
Light Review | Hardcore Gamer

Light feels like as if it is taking place inside the map radar HUD of Metal Gear Solid. So in essence, with Light you get a stealth action game that is in its rawest and purest form, one that is devoid all the graphical fluff and more importantly, devoid of all the lengthy and often dragged-on cinematic sequences.

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Hyperkin Developing HD Light Gun Support For NES

Bummed you can't use the Zapper on HD TV? No more, because Hyperkin's developing an HD Light Gun controller. It'll be shown off at CES.

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Zjet1974d ago

Yes! Please work on GCON2s next so I can play my Time Crisis and countless namco shooters without hauling my CRT out.


Crowdfunding Publisher Profile: Team17

Marcus Estrada writes: "Once upon a time, Team17 was a developer of Amiga games. Since 1990, they’ve provided a variety of games across a multitude of platforms, although you’re probably most aware of them as the name behind Alien Breed or the expansive Worms series. While they’re still going strong with even more Worms, they’ve also jumped into indie publisher landscape."


Light – Review (PC) | CriticalIndieGamer

(CriticalIndieGamer) Price tends to be a big factor for people when it comes to buying games. It isn’t a surprise really, people have a limited supply and want to know they are getting their money’s worth. However, a lot of the time this leads to a debate over whether or not length directly relates to the value of the game. On the whole, value for money depends on your experience with the game, not time spent with it. Sometimes however, like in the case of Light, you can be left wondering if it really was a good enough experience to justify the cost.

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