
Important Importables: Pump It Up: Exceed Portable for PSP review

From the review: "Not too long ago, Play-Asia had a deal on a special Pump It Up bundle, where you'd receive both Pump It Up: Exceed Portable and Pump It Up: Zero Portable for $19.99. Of course I jumped on the deal.

The Pump It Up games are similar to Dance Dance Revolution, except they have five markers to hit instead of four. This makes the PSP version a bit more difficult, as you would imagine. It also requires a bit of an inventive control scheme to make the whole thing work, as the game involves diagonal arrows facing UP+LEFT, UP+RIGHT, DOWN+LEFT, DOWN+RIGHT, along with a center square/circle thing."

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Important Importables: Korean music games

Gamertell has posted its weekly column that focuses on notable importable games and game-related products.

This week's Important Importables focuses on Korean music games. From Gamertell:

"If you’re looking for a fairly simple to understand and addictive import game, look no further than Korea. Yes, that’s right, Korea. Some of the easiest to play import games, for people who can’t understand the language, are music games and Korean developers and publishers are known for putting together some pretty great ones."

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Honest Gamers: Pump It Up Exceed Portable Review

Woodhouse writes:

"When it comes to dancing games in North America, Dance Dance Revolution is the biggest name to know. But there are other games in town, like Pump It Up. Through a dozen arcade and console releases in Asia, PIU has built a reputation as a freestyle-leaning alternative to DDR. In sticking with its dancing roots while transitioning to a handheld, though, Pump It Up Exceed Portable leaves that flexibility behind, and it ends up playing a clear second fiddle to another twitch rhythm title on the PSP, the DJ Max series."

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