
IGN: Kawasaki Snowmobiles Review

Snowmobiles is slightly better than Jet Ski, if only because I never encountered any game-ending glitches. The game works, but it's not any fun. It's ugly, it's clunky -- it's pretty much the perfect example of lazy game developing. By now IGN readers know the drill: Data Design + Kawasaki = terrible. But there are others out there less fortunate than us who will make the mistake of buying this game. Do them a favor: if you see them taking Kawasaki Snowmobiles to the checkout counter, run up to them, smack it out of their hands, and say, "you're welcome!"

Presentation - 3.0
Graphics - 2.5
Sound - 3.0
Gameplay - 2.5
Lasting Appeal - 2.5
Overall -