
Mighty No. 9 Gets A Second Crowdfunding Campaign

"Comcept have started a second crowdfunding campaign for Mighty No. 9, which they say is for bonus content that will be added to the game. "

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nope1113588d ago

What? Didn't he get $4,000,000? C'mon, man, don't bullshit us.

Agent Smith3588d ago

This crowdfunding could fail and nothing will change. The game itself will still be made. This is all just for extra stuff.

MrSwankSinatra3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

English Voice Acting is extra stuff? It should have been part of the game from the beginning. I smell bullcrap....

Bimkoblerutso3588d ago

The thing is, their first campaign ended at over 400% of their target goal. It is hard to believe that they still require stretch goal funding for this kind of stuff when they got 4X what they were asking for.

I get a sneaky suspicion that a lot of this money will just be going toward their planned animated series, which I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever.

Gamer19823588d ago

they got way more than they asked for in the first place so why cant that be used for extra stuff?? This is devs getting greedy because they got so much.. This is the bad side to crowdfunding.

Vitalogy3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

And this is why I think that kickstarter and stuff like that shouldn't even exist.

I don't blame them for try, I instead blame those who give them money.

A quote from a song comes to mind "It's all about the benjamins", always was and always will be. People blame corporations but they fail to remember that a corporation once was a guy or two.

These guys left the big corporation (Capcom) just to become one with little to no effort using the good will of the gamers to their advantage.

Queen of hearts would have said: "Off with their heads!"

thehobbyist3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

Yes Sinatra, English Voice Acting is extra. Yakuza games are fantastic and I don't see a hint of Engrish in them.
There are people who want the original Japanese voice acting in their English release of a game. Because English voices are an unneeded extra(Also it isn't as good as Japanese).

3-4-53588d ago

Agent Smith.....those are so 80's awesome.

BlackWolf123588d ago

We pushed the Kickstarter way over the finish line to get all the bonus stuff. What the hell is THIS one for?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3588d ago
randomass1713588d ago

I can understand why people are upset, but I think everyone should consider going back and looking at what the original crowdfunding campaign covered. A lot of features were included but voice acting was not one of them. This is all for additional content and if the fans want them. That seems pretty fair to me IMO.

Tdmd3587d ago (Edited 3587d ago )

Accordingly to some people in here (and I'm not sure if this is true or not), they've already got 400x of what they were initially expecting to make the game. So, what was the extra money for if they didn't needed to finish the main game? What you should consider is that they already have the funds to cover any bonus stuff that wasn't planned at a first moment. They seem to be preying on ingenuity, if you ask me.

randomass1713587d ago

But look at the original stretch goals. The last stretch goal was right around the $4 million mark. So they don't have much, if any additional funding for any of these other features. And besides, I recently found out that this headline is misleading. This isn't a second campaign, they merely opened up a paypal donation service like what WayForward and Gears For Breakfast did after their Kickstarter campaigns ended.

ritsuka6663588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

Inafune are going to milk the Kickstarter cash cow dry. What idiot Inafune are....

firelogic3588d ago

Inafune isn't the idiot. The people that keep giving him money are. I can't believe the game got funded in the first place. This isn't some kid coding games in his garage. This is Keiji Inafune. Do you honestly believe that he couldn't get investors? The only reason he went this route is so that he can take 100% of the profits with 0% risk.

If he got real investors, he'd have to share the profits with his backers, which he doesn't need to do with kickstarter. Good job making a rich guy richer while you get none of the proceeds. Bravo!

thehobbyist3588d ago

If he got real investors. He'd have to deal with them shutting down his games like Capcom. Capcom shut down 3 Megaman games at the same time. He's gone the indie route because he doesn't have to worry about his games being canned.

admiralvic3588d ago

Normally I would say you're being way too paranoid, but I could see Inafune doing it. Especially considering how he got Dead Rising and Lost Planet made.


"Fortunately for Inafune, budgets for development of game concepts and full games were separate. To transition from one category to the next required approval, so when two games, Dead Rising and Lost Planet, were not green lit to become full games, Inafune kept his teams working on the "concepts." Eventually, despite Rising and Planet running 400% over their prototype budget, Inafune was approved to finish work on the games, mostly because they were so far along anyway."

With that being said, I could see people not backing him because he pulled stuff like this and no one wanted to take the risk.

BlackWolf123588d ago

None of the proceeds?

We get to play the game if/when it is finished.

Kickstarter is NOT, was never meant to be, and never will be, an investment platform.

ANYONE who thinks that it is, is just a moron.

DiscoKid3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

Kickstarter campaigns always allow Paypal for extra funds after closure. Title is misleading; it's not a second campaign....

ZeekQuattro3588d ago

I never knew that. Bubbles to you.

TheFutureIsBlue3588d ago

Was really hoping it would be 2D, instead of 3D =/. Games like this are made for 2D imo.

thehobbyist3588d ago

It's actually 2.5D. So everybody wins?

TheFutureIsBlue3588d ago

I know a lot of people who got turned off the game after the gameplay video came out just because of the art style. I expected the first picture they released.

masterfox3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

yes !!! we need more millions to do a freaking 2d game!

lol bonus content, so the game is finish then ? right right ?

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Mighty No. 9 vs Mega Man 11: Who Wore It Better? A Retrospective Look

Mighty No. 9 and Mega Man 11 are two games that tried to fill a very big gaming hole, and the story behind it all is even more interesting. So which game wore the Mega Man dress better? Jason Capp is here with some retrospective thoughts upon his 2022 playthroughs.

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CrimsonWing69637d ago

Lol, I literally said that out loud when clicking on this article.

VersusDMC637d ago

Only tried the demos for both and mighty 9 looked atrocious. Megaman 11 was fun and polished. Never played both full versions but will see it they are on PS Extra when i get home.

Mostly get my megaman fix playing the azure gunvolt games and spin offs. And Maverick Hunter X on my Vita.

VersusDMC637d ago

Just tried Mighty No 9 again on PSExtra...graphics are atrocious and taking down enemies by dashing into them feels so hollow.

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Kickstarter's Gaming Successes Prove Big Gaming Doesn't Know What Fans Want

Kickstarter has allowed game developers all over the world to bring their respective visions to life, while AAA Studios remains out of touch.

TheEnigma3131519d ago

This is very true. Companies like EA, UBI, MS seem to be disconnected from what fans want.

1519d ago
AK911519d ago

Um I’m not too sure about that check how well those games sold besides the money they got from Kickstarter they didn’t sell nearly as much as most games from publishers (AAA or not).

The unfortunate reality is these days games like Shenmue 3 and Bloodstained are incredibly niche and the only way it could survive is by use of a fan funded website like Kickstarter.


Top 5 Heart-wrenching Gaming Disappointments

There are games people hoped would be good. Maybe there was a great developer making it or fun premise. Unfortunately, those things couldn't save these titles.

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LordoftheCritics1526d ago (Edited 1526d ago )

No Man's Sky had the most disappointing launch after the massive hype.

It also had the best turn around of any game.

Today it is basically a mammoth sandbox/city builder/space sim/casual podcast in the background meditative play. Love it right now.

smolinsk1526d ago (Edited 1526d ago )

But you jumped on the hype train without seeing what the game really came with.

Sean Murry absolutely caught up in the hype and talk about future stuff that wasen't there from the start.

But what i was promised before the game came out was an unlimited univers and everybody else was looking forward to just that and nothing else. So he gave us just that..that people could not see the true picture about an Early access kind of game was delusional, it was so clear it was not ready...

akaFullMetal1526d ago

CD3, and ff15, maybe shemue 3, I feel are more recent disappoinments than Duke nukem and perfect dark.

AK911525d ago

Anthem was predicted to be a failure from its beginning especially since the last game Bioware put out was the abomination called Andromeda.