fighter gets his ass kicked in a one-on-one cage match against a superior fighter we don’t make up a bunch of things we liked about how well he lost or attacked the other guy because he was more prepared or more capable. Honesty means being honest with ourselves especially when it hurts the most."
This statement caught my attention more than anything else because it is a perfect description of what is happening right now. The xbox is being praised for being utterly destroyed in sales. How does that even remotely make sense?

The gap keeps widening no matter what they do and every month we keep hearing from it's supporters "you just wait until (input any info that people believe will boost sales here), then we'll see what the xbox can really do. It'll be flying off shelves". How long are we gonna hear that for before people are willing to admit that even though it may not be a total failure, that it is in a lot of trouble?

The xbox is selling better when compared to the 360 ONLY because the 360 was severely supply constrained when it was released. Why does everyone seem to ignore that? What will it take for people to open their eyes? He isn't saying that it is forever doomed and will go out of production but compared to its main competitor, taking everything into consideration, it is failing.

deepio3601d ago

If he's not saying that it is forever doomed and will go out of production then perhaps the title should not be "Why the Xbox One is a failure".
You don't call a product a failure if it hasn't already gone out of production due to the lack of demand or you are suggesting that it will very soon because of the lack of demand.

johndoe112113601d ago


It is a failure in comparison to the ps4 and how well the ps4 has been received and is selling.

Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

This is a product that is still in production and is still selling, and yet it is considered "an unmitigated disaster". Would you not consider that a failure when compared to its competitors? It does not meant they will stop making it but it is not considered a success.

deepio3601d ago

Surface is a bit different. MS launch a new model every year so effectively do stop production of the old one.

But to call the Xbox One a failure knowing full well how long the life cycle is for a games console is ridiculous. It's way too early even if you are comparing against the current PS4 sales figures.

If you listen to PGR you'll know that Solider X hates the Xbox One. So he's written down all the negative points about it and called it a failure. Perhaps in his eyes it has failed him, but when you say "Xbox One is a failure" you're making a statement rather than an opinion. And that statement is nonsense.

bintarok3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

A TRUE failure only happens when it is no longer in production, AND ceased being sold in the market due to lack of supports/sales or unintended defects. Less is not always a failure, it is just not conclusive.

The spirit of negativity isn't just damaging the game industry, but also assured monopoly power. It only fails open-minded gamers.

creatchee3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )


"I'm not saying that the xbox is a total failure, but had this been any other system the media wouldn't have been so forgiving."


The media had been relentless on the Xbox One from conception to launch. It's only been the past couple of months that things have turned around in terms of the image of the console.

Don't try to pretend that an entire year of bad press didn't happen.

choujij3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

From what I've read on N4G, it's not okay to label the Xbox One as a failure just because it has weaker hardware and is selling less than it's competitor.

But it's totally okay to label the Wii-U as a failure for the same reasons.


mcstorm3601d ago

It all depends on how you look at things to determine if its a failure or not. If we go off what a log of people say on N4G about the Xbox one then the PS3 was a failure as it did not sell as well as the PS2.

But the way I look at it is the PS3 had a very bad start Sony made a lot of mistakes in terms of Price, PSN and lack of IP's. They then went back to basics and corrected its faults and sales picked up and the PS3 was a success and they took all the plus points from the PS3 put them into the PS4 and then changed everything they got wrong with the PS4 and put them on the PS4 which has given them a strong start to this gen. For me the one thing the PS4 is missing is big name IP's now but looks like it will start to get them next year.

For Microsoft its a different story. The went after the core gamers at the start of the 360 life and it paid off esp when Halo 3 hit the market. Xbox live was unrivalled at the time and it was getting the best 3rd party support as well as extra content and lots of exclusives. It changes direction in the middle of the gen and tried to eat into the Wii Market with Kinect and kind of did but the development team thought they could take this market with them and also had a vision of what they wanted to do. The issue with the is the customer did not and the Xbox one had months of bad press from every angle and this forced Microsoft to change how the xbox one worked and then have to come out and explain it all again which again led to negative press as there was mixed messages getting out about drm, power always on ect.

Microsoft have worked hard just like Sony did in the eary PS3 days and ae starting to win people round and also offer some of its big name games to try and get the gamers on board added things like silver members get access to apps and free games for gold members as well as discount ect.

But that said the sales of the xbox one are above the 360's in the same time of its life on the market so this is a plus to build on.

The other big factor people seem to forget it tends to be 18 to 24 months into a new gen when console sales stat to pickup as there is a price drop big IP's hit the market and there were around 80 million PS3's and 360's sold and around 100 million Wii's sold. There has been around 15 million in total of WiiU, PS3 and Xbox Ones sold so that leaves around 245 million customers (Yes I know some people owned more than one console) left to upgrade to a new gen console and a lot of time left for sales of one or all consoles to go up.

The way I am looking at the market now I think this Christmas will be the time to judge where the Xbox one, PS4 and WiiU markets will be and how successful they will be too.

kreate3601d ago

I really think ppl should give the x1 until Christmas before making these claims, at least til the end of the year.

The_Hero3601d ago

Another doom and gloom article.
At least now Xbox owners knows how it feels like just like the Wii U and PS Vita has been trough.

Not only that, but all the BS Xbox owners have been continuously bashing the PS3 last generation with similar doom failure article.

This is why consoles wars are lame, stupid and generally bad for the gaming industry.

Competition is a great motivator to become better, but not when it turns you one against the other.

Wii_own_U3601d ago

After all the arrogance coming from Xbox, I feel it's justified.

DragonKnight3601d ago

The author is wrong no matter how you look at it.

In his examples there is a clear "winner" and clear "loser" situation. In the console business there are no actual winners or losers, only success and failure. The two are similar yet different.

The Xbox One could be in last place, selling the least amount of consoles, but if when all is said and done it sells, say, 50 million units then no one can say that that's a failure. So long as the company is making money, then it's not a failure at all.

The absolute most you can say is that the Xbox One isn't doing as well as the PS4, but that doesn't automatically mean it's a failure. It means it's just not doing as well as its competition.

Sony will be the first to tell everyone that this is a marathon, not a sprint. The consoles are only a year old and it's WAY to early to start using words like "failure."

You can't even legitimately use words like "in trouble" either just yet.

The entire article seems to misunderstand what a failure actually is, and the title is clearly clickbait.

The Xbox One is not performing as well as the PS4, but it's also not a failure.

Tetsujin3601d ago


After reading your first comment I read the article, and glad I did to; it's a very well written piece that doesn't just say "Xbox is dying" without actual justification.

The author has some valid points, and if people actually take the time to read it instead of just the title and other comments they will see this is a well written, unbiased piece.

AngelicIceDiamond3601d ago

@John Weren't people saying the PS3 was forever doomed?

"The gap keeps widening no matter what they do and every month we keep hearing from it's supporters "you just wait until (input any info that people believe will boost sales here),"

Remember the articles that popped up saying so and so month or year the PS3 will catch up?

"The Xbox One was priced $100 higher than its primary competitor"

Remember the PS3 was 5 to 600$?

Or how bout a glorious article such as this that always popped up? "How PS3 is a failure"

I know I'm bringing up PlayStation here but its the only shining example of what PS3 once went through (Besides DRM).

Now I honestly don't see nearly as many doom articles when compared to PS3 last gen I mean it was anti PS3 here early on its life cycle.

I'm glad you took cues from last gen and realize hopefully MS slow start is hopefully temporary.

Gozer3601d ago

The author is a childish fanboy, and a pretentious one as well. Its incredibly immature to be so unsatisfied with your brand choice, that you have to justify your purchase by degrading competing brands. Talk up your favorite brand all you want, but when you start attacking other brands, and by relation their fans, you need to grow the f*** up. Its perfectly obvious to me why most gaming journalists are nothing more than tabloid writers trying to capitalize off sensationalism.

BX813601d ago

You sir are drunk. Forgiving you say? Yeah MS must have missed all that forgiveness after the console announcement. There is a reason Sony is leading by the amount they are in sales. It's because gamers didn't like the picture MS painted and the media didn't like it either. The console and it's image have taken a huge overhaul. Also your comparison to a football team is way different. When the game is over that's it, it's tallied in the books as a win, loss or draw. In the case of the gaming industry.... Well let's put it like this. When was the last time you didn't see ps2 sales figures. The generation just started and it's looking great for all gamers. If the xbox is being praised it's because it's a damn solid console like it or not. When it doesn't do what it's supposed to and still sells then you can be vexed.

zero_gamer3601d ago

The Xbox One is probably the best selling console of it's rather poor reputation. That's saying something different from "failure."

Death3601d ago

DK pretty much nailed it. The Xbox One clearly isn't doing as well as the PS4, but that doesn't mean it's a failure.

johndoe112113601d ago


I will not say that it is over for the xbox one. Anything is possible. Who knows what the future holds. But comparing this launch to the ps3 launch is a very bad example that a lot of people seem to make for two very important reasons:

1. The ps3 launched an entire year ahead of the xbox one, this time they launched together so it's a lot easier to compare.

2. Even though the ps3 launched a year later, from the get go it sold well and it was not being outsold 2:1 in worldwide sales. In fact the lead kept dropping, not increasing like what we are seeing now.

loulou3600d ago (Edited 3600d ago )

Turd blog wrote just for n4g.. enough said

Great post Dragon Knight! ... enough said

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3600d ago
s8anicslayer3601d ago

Why Destiny? It hasn't even launched yet,opinion pieces are just that and should be treated as just a point of view from the gaming media and consumer!I can see by your user name why you have taken offense but seriously...why so serious?

johndoe112113601d ago

Know what's funny? When the ps3 was released it consistently outsold the 360 worldwide, yet it was justified, and the norm, at that time to have a "ps3 is doomed article" every 3 days for the first 3 years of its lifetime. Nobody complained then.

lifeisgamesok3601d ago

Right. This article is a failure

IrishSt0ner3601d ago

Author likes his thesaurus, and makes pleasing use of the English language.

The article itself is no more than self rewarding proclamation of their own precieved vast ego. It has no basis in fact, opinion cited as the source for opinion.

Never have I read such stupidity, written so well, kudos for that!

JeffGUNZ3601d ago

Exactly my thoughts. If he doesn't like the Xbox, that's fine, but to state his opinion as fact is pathetic. When he says "Xbox one is a failure", he is not longer expressing an opinion but trying to portray a fact. Both consoles have launched less than a year ago and we keep see this article.

Also, he lost me at "a racing series that no one even remembers the name". Really? When I think of racing, I think of Forza and GT. This guy is bias and a joke of a "writer"

iceman063600d ago

So...basically verbal masterbation!?! LOL That's pretty much what I got out of it too. I wouldn't have had too many issues with the article itself, aside from disagreeing with its premise, had the author provided a shred of data to support his opinion. It was well written, yet biased and devoid of any real substances (i.e., statistics).

JunoDivided3601d ago

This is true. We have to remember that the ONE is selling just a hair slower than the 360.

DemonChicken3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

Like some of my mates say - the one is essentially a PS3.5. Due to the fact the large number of reversals, everything is pretty similar with the PS and XB but with better resolution with the PS4 with multiplatform games hence the 3.5

The xbox one has lost most of its original vision and innovation. The cloud doesn't count as it's not proven adding to the fact of the uncertainty with connection issues and temporary gfx (when they close the those dedicated "free" servers, that boost will be gone).

The thing that differentiates between them is the games which Microsoft look committed to do at the moment esecially reaching to JP developers. I'm mostly a rpg kind of guy and the PS provides more to my tastes with some exclusive franchises that I like - ni no kuni, persona, tales, Valkyria Chronicles, yakuza, Ar tonelico, super robot wars, macross 30, another century episode, those mecha games! Well the reason why I went for the PS3 back in the day despite it's shortcomings; underpowered, hard to program for, etc.

raymantalk13601d ago

just sell your xbox1 get a ps4 you wont regret it :)

TheGreatAndPowerful3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

I hope MS has the same attitude that you do. We'll see if they make it out alive at the end of this gen.

And strike the ACA from that little list of yours.

Obamacare Fails to Fail

Sarcasm3601d ago

People know that I am very pro-playstation. But to say the Xbox One failed is foolish. It hasn't failed. It just hasn't done as well as the PS4. It says more about the success of the PS4 and not necessarily about the misfortunes of the Xbox One. It's still selling quite well in terms of console sales.

If anything has failed, it's the Wii U unfortunately.

Magicite3601d ago

This is how you get a lot of hits.

HollywoodLA3600d ago

Obamacare isn't a good analogy. It's already a success and isn't actually competing with anyone or anything.

Who claimed it was a failure? I'm just interest where you heard that absurd claim.

Pogmathoin3600d ago

Failure in the fact it set really high goals..... 2nd fastest selling console..... Ignore fanboys as this writer suggested he was not.

Killzoner993600d ago

The Xbone is simply a day one failure. It just never took off and the only one to blame is Micro$oft and their need to tack on intrusive DRM and screw over their loyal customers. Everyone knows Sonys got the gamers backs.

awi59513600d ago

What a click bait article lol. They must be running low on funds lol.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3600d ago
Hands Up For Games3601d ago

As my first editorial submission to this web site, some might find it arrogant of me to begin my efforts here by undertaking an endeavor that could very well paint me into the ever dreaded corner of a “fan boy".

Some may call it fan boy-esque . . .

I prefer to call it flamebait and desperate for clicks. Congratulations on what is no doubt the first of many flame and click bait related articles.

Bookmarked to avoid.

Axios23601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )


2 quick points:

1, the poke at X1 not being 1080p capable shows the authors lack of research, all these are 1080p native:

X1 native 1080p
Forza 5
Halo CA
Dying Light
Kinect Sports Rivals
Murdered Soul Suspect
Child of Light
The Lego Movie Videogame
Alien Isolation
Forza Horizon 2
Project Cars
Sniper Elite 3
The Crew

2) The author might want to muster the courage to put sales into perspective, as PS4 sells in almost 6 times as many Countries. Even if it sold in the same number of Countries, by virtue of the 25% lower price the lower priced product would always sell more.

@ Johndoe, apples to apples


johndoe112113601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

" The author might want to muster the courage to put sales into perspective, as PS4 sells in almost 6 times as many Countries."

Do you know what I find amazingly interesting about that comment? When the ps4 launched it launched in the USA and Canada and sold a million systems. When the xbox one launched it launched in 13 countries including the USA and Canada and sold a million systems. At that point NOT A SINGLE xbox supporter contributed the xbox large sales to launching in 6 times more countries than the ps4. At that point you were all celebrating, high fiving each other and talking about it matching ps4 sales. Why does the amount of countries matter now?

That article changes absolutely nothing and it reafirms my point. It is also irrelevant when you take into consideration that it is still loosing in the US.

christocolus3601d ago

Lol..what an article. I just wasted my time reading it.

Clarence3601d ago

Please explain why the PS4 sold 1m consoles in NA and Canada, while it took 13 territories to do this.

SilentNegotiator3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

Only ~50% of Xbone games are 1080p (vs Ps4's ~90%).
That's kind of problematic in calling Xbone "1080p capable"...that phrase needs a "half of the time" or an asterisk or something.

And Xbone is losing everywhere PS4 is also in. Releasing in regions that sell a LOT LESS systems will only slow down the gap slightly.

MysticStrummer3601d ago

"When the ps4 launched it launched in the USA and Canada and sold a million systems. When the xbox one launched it launched in 13 countries including the USA and Canada and sold a million systems. At that point NOT A SINGLE xbox supporter contributed the xbox large sales to launching in 6 times more countries than the ps4. At that point you were all celebrating, high fiving each other and talking about it matching ps4 sales. Why does the amount of countries matter now?"


creatchee3601d ago


"Why does it matter now?" (paraphrased)

Last generation, discrepancies in resolution and game performance didn't matter to certain people.

Last generation, paying for online multiplayer was evil and something that certain people swore they would never do.

Last generation, exclusives were the only reason to buy a console for certain people.

Last generation, paying anywhere from $100-$300 MORE at launch than the competition's console was worth it to certain people.

Last generation, sales didn't matter to certain people.

But hey - that was last generation, right? I guess hypocrisy has a statute of limitations.

Chevalier3601d ago

Halo, Dying Light, Project Cars ,Destiny, Alien Isolation?! None of these games are out so unless proven with an actual release then no they should NOT be listed. Guess your list was so short you had to beef it up. So calling out the author for not doing research then listing unreleased games is okay? Weak list and argument.

johndoe112113601d ago


"I guess hypocrisy has a statute of limitations. "

You would do well to remember that.

HollywoodLA3600d ago

You cited an NPD from December, yet you once against omitted the fact that Sony has beaten Microsoft in NPD month, after month, after month, after month.

Your statement was quite hypocritical. Hence your credibility is non-existent on the issue.

Why didn't Microsoft launch the Xbone in more countries? Because their own projections indicated these additional territories were irrelevant to their initial launch window sales goals. The numbers just weren't there.

Are you really so delusional, that you're claiming a japan launch and smaller EU countries would contribute to the Xbone being the global leading platform? How? Playstation is dominant in EMEA (if you even know what EMEA stands for) It's impossible for your insinuation -- that's all it was, an insinuation, not even a stated claim; you came short of actually saying anything concrete, rather dancing around this false claim -- to be true in any way. Demographic data over the past decade prove that.

It's a very cliché talking point from those desperately trying to take away from Sony's success. I'm happy to say it failed.

: )

CaptainObvious8783600d ago (Edited 3600d ago )

How many times axios? How many times are you going to mention that the PS4 is in more countries for it to be factually countered every single time?

Do you just not read all your replies?

MS have purposefully launched in their strongest markets... You know what, I'm not going to waste my time. I'll just wait for September to come around where the xbone will get a good initial boost in sales, but no where near the amount to close the 4-5 million lead the PS4 will have by that time.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3600d ago
Volkama3601d ago

Regardless of the point he is trying to make (or the click-bait headline), I hope he doesn't submit any more articles until he learns to be more concise.

"If these words do indeed forever repel some from my offerings of opinion based on that conclusion then I do regret immediately those unfortunate consequences"

Seriously... that's just terrible writing.

iDadio3601d ago

I think he went with the fancy words route and disregarded grammar in some areas :(

Bathyj3601d ago

God I hate people who write like they're reading a thesaurus. It just screams How many big words can I cram into a sentence so people think I'm smart.

iceman063600d ago

Maybe not terrible, BUT terribly pretentious for sure.

Provolone243601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )


PS3 got bad ports last gen, X1 is getting them this gen. However, games specifically designed for Playstation are going to ultimately look better because both the PS3 and PS4 have better hardware. See - Beyond: Two Souls last gen, Uncharted 4 this gen.

Paying for online service is not evil, but the way Microsoft conducted it for a long time wasn't exactly saintly by hiding everything behind a paywall and whatnot. While the paywall is finally gone, PS+ is still a more flexible and optional service that offers better value.

Exclusives? Let me guess: you're implying PS4 doesn't have any exclusives? Cute. The remainder of 2014 is slow on both sides. The lineups are fairly even with maybe a slight edge in Microsoft's favor. 2015, on the other hand, is a different story. PS3 ended up with a much more versatile and creative library of exclusive games. This gen will be no different; Sony has too much studio power. The fact that you'll likely be too busy with your beloved Master Chief doesn't just offset the likes of Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, The Order, No Man's Sky, Everybody's Gone To The Rapture, etc. Quantum Break looks great, but Microsoft better have more than that to show at Gamescom.

PS3 was worth paying more last gen because it was a better machine, period. Three times as powerful as the 360, blu-ray, HDMI support and built-in wifi at launch. You get what you pay for. X1 was $100 more because of Kinect and, while Kinect is innovative, most gamers didn't want it and weren't going to pay extra for it. Look at the sales if you really don't wanna swallow that one.

Assuming you're an Xbox fan, sales should never matter to you because your console of choice has never won a console generation "war" lol.

I'll be here all week!

mixolydian_id3601d ago

As wonderful as your opinion is... its best left in the comments section below other articles.

Opinion based 'articles' are just blogs... which to be honest, should stay on your own personal website.

Whether it has 'failed' or not, I still want one

But I have a 360, PC and mac. I don't need to upgrade anytime soon.
The fact only 5-10% of people have purchased either console in the opening year, clearly states people arent as bothered as you and many other's believe. Sales across the board are dying down.

You should write an article about peoples interpretation of the next-gen console 'battle'.

How people are continuously fed misleading PR information by teams of people who are paid to do just that. They're preying on your enjoyment and feeding you marketing BS... how people willingly spread this rubbish around the internet, inturn feeding the problem with the games industry further.

It's all, "Look at this, isn't it amazing, insert 'factual' favourable statistic here" and watch as the sheep follow every word as if something biblical.

Not only has the games industry grown, but it's coverage has become fallacious and un-important.

The only reason this homebrew journalist wrote this, is because he is doing what he's been told from the beginning.

Consider my comment a friendly word of warning. Somebody needs to re-assert what news actually is and bloggers need to go back to their Facebook feed.

mixolydian_id3601d ago

Why thankyou, "kasdbcflaksdjbcfsdy7jzdg y"

Be my guest to re-post this comment wherever you deem fit.

More people should start thinking for themselves.

Not bowing to those who tell us what to think.

Bathyj3601d ago

Not disagreeing with your original post, but did you just say people should think for themselves, and then ask someone to repeat to other people what you just said?

C'mon, that's Damm funny.

VoiceMale3601d ago

Well said bubbled up
We all know that kind of logic is forbidding around here at N4G,I stopped trying months ago, but then I saw ur post and how refreshing it was to read it...
Money is destroying game journalism and N4G is one of the sites responsible.... am surfing the web for clean honest journals and game sties and its a dying breed....

Who approved this as an article needs to look deep inside themselves... and ask really????🙍

JBSleek3601d ago

It's not a failure. Moving along.

KinjoTakemura3601d ago

The article is based on subjective nonsense. It's points merely describe why the PS4 is more successful. Being less successful doesn't necessarily equate failure. In reality, this article is a failure.

Spotie3601d ago

Unless your objective was to be more successful.

The XB1 will still sell well, but let's face it: the device failed at its purpose. Given just how much it has had to change in less than a year, the XB1 Microsoft wanted to sell was a massive failure.

And while it IS still early, it's likely that the console will also fail to win this generation(which, for all the confused ones out there, has been and always will be determined by the most consoles sold).

While it's not a total disaster, Microsoft likely doesn't look at the thing as favorably as its fanboys do. Of course, they won't say that, because that isn't the image any company wants to present.

Oh, and the extra counties thing? Stop. It won't matter, as it never has. It has no reason to.

JeffGUNZ3601d ago

So, what do they win? I hope it's a new car!

Show all comments (189)

Microsoft to Add Copilot AI to Video Games

Microsoft recently revealed its plans to incorporate Copilot directly into video games, with Minecraft being the first showcased example.

Read Full Story >>
Fishy Fingers3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

F*** AI

"Hey Copilot, what's a good meme to prove I dislike AI".... https://giphy.com/clips/sou...

Einhander19723d ago

Two trillion dollar company that just can't wait to put as many people possible out of work as fast as possible.

It feels like every single thing they do is making gaming worse and destroying the industry.

3d ago
3d ago
3d ago
darthv722d ago

....you know it takes people to program the AI.... right? It isnt like it is sentient. We haven't reach skynet level of situation or anywhere close to the matrix just yet.

That's next Thursday.

Einhander19722d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It takes a people to program the AI then that AI is used for who knows how many games eliminating countless jobs which only grows as AI is used for more and more game creation functions.

What you're saying is so ridiculously short sighted and truly larking any kind of understanding and foresight.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
CaptainFaisal3d ago

Why all the hate? Im actually excited about this! Always wanted this kind of immersion, and an AI companion with me all the time helping me out knowing the status of my skills/inventory/progress and giving me tips on the best approach or how to craft something specific is game changing for the industry.

Hate all you want about AI, but this is just the start and I can see the potential already. You wont be complaining in the next 5-10 years about this, but rather complain if a game hasn’t implemented it.

MrDead3d ago

Yes we can't wait for the work of others to be used without the need to pay them so that MS can profit even more from the people they fire.

I_am_Batman3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

There is no chance I'd ever use something like this, especially if it's not part of the core game design, but a layer on top of it. It's way too much handholding. Many games already feel like busy work, because they don't let the player figure things out on their own. Having a real-time interactive guide defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place in my opinion.

If this were to become the standard like you predict, we'll see more and more video games get away with bad design, because people will just be used to ask for help from the AI companion anyway.

Number1TailzFan3d ago

Well Nintendo don't need this with some of their games these days, with invincible characters, items, easy bosses etc.. they do the hand holding built in

helicoptergirl3d ago

Takes "hand holding" in games to a whole new level.

BlackDoomAx1d 23h ago

Because human nature xD Almost every new technology had these kind of comments.

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Activision team is opening a new game studio in Poland 'Elsewhere Entertainment' to build new AAA IP

Microsoft's Activision subsidiary announced today that it is opening a new game development studio to take advantage of the huge talent pool growing in Poland. It'll be the second Activision studio based in the region, joining Infinity Ward Krakow, although this studio is, in fact, not working on Call of Duty.

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Psychonaut857d ago

They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.


Microsoft's quest for short-term $$$ is doing long-term damage to Windows, Surface, Xbox, and beyond

Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins.

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Brazz9d ago

"The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they're potentially obvious games you'd most likely expect. And yes, while it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's mandate to increase every department's margins. "

Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware.

Xeofate8d ago

"Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware."

It's for the best.

Quit stringing along xbox fans and screwing over PlayStation owners.

crazyCoconuts8d ago

Take good care of those Xboxes if you have 'em ...

outsider16248d ago

An Xbox game on a Playstation. Never in my years of gaming did i ever thought this was gonna happen.

jznrpg8d ago

It is dying anyway so doesn’t make much of a difference

VersusDMC8d ago

No way can they get rid of the hardware as probably 90% of game pass subscribers are hardware users.

Highly doubtful those users will move to PC or Cloud to subscribe there and the competition (Sony and Nin) will never have gamepass on their system.

If they want to keep the current subscribers, they need to keep releasing new hardware.

PSPSA8d ago

I'm not convinced, why then announce that they're actually working on the next-generation Xbox with “the largest technical leap”, and also looking into handhelds now?

Rols8d ago

Not like MS don’t drop things a hot potato if it is not performing. Look at MS history to see products or platforms discontinued. Xbox is not a charity for MS, it needs to make money and the ABK was the last roll of the dice for Xbox.

purple1018d ago

Xbox hardware team members have been incorporated into surface team

This perhaps shows they are not expecting big things from Xbox as a separate entity

Abear218d ago

Seems like they are planning to win next gen. All the acquisitions were this generation and nobody except Xbox fans expect games from the acquisitions any time soon.

I’m sure Microsoft can afford to lose money on the short term, pretty sure they do risk assessment when acquiring many companies and spending billions, they’ll be fine lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
gold_drake9d ago

i think it will kill off the xbox brand. windows will be fine.

but there is and would be a chance that xbox might be killed off in the future. if they fail to make the money they put in. imo.

S2Killinit8d ago

They wont kill it, but they will go fully PC while keeping xbox as a brand, and go multiplatform for the most part. They will also work tirelessly to diminish console gaming’s importance.


It would be best if Xbox goes the way of Sega, just make and publish games. I know I myself will not support them at all with buying games from them, you all can. 🙃

ChasterMies8d ago

The Xbox brand will live for the games. I don’t expect Microsoft to entirely drop out of gaming hardware. They make Surface tablets and laptops. They’ll make Xbox branded hardware for those that want it.

shadowT9d ago

"Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation"

Forza and Starfield next?

Skuletor8d ago

Starfield would be no surprise and there's the rumor that it will come to Playstation after the Shattered Space DLC, Forza (along with Halo and Gears of War) I find less likely but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually end up on PlayStation too, especially if Xbox give up on hardware and go the Sega route.

shinoff21838d ago

Not to worried about forza. I'd rather see others like what inxile and obsidian are working on. Starfield sounds like it needs more time in the oven so let it cook first imo. If starfield and it's a small if does release on ps it'll be in the fall around the time for dlc or right at the dlc and come packaged with it.

-Foxtrot8d ago

In the words of Phil Spencer when he was talking about Nintendo last year

“It's just taking a long time for Microsoft to see that their future exists off of their own hardware"

S2Killinit8d ago

Yup. MS are a cancer to console gaming.

Aloymetal8d ago

I wonder what happened to that dude that was always here posting those court articles with cartoons about MS spending all those billions in studios. He suddenly disappeared, I guess he doesn't like bad news when the green brand is in trouble. No new articles from him as of late...


Yup, and it's only going to keep spreading.

Outside_ofthe_Box8d ago

Phil Spencer's words always comes back to bite him lol

8d ago Replies(7)
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